Beispiel #1
def test_minpoly_domain():
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(2), x, domain=QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2))) == \
        x - sqrt(2)
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(8), x, domain=QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2))) == \
        x - 2*sqrt(2)
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(Rational(3, 2)),
                                  sqrt(2))) == 2 * x**2 - 3

    raises(NotAlgebraic, lambda: minimal_polynomial(y, x, domain=QQ))
Beispiel #2
def test_minimal_polynomial_sq():
    from sympy.core.add import Add
    from sympy.core.function import expand_multinomial
    p = expand_multinomial((1 + 5 * sqrt(2) + 2 * sqrt(3))**3)
    mp = minimal_polynomial(p**Rational(1, 3), x)
    assert mp == x**4 - 4 * x**3 - 118 * x**2 + 244 * x + 1321
    p = expand_multinomial((1 + sqrt(2) - 2 * sqrt(3) + sqrt(7))**3)
    mp = minimal_polynomial(p**Rational(1, 3), x)
    assert mp == x**8 - 8 * x**7 - 56 * x**6 + 448 * x**5 + 480 * x**4 - 5056 * x**3 + 1984 * x**2 + 7424 * x - 3008
    p = Add(*[sqrt(i) for i in range(1, 12)])
    mp = minimal_polynomial(p, x)
    assert mp.subs({x: 0}) == -71965773323122507776
Beispiel #3
def test_minpoly_issue_7113():
    # see discussion in
    from sympy.simplify.simplify import nsimplify
    r = nsimplify(pi, tolerance=0.000000001)
    mp = minimal_polynomial(r, x)
    assert mp == 1768292677839237920489538677417507171630859375*x**109 - \
Beispiel #4
def test_minimal_polynomial_hi_prec():
    p = 1 / sqrt(1 - 9 * sqrt(2) + 7 * sqrt(3) + Rational(1, 10)**30)
    mp = minimal_polynomial(p, x)
    # checked with Wolfram Alpha
    assert mp.coeff(
    ) == -1232000000000000000000000000001223999999999999999999999999999987999999999999999999999999999996000000000000000000000000000000
Beispiel #5
def test_minimal_polynomial_issue_19732():
    expr = (
         * sqrt(238368341569) * sqrt(
             S(11918417078450) / 63568729 -
             24411360 * sqrt(238368341569) / 63568729) +
         * sqrt(
             S(11918417078450) / 63568729 -
             24411360 * sqrt(238368341569) / 63568729)) -
         * sqrt(238368341569) * sqrt(
             S(11918417078450) / 63568729 -
             24411360 * sqrt(238368341569) / 63568729) +
         * sqrt(
             S(11918417078450) / 63568729 -
             24411360 * sqrt(238368341569) / 63568729)))
    poly = (
        * x**4 -
        * x**2 +
    assert minimal_polynomial(expr, x) == poly
Beispiel #6
def test_issue_19760():
    e = 1 / (sqrt(1 + sqrt(2)) - sqrt(2) * sqrt(1 + sqrt(2))) + 1
    mp_expected = x**4 - 4 * x**3 + 4 * x**2 - 2

    for comp in (True, False):
        mp = Poly(minimal_polynomial(e, compose=comp))
        assert mp(
        ) == mp_expected, "minimal_polynomial(e, compose=%s) = %s; %s expected" % (
            comp, mp(x), mp_expected)
Beispiel #7
def primitive_element(extension, x=None, *, ex=False, polys=False):
    Find a single generator for a number field given by several generators.


    The basic problem is this: Given several algebraic numbers
    $\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \ldots, \alpha_n$, find a single algebraic number
    $\theta$ such that
    $\mathbb{Q}(\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \ldots, \alpha_n) = \mathbb{Q}(\theta)$.

    This function actually guarantees that $\theta$ will be a linear
    combination of the $\alpha_i$, with non-negative integer coefficients.

    Furthermore, if desired, this function will tell you how to express each
    $\alpha_i$ as a $\mathbb{Q}$-linear combination of the powers of $\theta$.


    >>> from sympy import primitive_element, sqrt, S, minpoly, simplify
    >>> from import x
    >>> f, lincomb, reps = primitive_element([sqrt(2), sqrt(3)], x, ex=True)

    Then ``lincomb`` tells us the primitive element as a linear combination of
    the given generators ``sqrt(2)`` and ``sqrt(3)``.

    >>> print(lincomb)
    [1, 1]

    This means the primtiive element is $\sqrt{2} + \sqrt{3}$.
    Meanwhile ``f`` is the minimal polynomial for this primitive element.

    >>> print(f)
    x**4 - 10*x**2 + 1
    >>> print(minpoly(sqrt(2) + sqrt(3), x))
    x**4 - 10*x**2 + 1

    Finally, ``reps`` (which was returned only because we set keyword arg
    ``ex=True``) tells us how to recover each of the generators $\sqrt{2}$ and
    $\sqrt{3}$ as $\mathbb{Q}$-linear combinations of the powers of the
    primitive element $\sqrt{2} + \sqrt{3}$.

    >>> print([S(r) for r in reps[0]])
    [1/2, 0, -9/2, 0]
    >>> theta = sqrt(2) + sqrt(3)
    >>> print(simplify(theta**3/2 - 9*theta/2))
    >>> print([S(r) for r in reps[1]])
    [-1/2, 0, 11/2, 0]
    >>> print(simplify(-theta**3/2 + 11*theta/2))


    extension : list of :py:class:`~.Expr`
        Each expression must represent an algebraic number $\alpha_i$.
    x : :py:class:`~.Symbol`, optional (default=None)
        The desired symbol to appear in the computed minimal polynomial for the
        primitive element $\theta$. If ``None``, we use a dummy symbol.
    ex : boolean, optional (default=False)
        If and only if ``True``, compute the representation of each $\alpha_i$
        as a $\mathbb{Q}$-linear combination over the powers of $\theta$.
    polys : boolean, optional (default=False)
        If ``True``, return the minimal polynomial as a :py:class:`~.Poly`.
        Otherwise return it as an :py:class:`~.Expr`.


    Pair (f, coeffs) or triple (f, coeffs, reps), where:
        ``f`` is the minimal polynomial for the primitive element.
        ``coeffs`` gives the primitive element as a linear combination of the
        given generators.
        ``reps`` is present if and only if argument ``ex=True`` was passed,
        and is a list of lists of rational numbers. Each list gives the
        coefficients of falling powers of the primitive element, to recover
        one of the original, given generators.

    if not extension:
        raise ValueError("Cannot compute primitive element for empty extension")
    extension = [_sympify(ext) for ext in extension]

    if x is not None:
        x, cls = sympify(x), Poly
        x, cls = Dummy('x'), PurePoly

    if not ex:
        gen, coeffs = extension[0], [1]
        g = minimal_polynomial(gen, x, polys=True)
        for ext in extension[1:]:
            if ext.is_Rational:
            _, factors = factor_list(g, extension=ext)
            g = _choose_factor(factors, x, gen)
            s, _, g = g.sqf_norm()
            gen += s*ext

        if not polys:
            return g.as_expr(), coeffs
            return cls(g), coeffs

    gen, coeffs = extension[0], [1]
    f = minimal_polynomial(gen, x, polys=True)
    K = QQ.algebraic_field((f, gen))  # incrementally constructed field
    reps = [K.unit]  # representations of extension elements in K
    for ext in extension[1:]:
        if ext.is_Rational:
            coeffs.append(0)    # rational ext is not included in the expression of a primitive element
            reps.append(K.convert(ext))    # but it is included in reps
        p = minimal_polynomial(ext, x, polys=True)
        L = QQ.algebraic_field((p, ext))
        _, factors = factor_list(f, domain=L)
        f = _choose_factor(factors, x, gen)
        s, g, f = f.sqf_norm()
        gen += s*ext
        K = QQ.algebraic_field((f, gen))
        h = _switch_domain(g, K)
        erep = _linsolve(h.gcd(p))  # ext as element of K
        ogen = K.unit - s*erep  # old gen as element of K
        reps = [dup_eval(_.rep, ogen, K) for _ in reps] + [erep]

    if K.ext.root.is_Rational:  # all extensions are rational
        H = [K.convert(_).rep for _ in extension]
        coeffs = [0]*len(extension)
        f = cls(x, domain=QQ)
        H = [_.rep for _ in reps]
    if not polys:
        return f.as_expr(), coeffs, H
        return f, coeffs, H
Beispiel #8
def test_issue_22561():
    a = AlgebraicNumber(sqrt(2) + sqrt(3), [S(1) / 2, 0, S(-9) / 2, 0], gen=x)
    assert a.as_expr() == sqrt(2)
    assert minimal_polynomial(a, x) == x**2 - 2
    assert minimal_polynomial(a**3, x) == x**2 - 8
Beispiel #9
def test_issue_22559():
    alpha = AlgebraicNumber(sqrt(2))
    assert minimal_polynomial(alpha**3, x) == x**2 - 8
Beispiel #10
def test_issue_14831():
    a = -2 * sqrt(2) * sqrt(12 * sqrt(2) + 17)
    assert minimal_polynomial(a, x) == x**2 + 16 * x - 8
    e = (-3 * sqrt(12 * sqrt(2) + 17) + 12 * sqrt(2) + 17 -
         2 * sqrt(2) * sqrt(12 * sqrt(2) + 17))
    assert minimal_polynomial(e, x) == x
Beispiel #11
def test_minpoly_fraction_field_slow():
    assert minimal_polynomial(
        minimal_polynomial(sqrt(x**Rational(1, 5) - 1),
                           y).subs(y, sqrt(x**Rational(1, 5) - 1)), z) == z
Beispiel #12
def test_minimal_polynomial():
    assert minimal_polynomial(-7, x) == x + 7
    assert minimal_polynomial(-1, x) == x + 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(0, x) == x
    assert minimal_polynomial(1, x) == x - 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(7, x) == x - 7

    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(2), x) == x**2 - 2
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(5), x) == x**2 - 5
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(6), x) == x**2 - 6

    assert minimal_polynomial(2 * sqrt(2), x) == x**2 - 8
    assert minimal_polynomial(3 * sqrt(5), x) == x**2 - 45
    assert minimal_polynomial(4 * sqrt(6), x) == x**2 - 96

    assert minimal_polynomial(2 * sqrt(2) + 3, x) == x**2 - 6 * x + 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(3 * sqrt(5) + 6, x) == x**2 - 12 * x - 9
    assert minimal_polynomial(4 * sqrt(6) + 7, x) == x**2 - 14 * x - 47

    assert minimal_polynomial(2 * sqrt(2) - 3, x) == x**2 + 6 * x + 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(3 * sqrt(5) - 6, x) == x**2 + 12 * x - 9
    assert minimal_polynomial(4 * sqrt(6) - 7, x) == x**2 + 14 * x - 47

    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(1 + sqrt(6)), x) == x**4 - 2 * x**2 - 5
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(I + sqrt(6)), x) == x**8 - 10 * x**4 + 49

    assert minimal_polynomial(2 * I + sqrt(2 + I),
                              x) == x**4 + 4 * x**2 + 8 * x + 37

    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(2) + sqrt(3), x) == x**4 - 10 * x**2 + 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(2) + sqrt(3) + sqrt(6),
                              x) == x**4 - 22 * x**2 - 48 * x - 23

    a = 1 - 9 * sqrt(2) + 7 * sqrt(3)

    assert minimal_polynomial(
        1 / a, x) == 392 * x**4 - 1232 * x**3 + 612 * x**2 + 4 * x - 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(
        1 / sqrt(a), x) == 392 * x**8 - 1232 * x**6 + 612 * x**4 + 4 * x**2 - 1

    raises(NotAlgebraic, lambda: minimal_polynomial(oo, x))
    raises(NotAlgebraic, lambda: minimal_polynomial(2**y, x))
    raises(NotAlgebraic, lambda: minimal_polynomial(sin(1), x))

    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(2)).dummy_eq(x**2 - 2)
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(2), x) == x**2 - 2

    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(2), polys=True) == Poly(x**2 - 2)
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(2), x, polys=True) == Poly(x**2 - 2,
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(2), x, polys=True,
                              compose=False) == Poly(x**2 - 2, domain='QQ')

    a = AlgebraicNumber(sqrt(2))
    b = AlgebraicNumber(sqrt(3))

    assert minimal_polynomial(a, x) == x**2 - 2
    assert minimal_polynomial(b, x) == x**2 - 3

    assert minimal_polynomial(a, x, polys=True) == Poly(x**2 - 2, domain='QQ')
    assert minimal_polynomial(b, x, polys=True) == Poly(x**2 - 3, domain='QQ')

    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(a / 2 + 17),
                              x) == 2 * x**4 - 68 * x**2 + 577
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(b / 2 + 17),
                              x) == 4 * x**4 - 136 * x**2 + 1153

    a, b = sqrt(2) / 3 + 7, AlgebraicNumber(sqrt(2) / 3 + 7)

    f = 81*x**8 - 2268*x**6 - 4536*x**5 + 22644*x**4 + 63216*x**3 - \
        31608*x**2 - 189648*x + 141358

    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(a) + sqrt(sqrt(a)), x) == f
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(b) + sqrt(sqrt(b)), x) == f

    assert minimal_polynomial(a**Q(3, 2),
                              x) == 729 * x**4 - 506898 * x**2 + 84604519

    # issue 5994
    eq = S('''
        -1/(800*sqrt(-1/240 + 1/(18000*(-1/17280000 +
        sqrt(15)*I/28800000)**(1/3)) + 2*(-1/17280000 +
    assert minimal_polynomial(eq, x) == 8000 * x**2 - 1

    ex = (sqrt(5) * sqrt(I) / (5 * sqrt(1 + 125 * I)) + 25 * sqrt(5) /
          (I**Q(5, 2) * (1 + 125 * I)**Q(3, 2)) + 3125 * sqrt(5) /
          (I**Q(11, 2) * (1 + 125 * I)**Q(3, 2)) + 5 * I * sqrt(1 - I / 125))
    mp = minimal_polynomial(ex, x)
    assert mp == 25 * x**4 + 5000 * x**2 + 250016

    ex = 1 + sqrt(2) + sqrt(3)
    mp = minimal_polynomial(ex, x)
    assert mp == x**4 - 4 * x**3 - 4 * x**2 + 16 * x - 8

    ex = 1 / (1 + sqrt(2) + sqrt(3))
    mp = minimal_polynomial(ex, x)
    assert mp == 8 * x**4 - 16 * x**3 + 4 * x**2 + 4 * x - 1

    p = (expand((1 + sqrt(2) - 2 * sqrt(3) + sqrt(7))**3))**Rational(1, 3)
    mp = minimal_polynomial(p, x)
    assert mp == x**8 - 8 * x**7 - 56 * x**6 + 448 * x**5 + 480 * x**4 - 5056 * x**3 + 1984 * x**2 + 7424 * x - 3008
    p = expand((1 + sqrt(2) - 2 * sqrt(3) + sqrt(7))**3)
    mp = minimal_polynomial(p, x)
    assert mp == x**8 - 512 * x**7 - 118208 * x**6 + 31131136 * x**5 + 647362560 * x**4 - 56026611712 * x**3 + 116994310144 * x**2 + 404854931456 * x - 27216576512

    assert minimal_polynomial(S("-sqrt(5)/2 - 1/2 + (-sqrt(5)/2 - 1/2)**2"),
                              x) == x - 1
    a = 1 + sqrt(2)
    assert minimal_polynomial((a * sqrt(2) + a)**3, x) == x**2 - 198 * x + 1

    p = 1 / (1 + sqrt(2) + sqrt(3))
    assert minimal_polynomial(
        p, x, compose=False) == 8 * x**4 - 16 * x**3 + 4 * x**2 + 4 * x - 1

    p = 2 / (1 + sqrt(2) + sqrt(3))
    assert minimal_polynomial(
        p, x, compose=False) == x**4 - 4 * x**3 + 2 * x**2 + 4 * x - 2

    assert minimal_polynomial(1 + sqrt(2) * I, x,
                              compose=False) == x**2 - 2 * x + 3
    assert minimal_polynomial(1 / (1 + sqrt(2)) + 1, x,
                              compose=False) == x**2 - 2
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(2) * I + I * (1 + sqrt(2)),
                              compose=False) == x**4 + 18 * x**2 + 49

    # minimal polynomial of I
    assert minimal_polynomial(I, x, domain=QQ.algebraic_field(I)) == x - I
    K = QQ.algebraic_field(I * (sqrt(2) + 1))
    assert minimal_polynomial(I, x, domain=K) == x - I
    assert minimal_polynomial(I, x, domain=QQ) == x**2 + 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(I, x, domain='QQ(y)') == x**2 + 1

    #issue 11553
    assert minimal_polynomial(GoldenRatio, x) == x**2 - x - 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(TribonacciConstant + 3,
                              x) == x**3 - 10 * x**2 + 32 * x - 34
    assert minimal_polynomial(GoldenRatio, x, domain=QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(5))) == \
            2*x - sqrt(5) - 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(TribonacciConstant, x, domain=QQ.algebraic_field(cbrt(19 - 3*sqrt(33)))) == \
    48*x - 19*(19 - 3*sqrt(33))**Rational(2, 3) - 3*sqrt(33)*(19 - 3*sqrt(33))**Rational(2, 3) \
    - 16*(19 - 3*sqrt(33))**Rational(1, 3) - 16

    # AlgebraicNumber with an alias.
    # Wester H24
    phi = AlgebraicNumber(S.GoldenRatio.expand(func=True), alias='phi')
    assert minimal_polynomial(phi, x) == x**2 - x - 1
Beispiel #13
def test_minpoly_fraction_field():
    assert minimal_polynomial(1 / x, y) == -x * y + 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(1 / (x + 1), y) == (x + 1) * y - 1

    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(x), y) == y**2 - x
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(x + 1), y) == y**2 - x - 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(x) / x, y) == x * y**2 - 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(2) * sqrt(x), y) == y**2 - 2 * x
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(2) + sqrt(x), y) == \
        y**4 + (-2*x - 4)*y**2 + x**2 - 4*x + 4

    assert minimal_polynomial(x**Rational(1, 3), y) == y**3 - x
    assert minimal_polynomial(x**Rational(1,3) + sqrt(x), y) == \
        y**6 - 3*x*y**4 - 2*x*y**3 + 3*x**2*y**2 - 6*x**2*y - x**3 + x**2

    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(x) / z, y) == z**2 * y**2 - x
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(x) / (z + 1),
                              y) == (z**2 + 2 * z + 1) * y**2 - x

    assert minimal_polynomial(1 / x, y, polys=True) == Poly(-x * y + 1,
    assert minimal_polynomial(1 / (x + 1), y, polys=True) == \
        Poly((x + 1)*y - 1, y, domain='ZZ(x)')
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(x), y, polys=True) == Poly(y**2 - x,
    assert minimal_polynomial(sqrt(x) / z, y, polys=True) == \
        Poly(z**2*y**2 - x, y, domain='ZZ(x, z)')

    # this is (sqrt(1 + x**3)/x).integrate(x).diff(x) - sqrt(1 + x**3)/x
    a = sqrt(x)/sqrt(1 + x**(-3)) - sqrt(x**3 + 1)/x + 1/(x**Rational(5, 2)* \
        (1 + x**(-3))**Rational(3, 2)) + 1/(x**Rational(11, 2)*(1 + x**(-3))**Rational(3, 2))

    assert minimal_polynomial(a, y) == y

    raises(NotAlgebraic, lambda: minimal_polynomial(exp(x), y))
    raises(GeneratorsError, lambda: minimal_polynomial(sqrt(x), x))
    raises(GeneratorsError, lambda: minimal_polynomial(sqrt(x) - y, x))
           lambda: minimal_polynomial(sqrt(x), y, compose=False))
Beispiel #14
def test_minpoly_issue_7574():
    ex = -(-1)**Rational(1, 3) + (-1)**Rational(2, 3)
    assert minimal_polynomial(ex, x) == x + 1
Beispiel #15
def test_minpoly_compose():
    # issue 6868
    eq = S('''
        -1/(800*sqrt(-1/240 + 1/(18000*(-1/17280000 +
        sqrt(15)*I/28800000)**(1/3)) + 2*(-1/17280000 +
    mp = minimal_polynomial(eq + 3, x)
    assert mp == 8000 * x**2 - 48000 * x + 71999

    # issue 5888
    assert minimal_polynomial(exp(I * pi / 8), x) == x**8 + 1

    mp = minimal_polynomial(sin(pi / 7) + sqrt(2), x)
    assert mp == 4096*x**12 - 63488*x**10 + 351488*x**8 - 826496*x**6 + \
        770912*x**4 - 268432*x**2 + 28561
    mp = minimal_polynomial(cos(pi / 7) + sqrt(2), x)
    assert mp == 64*x**6 - 64*x**5 - 432*x**4 + 304*x**3 + 712*x**2 - \
            232*x - 239
    mp = minimal_polynomial(exp(I * pi / 7) + sqrt(2), x)
    assert mp == x**12 - 2 * x**11 - 9 * x**10 + 16 * x**9 + 43 * x**8 - 70 * x**7 - 97 * x**6 + 126 * x**5 + 211 * x**4 - 212 * x**3 - 37 * x**2 + 142 * x + 127

    mp = minimal_polynomial(sin(pi / 7) + sqrt(2), x)
    assert mp == 4096*x**12 - 63488*x**10 + 351488*x**8 - 826496*x**6 + \
        770912*x**4 - 268432*x**2 + 28561
    mp = minimal_polynomial(cos(pi / 7) + sqrt(2), x)
    assert mp == 64*x**6 - 64*x**5 - 432*x**4 + 304*x**3 + 712*x**2 - \
            232*x - 239
    mp = minimal_polynomial(exp(I * pi / 7) + sqrt(2), x)
    assert mp == x**12 - 2 * x**11 - 9 * x**10 + 16 * x**9 + 43 * x**8 - 70 * x**7 - 97 * x**6 + 126 * x**5 + 211 * x**4 - 212 * x**3 - 37 * x**2 + 142 * x + 127

    mp = minimal_polynomial(exp(I * pi * Rational(2, 7)), x)
    assert mp == x**6 + x**5 + x**4 + x**3 + x**2 + x + 1
    mp = minimal_polynomial(exp(I * pi * Rational(2, 15)), x)
    assert mp == x**8 - x**7 + x**5 - x**4 + x**3 - x + 1
    mp = minimal_polynomial(cos(pi * Rational(2, 7)), x)
    assert mp == 8 * x**3 + 4 * x**2 - 4 * x - 1
    mp = minimal_polynomial(sin(pi * Rational(2, 7)), x)
    ex = (5 * cos(pi * Rational(2, 7)) - 7) / (9 * cos(pi / 7) -
                                               5 * cos(pi * Rational(3, 7)))
    mp = minimal_polynomial(ex, x)
    assert mp == x**3 + 2 * x**2 - x - 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(-1 / (2 * cos(pi / 7)),
                              x) == x**3 + 2 * x**2 - x - 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(sin(pi*Rational(2, 15)), x) == \
            256*x**8 - 448*x**6 + 224*x**4 - 32*x**2 + 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(sin(pi * Rational(5, 14)),
                              x) == 8 * x**3 - 4 * x**2 - 4 * x + 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(cos(
        pi / 15), x) == 16 * x**4 + 8 * x**3 - 16 * x**2 - 8 * x + 1

    ex = rootof(x**3 + x * 4 + 1, 0)
    mp = minimal_polynomial(ex, x)
    assert mp == x**3 + 4 * x + 1
    mp = minimal_polynomial(ex + 1, x)
    assert mp == x**3 - 3 * x**2 + 7 * x - 4
    assert minimal_polynomial(exp(I * pi / 3), x) == x**2 - x + 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(exp(I * pi / 4), x) == x**4 + 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(exp(I * pi / 6), x) == x**4 - x**2 + 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(exp(I * pi / 9), x) == x**6 - x**3 + 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(exp(I * pi / 10),
                              x) == x**8 - x**6 + x**4 - x**2 + 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(sin(pi / 9),
                              x) == 64 * x**6 - 96 * x**4 + 36 * x**2 - 3
    assert minimal_polynomial(sin(pi/11), x) == 1024*x**10 - 2816*x**8 + \
            2816*x**6 - 1232*x**4 + 220*x**2 - 11
    assert minimal_polynomial(sin(pi/21), x) == 4096*x**12 - 11264*x**10 + \
           11264*x**8 - 4992*x**6 + 960*x**4 - 64*x**2 + 1
    assert minimal_polynomial(cos(pi / 9), x) == 8 * x**3 - 6 * x - 1

    ex = 2**Rational(1, 3) * exp(2 * I * pi / 3)
    assert minimal_polynomial(ex, x) == x**3 - 2

    raises(NotAlgebraic, lambda: minimal_polynomial(cos(pi * sqrt(2)), x))
    raises(NotAlgebraic, lambda: minimal_polynomial(sin(pi * sqrt(2)), x))
    raises(NotAlgebraic, lambda: minimal_polynomial(exp(1.618 * I * pi), x))
    raises(NotAlgebraic, lambda: minimal_polynomial(exp(I * pi * sqrt(2)), x))

    # issue 5934
    ex = 1 / (-36000 - 7200 * sqrt(5) +
              (12 * sqrt(10) * sqrt(sqrt(5) + 5) +
               24 * sqrt(10) * sqrt(-sqrt(5) + 5))**2) + 1
    raises(ZeroDivisionError, lambda: minimal_polynomial(ex, x))

    ex = sqrt(1 + 2**Rational(1, 3)) + sqrt(1 + 2**Rational(1, 4)) + sqrt(2)
    mp = minimal_polynomial(ex, x)
    assert degree(mp) == 48 and mp.subs({x: 0}) == -16630256576

    ex = tan(pi / 5, evaluate=False)
    mp = minimal_polynomial(ex, x)
    assert mp == x**4 - 10 * x**2 + 5
    assert mp.subs(x, tan(pi / 5)).is_zero

    ex = tan(pi / 6, evaluate=False)
    mp = minimal_polynomial(ex, x)
    assert mp == 3 * x**2 - 1
    assert mp.subs(x, tan(pi / 6)).is_zero

    ex = tan(pi / 10, evaluate=False)
    mp = minimal_polynomial(ex, x)
    assert mp == 5 * x**4 - 10 * x**2 + 1
    assert mp.subs(x, tan(pi / 10)).is_zero

    raises(NotAlgebraic, lambda: minimal_polynomial(tan(pi * sqrt(2)), x))