Beispiel #1
 def test_causality_no_lags(self):
     res = VAR(
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="0 lags"):
         res.test_causality(0, 1)
Beispiel #2
class ProgCausality():
    """Causality analysis with vector autoregression, Granger causality test,
    impulse response function, and variance decompositon. Additionally,
    progressive usage of vector autoregression is included.
    Implementation uses 'statsmodels' package
    statsmodels' vector autoregression includes automatic selection of best
    lags and orders.
    var_result: VARResults object
        The result obtained with var_fit or adaptive_progresive_var_fit.
    n_processed_in_prev_var_fit: int
        A number of processed time points in a previous call of
    duration_in_prev_var_fit: float
        Completion time spent in a previous call of adaptive_progresive_var_fit.
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> from prog_causality import ProgCausality

    >>> # NEED TO LOAD "prog_inc_pca" for handling 2. multiple data points with PCA
    >>> from prog_inc_pca import ProgIncPCA

    >>> #
    >>> # 1. signle data point example
    >>> #
    >>> # prepare data
    >>> X = pd.read_csv('./data/ross-df-256kp-500gvt_kpgid100.csv')
    >>> # only take useful columns
    >>> metrics = [
    ...     'NetworkRecv', 'NetworkSend', 'NeventProcessed', 'NeventRb', 'RbSec',
    ...     'RbTotal', 'VirtualTimeDiff'
    ... ]
    >>> X = X[metrics]

    >>> # causality analysis
    >>> causality = ProgCausality()
    >>> # VAR with the progressive way
    >>> causality.adaptive_progresive_var_fit(X, latency_limit_in_msec=100)
    >>> # Granger causality test from others to RbSec and RbSec to others
    >>> causality_from, causality_to = causality.check_causality('RbSec', signif=0.1)
    >>> # impulse response and variance decomposition
    >>> ir_from, ir_to = causality.impulse_response('RbSec')
    >>> vd_from, vd_to = causality.variance_decomp('RbSec')

    >>> # print results
    >>> print('KpGid = 100')
    >>> print('Rbsec (caused by)')
    >>> print(
    ...     pd.DataFrame({
    ...         'Metrics': metrics,
    ...         'Causality': causality_from,
    ...         'IR 1 step later': ir_from[:, 1],
    ...         'VD 1 step later': vd_from[:, 1]
    ...     }))
    >>> print('Rbsec (causing to)')
    >>> print(
    ...     pd.DataFrame({
    ...         'Metrics': metrics,
    ...         'Causality': causality_to,
    ...         'IR 1 step later': ir_to[:, 1],
    ...         'VD 1 step later': vd_to[:, 1]
    ...     }))

    >>> #
    >>> # 2. multiple data points with PCA
    >>> #
    >>> # apply progressive PCA for each metric to reduce dimensions (multiple time-series) to 1D (single time-series)
    >>> pca = ProgIncPCA(n_components=1)
    >>> total_latency_for_pca = 100
    >>> latency_for_each = int(total_latency_for_pca / len(metrics))
    >>> X_dict = {}
    >>> for metric in metrics:
    ...     # load data. col header: Last GVT, shape of rest: (n, d). n: # of kps, d: # of time points
    ...     file_name = './data/ross-df-256kp-500gvt_' + metric + '.csv'
    ...     metric_nd = pd.read_csv(file_name)
    ...     pca.progressive_fit(
    ...         metric_nd,
    ...         latency_limit_in_msec=latency_for_each,
    ...         point_choice_method='reverse')
    ...     metric_1d = pca.transform(metric_nd)
    ...     X_dict[metric] = metric_1d.flatten().tolist()
    >>> X = pd.DataFrame(X_dict)

    >>> # causality analysis
    >>> causality = ProgCausality()
    >>> causality.adaptive_progresive_var_fit(X, latency_limit_in_msec=100)
    >>> causality_from, causality_to = causality.check_causality('RbSec', signif=0.1)
    >>> ir_from, ir_to = causality.impulse_response('RbSec')
    >>> vd_from, vd_to = causality.variance_decomp('RbSec')

    >>> # print results
    >>> print('All KPs')
    >>> print('Rbsec (caused by)')
    >>> print(
    ...     pd.DataFrame({
    ...         'Metrics': metrics,
    ...         'Causality': causality_from,
    ...         'IR 1 step later': ir_from[:, 1],
    ...         'VD 1 step later': vd_from[:, 1]
    ...     }))

    >>> print('Rbsec (causing to)')
    >>> print(
    ...     pd.DataFrame({
    ...         'Metrics': metrics,
    ...         'Causality': causality_to,
    ...         'IR 1 step later': ir_to[:, 1],
    ...         'VD 1 step later': vd_to[:, 1]
    ...     }))
    def __init__(self):
        self.var_result = None
        self.n_processed_in_prev_var_fit = 0
        self.duration_in_prev_var_fit = 0

    def var_fit(self, endog, maxlags=5, ic='aic', verbose=False, trend='c'):
        Find best VAR with best order and various lags
        endog : array-like, (shape: (n_time_points, n_variables))
            2-d endogenous response variable. The independent variable.
        maxlags : int
            Maximum number of lags to check for order selection.
        ic : {'aic', 'fpe', 'hqic', 'bic', None}, optional, (default="aic")
            Information criterion to use for VAR order selection.
            aic : Akaike
            fpe : Final prediction error
            hqic : Hannan-Quinn
            bic : Bayesian a.k.a. Schwarz
        verbose : bool, default False
            Print order selection output to the screen
        trend : str {"c", "ct", "ctt", "nc"}, optional, (default="c")
            "c" - add constant
            "ct" - constant and trend
            "ctt" - constant, linear and quadratic trend
            "nc" - co constant, no trend
            Note that these are prepended to the columns of the dataset.
        self (updating self.var_result)
        self.var_result = VAR(endog).fit(maxlags=maxlags,

    def adaptive_progresive_var_fit(self,
        Find best VAR with best order and various lags with a progressive
        manner by adaptively changing the number of time points used for VAR.
        endog : array-like (shape: (n_time_points, n_variables))
            2-d endogenous response variable. The independent variable.
        latency_limit_in_msec: int, optional, (default=1000)
            Latency limit for var_fit. Once total duration time passed this
            time, the var_fit will be stopped.
        point_choice_method: string, optional, (default="random")
            Point selection method from all n_time_points. Options are as below.
            "random": randomly select time points for each loop.
            "as_is": select time points in the order of time points as it is
                in endog for each loop.
            "reverse": select time points in the reverse order of time points
                in endog for each loop.
        maxlags : int, optional, (default=5)
            Maximum number of lags to check for order selection.
        ic : {'aic', 'fpe', 'hqic', 'bic', None}, optional, (default="aic")
            Information criterion to use for VAR order selection.
            aic : Akaike
            fpe : Final prediction error
            hqic : Hannan-Quinn
            bic : Bayesian a.k.a. Schwarz
        verbose : bool, optional, (default=False)
            Print order selection output and how many data points are processsed
            during adaptive_progresive_var_fit to the screen.
        trend : str {"c", "ct", "ctt", "nc"}, optional, (default="c")
            "c" - add constant
            "ct" - constant and trend
            "ctt" - constant, linear and quadratic trend
            "nc" - co constant, no trend
            Note that these are prepended to the columns of the dataset.
        self (updating self.var_result)
        start_time = time.time()
        n, _ = endog.shape
        latency_limit = latency_limit_in_msec / 1000.0

        order = [i for i in range(n)]
        if point_choice_method == 'random':
        elif point_choice_method == 'as_is':
            None  # Do nothing
        elif point_choice_method == 'reverse':
            print("point_choice_method-", point_choice_method,
                  " is not supported. We used as_is instead of this.")
        duration = 0
        while True:
            loop_start_time = time.time()
            # because var_fit's time complexity is O(dn^2),
            # we can estimate how many points we can handle

            # adaptively decide a number of points used for calculation
            if self.n_processed_in_prev_var_fit == 0:
                self.n_processed_in_prev_var_fit = 10
                if self.duration_in_prev_var_fit == 0:
                    self.n_processed_in_prev_var_fit += 10
                    remaining_time = latency_limit - duration
                    coeff = remaining_time / self.duration_in_prev_var_fit
                    if coeff > 1.0:
                        self.n_processed_in_prev_var_fit = math.floor(
                            self.n_processed_in_prev_var_fit *

            if self.n_processed_in_prev_var_fit > n:
                self.n_processed_in_prev_var_fit = n

            # because of a bug in order selection of VAR model fit when number of time
            # points are small, we need to handle exception
                print("order selection doesn't work well")

            self.duration_in_prev_var_fit = time.time() - loop_start_time

            duration = time.time() - start_time

            if (duration >= latency_limit
                    or self.n_processed_in_prev_var_fit >= n):

        # if completion time is slower than latencyLimitInMSec,
        # update n_processed_in_prev_var_fit with smaller value
        if self.duration_in_prev_var_fit > latency_limit:
            coeff = latency_limit / self.duration_in_prev_var_fit
            self.n_processed_in_prev_var_fit = math.floor(
                self.n_processed_in_prev_var_fit * math.sqrt(coeff))

        if verbose:
            print("adaptive_progresive_var_fit(): ",
                  self.n_processed_in_prev_var_fit, " of ", n,
                  "data points processed in ", duration * 1000.0, " msec.")

    def check_causality(self, target, kind='f', signif=0.05):
        Test Granger causality to and from the indicated target.
        target: int or str
            Column index or name indicating the target in the endog used for
            var_fit or adaptive_progresive_var_fit, which will be checked
        kind : {'f', 'wald'}, optional, (default='f')
            Perform F-test or Wald (chi-sq) test
        signif : float, , optional, (default=0.05 (i.e., 5%))
            Significance level for computing critical values for test,
            defaulting to standard 0.05 level
        caused_by: boolean list
            Causality test results of target <- others. The order is
            corresponding to the column indices of the endog.
        caused_to: boolean list
            Causality test results of target -> others. The order is
            corresponding to the column indices of the endog.
        caused_by = None
        causing_to = None

        if self.var_result == None:
            print("Need to apply var_fit before check_causality")
            d = self.var_result.neqs
            caused_by = [
                    caused=target, causing=i, kind=kind).pvalue < signif
                for i in range(d)
            causing_to = [
                    caused=i, causing=target, kind=kind).pvalue < signif
                for i in range(d)
            # replace target->target results as None
            target_idx = target
            if type(target) == str:
                target_idx = self.var_result.names.index(target)
            caused_by[target_idx] = None
            causing_to[target_idx] = None

        return caused_by, causing_to

    def impulse_response(self, target, periods=1):
        Analyze impulse responses to shocks in system.
        periods : int, optional (default=1)
            The range of time periods which will be analyzed impulse response.
            For example, if periods=1, the method will check the impulse
            response for the current and next time steps.
        ir_caused_by: array-like, shape(n_variables, periods+1)
            Impulse responses of target <- others. The order is
            corresponding to the column indices of the endog.
        ir_causing_to: array-like, shape(n_variables, periods+1)
            Impulse responses of target -> others. The order is
            corresponding to the column indices of the endog.
        ir_caused_by = None
        ir_causing_to = None

        if self.var_result == None:
            print("Need to apply var_fit before impulse_response")
            irf = self.var_result.irf(periods=periods).orth_irfs

            target_idx = target
            if type(target) == str:
                target_idx = self.var_result.names.index(target)
            d = self.var_result.neqs

            ir_caused_by = [irf[:, target_idx, i] for i in range(d)]
            ir_causing_to = [irf[:, i, target_idx] for i in range(d)]

        return np.array(ir_caused_by), np.array(ir_causing_to)

    def variance_decomp(self, target, periods=1):
        Compute forecast error variance decomposition ("FEVD")
        periods : int, optional (default=1)
            The range of time periods which will be computed FEVD.
            For example, if periods=1, the method will check the impulse
            response for the current and next time steps.
        vd_caused_by: array-like, shape(n_variables, periods+1)
            FEVD of target <- others. The order is corresponding to the column
            indices of the endog.
        vd_causing_to: array-like, shape(n_variables, periods+1)
            FEVD of target -> others. The order is corresponding to the column
            indices of the endog.
        vd_caused_by = None
        vd_causing_to = None

        if self.var_result == None:
            print("Need to apply var_fit before variance_decomp")
            vd = self.var_result.fevd(periods=periods + 1).decomp

            target_idx = target
            if type(target) == str:
                target_idx = self.var_result.names.index(target)
            d = self.var_result.neqs

            vd_caused_by = [vd[target_idx, :, i] for i in range(d)]
            vd_causing_to = [vd[i, :, target_idx] for i in range(d)]

        return np.array(vd_caused_by), np.array(vd_causing_to)