Beispiel #1
def get_disk_mount(disk_id):
    TEMP_DIR = 'C:\\temp\\kano-burner\\'
    disk_mount = ''   # mount point e.g. C:\ or D:\

    # extract the id of the physical disk, required by diskpart
    # e.g. \\?\Device\Harddisk[id]\Partition0
    id = int(disk_id.split("Harddisk")[1][0])  # access by string index alone is dangerous!

    # create a diskpart script to find the mount point for the given disk
    diskpart_detail_script = 'select disk {} \ndetail disk'.format(id)
    write_file_contents(TEMP_DIR + "detail_disk.txt", diskpart_detail_script)

    # run the created diskpart script
    cmd = 'diskpart /s {}'.format(TEMP_DIR + "detail_disk.txt")
    output, error, return_code = run_cmd_no_pipe(cmd)

    if not return_code:
        debugger('Ran diskpart detail script')
        debugger('[ERROR] ' + error.strip('\n'))

    # now the mount point is the third word on the last line of the output
    disk_mount = output.splitlines()[-1].split()[2]

    return disk_mount
Beispiel #2
def close_all_explorer_windows():
    cmd = '{}\\nircmd.exe win close class "CabinetWClass"'.format(_nircmd_path)
    _, error, return_code = run_cmd_no_pipe(cmd)

    if not return_code:
        debugger('Closed all Explorer windows')
        debugger('[ERROR]: ' + error.strip('\n'))
Beispiel #3
def close_all_explorer_windows():
    cmd = '{}\\nircmd.exe win close class "CabinetWClass"'.format(_nircmd_path)
    _, error, return_code = run_cmd_no_pipe(cmd)

    if not return_code:
        debugger('Closed all Explorer windows')
        debugger('[ERROR]: ' + error.strip('\n'))
Beispiel #4
def unzip_kano_os(os_path, dest_path):
    cmd = '"{}\\7za.exe" e "{}" -o"{}"'.format(_7zip_path, os_path, dest_path)
    _, output, return_code = run_cmd_no_pipe(cmd)

    if not return_code:
        debugger('Unzipped Kano OS successfully')
        debugger('[ERROR]: ' + output.strip('\n'))
Beispiel #5
def unmount_disk(disk_mount):
    cmd = "mountvol {}:\\ /D".format(disk_mount)
    error, _, return_code = run_cmd_no_pipe(cmd)

    if not return_code:
        debugger('{}:\\ successfully unmounted'.format(disk_mount))
        debugger('[ERROR]: ' + error.strip('\n'))
Beispiel #6
def test_write(disk_mount):
    cmd = '{}\\dd.exe if=/dev/random of=\\\\.\\{}: bs=4M count=10'.format(_dd_path, disk_mount)
    _, output, return_code = run_cmd_no_pipe(cmd)

    if not return_code:
        debugger('Written 40M random data to {}:\\'.format(disk_mount))
        debugger('[ERROR]: ' + output.strip('\n'))
Beispiel #7
def mount_disk(disk_id):
    # the following may not work if the disk has been unmounted, consider caching
    disk_mount = get_disk_mount(disk_id)
    disk_volume = get_disk_volume(disk_id, disk_mount)

    cmd = "mountvol {}:\\ {}".format(disk_mount, disk_volume)
    _, error, return_code = run_cmd_no_pipe(cmd)

    if not return_code:
        debugger('{} successfully mounted'.format(disk_mount))
        debugger('[ERROR]: ' + error.strip('\n'))
Beispiel #8
def is_installed(programs_list):
    cmd = 'where.exe {}'.format(' '.join(programs_list))
    output, error, return_code = run_cmd_no_pipe(cmd)

    if return_code:
        debugger('[ERROR] ' + error.strip('\n'))
        return True  # if something goes wrong here, it shouldn't be catastrophic

    programs_found = 0
    for line in output.splitlines():
        if line and 'not find' not in line:
            programs_found += 1

    return programs_found == len(programs_list)
Beispiel #9
def is_sufficient_space(required_mb):
    cmd = "dir {}".format(temp_path)
    output, _, _ = run_cmd_no_pipe(cmd)

        # grab the last line from the output
        free_space_line = output.splitlines()[-1]

        # grab the number in bytes, remove comma delimiters, and convert to MB
        free_space_mb = float(free_space_line.split()[2].replace(',', '')) / BYTES_IN_MEGABYTE
        debugger('[ERROR] Failed parsing the line ' + output)
        return True

    debugger('Free space {0:.2f} MB in {1}'.format(free_space_mb, temp_path))
    return free_space_mb > required_mb
Beispiel #10
def get_disk_volume(disk_id, disk_mount):
    disk_volume = ''  # a unique ID e.g. \\?\Volume{5fd765ff-068e-11e4-bc8d-806e6f6e6963}\

    # we now need to link the mount point to the volume id that is actually used
    cmd = '{}\\dd.exe --list'.format(_dd_path)
    _, output, return_code = run_cmd_no_pipe(cmd)

    # we will process the output line by line to find the line containing the mount point
    # the line at [index - 3] from the respective one contains the volume id
    output_lines = output.splitlines()
    disk_mount_dd = '\\\\.\\{}:'.format(disk_mount.lower())

    for index in range(0, len(output_lines)):
        if disk_mount_dd in output_lines[index]:
            disk_volume = output_lines[index - 3].strip()

    return disk_volume
Beispiel #11
def format_disk(disk_id):
    # TODO: look into cmd = 'format {}: /Q /X'.format(disk_mount)
    TEMP_DIR = 'C:\\temp\\kano-burner\\'

    # extract the id of the physical disk, required by diskpart
    # e.g. \\?\Device\Harddisk[id]\Partition0
    id = int(disk_id.split("Harddisk")[1][0])  # access by string index alone is dangerous!

    # create a diskpart script to format the given disk
    diskpart_format_script = 'select disk {} \nclean'.format(id)
    write_file_contents(TEMP_DIR + "format_disk.txt", diskpart_format_script)

    # run the created diskpart script
    cmd = 'diskpart /s {}'.format(TEMP_DIR + "format_disk.txt")
    _, error, return_code = run_cmd_no_pipe(cmd)

    if not return_code:
        debugger('Formatted disk {} with diskpart'.format(id))
        debugger('[ERROR] ' + error.strip('\n'))
Beispiel #12
def format_disk(disk_id):
    # TODO: look into cmd = 'format {}: /Q /X'.format(disk_mount)

    # extract the id of the physical disk, required by diskpart
    # e.g. \\?\Device\Harddisk[id]\Partition0
    id = int(disk_id['id_num'])  # access by string index alone is dangerous!

    # create a diskpart script to format the given disk
    diskpart_format_script = 'select disk {} \nclean'.format(id)
    diskpart_script_path = os.path.join(temp_path, "format_disk.txt")
    write_file_contents(diskpart_format_script, diskpart_script_path)

    # run the created diskpart script
    cmd = 'diskpart /s {}'.format(diskpart_script_path)
    _, error, return_code = run_cmd_no_pipe(cmd)
    time.sleep(15)  # diskpart requires a timeout between calls

    if not return_code:
        debugger('Formatted disk {} with diskpart'.format(id))
        debugger('[ERROR] ' + error.strip('\n'))
        raise disk_error(FORMAT_ERROR)
Beispiel #13
def format_disk(disk_id):
    # TODO: look into cmd = 'format {}: /Q /X'.format(disk_mount)

    # extract the id of the physical disk, required by diskpart
    # e.g. \\?\Device\Harddisk[id]\Partition0
    id = int(disk_id['id_num'])  # access by string index alone is dangerous!

    # create a diskpart script to format the given disk
    diskpart_format_script = 'select disk {} \nclean'.format(id)
    diskpart_script_path = os.path.join(temp_path, "format_disk.txt")
    write_file_contents(diskpart_format_script, diskpart_script_path)

    # run the created diskpart script
    cmd = 'diskpart /s {}'.format(diskpart_script_path)
    _, error, return_code = run_cmd_no_pipe(cmd)
    time.sleep(15)  # diskpart requires a timeout between calls

    if not return_code:
        debugger('Formatted disk {} with diskpart'.format(id))
        debugger('[ERROR] ' + error.strip('\n'))
        raise disk_error(FORMAT_ERROR)
Beispiel #14
def get_disks_list():
    This method is used by the BurnerGUI when the user clicks the ComboBox.

    It grabs all disk physical ids, names, and sizes with one command and
    then parses the output. Sizes will be converted to GB (not GiB).

    NOTE: We do no return all disks that are found!

        disk id: \\?\Device\Harddisk2\Partition0
        disk name: Sandisk Media USB
        disk size: 16.03

        disk volume: \\?\Volume{5fd765ff-068e-11e4-bc8d-806e6f6e6963}\
        physical disk: \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE2

        NOTE: physical drive id and device id match!

    disks = list()

    cmd = "wmic diskdrive get deviceid, mediatype, model, size /format:list"
    output, error, return_code = run_cmd_no_pipe(cmd)

    if return_code:
        debugger('[ERROR] ' + error.strip('\n'))

    # remove random empty lines in the output
    output_lines = [line for line in output.splitlines() if line]

    for index in range(0, len(output_lines)):
        if output_lines[index].startswith("DeviceID="):

            # grab the disk id from e.g. \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE[0] and use Partition0
            # which for dd is the entire disk, not some partition on the disk
            drive_loc = output_lines[index].lower().find(
                'physicaldrive') + len('physicaldrive')
            id_num = output_lines[index][drive_loc:]
            id_str = "\\\\?\\Device\\Harddisk{}\\Partition0".format(id_num)
            disk_id = {'id_num': id_num, 'id_str': id_str}
            # media type
            media_type = output_lines[index + 1].split('=')[1]

            # for the disk model, remove the last word which is always 'device'
            model = output_lines[index + 2].split('=')[1]
            disk_name = ' '.join(model.split()[:-1])

            # the size may not be listed (i.e. ''), in which case we assume
            # the device is not plugged in e.g. an empty USB SD card reader
            disk_size = -1
                size_bytes = float(output_lines[index + 3].split('=')[1])
                disk_size = size_bytes / BYTES_IN_GIGABYTE

            # append all data here, this would need changing if logic changes
            disk = {'id': disk_id, 'name': disk_name, 'size': disk_size}

            # make sure we do not list any potential hard drive or too small SD card
            if (disk['size'] < 3.5 or disk['size'] > 16.5 or disk['size'] == -1
                    or media_type.startswith('Fixed')):
                debugger('Ignoring {}'.format(disk))
                debugger('Listing {}'.format(disk))

    return disks
Beispiel #15
def get_disks_list():
    This method is used by the BurnerGUI when the user clicks the ComboBox.

    It grabs all disk physical ids, names, and sizes with one command and
    then parses the output. Sizes will be converted to GB (not GiB).

    NOTE: We do no return all disks that are found!

        disk id: \\?\Device\Harddisk2\Partition0
        disk name: Sandisk Media USB
        disk size: 16.03

        disk volume: \\?\Volume{5fd765ff-068e-11e4-bc8d-806e6f6e6963}\
        physical disk: \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE2

        NOTE: physical drive id and device id match!

    disks = list()

    cmd = "wmic diskdrive get deviceid, mediatype, model, size /format:list"
    output, error, return_code = run_cmd_no_pipe(cmd)

    if return_code:
        debugger('[ERROR] ' + error.strip('\n'))

    # remove random empty lines in the output
    output_lines = [line for line in output.splitlines() if line]

    for index in range(0, len(output_lines)):
        if output_lines[index].startswith("DeviceID="):

            # grab the disk id from e.g. \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE[0] and use Partition0
            # which for dd is the entire disk, not some partition on the disk
            drive_loc = output_lines[index].lower().find('physicaldrive') + len('physicaldrive')
            id_num = output_lines[index][drive_loc:]
            id_str = "\\\\?\\Device\\Harddisk{}\\Partition0".format(id_num)
            disk_id = {'id_num': id_num, 'id_str': id_str}
            # media type
            media_type = output_lines[index +1].split('=')[1]

            # for the disk model, remove the last word which is always 'device'
            model = output_lines[index + 2].split('=')[1]
            disk_name = ' '.join(model.split()[:-1])

            # the size may not be listed (i.e. ''), in which case we assume
            # the device is not plugged in e.g. an empty USB SD card reader
            disk_size = -1
                size_bytes = float(output_lines[index + 3].split('=')[1])
                disk_size = size_bytes / BYTES_IN_GIGABYTE

            # append all data here, this would need changing if logic changes
            disk = {
                'id': disk_id,
                'name': disk_name,
                'size': disk_size

            # make sure we do not list any potential hard drive or too small SD card
            if    (disk['size'] < 3.5 or
                   disk['size'] > 16.5 or
                   disk['size'] == -1 or
                debugger('Ignoring {}'.format(disk))
                debugger('Listing {}'.format(disk))

    return disks