Beispiel #1
def map_window_examples_simple():

    # Example with no state and no additional parameters
    # Create streams
    x = Stream('x')
    s = Stream()

    # Create agents

    # Explanation of agent
    # The function sum() returns the sum of the window.
    # out_stream[j] = \
    # func(in_stream[j*step_size : j*step_size + window_size])
    # for all j.
    # So if window_size is 3 and step_size is 10:
    #       s[j] = x[10*j] + x[10*j+1] +  x[10*j+2], for all j
    # For window_size of 3 and step_size of 10, the output
    # stream will contain:
    # [0 + 1 + 2, 10 + 11 + 12, 20 + 21 + 22, 30 + 31 + 32]

    # Put data into input streams and run.
    DATA = list(range(40))

    # Inspect output
    assert recent_values(s) == [3, 33, 63, 93]
Beispiel #2
def run_stream_from_config(config):

    r = redis.from_url(config.redis_url)
    listener = stream.RedisPublishListener(r, config.status_channel)

    # Blocks and processes stream, config.consumer_secret,
               config.access_token, config.access_token_secret, listener)
Beispiel #3
def test_echo_1():
    spoken = Stream('spoken')
    heard = make_echo_1(spoken, D=1, A=0.5)
    spoken.extend([64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    assert recent_values(heard) == [
        64.0, 64.0, 48.0, 32.0, 20.0, 12.0, 7.0, 3.5, 1.75, 0.875, 0.4375
Beispiel #4
def map_window_example_simple_with_state_and_parameter():
    # Example with state and additional parameters
    # Declare functions
    # This function returns an element of the output stream and then
    # next state.
    # The parameter is multiplicand.
    def maxes(in_stream_window, state, multiplicand):
        next_output_element = sum(in_stream_window) > multiplicand * state
        next_state = max(state, sum(in_stream_window))
        return (next_output_element, next_state)

    # Create streams
    x = Stream('x')
    m = Stream('m')

    # Create agents

    # Explanation of agent
    # in_stream_window on step j is:
    #  x[step_size*j : step_size*j + window_size]
    # For j > 0: state[j] = \
    #   max(state[j-1], sum(x[step_size*j : step_size*j + window_size]))
    # m[j] = sum(x[step_size*j : step_size*j + window_size]) > \
    #     multiplicand * state[j]
    # With a window_size of 2 and step_size of 3 and multiplicand of 1.5
    # state[j] is max(state[j-1], x[3*j, 3*j+1])
    # m[j] is (x[3*j, 3*j+1]) > 1.5*state[j]

    # Put data into input streams and run.
    DATA = [1, 1, 0, -1, 0, 3, 1, 5, 11, 1]
    # With window_size=3, step_size=2, and this DATA the output steps are:
    # Initially state = 0, because of the specification in max_window
    # m[0] is (DATA[0]+DATA[1]) > 1.5*0, which is (1 + 1) > 0 or True.
    # state[1] is max(0, DATA[0]+DATA[1]) which is 2.
    # m[1] is (DATA[3]+DATA[4]) > 1.5*2 which is (-1 + 0) > 2 or False.
    # state[2] is max(2, DATA[3]+DATA[4]) which is 2.
    # m[2] is (DATA[6]+DATA[7]) > 1.5*2 which is (1 + 5) > 2 or True.
    # state[3] is max(2, DATA[6]+DATA[7]) which is 6.
    # So the output stream is:
    # [True, False, True, ....]

    # Inspect output
    assert recent_values(m) == [True, False, True]
Beispiel #5
def run_stream_from_config(config):

    r = redis.from_url(config.redis_url)
    listener = stream.RedisPublishListener(r, config.status_channel)

    # Blocks and processes stream, 
Beispiel #6
def echo_output(input_sound, D, A):
    Same as make_echo except that input_sound is a list or array
    and is not a Stream.

    spoken = Stream('spoken')
    heard = make_echo(spoken, D, A)
    return recent_values(heard)
Beispiel #7
def map_window_example_simple_with_state():
    # Example with state and no additional parameters
    # Declare functions
    def comp(this_list, state):
        # this_list is a list
        # state is a number
        # return next element of output stream, next state
        next_state = sum(this_list)
        next_output_element = sum(this_list) > state
        return next_output_element, next_state

    # Create streams
    x = Stream('x')
    c = Stream('c')

    # Create agents

    # Explanation of agent
    # The initial state is 0
    # The initial value of this_list is x[:window_size]
    # The zeroth element of the output stream is:
    # func(x[:window_size], state)
    # c[0] = sum(x[:window_size]) > 0 because 0 is the initial state
    # c[j] = sum(x[step_size*j:step_size*j+window_size]) >
    #        sum(x[step_size*(j-1):step_size*(j-1)+window_size])

    # Put data into input streams and run.
    DATA = [1, 10, 0, -1, 2, 3, -10, -20, 11, 1]
    # With window_size=2, step_size=4, and this DATA the output is:
    # [(1 + 10 > 0), (2 + 3 > 1 + 10), (11 + 1 > 2 + 3)] which is
    # [True, False, True]

    # Inspect output
    assert recent_values(c) == [True, False, True]
Beispiel #8
def map_window_example_simple_with_parameter():
    # Example with no state and additional parameters
    # The additional parameter is threshold
    # Since this agent has no state, this function returns a single
    # value which is appended to the output stream.
    # Declare functions
    def thresh(in_stream_window, threshold):
        return sum(in_stream_window) > threshold

    # Create streams
    x = Stream('x')
    t = Stream('t')

    # Create agents

    # Explanation of agent
    # For all j, : t[j] is True if and only if
    # sum(x[window_size*j : step_size*j+window_size]) > threshold.
    # With window_size of 3 and step_size of 2, and threshold of 5
    # the output is
    # [sum(x[0:3]) > 0, sum(x[2:5] > 0, sum(x[4:7] > 0, ...]
    # Note: You can use any names as arguments in the
    # definition of func, as in:
    # def thresh(v, s): return sum(v) > w

    # Put data into input streams and run.
    DATA = [1, 1, 0, -1, 0, 3, -1, -20, 11, 1]
    # With window_size=3, step_size=2, and this DATA the output is:
    # [(1 + 1 + 0 > 0), (0 + (-1) + 0 > 0), (0 + 3 + (-1) > 0), ..] which is
    # [True, False, True]

    # Inspect output
    assert recent_values(t) == [True, False, True, False]
def examples():
    # Example with @fmap_w and @map_w
    def sum_window(window):
        return sum(window)

    def total_window(window):
        return sum(window)

    r = Stream()
    s = Stream()
    t = sum_window(r, window_size=2, step_size=2)
    total_window(in_stream=r, out_stream=s, window_size=2, step_size=2)

    assert recent_values(t) == [1, 5, 9, 13, 17]
    assert recent_values(t) == recent_values(s)

    # Example with keyword argument
    def sum_add(v, addend):
        return sum(v) + addend

    s = Stream()
    t = sum_add(s, window_size=2, step_size=2, addend=10)
    assert recent_values(t) == [11, 15, 19, 23, 27]

    # Example with keyword argument using map_w
    def sum_add_relation(v, addend):
        return sum(v) + addend

    s = Stream()
    t = Stream()
    sum_add_relation(s, t, window_size=2, step_size=2, addend=10)
    assert recent_values(t) == [11, 15, 19, 23, 27]

    # Example with state and keyword argument
    def h(v, state, addend):
        next_state = state + 1
        return sum(v) + state + addend, next_state

    s = Stream()
    t = h(s, window_size=2, step_size=2, state=0, addend=10)
    assert recent_values(t) == [11, 16, 21, 26, 31]

    # Output stream is the average of the max of
    # successive windows
    def h(window, state):
        count, total = state
        next_total = total + max(window)
        next_count = count + 1
        next_output = next_total / next_count
        next_state = next_count, next_total
        return next_output, next_state

    s = Stream()
    t = h(s, window_size=4, step_size=4, state=(0, 0.0))
    assert recent_values(t) == [3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0, 11.0]
Beispiel #10
def examples_filter_element():
    x = Stream('x')
    # Filter to only have even numbers
    even = Stream()
    filter_element(func=lambda v: not v % 2, in_stream=x, out_stream=even)
    # Example: If x = [0, 1, 2, 3, ... ] then y is [0, 2, 4, ...]

    # Filter to only have odd numbers
    odd = Stream()
    filter_element(func=lambda v: v % 2, in_stream=x, out_stream=odd)

    # Filter to only have negative numbers
    neg = Stream('negative')
    filter_element(func=lambda v: v < 0, in_stream=x, out_stream=neg)

    # Filter to only have non_negativenumbers
    non_neg = Stream('non_negative')
    filter_element(func=lambda v: v >= 0, in_stream=x, out_stream=non_neg)

    # filter_element with state and no additional arguments
    def less_than_n(v, state):
        next_output_element = (v <= state)
        next_state = state + 1
        return next_output_element, next_state

    y = Stream('y')
    less = Stream()
    filter_element(func=less_than_n, in_stream=y, out_stream=less, state=0)

    # State on j-th step is j.
    # less_than_n(v, state) returns (v < j) on the j-th step.
    # less filters out all elements v for which v > j
    # So if y is [1, 5, 0, 2, 6, 3] then since states are [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,..]
    # then since not(y[0] <= 0), not(y[1] <= 1),
    # y[2] <= 2, y[3] <=3, .... the sequence of outputs of the function
    # less_than_v are [(False, 0), (False, 1), (True, 2), (True, 3), ...]. So
    # the output stream contains y[2], y[3], ... or [0, 2, ...]

    # filter_element with state and with additional keyword arguments
    # The keyword argument is addend.
    def less_than_n_plus_addend(v, state, addend):
        # return pair: boolean filter, next state
        return v <= state + addend, state + 1

    z = Stream('z')
    less_addend = Stream()

    # State on j-th step is j.
    # Stream less contains z[j] if and only if z[j] <= j+3
    # For example, if z = [2, 3, 3, 4, 10, 15, 7, .....] then the
    # output stream is [2, 3, 3, 4, 7, ...]

    # filter out numbers above the threshold
    def threshold(v, threshold):
        return v > threshold

    above_threshold = Stream('above threshold')

    # Put data into input streams and run.
    DATA_x = list(range(-5, 5, 1))
    DATA_y = [1, 5, 0, 2, 6, 3]
    DATA_z = [2, 3, 3, 4, 10, 15, 7]


    # Inspect output
    assert recent_values(even) == [-4, -2, 0, 2, 4]
    assert recent_values(odd) == [-5, -3, -1, 1, 3]
    assert recent_values(non_neg) == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    assert recent_values(neg) == [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1]
    assert recent_values(less) == [0, 2, 3]
    assert recent_values(less_addend) == [2, 3, 3, 4, 7]
    assert recent_values(above_threshold) == [1, 2, 3, 4]
Beispiel #11
import stream

def examples():
    # Split a stream into a list of streams. In this
    # example, a stream (s) is split into two streams:
    # u and v.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function. This function returns a list
    # of two values corresponding to the two output
    # streams.
    def h(x):
        return [2 * x, x + 1000]

    # Create streams.
    s = Stream()
    u = Stream()
    v = Stream()

    # Create agents by calling the decorated function.
    h(s, [u, v])

    # Put data into input streams.
    DATA = list(range(5))

    # Run the agents.

    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(u) == [2 * x for x in DATA]
    assert recent_values(v) == [x + 1000 for x in DATA]

    # Split a stream into a list of streams. Use
    # a keyword argument in the splitting function.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function. This function returns a list
    # of two values corresponding to the two output
    # streams. addend is a keyword argument in the
    # function that creates agents.
    def h(x, addend):
        return [x + addend, x + 1000 + addend]

    # Create streams.
    s = Stream()
    u = Stream()
    v = Stream()
    # Call decorated function.
    ADDEND = 10
    h(s, [u, v], addend=ADDEND)
    # Put data into input streams.
    # Run the decorated function.
    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(u) == [x + ADDEND for x in DATA]
    assert recent_values(v) == [x + 1000 + ADDEND for x in DATA]

    # Split a stream into a list of streams, with
    # a keyword argument and state.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function. addend and multiplicand are
    # keyword arguments used in the call to create
    # agents. The function h returns 2 values:
    # (1) a list of two numbers corresponding to the
    #     two output streams and
    # (2) the next state.
    def h(v, state, addend, multiplicand):
        next_state = state + 2
        return ([v + addend + state, v * multiplicand + state], next_state)

    # Create streams.
    s = Stream()
    u = Stream()
    v = Stream()

    # Call decorated function to create agents. The initial state
    # is 0. Include keyword arguments in the call.
    ADDEND = 10
    h(s, [u, v], state=0, addend=ADDEND, multiplicand=MULTIPLICAND)

    # Put data into input streams.

    # Run the agent.

    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(u) == [10, 13, 16, 19, 22]
    assert recent_values(v) == [0, 4, 8, 12, 16]

    # Split a stream into a list of streams, with
    # a state.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function. This function returns two values
    # a list and the next state, where the list has two
    # values with one value for each output streams.
    def h(v, state):
        next_state = state + 1
        return [v + state, v + 1000 + state], next_state

    # Create streams.
    s = Stream()
    u = Stream()
    v = Stream()

    # Call decorated function to create agents.
    h(in_stream=s, out_streams=[u, v], state=0)
    # Put data into input streams.

    # Run the decorated function.

    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(u) == [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
    assert recent_values(v) == [1000, 1002, 1004, 1006, 1008]

    # Split a stream into exactly two streams.
    # This is in functional form, i.e. it creates
    # and returns two streams.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(v):
        return [v, v + 1000]

    # Create streams.
    s = Stream()

    # Call decorated function to create agents
    # Note that h creates streams u, v. It creates
    # 2 streams because the decorator is fsplit_2e
    u, v = h(s)
    # Put data into input streams.
    # Run the decorated function.
    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(u) == DATA
    assert recent_values(v) == [1000 + x for x in DATA]

    # Split a stream into exactly two streams, with a
    # keyword argument. This is in functional
    # form, i.e. it creates and returns two streams.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(v, addend):
        return [v + addend, v + 1000 + addend]

    # Create streams.
    s = Stream()

    # Call decorated function to create agents. Note
    # functional form.
    u, v = h(s, addend=10)

    # Put data into input streams.

    # Run the agents.

    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(u) == [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
    assert recent_values(v) == [1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014]

    # Split a stream into exactly two streams, with a
    # state and keyword argument. This is in functional
    # form, i.e. it creates and returns two streams.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(v, state, addend):
        next_state = state + 1
        return ([v + addend + state, v + 1000 + addend + state], next_state)

    # Create streams.
    s = Stream()
    # Call decorated function.
    u, v = h(s, state=0, addend=10)
    # Put data into input streams.
    # Run the decorated function.
    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(u) == [10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
    assert recent_values(v) == [1010, 1012, 1014, 1016, 1018]

    # Split a stream into exactly two streams, with a
    # state. This is in functional form,
    # i.e. it creates and returns two streams.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def hk(v, state):
        next_state = state + 1
        return [v + state, v + 1000 + state], next_state

    # Create streams.
    s = Stream()
    # Call decorated function.
    u, v = h(s, state=0, addend=10)
    u, v = hk(s, state=0)
    # Put data into input streams.
    # Run the decorated function.
    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(u) == [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
    assert recent_values(v) == [1000, 1002, 1004, 1006, 1008]

    # Split a stream into a list of streams.
    # Window operation
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(window):
        return [sum(window), max(window)]

    # Create streams.
    s = Stream()
    u = Stream()
    v = Stream()
    # Call decorated function.
    h(s, [u, v], window_size=3, step_size=2)
    # Put data into input streams.
    # Run the decorated function.
    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(u) == [3, 9, 15, 21, 27]
    assert recent_values(v) == [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

    # Split a stream into a list of streams with
    # keyword argument. Window operation
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(window, addend):
        return [sum(window) + addend, max(window) + addend]

    # Create streams.
    s = Stream()
    u = Stream()
    v = Stream()

    # Call decorated function to create agents.
    h(s, [u, v], window_size=3, step_size=2, addend=1000)

    # Put data into input streams.

    # Run the agents.

    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(u) == [1003, 1009, 1015, 1021, 1027]
    assert recent_values(v) == [1002, 1004, 1006, 1008, 1010]

    # Split a stream into a list of streams with state and
    # keyword argument. Window operation
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(window, state, addend):
        next_state = state + 1
        return ([sum(window) + addend + state,
                 max(window) + addend + state], next_state)

    # Create streams.
    s = Stream()
    u = Stream()
    v = Stream()
    # Call decorated function.
    h(s, [u, v], window_size=3, step_size=2, state=0, addend=1000)
    # Put data into input streams.
    # Run the decorated function.
    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(u) == [1003, 1010, 1017, 1024, 1031]
    assert recent_values(v) == [1002, 1005, 1008, 1011, 1014]

    # Split a stream into a list of streams with state.
    # Window operation
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function. The first argument of the function
    # is a list, i.e., the window. The function returns
    # two values: a list and the next state where the list
    # has one item for eah output stream.
    def h(window, state):
        next_state = state + 1
        return [sum(window) + state, max(window) + state], next_state

    # Create streams.
    s = Stream()
    u = Stream()
    v = Stream()

    # Call decorated function to create agents.
    h(s, [u, v], window_size=3, step_size=2, state=0)

    # Put data into input streams.

    # Run the agents.

    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(u) == [3, 10, 17, 24, 31]
    assert recent_values(v) == [2, 5, 8, 11, 14]

    # Split a stream into exactly TWO streams.
    # WINDOW operation
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function. This is in functional form,
    # i.e. it creates and returns a list of streams.
    def h(window):
        return sum(window), max(window)

    # Create streams.
    s = Stream()
    # Call decorated function. This function
    # creates and returns two streams.
    u, v = h(s, window_size=3, step_size=2)
    # Put data into input streams.
    # Run the decorated function.
    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(u) == [3, 9, 15, 21, 27]
    assert recent_values(v) == [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

    # Split a stream into exactly two streams with
    # keyword argument. Window operation
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function. This is in functional form,
    # i.e. it creates and returns two streams.
    def h(window, addend):
        return sum(window) + addend, max(window) + addend * 2

    # Create streams.
    s = Stream()
    # Call decorated function. This function
    # creates and returns two streams.
    u, v = h(s, window_size=3, step_size=2, addend=1000)
    # Put data into input streams.
    # Run the decorated function.
    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(u) == [1003, 1009, 1015, 1021, 1027]
    assert recent_values(v) == [2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010]

    # Split a stream into exactly two streams with
    # state and keyword argument. Window operation
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function. This is in functional form,
    # i.e. it creates and returns two streams.
    def h(window, state, addend):
        next_state = state + 1
        return ([
            sum(window) + addend + state,
            max(window) + addend * 2 - state
        ], next_state)

    # Create streams.
    s = Stream()
    # Call decorated function. This function
    # creates and returns two streams.
    u, v = h(s, window_size=3, step_size=2, state=0, addend=1000)
    # Put data into input streams.
    # Run the decorated function.
    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(u) == [1003, 1010, 1017, 1024, 1031]
    assert recent_values(v) == [2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006]

    # Split a stream into exactly two streams with
    # state. Window operation
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function. This is in functional form,
    # i.e. it creates and returns two streams.
    def h(window, state):
        next_state = state + 1
        return [sum(window) + state, max(window) - state], next_state

    # Create streams.
    s = Stream()
    # Call decorated function. This function
    # creates and returns two streams.
    u, v = h(s, window_size=3, step_size=2, state=0)
    # Put data into input streams.
    # Run the decorated function.
    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(u) == [3, 10, 17, 24, 31]
    assert recent_values(v) == [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
def examples():
    # --------------------------------------------
    # Example: simple example of @map_e and @fmap_e

    # Specify agent functions
    def twice(v): return 2*v
    def double(v): return 2*v

    # Create streams
    x = Stream()
    y = Stream()

    # Create agents
    # Relational form: g(in_stream=x, out_stream=y)
    double(in_stream=x, out_stream=y)
    # Functional form: Create stream z.
    z = twice(x)

    # Put data into streams and run
    DATA = list(range(5))

    # Check results.
    assert recent_values(z) == [2*v for v in DATA]
    assert recent_values(y) == [2*v for v in DATA]
    # --------------------------------------------

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Examples: @map_e and @fmap_e with keyword
    # arguments

    # Specify agent functions
    def g(v, addend): return v + addend
    def h(v, addend): return v + addend

    # Create streams
    x = Stream('x')
    y = Stream('y')

    # Create agents
    # keyword argument is addend
    ADDEND = 10
    # Relational form: g(in_stream=x, out_stream=y, **kwargs)
    g(x, y, addend=ADDEND)
    # Functional form: Create stream z. h(in_stream=x, **kwargs)
    z = h(x, addend=ADDEND)

    # Put data into streams and run
    DATA = list(range(10))

    # Check results.
    assert recent_values(y) == [v+ADDEND for v in DATA]
    assert recent_values(y) == recent_values(z)
    # --------------------------------------------

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Examples @map_e and @fmap_e with keyword
    # arguments

    # Specify agent functions
    def multiply(v, multiplicand): return v * multiplicand
    def times(v, multiplicand): return v * multiplicand

    # Create streams
    x = Stream('x')
    y = Stream('y')

    # Create agents
    # keyword argument is multiplicand
    # Relational form: multiply(in_stream=x, out_stream=y, **kwargs)
    multiply(x, y, multiplicand=MULTIPLICAND)
    # Functional form: Create stream z. times(in_stream=x, **kwargs)
    z = times(x, multiplicand=MULTIPLICAND)

    # Put data into streams and run
    DATA = list(range(4))

    # Check results.
    assert recent_values(y) == [v*MULTIPLICAND for v in DATA]
    assert recent_values(y) == recent_values(z)
    # --------------------------------------------

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Examples @map_e and @fmap_e with state

    # Specify agent functions
    def deltas(input_value, state):
        difference = input_value - state
        next_state = input_value
        return difference, next_state
    def increments(u, v): return u - v, u

    # Create streams
    x = Stream('x')
    y = Stream('y')

    # Create agents
    # Initial state is 0.
    # Relational form
    deltas(in_stream=x, out_stream=y, state=0)
    # Functional form. Create stream z. increments(in_stream=x, state=0)
    z = increments(x, state=0)

    # Put data into streams and run
    x.extend([0, 1, 5, 21])

    # Check results.
    assert recent_values(y) == [0, 1, 4, 16]
    assert recent_values(y) == recent_values(z)
    # --------------------------------------------

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Examples @map_e and @fmap_e with state

    # Specify agent functions.
    def g(v, state):
        next_state = state + 1
        return v + state, next_state
    def h(v, state):
        next_state = state + 1
        return v + state, next_state

    # Create streams
    x = Stream('x')
    y = Stream('y')

    # Create agents
    # Initial state is 0.
    # Relational form g(in_stream=x, out_stream=y, state=0)
    g(x, y, state=0)
    # Functional form. Create stream z. h(in_stream=x, state=0)
    z = h(x, state=0)

    # Put data into streams and run
    DATA = list(range(10))

    # Check results.
    assert recent_values(y) == [
        0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
    assert recent_values(y) == recent_values(z)
    # --------------------------------------------

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Examples @map_e and @fmap_e with keyword
    # arguments and state

    # Specify agent functions.
    def g(v, state, addend):
        next_state = state + 1
        return v + addend + state, next_state
    def h(v, state, addend):
        next_state = state + 1
        return v + addend + state, next_state

    # Create streams.
    x = Stream('x')
    y = Stream('y')

    # Create agents
    # Initial state is 0, keyword argument is addend
    # Relational form g(in_stream=x, out_stream=y, state=0, **kwargs)
    ADDEND = 10
    g(x, y, state=0, addend=ADDEND)
    z = h(x, state=0, addend=ADDEND)

    # Put data into streams and run
    DATA = list(range(10))

    # Check results.
    assert recent_values(y) == [
        10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28]
    assert recent_values(y) == recent_values(z)
    # --------------------------------------------

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Example @map_e with keyword arguments and state

    # Specify agent functions.
    def anomalous_change(v, state, max_change):
        delta = v - state
        next_state = v
        next_output = True if delta > max_change else False
        return next_output, next_state
    def big_change(v, state, max_change):
        delta = v - state
        next_state = v
        next_output = True if delta > max_change else False
        return next_output, next_state

    # Create streams.
    x = Stream('x')
    y = Stream('y')

    # Create agents
    # Initial state is 0, keyword argument is max_change
    # Relational form
    # anomalous_change(in_stream=x, out_stream=y, state=0, **kwargs)
    anomalous_change(x, y, state=0, max_change=4)
    # Functional form
    # big_change(in_stream=x, state=0, max_change=4)
    z = big_change(x, state=0, max_change=4)

    # Put data into streams and run
    x.extend([0, 1, 6, 12, 11, 20, 22])

    # Check results.
    assert recent_values(y) == [
        False, False, True, True, False, True, False]
    assert recent_values(y) == recent_values(z)

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Example @fmap_e with keyword arguments and state
    # Define a function that uses #fmap_e
    # Specify exponential_smoothing
    def exponential_smoothing(x, a):
          x: Stream
          a: number
            where 0 <= a <= 1. The smoothing factor
          y: Stream
          y[0] = x[0]
          y[n] = a*x[n] + (1-a)*y[n-1] for n > 0.


        # Specify agent functions.
        def f(v, state, a):
            next_state = (v if state is 'empty'
                          else (1.0-a)*state + a*v)
            return next_state, next_state

        # return an agent specification
        return f(x, state='empty', a=a)
    # Finished definition of exponential_smoothing()

    # Create streams x, y and create the network of agents
    # specified by the function exponential_smoothing()
    x = Stream('x')
    y = exponential_smoothing(x, a=0.5)

    # Put data into input streams and run
    x.extend([16, 8, 4, 2, 1])

    # Check results.
    assert recent_values(y) == [16, 12.0, 8.0, 5.0, 3.0]
    # --------------------------------------------

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Examples @fmap_e with _no_value
    # This example shows how to specify a filter by using
    # _no_value. h(v) returns _no_value for odd v, and
    # so stream z contains only even numbers.

    # Specify agent functions.
    def h(v):
        return _no_value if v%2 else v

    # Create streams.
    x = Stream('x')

    # Create agents and stream z.
    z = h(x)

    # Put data into input streams and run
    DATA = list(range(10))

    # Check results.
    assert recent_values(z) == [v for v in DATA if not v%2 ]
    assert recent_values(z) == [
        0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
    # --------------------------------------------

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Examples @fmap_e with _multi_value
    # Illustrates difference between returning
    # _multivalue(v) and v.

    # Specify agent functions.
    def h(v): return _multivalue(v)
    def g(v): return v

    # Create streams.
    x = Stream('x')

    # Create streams z, y and create the network of agents
    # specified by the functions h() and g().
    z = h(x)
    y = g(x)

    # Put data into input streams and run
    x.extend([('hello', 'Hola'), ('bye', 'adios')])

    # Check results.
    assert recent_values(z) == [
       'hello', 'Hola', 'bye', 'adios']
    assert recent_values(y) == [
        ('hello', 'Hola'), ('bye', 'adios')]
    # --------------------------------------------

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Examples @fmap_e with _multi_value and _no_value

    # Specify agent functions.
    def h(v):
        return _multivalue((v, v+10)) if v%2 else _no_value

    # Create streams.
    s = Stream()

    # Create stream t and create the network of agents
    # specified by the function h().
    t = h(s)

    # Put data into input streams and run.
    DATA = list(range(10))

    # Check results.
    assert recent_values(t) == [
        1, 11, 3, 13, 5, 15, 7, 17, 9, 19]
    # --------------------------------------------

    # --------------------------------------------

    # Specify class and create an object of this class.
    class add(object):
        def __init__(self, addend):
            self.addend = addend
        def func(self, v):
            return _multivalue((v, v+self.addend)) if v%2 else _no_value

    add_object = add(10)

    # Specify agent functions.
    def h(v):
        return add_object.func(v)

    # Create streams.
    s = Stream()

    # Create stream t and create the network of agents
    # specified by the function h().
    t = h(s)

    # Put data into input streams and run.
    DATA = list(range(10))

    # Check results.
    assert recent_values(t) == [1, 11, 3, 13, 5, 15, 7, 17, 9, 19]
    # --------------------------------------------

    # --------------------------------------------
    # Examples @fmap_e with a class

    # Specify class and create an object of this class.
    class average(object):
        def __init__(self, max_value):
            # Clip elements of the stream greater than max_value
            self.max_value = max_value
            self.count = 0
   = 0.0
        def f(self, v):
            v = min(v, self.max_value)
   += v
            self.count += 1

    c = average(max_value=10)

    # Specify agent functions.
    def avg(v): return c.f(v)

    # Create streams.
    x = Stream('x')

    # Create stream y and create the network of agents
    # specified by the function avg().
    y = avg(x)

    # Put data into input streams and run.
    x.extend([1, 7, 20, 2])

    # Check results.
    assert recent_values(y) == [
        1, 4, 6, 5]
Beispiel #14
    return np.exp(-(np.square(x-dd)+np.square(y))/(dd/10.)) + np.exp(-(np.square(x+dd)+np.square(y))/(dd/10.))
def init(i, t): = vortexInit

# Use matplotlib to visualize the generated vorticity field
def graph(i, t):
    print ("t=",t)
    Z =,Y)

# Shift the origin using predefined function
# Initialize grid

#Register the initial condition and graph the function
bas.event(init, t=0.)
bas.event(graph, t=np.arange(0,30,0.1))

#Run the simulation

#Save the gif file:
images[0].save('VortexMerger.gif',save_all=True, append_images=images[1:], optimize=False, duration=5, loop=0)
def examples_merge():
    # Simple merge of list of streams.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def sum_stream(l):
        # l is a list.
        return sum(l)

    # Create streams.
    x = Stream('X')
    y = Stream('Y')
    # Call decorated function.
    t = sum_stream([x, y])
    # Put data into input streams.
    y.extend(list(range(100, 120)))
    # Run the decorated function.
    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(t) == [
        100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118

    # Merge list of streams with keyword argument.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(l, addend):
        # l is a list.
        return sum(l) + addend

    # Create streams.
    x = Stream('X')
    y = Stream('Y')
    # Call decorated function.
    t = h([x, y], addend=1000)
    # Put data into input streams.
    y.extend(list(range(100, 120)))
    # Run the decorated function.
    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(t) == [
        1100, 1102, 1104, 1106, 1108, 1110, 1112, 1114, 1116, 1118

    # Merge list of streams with keyword argument
    # and state.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(l, state, addend):
        # l is a list.
        next_state = state + 1
        return sum(l) + addend + state, next_state

    # Create streams.
    x = Stream('X')
    y = Stream('Y')
    # Call decorated function.
    t = h([x, y], state=0, addend=1000)
    # Put data into input streams
    y.extend(list(range(100, 120)))
    # Run the decorated function.
    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(t) == [
        1100, 1103, 1106, 1109, 1112, 1115, 1118, 1121, 1124, 1127

    # Merge list of streams with state.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(l, state):
        # l is a list.
        next_state = state + 1
        return sum(l) + state, next_state

    # Create streams.
    x = Stream('X')
    y = Stream('Y')
    # Call decorated function.
    t = h([x, y], state=0)
    # Put data into input streams
    y.extend(list(range(100, 120)))
    # Run the decorated function.
    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(t) == [
        100, 103, 106, 109, 112, 115, 118, 121, 124, 127

    # Asynchonous merge.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(v):
        # v is an argument of any input stream.
        return 2 * v

    # Create streams.
    x = Stream('X')
    y = Stream('Y')
    # Call decorated function.
    h([x, y], t)
    # Put data into input streams.
    y.extend(list(range(100, 120)))
    # Run the decorated function.
    # Print contents of output streams.
    #print recent_values(t)

    # Asynchonous merge with state.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(v, state):
        next_state = state + 1
        return 2 * v + state, next_state

    # Create streams.
    x = Stream('x')
    y = Stream('y')
    # Call decorated function.
    h([x, y], t, state=0)
    # Put data into input streams.
    y.extend(list(range(100, 120)))
    # Run the decorated function.
    #print recent_values(t)

    # Asynchonous merge with keyword parameter.
    def h(v, addend):
        return 2 * v + addend

    # Create streams.
    x = Stream('X')
    y = Stream('Y')
    # Call decorated function.
    h([x, y], t, addend=1000)
    # Put data into input streams.
    y.extend(list(range(100, 120)))
    # Run the decorated function.
    #print recent_values(t)

    # Merge two streams.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(x, y):
        # x,y are elements of the two input streams.
        return x + 2 * y

    # Create streams.
    x = Stream()
    y = Stream()
    # Call decorated function.
    t = h(x, y)
    # Put data into input streams.
    y.extend(list(range(100, 120)))
    # Run the decorated function.
    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(t) == [
        200, 203, 206, 209, 212, 215, 218, 221, 224, 227

    # Merge two streams with keyword parameters.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(x, y, addend):
        # x,y are elements of the two input streams.
        return x + 2 * y + addend

    x = Stream()
    y = Stream()
    t = h(x, y, addend=1000)
    y.extend(list(range(100, 120)))
    assert recent_values(t) == [
        1200, 1203, 1206, 1209, 1212, 1215, 1218, 1221, 1224, 1227

    # Merge two streams with keyword parameters and
    # state.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(x, y, state, addend):
        # x,y are elements of the two input streams.
        next_state = state + 1
        return x + 2 * y + addend + state, next_state

    x = Stream()
    y = Stream()
    t = h(x, y, state=0, addend=1000)
    y.extend(list(range(100, 120)))
    assert recent_values(t) == [
        1200, 1204, 1208, 1212, 1216, 1220, 1224, 1228, 1232, 1236

    # Merge two streams with state.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(x, y, state):
        # x,y are elements of the two input streams.
        next_state = state + 1
        return x + 2 * y + state, next_state

    x = Stream()
    y = Stream()
    t = h(x, y, state=0)
    y.extend(list(range(100, 120)))
    assert recent_values(t) == [
        200, 204, 208, 212, 216, 220, 224, 228, 232, 236

    # Merge list of streams: window operation.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(list_of_windows):
        window_0, window_1 = list_of_windows
        return sum(window_0) + 2 * sum(window_1)

    # Create streams.
    x = Stream()
    y = Stream()
    # Call decorated function.
    in_streams = [x, y]
    t = h(in_streams, window_size=2, step_size=2)
    # Put data into input streams.
    y.extend(list(range(100, 120)))
    # Run the decorated function.
    # Check values of output streams.
    assert recent_values(t) == [
        403, 415, 427, 439, 451, 463, 475, 487, 499, 511

    # Merge list of streams with keyword argument:
    # window operation.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(list_of_windows, addend):
        window_0, window_1 = list_of_windows
        return sum(window_0) + 2 * sum(window_1) + addend

    x = Stream()
    y = Stream()
    in_streams = [x, y]
    t = h(in_streams, window_size=2, step_size=2, addend=1000)

    y.extend(list(range(100, 120)))

    assert recent_values(t) == [
        1403, 1415, 1427, 1439, 1451, 1463, 1475, 1487, 1499, 1511

    # Merge list of streams with state and keyword argument:
    # window operation.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(list_of_windows, state, addend):
        next_state = state + 1
        window_0, window_1 = list_of_windows
        return sum(window_0) + 2 * sum(window_1) + addend + state, next_state

    x = Stream()
    y = Stream()
    in_streams = [x, y]
    t = h(in_streams, window_size=2, step_size=2, state=0, addend=1000)
    y.extend(list(range(100, 120)))
    assert recent_values(t) == [
        1403, 1416, 1429, 1442, 1455, 1468, 1481, 1494, 1507, 1520

    # Merge list of streams with state:
    # window operation.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(list_of_windows, state):
        next_state = state + 1
        window_0, window_1 = list_of_windows
        return sum(window_0) + 2 * sum(window_1) + state, next_state

    x = Stream()
    y = Stream()
    in_streams = [x, y]
    t = h(in_streams, window_size=2, step_size=2, state=0)
    y.extend(list(range(100, 120)))
    assert recent_values(t) == [
        403, 416, 429, 442, 455, 468, 481, 494, 507, 520

    # Merge two streams: window operation.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(window_x, window_y):
        return sum(window_x) + 2 * sum(window_y)

    x = Stream()
    y = Stream()
    t = h(x, y, window_size=2, step_size=2)
    y.extend(list(range(100, 120)))
    assert recent_values(t) == [
        403, 415, 427, 439, 451, 463, 475, 487, 499, 511

    # Merge two streams with keyword argument:
    # window operation.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(window_0, window_1, addend):
        return sum(window_0) + 2 * sum(window_1) + addend

    x = Stream()
    y = Stream()
    in_streams = [x, y]
    t = h(x, y, window_size=2, step_size=2, addend=1000)
    y.extend(list(range(100, 120)))
    assert recent_values(t) == [
        1403, 1415, 1427, 1439, 1451, 1463, 1475, 1487, 1499, 1511

    # Merge two streams with state and keyword argument:
    # window operation.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(window_0, window_1, state, addend):
        next_state = state + 1
        return ((sum(window_0) + 2 * sum(window_1) + addend + state),

    x = Stream()
    y = Stream()
    in_streams = [x, y]
    t = h(x, y, window_size=2, step_size=2, state=0, addend=1000)
    y.extend(list(range(100, 120)))
    assert recent_values(t) == [
        1403, 1416, 1429, 1442, 1455, 1468, 1481, 1494, 1507, 1520

    # Merge two streams with state:
    # window operation.
    # Decorate a conventional function to get a
    # stream function.
    def h(window_0, window_1, state):
        next_state = state + 1
        return sum(window_0) + 2 * sum(window_1) + state, next_state

    x = Stream()
    y = Stream()
    in_streams = [x, y]
    t = h(x, y, window_size=2, step_size=2, state=0)
    y.extend(list(range(100, 120)))
    assert recent_values(t) == [
        403, 416, 429, 442, 455, 468, 481, 494, 507, 520