Beispiel #1
suffix = "frames/x40/"
save_path = "/home/fred/Projects/srt-cancer-img/pair-data/output/"

# normalizers
normalizer_rd = stainNorm_Reinhard.Normalizer()
normalizer_mk = stainNorm_Macenko.Normalizer()
normalizer_vd = vahadane.vahadane()

for dirname in listdir(source_path):
    if 'A06' in dirname:
        print("Processing directory ", dirname)

        imgs = [f for f in listdir(join(source_path, dirname, suffix))]

        for img in imgs[1:]:
            source = stain_utils.read_image(
                join(source_path, dirname, suffix, img))
            target = stain_utils.read_image(
                join(source_path, dirname.replace('A', 'H', 1), suffix,
                     img.replace('A', 'H', 1)))

            print("Processing image: ", img)

            # load and fit target img
            Wt, Ht = normalizer_vd.stain_separate(target)

            # reinhard
            out = normalizer_rd.transform(source)
            out = cv.cvtColor(out, cv.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
            cv.imwrite(join(save_path, "reinhard", img), out)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

norm = stainNorm_Macenko.normalizer(
)  # normalizer() is the algorithm function for Macenko

for i in range(0, 69):  # since we have 69 images in benign class
    path = "Benign" + "/"  #input path for images
    path_norm = "Benign_m_norm" + "/"  #output path to keep the normalised output
    n = "t" + str(i) + ".tif"  # image name
    fullpath = path + n  # path to the input image
    fullpath_norm = path_norm + n  # output path to the normalised image
    i1 = utils.read_image(fullpath)  # for reading images as arrays
    if (i == 0):
        )  # for the first image we read, we need to fit the Mackenko normaliser() function in accordance with the first image so that we can normalise other images on this actually
        # comes up with the values of mean and sd so that we can normalise the images.

        io.imsave((fullpath_norm), i1)  #save the first image
        i2 = norm.transform(
            i1)  # apply the Mackenko transformation algorithm for the image
        io.imsave((fullpath_norm), i2)  # save the image

print("IN SITU")