Beispiel #1
  def __init__(self):
    self.generators = []

    self.phases = [ ]

    antprops = propstack.get_properties()
    # the name of the script to emit to do the building.
    self.BUILD_SCRIPT_NAME = antprops.getProperty("build-script", DEFAULT_BUILD_SCRIPT_NAME)
Beispiel #2
  def ensureHandle(self):
    if self.handle == None:
      # parse the properties files that govern this build tree
      # to determine the build directory. Then put build.xml in
      # there.
      antprops = propstack.get_properties()

      build_outputs_dir = antprops.getProperty("outsubdir", "build")

      if not os.path.exists(build_outputs_dir):
      self.handle = open(os.path.join(build_outputs_dir, "build.xml"), "w")
Beispiel #3
def load_extensions():
  """ If there's a stitch-ext/ dir in the root of the build tree, load any
      python files from there as modules and retain their environments to
      load into all targets files we process.
  global __extension_objs

  # Clear existing extensions
  __extension_objs = {}

  props = propstack.get_properties()
  ext_dir = props.getProperty("stitch-extensions")
  if ext_dir == None:
    return # no work to do.

  if not os.path.exists(ext_dir):
    return # no extensions in this project.

  # Add the extension dir as a module import source
  old_sys_path = sys.path

    # import all those files as modules
    files = os.listdir(ext_dir)
    for file in files:
      if file.endswith(".py"):
        modname = file[:-3] # chop of the extension to get module name
        # Load and execute this module, and incorporate its env dictionary
        # into the master extension dictionary
        print "Loading module:", modname
        mod = __import__(modname)
        __extension_objs[modname] = mod
    # restore the configured sys.path
    sys.path = old_sys_path
Beispiel #4
  def getTopLevelScript(self, allTargets):
    """ Return the top-level script steps to put into
        the main 'build' script to run ant generated actions """

    antprops = propstack.get_properties()
    build_dir = antprops.getProperty("outsubdir", "build")

    text = """

def formatProperties():
  # return properties definition string from the user:
  global props
  propStr = ""
  for prop in props:
    propStr = propStr + "'" + prop + "' "
  return propStr

ant_map = {}

# run anything from ant
def run_ant_target(ant_target):
  # Hack - Ant 1.7.1 on dev server doesn't seem to respect its
  # own classpath with respect to JUnit and ant.jar. So we're
  # hardcoding it in here.
  # TODO(aaron): Remove this hard-coded path dependency.
  if os.path.exists("/usr/share/ant/lib/ant.jar"):
    classpath = os.getenv("CLASSPATH", "")
    if len(classpath) > 0 and not classpath.endswith(":"):
      classpath = classpath + ":"
    classpath = classpath + "/usr/share/ant/lib/ant.jar"
    os.environ["CLASSPATH"] = classpath
  callString = "ant -f %(BUILD_DIR)s/build.xml " + formatProperties() + ant_target
  ret = os.system(callString)
  if ret > 0:

def ant_phase(phase):

def ant_topLevelAnt(phase, target):
  global ant_map, lookup_only, cwd, common_path

  if not target.startswith(os.sep):
    # This is not guaranteed to be an absolute target.
    # Try it relative to the build root (the build script's path).
    target_parts = target.split(":")
    abs_name_part = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cwd, target_parts[0]))
    abs_target = abs_name_part[len(common_path):]
    if len(target_parts) > 1:
      abs_target += ":" + ":".join(target_parts[1:])
      ant_target = ant_map[(phase, abs_target)]
    except KeyError:
      # Couldn't find that. Try it as an absolute.
      ant_target = ant_map[(phase, target)]
    # Definitely an absolute target.
    ant_target = ant_map[(phase, target)]

  if lookup_only:
    # lookup succeeded
    return True

""" % { "BUILD_DIR" : build_dir }

    text = text + self.getBuildScriptMap(allTargets)

    return text