Beispiel #1
                if local_column not in fk[0]:
                if refspec not in fk[1]:

        for name, value in fks.iteritems():
                schema.ForeignKeyConstraint(value[0], value[1], name=name))

OracleDialect.logger = logging.class_logger(OracleDialect)

class _OuterJoinColumn(sql.ClauseElement):
    __visit_name__ = 'outer_join_column'

    def __init__(self, column):
        self.column = column

class OracleCompiler(compiler.DefaultCompiler):
    """Oracle compiler modifies the lexical structure of Select
    statements to work under non-ANSI configured Oracle databases, if
    the use_ansi flag is False.
Beispiel #2
            if current_path and token == current_path[1]:
                current_path = current_path[2:]

            if prop is None:
                return []
            path = build_path(mapper, prop.key, path)
            if getattr(token, '_of_type', None):
                mapper = token._of_type
                mapper = getattr(prop, 'mapper', None)
        return l

PropertyOption.logger = logging.class_logger(PropertyOption)
PropertyOption._should_log_debug = logging.is_debug_enabled(

class AttributeExtension(object):
    """An abstract class which specifies `append`, `delete`, and `set`
    event handlers to be attached to an object property.
    def append(self, obj, child, initiator):

    def remove(self, obj, child, initiator):

    def set(self, obj, child, oldchild, initiator):
Beispiel #3
            clearkeys = True
            value = self.source_mapper.get_attr_by_column(
                source, self.source_column)
        if isinstance(dest, dict):
            dest[self.dest_column.key] = value
            if clearkeys and self.dest_primary_key():
                raise exceptions.AssertionError(
                    "Dependency rule tried to blank-out primary key column '%s' on instance '%s'"
                    % (str(self.dest_column), mapperutil.instance_str(dest)))

            if logging.is_debug_enabled(self.logger):
                    "execute() instances: %s(%s)->%s(%s) ('%s')" %
                    (mapperutil.instance_str(source), str(self.source_column),
                     mapperutil.instance_str(dest), str(
                         self.dest_column), value))
            self.dest_mapper.set_attr_by_column(dest, self.dest_column, value)

SyncRule.logger = logging.class_logger(SyncRule)

class BinaryVisitor(visitors.ClauseVisitor):
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func = func

    def visit_binary(self, binary):
Beispiel #4
                    refspec =  ".".join([remote_table, remote_column])               
                    t = schema.Table(remote_table, table.metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=connection, oracle_resolve_synonyms=resolve_synonyms, useexisting=True)
                    refspec =  ".".join([x for x in [remote_owner, remote_table, remote_column] if x])
                    t = schema.Table(remote_table, table.metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=connection, schema=remote_owner, oracle_resolve_synonyms=resolve_synonyms, useexisting=True)

                if local_column not in fk[0]:
                if refspec not in fk[1]:

        for name, value in fks.iteritems():
            table.append_constraint(schema.ForeignKeyConstraint(value[0], value[1], name=name))

OracleDialect.logger = logging.class_logger(OracleDialect)

class _OuterJoinColumn(sql.ClauseElement):
    __visit_name__ = 'outer_join_column'
    def __init__(self, column):
        self.column = column
    def _get_from_objects(self, **kwargs):
        return []
class OracleCompiler(compiler.DefaultCompiler):
    """Oracle compiler modifies the lexical structure of Select
    statements to work under non-ANSI configured Oracle databases, if
    the use_ansi flag is False.

    operators = compiler.DefaultCompiler.operators.copy()
Beispiel #5
                self.logger.debug("Returning active column fetcher for %s %s" %
                                  (mapper, self.key))
            return (new_execute, None, None)

            def new_execute(instance, row, isnew, **flags):
                if isnew:

            if self._should_log_debug:
                self.logger.debug("Deferring load for %s %s" %
                                  (mapper, self.key))
            return (new_execute, None, None)

ColumnLoader.logger = logging.class_logger(ColumnLoader)

class DeferredColumnLoader(LoaderStrategy):
    """Deferred column loader, a per-column or per-column-group lazy loader."""
    def create_row_processor(self, selectcontext, mapper, row):
        if self.columns[0] in row:
            return self.parent_property._get_strategy(
                ColumnLoader).create_row_processor(selectcontext, mapper, row)
        elif not self.is_class_level or len(selectcontext.options):

            def new_execute(instance, row, **flags):
                if self._should_log_debug:
                        "set deferred callable on %s" %
                        mapperutil.attribute_str(instance, self.key))
Beispiel #6
    def get_col_value(self, column, value):
        return value

    class ColumnComparator(PropComparator):
        def clause_element(self):
            return self.prop.columns[0]

        def operate(self, op, *other, **kwargs):
            return op(self.prop.columns[0], *other, **kwargs)

        def reverse_operate(self, op, other, **kwargs):
            col = self.prop.columns[0]
            return op(col._bind_param(other), col, **kwargs)

ColumnProperty.logger = logging.class_logger(ColumnProperty)

class CompositeProperty(ColumnProperty):
    """subclasses ColumnProperty to provide composite type support."""

    def __init__(self, class_, *columns, **kwargs):
        super(CompositeProperty, self).__init__(*columns, **kwargs)
        self.composite_class = class_
        self.comparator = kwargs.pop('comparator', CompositeProperty.Comparator)(self)

    def do_init(self):
        super(ColumnProperty, self).do_init()
        # TODO: similar PK check as ColumnProperty does ?

    def copy(self):
        return CompositeProperty(deferred=self.deferred,, composite_class=self.composite_class, *self.columns)
Beispiel #7
from sqlalchemy import exceptions, util, logging
from sqlalchemy.orm import attributes, object_session, util as mapperutil, strategies
from sqlalchemy.orm.query import Query
from sqlalchemy.orm.mapper import has_identity, object_mapper

class DynaLoader(strategies.AbstractRelationLoader):
    def init_class_attribute(self):
        self.is_class_level = True
        self._register_attribute(self.parent.class_, impl_class=DynamicAttributeImpl, target_mapper=self.parent_property.mapper, order_by=self.parent_property.order_by)

    def create_row_processor(self, selectcontext, mapper, row):
        return (None, None, None)

DynaLoader.logger = logging.class_logger(DynaLoader)

class DynamicAttributeImpl(attributes.AttributeImpl):
    def __init__(self, class_, key, typecallable, target_mapper, order_by, **kwargs):
        super(DynamicAttributeImpl, self).__init__(class_, key, typecallable, **kwargs)
        self.target_mapper = target_mapper
        self.query_class = AppenderQuery

    def get(self, state, passive=False):
        if passive:
            return self._get_collection_history(state, passive=True).added_items
            return self.query_class(self, state)

    def get_collection(self, state, user_data=None, passive=True):
Beispiel #8
        # additional entities/columns, add those to selection criterion
        for m in self._entities:
            if isinstance(m, type):
                m = mapper.class_mapper(m)
            if isinstance(m, mapper.Mapper):
                for value in m.iterate_properties:
            elif isinstance(m, sql.ColumnElement):
        return statement

    def __log_debug(self, msg):

Query.logger = logging.class_logger(Query)

class QueryContext(OperationContext):
    """Created within the ``Query.compile()`` method to store and
    share state among all the Mappers and MapperProperty objects used
    in a query construction.

    def __init__(self, query, kwargs):
        self.query = query
        self.order_by = kwargs.pop('order_by', query._order_by)
        self.group_by = kwargs.pop('group_by', query._group_by)
        self.from_obj = kwargs.pop('from_obj', query._from_obj)
        self.lockmode = kwargs.pop('lockmode', query.lockmode)
        self.distinct = kwargs.pop('distinct', query._distinct)
        self.limit = kwargs.pop('limit', query._limit)
Beispiel #9
        obj._state['modified'] = True
        if self.trackparent and value is not None:
            self.sethasparent(value, True)
        for ext in self.extensions:
            ext.append(event or self, obj, value)

    def remove_event(self, event, obj, value):
        """Called by ``InstrumentedList`` when an item is removed."""

        obj._state['modified'] = True
        if self.trackparent and value is not None:
            self.sethasparent(value, False)
        for ext in self.extensions:
            ext.delete(event or self, obj, value)

InstrumentedAttribute.logger = logging.class_logger(InstrumentedAttribute)

class InstrumentedList(object):
    """Instrument a list-based attribute.

    All mutator operations (i.e. append, remove, etc.) will fire off
    events to the ``InstrumentedAttribute`` that manages the object's
    attribute.  Those events in turn trigger things like backref
    operations and whatever is implemented by
    ``do_list_value_changed`` on ``InstrumentedAttribute``.

    Note that this list does a lot less than earlier versions of SA
    list-based attributes, which used ``HistoryArraySet``.  This list
    wrapper does **not** maintain setlike semantics, meaning you can add
    as many duplicates as you want (which can break a lot of SQL), and
    also does not do anything related to history tracking.
Beispiel #10
    def get_col_value(self, column, value):
        return value

    class ColumnComparator(PropComparator):
        def clause_element(self):
            return self.prop.columns[0]

        def operate(self, op, *other, **kwargs):
            return op(self.prop.columns[0], *other, **kwargs)

        def reverse_operate(self, op, other, **kwargs):
            col = self.prop.columns[0]
            return op(col._bind_param(other), col, **kwargs)

ColumnProperty.logger = logging.class_logger(ColumnProperty)

class CompositeProperty(ColumnProperty):
    """subclasses ColumnProperty to provide composite type support."""

    def __init__(self, class_, *columns, **kwargs):
        super(CompositeProperty, self).__init__(*columns, **kwargs)
        self.composite_class = class_
        self.comparator = kwargs.pop('comparator', CompositeProperty.Comparator)(self)

    def do_init(self):
        super(ColumnProperty, self).do_init()
        # TODO: similar PK check as ColumnProperty does ?

    def copy(self):
        return CompositeProperty(deferred=self.deferred,, composite_class=self.composite_class, *self.columns)
Beispiel #11
from sqlalchemy.orm.mapper import has_identity, object_mapper

class DynaLoader(strategies.AbstractRelationLoader):
    def init_class_attribute(self):
        self.is_class_level = True

    def create_row_processor(self, selectcontext, mapper, row):
        return (None, None, None)

DynaLoader.logger = logging.class_logger(DynaLoader)

class DynamicAttributeImpl(attributes.AttributeImpl):
    def __init__(self, class_, key, typecallable, target_mapper, order_by,
        super(DynamicAttributeImpl, self).__init__(class_, key, typecallable,
        self.target_mapper = target_mapper
        self.order_by = order_by
        self.query_class = AppenderQuery

    def get(self, state, passive=False):
        if passive:
            return self._get_collection_history(state,
Beispiel #12
        if self.trackparent and value is not None:
            self.sethasparent(value, True)
        for ext in self.extensions:
            ext.append(event or self, obj, value)

    def remove_event(self, event, obj, value):
        """Called by ``InstrumentedList`` when an item is removed."""

        obj._state['modified'] = True
        if self.trackparent and value is not None:
            self.sethasparent(value, False)
        for ext in self.extensions:
            ext.delete(event or self, obj, value)

InstrumentedAttribute.logger = logging.class_logger(InstrumentedAttribute)

class InstrumentedList(object):
    """Instrument a list-based attribute.

    All mutator operations (i.e. append, remove, etc.) will fire off
    events to the ``InstrumentedAttribute`` that manages the object's
    attribute.  Those events in turn trigger things like backref
    operations and whatever is implemented by
    ``do_list_value_changed`` on ``InstrumentedAttribute``.

    Note that this list does a lot less than earlier versions of SA
    list-based attributes, which used ``HistoryArraySet``.  This list
    wrapper does **not** maintain setlike semantics, meaning you can add
    as many duplicates as you want (which can break a lot of SQL), and
Beispiel #13
        if not self.omit_schema and use_schema and getattr(table, 'schema', None):
            return (self.quote_identifier(table.schema),
                    self.format_table(table, use_schema=False))
            return (self.format_table(table, use_schema=False), )

    def unformat_identifiers(self, identifiers):
        """Unpack 'schema.table.column'-like strings into components."""

            r = self._r_identifiers
        except AttributeError:
            initial, final, escaped_final = \
                     [re.escape(s) for s in
                      (self.initial_quote, self.final_quote,
            r = re.compile(
                r'|([^\.]+))(?=\.|$))+' %
                { 'initial': initial,
                  'final': final,
                  'escaped': escaped_final })
            self._r_identifiers = r

        return [self._unescape_identifier(i)
                for i in [a or b for a, b in r.findall(identifiers)]]

IdentifierPreparer.logger = logging.class_logger(IdentifierPreparer)
Beispiel #14
    def execute(self, source, dest, obj, child, clearkeys):
        if source is None:
            if self.issecondary is False:
                source = obj
            elif self.issecondary is True:
                source = child
        if clearkeys or source is None:
            value = None
            clearkeys = True
            value = self.source_mapper.get_attr_by_column(source, self.source_column)
        if isinstance(dest, dict):
            dest[self.dest_column.key] = value
            if clearkeys and self.dest_primary_key():
                raise exceptions.AssertionError("Dependency rule tried to blank-out primary key column '%s' on instance '%s'" % (str(self.dest_column), mapperutil.instance_str(dest)))

            if logging.is_debug_enabled(self.logger):
                self.logger.debug("execute() instances: %s(%s)->%s(%s) ('%s')" % (mapperutil.instance_str(source), str(self.source_column), mapperutil.instance_str(dest), str(self.dest_column), value))
            self.dest_mapper.set_attr_by_column(dest, self.dest_column, value)

SyncRule.logger = logging.class_logger(SyncRule)

class BinaryVisitor(sql.ClauseVisitor):
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func = func

    def visit_binary(self, binary):
Beispiel #15
            def new_execute(instance, row, **flags):
                if self._should_log_debug:
                    self.logger.debug("populating %s with %s/%s" % (mapperutil.attribute_str(instance, self.key), row.__class__.__name__, self.columns[0].key))
                instance.__dict__[self.key] = row[self.columns[0]]
            if self._should_log_debug:
                self.logger.debug("Returning active column fetcher for %s %s" % (mapper, self.key))
            return (new_execute, None, None)
            def new_execute(instance, row, isnew, **flags):
                if isnew:
            if self._should_log_debug:
                self.logger.debug("Deferring load for %s %s" % (mapper, self.key))
            return (new_execute, None, None)

ColumnLoader.logger = logging.class_logger(ColumnLoader)

class DeferredColumnLoader(LoaderStrategy):
    """Deferred column loader, a per-column or per-column-group lazy loader."""
    def create_row_processor(self, selectcontext, mapper, row):
        if self.columns[0] in row:
            return self.parent_property._get_strategy(ColumnLoader).create_row_processor(selectcontext, mapper, row)
        elif not self.is_class_level or len(selectcontext.options):
            def new_execute(instance, row, **flags):
                if self._should_log_debug:
                    self.logger.debug("set deferred callable on %s" % mapperutil.attribute_str(instance, self.key))
                instance._state.set_callable(self.key, self.setup_loader(instance))
            return (new_execute, None, None)
            def new_execute(instance, row, **flags):
        self.process_selection_property(context, self._get_property(context))

    def _get_property(self, context):
            prop = self.__prop
        except AttributeError:
            mapper = context.mapper
            for token in self.key.split('.'):
                prop = mapper.props[token]
                if isinstance(prop, SynonymProperty):
                    prop = mapper.props[]
                mapper = getattr(prop, 'mapper', None)
            self.__prop = prop
        return prop

PropertyOption.logger = logging.class_logger(PropertyOption)

class StrategizedOption(PropertyOption):
    """A MapperOption that affects which LoaderStrategy will be used
    for an operation by a StrategizedProperty.

    def process_query_property(self, context, property):
        self.logger.debug("applying option to QueryContext, property key '%s'" % self.key)
        context.attributes[(LoaderStrategy, property)] = self.get_strategy_class()

    def process_selection_property(self, context, property):
        self.logger.debug("applying option to SelectionContext, property key '%s'" % self.key)
        context.attributes[(LoaderStrategy, property)] = self.get_strategy_class()

    def get_strategy_class(self):
Beispiel #17
        # additional entities/columns, add those to selection criterion
        for m in self._entities:
            if isinstance(m, type):
                m = mapper.class_mapper(m)
            if isinstance(m, mapper.Mapper):
                for value in m.props.values():
            elif isinstance(m, sql.ColumnElement):
        return statement

    def __log_debug(self, msg):

Query.logger = logging.class_logger(Query)

class QueryContext(OperationContext):
    """Created within the ``Query.compile()`` method to store and
    share state among all the Mappers and MapperProperty objects used
    in a query construction.

    def __init__(self, query, kwargs):
        self.query = query
        self.order_by = kwargs.pop('order_by', query._order_by)
        self.group_by = kwargs.pop('group_by', query._group_by)
        self.from_obj = kwargs.pop('from_obj', query._from_obj)
        self.lockmode = kwargs.pop('lockmode', query.lockmode)
        self.distinct = kwargs.pop('distinct', query._distinct)
        self.limit = kwargs.pop('limit', query._limit)