def delete_file(self, fname, multiple, yes_to_all): """Delete file""" if multiple: buttons = QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.YesAll | QMessageBox.No | QMessageBox.Cancel else: buttons = QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No if yes_to_all is None: answer = QMessageBox.warning( self, _("Delete"), _("Do you really want " "to delete <b>%s</b>?") % osp.basename(fname), buttons ) if answer == QMessageBox.No: return yes_to_all elif answer == QMessageBox.Cancel: return False elif answer == QMessageBox.YesAll: yes_to_all = True try: if osp.isfile(fname): misc.remove_file(fname) self.parent_widget.removed.emit(fname) else: self.remove_tree(fname) self.parent_widget.removed_tree.emit(fname) return yes_to_all except EnvironmentError as error: action_str = _("delete") QMessageBox.critical( self, _("Project Explorer"), _("<b>Unable to %s <i>%s</i></b>" "<br><br>Error message:<br>%s") % (action_str, fname, to_text_string(error)), ) return False
def create_context_menu_actions(self): """Create context menu actions""" actions = [] fnames = self.get_selected_filenames() new_actions = self.create_file_new_actions(fnames) if len(new_actions) > 1: # Creating a submenu only if there is more than one entry new_act_menu = QMenu(_("New"), self) add_actions(new_act_menu, new_actions) actions.append(new_act_menu) else: actions += new_actions import_actions = self.create_file_import_actions(fnames) if len(import_actions) > 1: # Creating a submenu only if there is more than one entry import_act_menu = QMenu(_("Import"), self) add_actions(import_act_menu, import_actions) actions.append(import_act_menu) else: actions += import_actions if actions: actions.append(None) if fnames: actions += self.create_file_manage_actions(fnames) if actions: actions.append(None) if fnames and all([osp.isdir(_fn) for _fn in fnames]): actions += self.create_folder_manage_actions(fnames) if actions: actions.append(None) actions += self.common_actions return actions
def move(self, fnames=None): """Move files/directories""" if fnames is None: fnames = self.get_selected_filenames() orig = fixpath(osp.dirname(fnames[0])) while True: self.parent_widget.redirect_stdio.emit(False) folder = getexistingdirectory(self, _("Select directory"), orig) self.parent_widget.redirect_stdio.emit(True) if folder: folder = fixpath(folder) if folder != orig: break else: return for fname in fnames: basename = osp.basename(fname) try: misc.move_file(fname, osp.join(folder, basename)) except EnvironmentError as error: QMessageBox.critical( self, _("Error"), _("<b>Unable to move <i>%s</i></b>" "<br><br>Error message:<br>%s") % (basename, to_text_string(error)), )
def get_toolbar_buttons(self): if self.run_button is None: self.run_button = create_toolbutton( self, text=_("Run"), icon=ima.icon("run"), tip=_("Run again this program"), triggered=self.start_shell ) if self.kill_button is None: self.kill_button = create_toolbutton( self, text=_("Kill"), icon=ima.icon("kill"), tip=_("Kills the current process, " "causing it to exit immediately"), ) buttons = [self.run_button] if self.options_button is None: options = self.get_options_menu() if options: self.options_button = create_toolbutton(self, text=_("Options"), icon=ima.icon("tooloptions")) self.options_button.setPopupMode(QToolButton.InstantPopup) menu = QMenu(self) add_actions(menu, options) self.options_button.setMenu(menu) if self.options_button is not None: buttons.append(self.options_button) buttons.append(self.kill_button) return buttons
def __init__(self, value, parent=None): QGridLayout.__init__(self) font = tuple_to_qfont(value) assert font is not None # Font family = QFontComboBox(parent) self.addWidget(, 0, 0, 1, -1) # Font size self.size = QComboBox(parent) self.size.setEditable(True) sizelist = list(range(6, 12)) + list(range(12, 30, 2)) + [36, 48, 72] size = font.pointSize() if size not in sizelist: sizelist.append(size) sizelist.sort() self.size.addItems([str(s) for s in sizelist]) self.size.setCurrentIndex(sizelist.index(size)) self.addWidget(self.size, 1, 0) # Italic or not self.italic = QCheckBox(_("Italic"), parent) self.italic.setChecked(font.italic()) self.addWidget(self.italic, 1, 1) # Bold or not self.bold = QCheckBox(_("Bold"), parent) self.bold.setChecked(font.bold()) self.addWidget(self.bold, 1, 2)
def add_actions_to_context_menu(self, menu): """Add actions to IPython widget context menu""" # See spyderlib/widgets/ for more details on this method inspect_action = create_action(self, _("Inspect current object"), QKeySequence(get_shortcut('console', 'inspect current object')), icon=ima.icon('MessageBoxInformation'), triggered=self.inspect_object) clear_line_action = create_action(self, _("Clear line or block"), QKeySequence("Shift+Escape"), icon=ima.icon('editdelete'), triggered=self.clear_line) reset_namespace_action = create_action(self, _("Reset namespace"), QKeySequence("Ctrl+R"), triggered=self.reset_namespace) clear_console_action = create_action(self, _("Clear console"), QKeySequence(get_shortcut('console', 'clear shell')), icon=ima.icon('editclear'), triggered=self.clear_console) quit_action = create_action(self, _("&Quit"), icon=ima.icon('exit'), triggered=self.exit_callback) add_actions(menu, (None, inspect_action, clear_line_action, clear_console_action, reset_namespace_action, None, quit_action)) return menu
def create_new_folder(self, current_path, title, subtitle, is_package): """Create new folder""" if current_path is None: current_path = "" if osp.isfile(current_path): current_path = osp.dirname(current_path) name, valid = QInputDialog.getText(self, title, subtitle, QLineEdit.Normal, "") if valid: dirname = osp.join(current_path, to_text_string(name)) try: os.mkdir(dirname) except EnvironmentError as error: QMessageBox.critical( self, title, _("<b>Unable " "to create folder <i>%s</i></b>" "<br><br>Error message:<br>%s") % (dirname, to_text_string(error)), ) finally: if is_package: fname = osp.join(dirname, "") try: with open(fname, "wb") as f: f.write(to_binary_string("#")) return dirname except EnvironmentError as error: QMessageBox.critical( self, title, _("<b>Unable " "to create file <i>%s</i></b>" "<br><br>Error message:<br>%s") % (fname, to_text_string(error)), )
def get_toolbar_buttons(self): """Return toolbar buttons list""" #TODO: Eventually add some buttons (Empty for now) # (see for example: spyderlib/widgets/externalshell/ buttons = [] # Code to add the stop button if self.stop_button is None: self.stop_button = create_toolbutton(self, text=_("Stop"), icon=self.stop_icon, tip=_("Stop the current command")) self.disable_stop_button() # set click event handler self.stop_button.clicked.connect(self.stop_button_click_handler) if self.stop_button is not None: buttons.append(self.stop_button) if self.options_button is None: options = self.get_options_menu() if options: self.options_button = create_toolbutton(self, text=_('Options'), icon=ima.icon('tooloptions')) self.options_button.setPopupMode(QToolButton.InstantPopup) menu = QMenu(self) add_actions(menu, options) self.options_button.setMenu(menu) if self.options_button is not None: buttons.append(self.options_button) return buttons
def setup(self): iofuncs = self.get_internal_funcs()+self.get_3rd_party_funcs() load_extensions = {} save_extensions = {} load_funcs = {} save_funcs = {} load_filters = [] save_filters = [] load_ext = [] for ext, name, loadfunc, savefunc in iofuncs: filter_str = to_text_string(name + " (*%s)" % ext) if loadfunc is not None: load_filters.append(filter_str) load_extensions[filter_str] = ext load_funcs[ext] = loadfunc load_ext.append(ext) if savefunc is not None: save_extensions[filter_str] = ext save_filters.append(filter_str) save_funcs[ext] = savefunc load_filters.insert(0, to_text_string(_("Supported files")+" (*"+\ " *".join(load_ext)+")")) load_filters.append(to_text_string(_("All files (*.*)"))) self.load_filters = "\n".join(load_filters) self.save_filters = "\n".join(save_filters) self.load_funcs = load_funcs self.save_funcs = save_funcs self.load_extensions = load_extensions self.save_extensions = save_extensions
def setup(self, fname): """Setup Run Configuration dialog with filename *fname*""" combo_label = QLabel(_("Select a run configuration:")) self.combo = QComboBox() self.combo.setMaxVisibleItems(20) self.combo.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox.AdjustToMinimumContentsLength) self.combo.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed) self.stack = QStackedWidget() configurations = _get_run_configurations() for index, (filename, options) in enumerate(configurations): if fname == filename: break else: # There is no run configuration for script *fname*: # creating a temporary configuration that will be kept only if # dialog changes are accepted by the user configurations.insert(0, (fname, RunConfiguration(fname).get())) index = 0 for filename, options in configurations: widget = RunConfigOptions(self) widget.set(options) self.combo.addItem(filename) self.stack.addWidget(widget) self.combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.stack.setCurrentIndex) self.combo.setCurrentIndex(index) self.add_widgets(combo_label, self.combo, 10, self.stack) self.add_button_box(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) self.setWindowTitle(_("Run Settings"))
def _sel_to_text(self, cell_range): """Copy an array portion to a unicode string""" if not cell_range: return row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max = get_idx_rect(cell_range) if col_min == 0 and col_max == (self.model().cols_loaded-1): # we've selected a whole column. It isn't possible to # select only the first part of a column without loading more, # so we can treat it as intentional and copy the whole thing col_max = self.model().total_cols-1 if row_min == 0 and row_max == (self.model().rows_loaded-1): row_max = self.model().total_rows-1 _data = self.model().get_data() if PY3: output = io.BytesIO() else: output = io.StringIO() try: np.savetxt(output, _data[row_min:row_max+1, col_min:col_max+1], delimiter='\t') except: QMessageBox.warning(self, _("Warning"), _("It was not possible to copy values for " "this array")) return contents = output.getvalue().decode('utf-8') output.close() return contents
def get_arguments(self): arguments, valid = QInputDialog.getText( self, _("Arguments"), _("Command line arguments:"), QLineEdit.Normal, self.arguments ) if valid: self.arguments = to_text_string(arguments) return valid
def get_toolbar_buttons(self): ExternalShellBase.get_toolbar_buttons(self) if self.namespacebrowser_button is None and self.stand_alone is not None: self.namespacebrowser_button = create_toolbutton( self, text=_("Variables"), icon=ima.icon("dictedit"), tip=_("Show/hide global variables explorer"), toggled=self.toggle_globals_explorer, text_beside_icon=True, ) if self.terminate_button is None: self.terminate_button = create_toolbutton( self, text=_("Terminate"), icon=ima.icon("stop"), tip=_( "Attempts to stop the process. The process\n" "may not exit as a result of clicking this\n" "button (it is given the chance to prompt\n" "the user for any unsaved files, etc)." ), ) buttons = [] if self.namespacebrowser_button is not None: buttons.append(self.namespacebrowser_button) buttons += [self.run_button, self.terminate_button, self.kill_button, self.options_button] return buttons
def update_warning(self, warning_type=NO_WARNING, conflicts=[]): """Update warning label to reflect conflict status of new shortcut""" if warning_type == NO_WARNING: warn = False tip = 'This shortcut is correct!' elif warning_type == SEQUENCE_CONFLICT: template = '<i>{0}<b>{1}</b></i>' tip_title = _('The new shorcut conflicts with:') + '<br>' tip_body = '' for s in conflicts: tip_body += ' - {0}: {1}<br>'.format(s.context, tip_body = tip_body[:-4] # Removing last <br> tip = template.format(tip_title, tip_body) warn = True elif warning_type == SEQUENCE_LENGTH: # Sequences with 5 keysequences (i.e. Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, Ctrl+3, # Ctrl+4, Ctrl+5) are invalid template = '<i>{0}</i>' tip = _('A compound sequence can have {break} a maximum of ' '4 subsequences.{break}').format(**{'break': '<br>'}) warn = True elif warning_type == INVALID_KEY: template = '<i>{0}</i>' tip = _('Invalid key entered') + '<br>' warn = True if warn: self.helper_button.setIcon(get_std_icon('MessageBoxWarning')) self.button_ok.setEnabled(False) else: self.helper_button.setIcon(get_std_icon('DialogApplyButton')) self.label_warning.setText(tip)
def save_data(self, filename=None): """Save data""" if filename is None: filename = self.filename if filename is None: filename = getcwd() filename, _selfilter = getsavefilename(self, _("Save data"), filename, iofunctions.save_filters) if filename: self.filename = filename else: return False QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt.WaitCursor)) QApplication.processEvents() if self.is_internal_shell: wsfilter = self.get_internal_shell_filter('picklable', check_all=True) namespace = wsfilter(self.shellwidget.interpreter.namespace).copy() error_message =, filename) else: settings = self.get_view_settings() error_message = monitor_save_globals(self._get_sock(), settings, filename) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() QApplication.processEvents() if error_message is not None: QMessageBox.critical(self, _("Save data"), _("<b>Unable to save current workspace</b>" "<br><br>Error message:<br>%s") % error_message) self.save_button.setEnabled(self.filename is not None)
def setup_top_toolbar(self, layout): toolbar = [] movetop_button = create_toolbutton(self, text=_("Move to top"), icon=ima.icon('2uparrow'), triggered=lambda: self.move_to(absolute=0), text_beside_icon=True) toolbar.append(movetop_button) moveup_button = create_toolbutton(self, text=_("Move up"), icon=ima.icon('1uparrow'), triggered=lambda: self.move_to(relative=-1), text_beside_icon=True) toolbar.append(moveup_button) movedown_button = create_toolbutton(self, text=_("Move down"), icon=ima.icon('1downarrow'), triggered=lambda: self.move_to(relative=1), text_beside_icon=True) toolbar.append(movedown_button) movebottom_button = create_toolbutton(self, text=_("Move to bottom"), icon=ima.icon('2downarrow'), triggered=lambda: self.move_to(absolute=1), text_beside_icon=True) toolbar.append(movebottom_button) self.selection_widgets.extend(toolbar) self._add_widgets_to_layout(layout, toolbar) return toolbar
def create_file_new_actions(self, fnames): """Return actions for submenu 'New...'""" if not fnames: return [] new_file_act = create_action( self, _("File..."), icon=ima.icon('filenew'), triggered=lambda: self.new_file(fnames[-1])) new_module_act = create_action( self, _("Module..."), icon=ima.icon('spyder'), triggered=lambda: self.new_module(fnames[-1])) new_folder_act = create_action( self, _("Folder..."), icon=ima.icon('folder_new'), triggered=lambda: self.new_folder(fnames[-1])) new_package_act = create_action( self, _("Package..."), icon=ima.icon('package_new'), triggered=lambda: self.new_package(fnames[-1])) return [ new_file_act, new_folder_act, None, new_module_act, new_package_act ]
def setup_page(self): # Widgets self.table = ShortcutsTable(self) self.finder = ShortcutFinder(self.table, self.table.set_regex) self.table.finder = self.finder self.label_finder = QLabel(_('Search: ')) self.reset_btn = QPushButton(_("Reset to default values")) # Layout hlayout = QHBoxLayout() vlayout = QVBoxLayout() hlayout.addWidget(self.label_finder) hlayout.addWidget(self.finder) vlayout.addWidget(self.table) vlayout.addLayout(hlayout) vlayout.addWidget(self.reset_btn) self.setLayout(vlayout) self.setTabOrder(self.table, self.finder) self.setTabOrder(self.finder, self.reset_btn) # Signals and slots self.table.proxy_model.dataChanged.connect( lambda i1, i2, opt='': self.has_been_modified(opt)) self.reset_btn.clicked.connect(self.reset_to_default)
def create_scedit(self, text, option, default=NoDefault, tip=None, without_layout=False): label = QLabel(text) clayout = ColorLayout(QColor(, self) clayout.lineedit.setMaximumWidth(80) if tip is not None: clayout.setToolTip(tip) cb_bold = QCheckBox() cb_bold.setIcon(ima.icon('bold')) cb_bold.setToolTip(_("Bold")) cb_italic = QCheckBox() cb_italic.setIcon(ima.icon('italic')) cb_italic.setToolTip(_("Italic")) self.scedits[(clayout, cb_bold, cb_italic)] = (option, default) if without_layout: return label, clayout, cb_bold, cb_italic layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(label) layout.addLayout(clayout) layout.addSpacing(10) layout.addWidget(cb_bold) layout.addWidget(cb_italic) layout.addStretch(1) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) widget = QWidget(self) widget.setLayout(layout) return widget
def remove_path(self): answer = QMessageBox.warning(self, _("Remove path"), _("Do you really want to remove selected path?"), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if answer == QMessageBox.Yes: self.pathlist.pop(self.listwidget.currentRow()) self.update_list()
def _set_step(self, step): """Proceed to a given step""" new_tab = self.tab_widget.currentIndex() + step assert new_tab < self.tab_widget.count() and new_tab >= 0 if new_tab == self.tab_widget.count() - 1: try: self.table_widget.open_data( self._get_plain_text(), self.text_widget.get_col_sep(), self.text_widget.get_row_sep(), self.text_widget.trnsp_box.isChecked(), self.text_widget.get_skiprows(), self.text_widget.get_comments(), ) self.done_btn.setEnabled(True) self.done_btn.setDefault(True) self.fwd_btn.setEnabled(False) self.back_btn.setEnabled(True) except (SyntaxError, AssertionError) as error: QMessageBox.critical( self, _("Import wizard"), _( "<b>Unable to proceed to next step</b>" "<br><br>Please check your entries." "<br><br>Error message:<br>%s" ) % str(error), ) return elif new_tab == 0: self.done_btn.setEnabled(False) self.fwd_btn.setEnabled(True) self.back_btn.setEnabled(False) self._focus_tab(new_tab)
def synchronize(self): """ Synchronize Spyder's path list with PYTHONPATH environment variable Only apply to: current user, on Windows platforms """ answer = QMessageBox.question(self, _("Synchronize"), _("This will synchronize Spyder's path list with " "<b>PYTHONPATH</b> environment variable for current user, " "allowing you to run your Python modules outside Spyder " "without having to configure sys.path. " "<br>Do you want to clear contents of PYTHONPATH before " "adding Spyder's path list?"), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No | QMessageBox.Cancel) if answer == QMessageBox.Cancel: return elif answer == QMessageBox.Yes: remove = True else: remove = False from spyderlib.utils.environ import (get_user_env, set_user_env, listdict2envdict) env = get_user_env() if remove: ppath = self.pathlist+self.ro_pathlist else: ppath = env.get('PYTHONPATH', []) if not isinstance(ppath, list): ppath = [ppath] ppath = [path for path in ppath if path not in (self.pathlist+self.ro_pathlist)] ppath.extend(self.pathlist+self.ro_pathlist) env['PYTHONPATH'] = ppath set_user_env( listdict2envdict(env), parent=self )
def start(self): """Main method of the WorkerUpdates worker""" self.url = '' self.update_available = False self.latest_release = __version__ error_msg = None try: page = urlopen(self.url) try: data = # Needed step for python3 compatibility if not isinstance(data, str): data = data.decode() data = json.loads(data) releases = [item['tag_name'].replace('v', '') for item in data] version = __version__ result = self.check_update_available(version, releases) self.update_available, self.latest_release = result except Exception: error_msg = _('Unable to retrieve information.') except HTTPError: error_msg = _('Unable to retrieve information.') except URLError: error_msg = _('Unable to connect to the internet. <br><br>Make ' 'sure the connection is working properly.') except Exception: error_msg = _('Unable to check for updates.') self.error = error_msg self.sig_ready.emit()
def set_user_env(reg, parent=None): """Set HKCU (current user) environment variables""" reg = listdict2envdict(reg) types = dict() key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Environment") for name in reg: try: _x, types[name] = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, name) except WindowsError: types[name] = winreg.REG_EXPAND_SZ key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Environment", 0, winreg.KEY_SET_VALUE) for name in reg: winreg.SetValueEx(key, name, 0, types[name], reg[name]) try: from win32gui import SendMessageTimeout from win32con import HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG SendMessageTimeout(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, 0, "Environment", SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 5000) except ImportError: QMessageBox.warning( parent, _("Warning"), _( "Module <b>pywin32 was not found</b>.<br>" "Please restart this Windows <i>session</i> " "(not the computer) for changes to take effect." ), )
def __init__(self, parent): QWidget.__init__(self, parent) vert_layout = QVBoxLayout() # Type frame type_layout = QHBoxLayout() type_label = QLabel(_("Import as")) type_layout.addWidget(type_label) self.array_btn = array_btn = QRadioButton(_("array")) array_btn.setEnabled(ndarray is not FakeObject) array_btn.setChecked(ndarray is not FakeObject) type_layout.addWidget(array_btn) list_btn = QRadioButton(_("list")) list_btn.setChecked(not array_btn.isChecked()) type_layout.addWidget(list_btn) if pd: self.df_btn = df_btn = QRadioButton(_("DataFrame")) df_btn.setChecked(False) type_layout.addWidget(df_btn) h_spacer = QSpacerItem(40, 20, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Minimum) type_layout.addItem(h_spacer) type_frame = QFrame() type_frame.setLayout(type_layout) self._table_view = PreviewTable(self) vert_layout.addWidget(type_frame) vert_layout.addWidget(self._table_view) self.setLayout(vert_layout)
def setup_and_check(self, data, title=''): """ Setup DataFrameEditor: return False if data is not supported, True otherwise """ self.layout = QGridLayout() self.setLayout(self.layout) self.setWindowIcon(ima.icon('arredit')) if title: title = to_text_string(title) + " - %s" % data.__class__.__name__ else: title = _("%s editor") % data.__class__.__name__ if isinstance(data, Series): self.is_series = True data = data.to_frame() self.setWindowTitle(title) self.resize(600, 500) self.dataModel = DataFrameModel(data, parent=self) self.dataTable = DataFrameView(self, self.dataModel) self.layout.addWidget(self.dataTable) self.setLayout(self.layout) self.setMinimumSize(400, 300) # Make the dialog act as a window self.setWindowFlags(Qt.Window) btn_layout = QHBoxLayout() btn = QPushButton(_("Format")) # disable format button for int type btn_layout.addWidget(btn) btn.clicked.connect(self.change_format) btn = QPushButton(_('Resize')) btn_layout.addWidget(btn) btn.clicked.connect(self.resize_to_contents) bgcolor = QCheckBox(_('Background color')) bgcolor.setChecked(self.dataModel.bgcolor_enabled) bgcolor.setEnabled(self.dataModel.bgcolor_enabled) bgcolor.stateChanged.connect(self.change_bgcolor_enable) btn_layout.addWidget(bgcolor) self.bgcolor_global = QCheckBox(_('Column min/max')) self.bgcolor_global.setChecked(self.dataModel.colum_avg_enabled) self.bgcolor_global.setEnabled(not self.is_series and self.dataModel.bgcolor_enabled) self.bgcolor_global.stateChanged.connect(self.dataModel.colum_avg) btn_layout.addWidget(self.bgcolor_global) btn_layout.addStretch() bbox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) bbox.accepted.connect(self.accept) bbox.rejected.connect(self.reject) btn_layout.addWidget(bbox) self.layout.addLayout(btn_layout, 2, 0) return True
def change_history_depth(self): "Change history max entries""" depth, valid = QInputDialog.getInteger(self, _('History'), _('Maximum entries'), self.get_option('max_entries'), 10, 10000) if valid: self.set_option('max_entries', depth)
def get_plugin_actions(self): """Return a list of actions related to plugin""" # Font font_action = create_action(self, _("&Font..."), None, ima.icon('font'), _("Set font style"), triggered=self.change_font) self.treewidget.common_actions.append(font_action) return []
def change_exteditor(self): """Change external editor path""" path, valid = QInputDialog.getText(self, _('External editor'), _('External editor executable path:'), QLineEdit.Normal, self.get_option('external_editor/path')) if valid: self.set_option('external_editor/path', to_text_string(path))
def change_max_line_count(self): "Change maximum line count" "" mlc, valid = QInputDialog.getInteger( self, _("Buffer"), _("Maximum line count"), self.get_option("max_line_count"), 0, 1000000 ) if valid: self.set_option("max_line_count", mlc)
def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=Qt.DisplayRole): """Qt Override.""" if role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole: if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: return to_qvariant(int(Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter)) return to_qvariant(int(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter)) if role != Qt.DisplayRole: return to_qvariant() if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: if section == CONTEXT: return to_qvariant(_("Context")) elif section == NAME: return to_qvariant(_("Name")) elif section == SEQUENCE: return to_qvariant(_("Shortcut")) elif section == SEARCH_SCORE: return to_qvariant(_("Score")) return to_qvariant()
def select_directory(self, edit): """Select directory""" basedir = to_text_string(edit.text()) if not osp.isdir(basedir): basedir = getcwd() title = _("Select directory") directory = getexistingdirectory(self, title, basedir) if directory: edit.setText(directory)
def get_value(self, name): value = monitor_get_global(self._get_sock(), name) if value is None: if communicate(self._get_sock(), '%s is not None' % name): import pickle msg = to_text_string( _("Object <b>%s</b> is not picklable") % name) raise pickle.PicklingError(msg) return value
def select_directory(self): """Select directory""" basedir = to_text_string(self.wd_edit.text()) if not osp.isdir(basedir): basedir = getcwd() directory = getexistingdirectory(self, _("Select directory"), basedir) if directory: self.wd_edit.setText(directory) self.wd_cb.setChecked(True)
def set_running_state(self, state=True): self.set_buttons_runnning_state(state) state) if state: if self.state_label is not None: self.state_label.setText( _("<span style=\'color: #44AA44\'><b>Running...</b></span>" )) self.t0 = time() self.timer.timeout.connect(self.show_time) self.timer.start(1000) else: if self.state_label is not None: self.state_label.setText(_('Terminated.')) try: self.timer.timeout.disconnect(self.show_time) except (RuntimeError, TypeError): pass
def help(self): """Help on Spyder console""" QMessageBox.about( self, _("Help"), """<b>%s</b> <p><i>%s</i><br> edit <p><i>%s</i><br> xedit <p><i>%s</i><br> run <p><i>%s</i><br> clear x, y <p><i>%s</i><br> !ls <p><i>%s</i><br> object? <p><i>%s</i><br> result = oedit(object) """ % (_('Shell special commands:'), _('Internal editor:'), _('External editor:'), _('Run script:'), _('Remove references:'), _('System commands:'), _('Python help:'), _('GUI-based editor:')))
def update_warning(self): """ """ widget = self._button_warning if not self.is_valid(): tip = _('Array dimensions not valid') widget.setIcon(ima.icon('MessageBoxWarning')) widget.setToolTip(tip) QToolTip.showText(self._widget.mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 5)), tip) else: self._button_warning.setToolTip('')
def create_folder_manage_actions(self, fnames): """Return folder management actions""" actions = [] if == 'nt': _title = _("Open command prompt here") else: _title = _("Open terminal here") action = create_action(self, _title, icon=ima.icon('cmdprompt'), triggered=lambda: self.open_terminal(fnames)) actions.append(action) _title = _("Open Python console here") action = create_action(self, _title, icon=ima.icon('python'), triggered=lambda: self.open_interpreter(fnames)) actions.append(action) return actions
def create_new_file(self, current_path, title, filters, create_func): """Create new file Returns True if successful""" if current_path is None: current_path = '' if osp.isfile(current_path): current_path = osp.dirname(current_path) self.parent_widget.redirect_stdio.emit(False) fname, _selfilter = getsavefilename(self, title, current_path, filters) self.parent_widget.redirect_stdio.emit(True) if fname: try: create_func(fname) return fname except EnvironmentError as error: QMessageBox.critical(self, _("New file"), _("<b>Unable to create file <i>%s</i>" "</b><br><br>Error message:<br>%s" ) % (fname, to_text_string(error)))
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(WinUserEnvDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.setup(get_user_env(), title="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment", width=600) if parent is None: parent = self QMessageBox.warning( parent, _("Warning"), _("If you accept changes, " "this will modify the current user environment " "variables directly <b>in Windows registry</b>. " "Use it with precautions, at your own risks.<br>" "<br>Note that for changes to take effect, you will " "need to restart the parent process of this applica" "tion (simply restart Spyder if you have executed it " "from a Windows shortcut, otherwise restart any " "application from which you may have executed it, " "like <i>Python(x,y) Home</i> for example)"))
def setup_menu(self): """Setup context menu""" self.copy_action = create_action(self, _('Copy'), shortcut=keybinding('Copy'), icon=ima.icon('editcopy'), triggered=self.copy, context=Qt.WidgetShortcut) menu = QMenu(self) add_actions(menu, [self.copy_action, ]) return menu
def get_options_menu(self): self.show_time_action = create_action( self, _("Show elapsed time"), toggled=self.set_elapsed_time_visible) self.show_time_action.setChecked(self.show_elapsed_time) actions = [self.show_time_action] if self.menu_actions is not None: actions += [None] + self.menu_actions return actions
def get_plugin_actions(self): """Return a list of actions related to plugin""" history_action = create_action(self, _("History..."), None, ima.icon('history'), _("Set history maximum entries"), triggered=self.change_history_depth) font_action = create_action(self, _("&Font..."), None, ima.icon('font'), _("Set shell font style"), triggered=self.change_font) self.wrap_action = create_action(self, _("Wrap lines"), toggled=self.toggle_wrap_mode) self.wrap_action.setChecked(self.get_option('wrap')) self.menu_actions = [history_action, font_action, self.wrap_action] return self.menu_actions
def get_actions_from_items(self, items): """Reimplemented OneColumnTree method""" fromcursor_act = create_action(self, text=_('Go to cursor position'), icon=ima.icon('fromcursor'), triggered=self.go_to_cursor_position) fullpath_act = create_action(self, text=_('Show absolute path'), toggled=self.toggle_fullpath_mode) fullpath_act.setChecked(self.show_fullpath) allfiles_act = create_action(self, text=_('Show all files'), toggled=self.toggle_show_all_files) allfiles_act.setChecked(self.show_all_files) comment_act = create_action(self, text=_('Show special comments'), toggled=self.toggle_show_comments) comment_act.setChecked(self.show_comments) actions = [fullpath_act, allfiles_act, comment_act, fromcursor_act] return actions
def __init__(self, parent): self.tabwidget = None self.menu_actions = None self.dockviewer = None self.wrap_action = None self.editors = [] self.filenames = [] self.icons = [] if PYQT5: SpyderPluginWidget.__init__(self, parent, main=parent) else: SpyderPluginWidget.__init__(self, parent) # Initialize plugin self.initialize_plugin() self.set_default_color_scheme() layout = QVBoxLayout() self.tabwidget = Tabs(self, self.menu_actions) self.tabwidget.currentChanged.connect(self.refresh_plugin) self.tabwidget.move_data.connect(self.move_tab) if sys.platform == 'darwin': tab_container = QWidget() tab_container.setObjectName('tab-container') tab_layout = QHBoxLayout(tab_container) tab_layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) tab_layout.addWidget(self.tabwidget) layout.addWidget(tab_container) else: layout.addWidget(self.tabwidget) self.tabwidget.setStyleSheet("QTabWidget::pane {border: 0;}") # Menu as corner widget options_button = create_toolbutton(self, text=_('Options'), icon=ima.icon('tooloptions')) options_button.setPopupMode(QToolButton.InstantPopup) menu = QMenu(self) add_actions(menu, self.menu_actions) options_button.setMenu(menu) self.tabwidget.setCornerWidget(options_button) # Find/replace widget self.find_widget = FindReplace(self) self.find_widget.hide() self.register_widget_shortcuts("Editor", self.find_widget) layout.addWidget(self.find_widget) self.setLayout(layout)
def test_msgcheckbox(): from spyderlib.utils.qthelpers import qapplication app = qapplication() box = MessageCheckBox() box.setWindowTitle(_("Spyder updates")) box.setText("Testing checkbox") box.set_checkbox_text("Check for updates on startup?") box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Ok) box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) box.exec_()
def _create_loading_page(self): """Create html page to show while the kernel is created""" loading_template = Template(LOADING) loading_img = get_image_path('loading_sprites.png') if == 'nt': loading_img = loading_img.replace('\\', '/') message = _("Connecting to kernel...") page = loading_template.substitute(css_path=CSS_PATH, loading_img=loading_img, message=message) return page
def add_button_box(self, stdbtns): """Create dialog button box and add it to the dialog layout""" bbox = QDialogButtonBox(stdbtns) run_btn = bbox.addButton(_("Run"), QDialogButtonBox.AcceptRole) run_btn.clicked.connect(self.run_btn_clicked) bbox.accepted.connect(self.accept) bbox.rejected.connect(self.reject) btnlayout = QHBoxLayout() btnlayout.addStretch(1) btnlayout.addWidget(bbox) self.layout().addLayout(btnlayout)
def create_browsedir(self, text, option, default=NoDefault, tip=None): widget = self.create_lineedit(text, option, default, alignment=Qt.Horizontal) for edit in self.lineedits: if widget.isAncestorOf(edit): break msg = _("Invalid directory path") self.validate_data[edit] = (osp.isdir, msg) browse_btn = QPushButton(ima.icon('DirOpenIcon'), '', self) browse_btn.setToolTip(_("Select directory")) browse_btn.clicked.connect(lambda: self.select_directory(edit)) layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(widget) layout.addWidget(browse_btn) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) browsedir = QWidget(self) browsedir.setLayout(layout) return browsedir
def __init__(self, text, title='', font=None, parent=None, readonly=False, size=(400, 300)): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) # Destroying the C++ object right after closing the dialog box, # otherwise it may be garbage-collected in another QThread # (e.g. the editor's analysis thread in Spyder), thus leading to # a segmentation fault on UNIX or an application crash on Windows self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.text = None # Display text as unicode if it comes as bytes, so users see # its right representation if is_binary_string(text): self.is_binary = True text = to_text_string(text, 'utf8') else: self.is_binary = False self.layout = QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(self.layout) # Text edit self.edit = QTextEdit(parent) self.edit.textChanged.connect(self.text_changed) self.edit.setReadOnly(readonly) self.edit.setPlainText(text) if font is None: font = get_font('texteditor') self.edit.setFont(font) self.layout.addWidget(self.edit) # Buttons configuration buttons = QDialogButtonBox.Ok if not readonly: buttons = buttons | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel bbox = QDialogButtonBox(buttons) bbox.accepted.connect(self.accept) bbox.rejected.connect(self.reject) self.layout.addWidget(bbox) # Make the dialog act as a window self.setWindowFlags(Qt.Window) self.setWindowIcon(ima.icon('edit')) self.setWindowTitle(_("Text editor") + \ "%s" % (" - "+str(title) if str(title) else "")) self.resize(size[0], size[1])
def save_historylog(self): """Save current history log (all text in console)""" title = _("Save history log") self.redirect_stdio.emit(False) filename, _selfilter = getsavefilename(self, title, self.historylog_filename, "%s (*.log)" % _("History logs")) self.redirect_stdio.emit(True) if filename: filename = osp.normpath(filename) try: encoding.write(to_text_string(self.get_text_with_eol()), filename) self.historylog_filename = filename CONF.set('main', 'historylog_filename', filename) except EnvironmentError as error: QMessageBox.critical(self, title, _("<b>Unable to save file '%s'</b>" "<br><br>Error message:<br>%s" ) % (osp.basename(filename), to_text_string(error)))
def add_path(self): self.redirect_stdio.emit(False) directory = getexistingdirectory(self, _("Select directory"), self.last_path) self.redirect_stdio.emit(True) if directory: directory = osp.abspath(directory) self.last_path = directory if directory in self.pathlist: answer = QMessageBox.question( self, _("Add path"), _("This directory is already included in Spyder path " "list.<br>Do you want to move it to the top of " "the list?"), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if answer == QMessageBox.Yes: self.pathlist.remove(directory) else: return self.pathlist.insert(0, directory) self.update_list()
def check_shortcuts(self): """Check shortcuts for conflicts.""" conflicts = [] for index, sh1 in enumerate(self.source_model.shortcuts): if index == len(self.source_model.shortcuts)-1: break for sh2 in self.source_model.shortcuts[index+1:]: if sh2 is sh1: continue if str(sh2.key) == str(sh1.key) \ and (sh1.context == sh2.context or sh1.context == '_' or sh2.context == '_'): conflicts.append((sh1, sh2)) if conflicts: self.parent().show_this_page.emit() cstr = "\n".join(['%s <---> %s' % (sh1, sh2) for sh1, sh2 in conflicts]) QMessageBox.warning(self, _("Conflicts"), _("The following conflicts have been " "detected:")+"\n"+cstr, QMessageBox.Ok)
def __init__(self, parent): QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setWindowTitle("Spyder %s: %s" % (__version__, _("Optional Dependencies"))) self.setWindowIcon(ima.icon('tooloptions')) self.setModal(True) self.view = DependenciesTableView(self, []) important_mods = ['rope', 'pyflakes', 'IPython', 'matplotlib'] self.label = QLabel( _("Spyder depends on several Python modules to " "provide additional functionality for its " "plugins. The table below shows the required " "and installed versions (if any) of all of " "them.<br><br>" "Although Spyder can work without any of these " "modules, it's strongly recommended that at " "least you try to install <b>%s</b> and " "<b>%s</b> to have a much better experience.") % (', '.join(important_mods[:-1]), important_mods[-1])) self.label.setWordWrap(True) self.label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignJustify) self.label.setContentsMargins(5, 8, 12, 10) btn = QPushButton(_("Copy to clipboard"), ) btn.clicked.connect(self.copy_to_clipboard) bbox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) bbox.accepted.connect(self.accept) hlayout = QHBoxLayout() hlayout.addWidget(btn) hlayout.addStretch() hlayout.addWidget(bbox) vlayout = QVBoxLayout() vlayout.addWidget(self.label) vlayout.addWidget(self.view) vlayout.addLayout(hlayout) self.setLayout(vlayout) self.resize(630, 420)
def start(self): """Main method of the WorkerUpdates worker""" self.url = '' self.update_available = False self.latest_release = __version__ error_msg = None try: if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'): # Fix for issue # 2685 [Works only with Python >=2.7.9] # More info: context = ssl._create_unverified_context() page = urlopen(self.url, context=context) else: page = urlopen(self.url) try: data = # Needed step for python3 compatibility if not isinstance(data, str): data = data.decode() data = json.loads(data) releases = [item['tag_name'].replace('v', '') for item in data] version = __version__ result = self.check_update_available(version, releases) self.update_available, self.latest_release = result except Exception: error_msg = _('Unable to retrieve information.') except HTTPError: error_msg = _('Unable to retrieve information.') except URLError: error_msg = _('Unable to connect to the internet. <br><br>Make ' 'sure the connection is working properly.') except Exception: error_msg = _('Unable to check for updates.') self.error = error_msg self.sig_ready.emit()
def setup_buttons(self): fromcursor_btn = create_toolbutton(self, icon=ima.icon('fromcursor'), tip=_('Go to cursor position'), triggered=self.treewidget.go_to_cursor_position) collapse_btn = create_toolbutton(self) collapse_btn.setDefaultAction(self.treewidget.collapse_selection_action) expand_btn = create_toolbutton(self) expand_btn.setDefaultAction(self.treewidget.expand_selection_action) restore_btn = create_toolbutton(self) restore_btn.setDefaultAction(self.treewidget.restore_action) return (fromcursor_btn, collapse_btn, expand_btn, restore_btn)
def set_buttons_runnning_state(self, state): ExternalShellBase.set_buttons_runnning_state(self, state) self.interact_action.setEnabled(not state and not self.is_interpreter) self.debug_action.setEnabled(not state and not self.is_interpreter) self.args_action.setEnabled(not state and not self.is_interpreter) self.post_mortem_action.setEnabled(not state and not self.is_interpreter) if state: if self.arguments: argstr = _("Arguments: %s") % self.arguments else: argstr = _("No argument") else: argstr = _("Arguments...") self.args_action.setText(argstr) self.terminate_button.setVisible(not self.is_interpreter and state) if not state: self.toggle_globals_explorer(False) for btn in (self.cwd_button, self.env_button, self.syspath_button): btn.setEnabled(state and self.monitor_enabled) if self.namespacebrowser_button is not None: self.namespacebrowser_button.setEnabled(state)
def get_toolbar_buttons(self): ExternalShellBase.get_toolbar_buttons(self) if self.namespacebrowser_button is None \ and self.stand_alone is not None: self.namespacebrowser_button = create_toolbutton(self, text=_("Variables"), icon=ima.icon('dictedit'), tip=_("Show/hide global variables explorer"), toggled=self.toggle_globals_explorer, text_beside_icon=True) if self.terminate_button is None: self.terminate_button = create_toolbutton(self, text=_("Terminate"), icon=ima.icon('stop'), tip=_("Attempts to stop the process. The process\n" "may not exit as a result of clicking this\n" "button (it is given the chance to prompt\n" "the user for any unsaved files, etc).")) buttons = [] if self.namespacebrowser_button is not None: buttons.append(self.namespacebrowser_button) buttons += [self.run_button, self.terminate_button, self.kill_button, self.options_button] return buttons
def _sel_to_text(self, cell_range): """Copy an array portion to a unicode string""" if not cell_range: return row_min, row_max, col_min, col_max = get_idx_rect(cell_range) _data = self.model().get_data() if PY3: output = io.BytesIO() else: output = io.StringIO() try: np.savetxt(output, _data[row_min:row_max+1, col_min:col_max+1], delimiter='\t') except: QMessageBox.warning(self, _("Warning"), _("It was not possible to copy values for " "this array")) return contents = output.getvalue().decode('utf-8') output.close() return contents
def setup_common_actions(self): """Setup context menu common actions""" self.collapse_all_action = create_action(self, text=_('Collapse all'), icon=ima.icon('collapse'), triggered=self.collapseAll) self.expand_all_action = create_action(self, text=_('Expand all'), icon=ima.icon('expand'), triggered=self.expandAll) self.restore_action = create_action(self, text=_('Restore'), tip=_('Restore original tree layout'), icon=ima.icon('restore'), triggered=self.restore) self.collapse_selection_action = create_action(self, text=_('Collapse selection'), icon=ima.icon('collapse_selection'), triggered=self.collapse_selection) self.expand_selection_action = create_action(self, text=_('Expand selection'), icon=ima.icon('expand_selection'), triggered=self.expand_selection) return [self.collapse_all_action, self.expand_all_action, self.restore_action, None, self.collapse_selection_action, self.expand_selection_action]