Beispiel #1
    def _get_connected_components(objects, merged_morphisms):
        Given a container of morphisms, returns a list of connected
        components formed by these morphisms.  A connected component
        is represented by a diagram consisting of the corresponding
        component_index = {}
        for o in objects:
            component_index[o] = None

        # Get the underlying undirected graph of the diagram.
        adjlist = DiagramGrid._get_undirected_graph(objects, merged_morphisms)

        def traverse_component(object, current_index):
            Does a depth-first search traversal of the component
            containing ``object``.
            component_index[object] = current_index
            for o in adjlist[object]:
                if component_index[o] is None:
                    traverse_component(o, current_index)

        # Traverse all components.
        current_index = 0
        for o in adjlist:
            if component_index[o] is None:
                traverse_component(o, current_index)
                current_index += 1

        # List the objects of the components.
        component_objects = [[] for i in xrange(current_index)]
        for o, idx in component_index.items():

        # Finally, list the morphisms belonging to each component.
        # Note: If some objects are isolated, they will not get any
        # morphisms at this stage, and since the layout algorithm
        # relies, we are essentially going to lose this object.
        # Therefore, check if there are isolated objects and, for each
        # of them, provide the trivial identity morphism.  It will get
        # discarded later, but the object will be there.

        component_morphisms = []
        for component in component_objects:
            current_morphisms = {}
            for m in merged_morphisms:
                if (m.domain in component) and (m.codomain in component):
                    current_morphisms[m] = merged_morphisms[m]

            if len(component) == 1:
                # Let's add an identity morphism, for the sake of
                # surely having morphisms in this component.
                current_morphisms[IdentityMorphism(component[0])] = FiniteSet()


        return component_morphisms
Beispiel #2
def test_categories():
    from sympy.categories import (Object, Morphism, IdentityMorphism,
                                  NamedMorphism, CompositeMorphism, Category,
                                  Diagram, DiagramGrid)

    A1 = Object("A1")
    A2 = Object("A2")
    A3 = Object("A3")

    f1 = NamedMorphism(A1, A2, "f1")
    f2 = NamedMorphism(A2, A3, "f2")
    id_A1 = IdentityMorphism(A1)

    K1 = Category("K1")

    assert latex(A1) == "A_{1}"
    assert latex(f1) == "f_{1}:A_{1}\\rightarrow A_{2}"
    assert latex(id_A1) == "id:A_{1}\\rightarrow A_{1}"
    assert latex(f2 * f1) == "f_{2}\\circ f_{1}:A_{1}\\rightarrow A_{3}"

    assert latex(K1) == "\mathbf{K_{1}}"

    d = Diagram()
    assert latex(d) == "\emptyset"

    d = Diagram({f1: "unique", f2: S.EmptySet})
    assert latex(d) == "\\begin{Bmatrix}f_{2}\\circ f_{1}:A_{1}" \
           "\\rightarrow A_{3} : \\emptyset, & id:A_{1}\\rightarrow " \
           "A_{1} : \\emptyset, & id:A_{2}\\rightarrow A_{2} : " \
           "\\emptyset, & id:A_{3}\\rightarrow A_{3} : \\emptyset, " \
           "& f_{1}:A_{1}\\rightarrow A_{2} : \\left\\{unique\\right\\}, " \
           "& f_{2}:A_{2}\\rightarrow A_{3} : \\emptyset\\end{Bmatrix}"

    d = Diagram({f1: "unique", f2: S.EmptySet}, {f2 * f1: "unique"})
    assert latex(d) == "\\begin{Bmatrix}f_{2}\\circ f_{1}:A_{1}" \
           "\\rightarrow A_{3} : \\emptyset, & id:A_{1}\\rightarrow " \
           "A_{1} : \\emptyset, & id:A_{2}\\rightarrow A_{2} : " \
           "\\emptyset, & id:A_{3}\\rightarrow A_{3} : \\emptyset, " \
           "& f_{1}:A_{1}\\rightarrow A_{2} : \\left\\{unique\\right\\}," \
           " & f_{2}:A_{2}\\rightarrow A_{3} : \\emptyset\\end{Bmatrix}" \
           "\\Longrightarrow \\begin{Bmatrix}f_{2}\\circ f_{1}:A_{1}" \
           "\\rightarrow A_{3} : \\left\\{unique\\right\\}\\end{Bmatrix}"

    # A linear diagram.
    A = Object("A")
    B = Object("B")
    C = Object("C")
    f = NamedMorphism(A, B, "f")
    g = NamedMorphism(B, C, "g")
    d = Diagram([f, g])
    grid = DiagramGrid(d)

    assert latex(grid) == "\\begin{array}{cc}\n" \
    "A & B \\\\\n"\
    " & C \n" \
Beispiel #3
def test_categories():
    from sympy.categories import Object, NamedMorphism, IdentityMorphism, Category

    A = Object("A")
    B = Object("B")

    f = NamedMorphism(A, B, "f")
    id_A = IdentityMorphism(A)

    K = Category("K")

    assert str(A) == 'Object("A")'
    assert str(f) == 'NamedMorphism(Object("A"), Object("B"), "f")'
    assert str(id_A) == 'IdentityMorphism(Object("A"))'

    assert str(K) == 'Category("K")'
Beispiel #4
def test_diagram():
    A = Object("A")
    B = Object("B")
    C = Object("C")

    f = NamedMorphism(A, B, "f")
    g = NamedMorphism(B, C, "g")
    id_A = IdentityMorphism(A)
    id_B = IdentityMorphism(B)

    empty = EmptySet

    # Test the addition of identities.
    d1 = Diagram([f])

    assert d1.objects == FiniteSet(A, B)
    assert d1.hom(A, B) == (FiniteSet(f), empty)
    assert d1.hom(A, A) == (FiniteSet(id_A), empty)
    assert d1.hom(B, B) == (FiniteSet(id_B), empty)

    assert d1 == Diagram([id_A, f])
    assert d1 == Diagram([f, f])

    # Test the addition of composites.
    d2 = Diagram([f, g])
    homAC = d2.hom(A, C)[0]

    assert d2.objects == FiniteSet(A, B, C)
    assert g * f in d2.premises.keys()
    assert homAC == FiniteSet(g * f)

    # Test equality, inequality and hash.
    d11 = Diagram([f])

    assert d1 == d11
    assert d1 != d2
    assert hash(d1) == hash(d11)

    d11 = Diagram({f: "unique"})
    assert d1 != d11

    # Make sure that (re-)adding composites (with new properties)
    # works as expected.
    d = Diagram([f, g], {g * f: "unique"})
    assert d.conclusions == Dict({g * f: FiniteSet("unique")})

    # Check the hom-sets when there are premises and conclusions.
    assert d.hom(A, C) == (FiniteSet(g * f), FiniteSet(g * f))
    d = Diagram([f, g], [g * f])
    assert d.hom(A, C) == (FiniteSet(g * f), FiniteSet(g * f))

    # Check how the properties of composite morphisms are computed.
    d = Diagram({f: ["unique", "isomorphism"], g: "unique"})
    assert d.premises[g * f] == FiniteSet("unique")

    # Check that conclusion morphisms with new objects are not allowed.
    d = Diagram([f], [g])
    assert d.conclusions == Dict({})

    # Test an empty diagram.
    d = Diagram()
    assert d.premises == Dict({})
    assert d.conclusions == Dict({})
    assert d.objects == empty

    # Check a SymPy Dict object.
    d = Diagram(Dict({f: FiniteSet("unique", "isomorphism"), g: "unique"}))
    assert d.premises[g * f] == FiniteSet("unique")

    # Check the addition of components of composite morphisms.
    d = Diagram([g * f])
    assert f in d.premises
    assert g in d.premises

    # Check subdiagrams.
    d = Diagram([f, g], {g * f: "unique"})

    d1 = Diagram([f])
    assert d.is_subdiagram(d1)
    assert not d1.is_subdiagram(d)

    d = Diagram([NamedMorphism(B, A, "f'")])
    assert not d.is_subdiagram(d1)
    assert not d1.is_subdiagram(d)

    d1 = Diagram([f, g], {g * f: ["unique", "something"]})
    assert not d.is_subdiagram(d1)
    assert not d1.is_subdiagram(d)

    d = Diagram({f: "blooh"})
    d1 = Diagram({f: "bleeh"})
    assert not d.is_subdiagram(d1)
    assert not d1.is_subdiagram(d)

    d = Diagram([f, g], {f: "unique", g * f: "veryunique"})
    d1 = d.subdiagram_from_objects(FiniteSet(A, B))
    assert d1 == Diagram([f], {f: "unique"})
           lambda: d.subdiagram_from_objects(FiniteSet(A, Object("D"))))

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Diagram({IdentityMorphism(A): "unique"}))
Beispiel #5
def test_morphisms():
    A = Object("A")
    B = Object("B")
    C = Object("C")
    D = Object("D")

    # Test the base morphism.
    f = NamedMorphism(A, B, "f")
    assert f.domain == A
    assert f.codomain == B
    assert f == NamedMorphism(A, B, "f")

    # Test identities.
    id_A = IdentityMorphism(A)
    id_B = IdentityMorphism(B)
    assert id_A.domain == A
    assert id_A.codomain == A
    assert id_A == IdentityMorphism(A)
    assert id_A != id_B

    # Test named morphisms.
    g = NamedMorphism(B, C, "g")
    assert == "g"
    assert g != f
    assert g == NamedMorphism(B, C, "g")
    assert g != NamedMorphism(B, C, "f")

    # Test composite morphisms.
    assert f == CompositeMorphism(f)

    k = g.compose(f)
    assert k.domain == A
    assert k.codomain == C
    assert k.components == Tuple(f, g)
    assert g * f == k
    assert CompositeMorphism(f, g) == k

    assert CompositeMorphism(g * f) == g * f

    # Test the associativity of composition.
    h = NamedMorphism(C, D, "h")

    p = h * g
    u = h * g * f

    assert h * k == u
    assert p * f == u
    assert CompositeMorphism(f, g, h) == u

    # Test flattening.
    u2 = u.flatten("u")
    assert isinstance(u2, NamedMorphism)
    assert == "u"
    assert u2.domain == A
    assert u2.codomain == D

    # Test identities.
    assert f * id_A == f
    assert id_B * f == f
    assert id_A * id_A == id_A
    assert CompositeMorphism(id_A) == id_A

    # Test bad compositions.
    raises(ValueError, lambda: f * g)

    raises(TypeError, lambda: f.compose(None))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: id_A.compose(None))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: f * None)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: id_A * None)

    raises(TypeError, lambda: CompositeMorphism(f, None, 1))

    raises(ValueError, lambda: NamedMorphism(A, B, ""))
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: Morphism(A, B))
def test_morphisms():
    A = Object("A")
    B = Object("B")
    C = Object("C")
    D = Object("D")

    # Test the base morphism.
    f = NamedMorphism(A, B, "f")
    assert f.domain == A
    assert f.codomain == B
    assert f == NamedMorphism(A, B, "f")

    # Test identities.
    id_A = IdentityMorphism(A)
    id_B = IdentityMorphism(B)
    assert id_A.domain == A
    assert id_A.codomain == A
    assert id_A == IdentityMorphism(A)
    assert id_A != id_B

    # Test named morphisms.
    g = NamedMorphism(B, C, "g")
    assert == "g"
    assert g != f
    assert g == NamedMorphism(B, C, "g")
    assert g != NamedMorphism(B, C, "f")

    # Test composite morphisms.
    assert f == CompositeMorphism(f)

    k = g.compose(f)
    assert k.domain == A
    assert k.codomain == C
    assert k.components == Tuple(f, g)
    assert g * f == k
    assert CompositeMorphism(f, g) == k

    assert CompositeMorphism(g * f) == g * f

    # Test the associativity of composition.
    h = NamedMorphism(C, D, "h")

    p = h * g
    u = h * g * f

    assert h * k == u
    assert p * f == u
    assert CompositeMorphism(f, g, h) == u

    # Test flattening.
    u2 = u.flatten("u")
    assert isinstance(u2, NamedMorphism)
    assert == "u"
    assert u2.domain == A
    assert u2.codomain == D

    # Test identities.
    assert f * id_A == f
    assert id_B * f == f
    assert id_A * id_A == id_A
    assert CompositeMorphism(id_A) == id_A

    # Test bad compositions.
    raises(ValueError, lambda: f * g)

    raises(TypeError, lambda: f.compose(None))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: id_A.compose(None))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: f * None)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: id_A * None)

    raises(TypeError, lambda: CompositeMorphism(f, None, 1))

    raises(ValueError, lambda: NamedMorphism(A, B, ""))
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: Morphism(A, B))