Beispiel #1
def get_encoding_mode():
	Get the mode Urwid is using when processing text strings.
	Returns 'narrow' for 8-bit encodings, 'wide' for CJK encodings
	or 'utf8' for UTF-8 encodings.
	return str_util.get_byte_encoding()
Beispiel #2
def process_keyqueue(codes, more_available):
    codes -- list of key codes
    more_available -- if True then raise MoreInputRequired when in the 
        middle of a character sequence (escape/utf8/wide) and caller 
        will attempt to send more key codes on the next call.
    returns (list of input, list of remaining key codes).
    code = codes[0]
    if code >= 32 and code <= 126:
        key = chr(code)
        return [key], codes[1:]
    if _keyconv.has_key(code):
        return [_keyconv[code]], codes[1:]
    if code >0 and code <27:
        return ["ctrl %s" % chr(ord('a')+code-1)], codes[1:]
    if code >27 and code <32:
        return ["ctrl %s" % chr(ord('A')+code-1)], codes[1:]
    em = str_util.get_byte_encoding()
    if (em == 'wide' and code < 256 and  
        if not codes[1:]:
            if more_available:
                raise MoreInputRequired()
        if codes[1:] and codes[1] < 256:
            db = chr(code)+chr(codes[1])
            if within_double_byte(db, 0, 1):
                return [db], codes[2:]
    if em == 'utf8' and code>127 and code<256:
        if code & 0xe0 == 0xc0: # 2-byte form
            need_more = 1
        elif code & 0xf0 == 0xe0: # 3-byte form
            need_more = 2
        elif code & 0xf8 == 0xf0: # 4-byte form
            need_more = 3
            return ["<%d>"%code], codes[1:]

        for i in range(need_more):
            if len(codes)-1 <= i:
                if more_available:
                    raise MoreInputRequired()
                    return ["<%d>"%code], codes[1:]
            k = codes[i+1]
            if k>256 or k&0xc0 != 0x80:
                return ["<%d>"%code], codes[1:]
        s = "".join([chr(c)for c in codes[:need_more+1]])
            return [s.decode("utf-8")], codes[need_more+1:]
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            return ["<%d>"%code], codes[1:]
    if code >127 and code <256:
        key = chr(code)
        return [key], codes[1:]
    if code != 27:
        return ["<%d>"%code], codes[1:]

    result = input_trie.get(codes[1:], more_available)
    if result is not None:
        result, remaining_codes = result
        return [result], remaining_codes
    if codes[1:]:
        # Meta keys -- ESC+Key form
        run, remaining_codes = process_keyqueue(codes[1:], 
        if run[0] == "esc" or run[0].find("meta ") >= 0:
            return ['esc']+run, remaining_codes
        return ['meta '+run[0]]+run[1:], remaining_codes
    return ['esc'], codes[1:]