def test_capture_defaults(self, mockCommunicate):
     mockCommunicate.return_value = (('stdout', 'stderr'), 0)
     self.assertEqual('stdout', subprocess2.capture(['foo'], a=True))
Beispiel #2
def AlertOnUncleanCheckout():
  """Sends an alert if the cq is running live with local edits."""
  diff = subprocess2.capture(['gclient', 'diff'], cwd=ROOT_DIR).strip()
  if diff:
        'CQ running with local diff.',
        ('Ruh-roh! Commit queue was started with an unclean checkout.\n\n'
         '$ gclient diff\n%s' % diff))
Beispiel #3
def getSVNInfo(url, revision):
  info = {}
  svn_info = subprocess2.capture(
      ['svn', 'info', '--non-interactive', '%s@%s' % (url, revision)],
  for line in svn_info:
    match ="(.*?):(.*)", line)
    if match:
      info[] =
  return info
Beispiel #4
 def test_capture_defaults(self):
     results = self._fake_communicate()
     self.assertEquals('stdout', subprocess2.capture(['foo'], a=True))
     expected = {
         'args': ['foo'],
         'a': True,
         'stdin': subprocess2.VOID,
         'stdout': subprocess2.PIPE,
     self.assertEquals(expected, results)
Beispiel #5
def getSVNInfo(url, revision):
  info = {}
  svn_info = subprocess2.capture(
      ['svn', 'info', '--non-interactive', '%s@%s' % (url, revision)],
  for line in svn_info:
    match ="(.*?):(.*)", line)
    if match:
      info[] =
  return info
 def test_capture_defaults(self):
   results = self._fake_communicate()
       'stdout', subprocess2.capture(['foo'], a=True))
   expected = {
       'args': ['foo'],
       'stdin': subprocess2.VOID,
       'stdout': subprocess2.PIPE,
   self.assertEquals(expected, results)
Beispiel #7
  def update(self, options, args, file_list):
    """Runs git to update or transparently checkout the working copy.

    All updated files will be appended to file_list.

      Error: if can't get URL for relative path.
    if args:
      raise gclient_utils.Error("Unsupported argument(s): %s" % ",".join(args))


    # If a dependency is not pinned, track the default remote branch.
    default_rev = 'refs/remotes/%s/master' % self.remote
    url, deps_revision = gclient_utils.SplitUrlRevision(self.url)
    revision = deps_revision
    managed = True
    if options.revision:
      # Override the revision number.
      revision = str(options.revision)
    if revision == 'unmanaged':
      # Check again for a revision in case an initial ref was specified
      # in the url, for example bla.git@refs/heads/custombranch
      revision = deps_revision
      managed = False
    if not revision:
      revision = default_rev

    if managed:

    printed_path = False
    verbose = []
    if options.verbose:
      self.Print('_____ %s at %s' % (self.relpath, revision), timestamp=False)
      verbose = ['--verbose']
      printed_path = True

    remote_ref = scm.GIT.RefToRemoteRef(revision, self.remote)
    if remote_ref:
      # Rewrite remote refs to their local equivalents.
      revision = ''.join(remote_ref)
      rev_type = "branch"
    elif revision.startswith('refs/'):
      # Local branch? We probably don't want to support, since DEPS should
      # always specify branches as they are in the upstream repo.
      rev_type = "branch"
      # hash is also a tag, only make a distinction at checkout
      rev_type = "hash"

    mirror = self._GetMirror(url, options)
    if mirror:
      url = mirror.mirror_path

    # If we are going to introduce a new project, there is a possibility that
    # we are syncing back to a state where the project was originally a
    # sub-project rolled by DEPS (realistic case: crossing the Blink merge point
    # syncing backwards, when Blink was a DEPS entry and not part of src.git).
    # In such case, we might have a backup of the former .git folder, which can
    # be used to avoid re-fetching the entire repo again (useful for bisects).
    backup_dir = self.GetGitBackupDirPath()
    target_dir = os.path.join(self.checkout_path, '.git')
    if os.path.exists(backup_dir) and not os.path.exists(target_dir):
      os.rename(backup_dir, target_dir)
      # Reset to a clean state
      self._Scrub('HEAD', options)

    if (not os.path.exists(self.checkout_path) or
        (os.path.isdir(self.checkout_path) and
         not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.checkout_path, '.git')))):
      if mirror:
        self._UpdateMirrorIfNotContains(mirror, options, rev_type, revision)
        self._Clone(revision, url, options)
      except subprocess2.CalledProcessError:
        self._Clone(revision, url, options)
      if file_list is not None:
        files = self._Capture(['ls-files']).splitlines()
        file_list.extend([os.path.join(self.checkout_path, f) for f in files])
      if not verbose:
        # Make the output a little prettier. It's nice to have some whitespace
        # between projects when cloning.
      return self._Capture(['rev-parse', '--verify', 'HEAD'])

    if not managed:
      self._UpdateBranchHeads(options, fetch=False)
      self.Print('________ unmanaged solution; skipping %s' % self.relpath)
      return self._Capture(['rev-parse', '--verify', 'HEAD'])


    if mirror:
      self._UpdateMirrorIfNotContains(mirror, options, rev_type, revision)

    # See if the url has changed (the unittests use git://foo for the url, let
    # that through).
    current_url = self._Capture(['config', 'remote.%s.url' % self.remote])
    return_early = False
    # TODO(maruel): Delete url != 'git://foo' since it's just to make the
    # unit test pass. (and update the comment above)
    # Skip url auto-correction if remote.origin.gclient-auto-fix-url is set.
    # This allows devs to use experimental repos which have a different url
    # but whose branch(s) are the same as official repos.
    if (current_url.rstrip('/') != url.rstrip('/') and
        url != 'git://foo' and
            ['git', 'config', 'remote.%s.gclient-auto-fix-url' % self.remote],
            cwd=self.checkout_path).strip() != 'False'):
      self.Print('_____ switching %s to a new upstream' % self.relpath)
      if not (options.force or options.reset):
        # Make sure it's clean
      # Switch over to the new upstream
      self._Run(['remote', 'set-url', self.remote, url], options)
      if mirror:
        with open(os.path.join(
            self.checkout_path, '.git', 'objects', 'info', 'alternates'),
            'w') as fh:
          fh.write(os.path.join(url, 'objects'))
      self._EnsureValidHeadObjectOrCheckout(revision, options, url)
      self._FetchAndReset(revision, file_list, options)

      return_early = True
      self._EnsureValidHeadObjectOrCheckout(revision, options, url)

    if return_early:
      return self._Capture(['rev-parse', '--verify', 'HEAD'])

    cur_branch = self._GetCurrentBranch()

    # Cases:
    # 0) HEAD is detached. Probably from our initial clone.
    #   - make sure HEAD is contained by a named ref, then update.
    # Cases 1-4. HEAD is a branch.
    # 1) current branch is not tracking a remote branch
    #   - try to rebase onto the new hash or branch
    # 2) current branch is tracking a remote branch with local committed
    #    changes, but the DEPS file switched to point to a hash
    #   - rebase those changes on top of the hash
    # 3) current branch is tracking a remote branch w/or w/out changes, and
    #    no DEPS switch
    #   - see if we can FF, if not, prompt the user for rebase, merge, or stop
    # 4) current branch is tracking a remote branch, but DEPS switches to a
    #    different remote branch, and
    #   a) current branch has no local changes, and --force:
    #      - checkout new branch
    #   b) current branch has local changes, and --force and --reset:
    #      - checkout new branch
    #   c) otherwise exit

    # GetUpstreamBranch returns something like 'refs/remotes/origin/master' for
    # a tracking branch
    # or 'master' if not a tracking branch (it's based on a specific rev/hash)
    # or it returns None if it couldn't find an upstream
    if cur_branch is None:
      upstream_branch = None
      current_type = "detached"
      logging.debug("Detached HEAD")
      upstream_branch = scm.GIT.GetUpstreamBranch(self.checkout_path)
      if not upstream_branch or not upstream_branch.startswith('refs/remotes'):
        current_type = "hash"
        logging.debug("Current branch is not tracking an upstream (remote)"
                      " branch.")
      elif upstream_branch.startswith('refs/remotes'):
        current_type = "branch"
        raise gclient_utils.Error('Invalid Upstream: %s' % upstream_branch)

    if not scm.GIT.IsValidRevision(self.checkout_path, revision, sha_only=True):
      # Update the remotes first so we have all the refs.
      remote_output = scm.GIT.Capture(['remote'] + verbose + ['update'],
      if verbose:

    self._UpdateBranchHeads(options, fetch=True)

    revision = self._AutoFetchRef(options, revision)

    # This is a big hammer, debatable if it should even be here...
    if options.force or options.reset:
      target = 'HEAD'
      if options.upstream and upstream_branch:
        target = upstream_branch
      self._Scrub(target, options)

    if current_type == 'detached':
      # case 0
      # We just did a Scrub, this is as clean as it's going to get. In
      # particular if HEAD is a commit that contains two versions of the same
      # file on a case-insensitive filesystem (e.g. 'a' and 'A'), there's no way
      # to actually "Clean" the checkout; that commit is uncheckoutable on this
      # system. The best we can do is carry forward to the checkout step.
      if not (options.force or options.reset):
      self._CheckDetachedHead(revision, options)
      if self._Capture(['rev-list', '-n', '1', 'HEAD']) == revision:
        self.Print('Up-to-date; skipping checkout.')
        # 'git checkout' may need to overwrite existing untracked files. Allow
        # it only when nuclear options are enabled.
            force=(options.force and options.delete_unversioned_trees),
      if not printed_path:
        self.Print('_____ %s at %s' % (self.relpath, revision), timestamp=False)
    elif current_type == 'hash':
      # case 1
      # Can't find a merge-base since we don't know our upstream. That makes
      # this command VERY likely to produce a rebase failure. For now we
      # assume origin is our upstream since that's what the old behavior was.
      upstream_branch = self.remote
      if options.revision or deps_revision:
        upstream_branch = revision
      self._AttemptRebase(upstream_branch, file_list, options,
                          printed_path=printed_path, merge=options.merge)
      printed_path = True
    elif rev_type == 'hash':
      # case 2
      self._AttemptRebase(upstream_branch, file_list, options,
                          newbase=revision, printed_path=printed_path,
      printed_path = True
    elif remote_ref and ''.join(remote_ref) != upstream_branch:
      # case 4
      new_base = ''.join(remote_ref)
      if not printed_path:
        self.Print('_____ %s at %s' % (self.relpath, revision), timestamp=False)
      switch_error = ("Could not switch upstream branch from %s to %s\n"
                     % (upstream_branch, new_base) +
                     "Please use --force or merge or rebase manually:\n" +
                     "cd %s; git rebase %s\n" % (self.checkout_path, new_base) +
                     "OR git checkout -b <some new branch> %s" % new_base)
      force_switch = False
      if options.force:
          # case 4a
          force_switch = True
        except gclient_utils.Error as e:
          if options.reset:
            # case 4b
            force_switch = True
            switch_error = '%s\n%s' % (e.message, switch_error)
      if force_switch:
        self.Print("Switching upstream branch from %s to %s" %
                   (upstream_branch, new_base))
        switch_branch = 'gclient_' + remote_ref[1]
        self._Capture(['branch', '-f', switch_branch, new_base])
        self._Checkout(options, switch_branch, force=True, quiet=True)
        # case 4c
        raise gclient_utils.Error(switch_error)
      # case 3 - the default case
      rebase_files = self._Capture(
          ['diff', upstream_branch, '--name-only']).split()
      if verbose:
        self.Print('Trying fast-forward merge to branch : %s' % upstream_branch)
        merge_args = ['merge']
        if options.merge:
        merge_output = self._Capture(merge_args)
      except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as e:
        rebase_files = []
        if re.match('fatal: Not possible to fast-forward, aborting.', e.stderr):
          if not printed_path:
            self.Print('_____ %s at %s' % (self.relpath, revision),
            printed_path = True
          while True:
            if not options.auto_rebase:
                action = self._AskForData(
                    'Cannot %s, attempt to rebase? '
                    '(y)es / (q)uit / (s)kip : ' %
                        ('merge' if options.merge else 'fast-forward merge'),
              except ValueError:
                raise gclient_utils.Error('Invalid Character')
            if options.auto_rebase or re.match(r'yes|y', action, re.I):
              self._AttemptRebase(upstream_branch, rebase_files, options,
                                  printed_path=printed_path, merge=False)
              printed_path = True
            elif re.match(r'quit|q', action, re.I):
              raise gclient_utils.Error("Can't fast-forward, please merge or "
                                        "rebase manually.\n"
                                        "cd %s && git " % self.checkout_path
                                        + "rebase %s" % upstream_branch)
            elif re.match(r'skip|s', action, re.I):
              self.Print('Skipping %s' % self.relpath)
              self.Print('Input not recognized')
        elif re.match("error: Your local changes to '.*' would be "
                      "overwritten by merge.  Aborting.\nPlease, commit your "
                      "changes or stash them before you can merge.\n",
          if not printed_path:
            self.Print('_____ %s at %s' % (self.relpath, revision),
            printed_path = True
          raise gclient_utils.Error(e.stderr)
          # Some other problem happened with the merge
          logging.error("Error during fast-forward merge in %s!" % self.relpath)
        # Fast-forward merge was successful
        if not re.match('Already up-to-date.', merge_output) or verbose:
          if not printed_path:
            self.Print('_____ %s at %s' % (self.relpath, revision),
            printed_path = True
          if not verbose:
            # Make the output a little prettier. It's nice to have some
            # whitespace between projects when syncing.

      if file_list is not None:
            [os.path.join(self.checkout_path, f) for f in rebase_files])

    # If the rebase generated a conflict, abort and ask user to fix
    if self._IsRebasing():
      raise gclient_utils.Error('\n____ %s at %s\n'
                                '\nConflict while rebasing this branch.\n'
                                'Fix the conflict and run gclient again.\n'
                                'See man git-rebase for details.\n'
                                % (self.relpath, revision))

    if verbose:
      self.Print('Checked out revision %s' % self.revinfo(options, (), None),

    # If --reset and --delete_unversioned_trees are specified, remove any
    # untracked directories.
    if options.reset and options.delete_unversioned_trees:
      # GIT.CaptureStatus() uses 'dit diff' to compare to a specific SHA1 (the
      # merge-base by default), so doesn't include untracked files. So we use
      # 'git ls-files --directory --others --exclude-standard' here directly.
      paths = scm.GIT.Capture(
          ['ls-files', '--directory', '--others', '--exclude-standard'],
      for path in (p for p in paths.splitlines() if p.endswith('/')):
        full_path = os.path.join(self.checkout_path, path)
        if not os.path.islink(full_path):
          self.Print('_____ removing unversioned directory %s' % path)

    return self._Capture(['rev-parse', '--verify', 'HEAD'])