Beispiel #1
def roots_quintic(f):
    Calculate exact roots of a solvable quintic
    result = []
    coeff_5, coeff_4, p, q, r, s = f.all_coeffs()

    # Eqn must be of the form x^5 + px^3 + qx^2 + rx + s
    if coeff_4:
        return result

    if coeff_5 != 1:
        l = [p/coeff_5, q/coeff_5, r/coeff_5, s/coeff_5]
        if not all(coeff.is_Rational for coeff in l):
            return result
        f = Poly(f/coeff_5)
    quintic = PolyQuintic(f)

    # Eqn standardized. Algo for solving starts here
    if not f.is_irreducible:
        return result

    f20 = quintic.f20
    # Check if f20 has linear factors over domain Z
    if f20.is_irreducible:
        return result

    # Now, we know that f is solvable
    for _factor in f20.factor_list()[1]:
        if _factor[0].is_linear:
            theta = _factor[0].root(0)
    d = discriminant(f)
    delta = sqrt(d)
    # zeta = a fifth root of unity
    zeta1, zeta2, zeta3, zeta4 = quintic.zeta
    T = quintic.T(theta, d)
    tol = S(1e-10)
    alpha = T[1] + T[2]*delta
    alpha_bar = T[1] - T[2]*delta
    beta = T[3] + T[4]*delta
    beta_bar = T[3] - T[4]*delta

    disc = alpha**2 - 4*beta
    disc_bar = alpha_bar**2 - 4*beta_bar

    l0 = quintic.l0(theta)

    l1 = _quintic_simplify((-alpha + sqrt(disc)) / S(2))
    l4 = _quintic_simplify((-alpha - sqrt(disc)) / S(2))

    l2 = _quintic_simplify((-alpha_bar + sqrt(disc_bar)) / S(2))
    l3 = _quintic_simplify((-alpha_bar - sqrt(disc_bar)) / S(2))

    order = quintic.order(theta, d)
    test = (order*delta.n()) - ( (l1.n() - l4.n())*(l2.n() - l3.n()) )
    # Comparing floats
    if not comp(test, 0, tol):
        l2, l3 = l3, l2

    # Now we have correct order of l's
    R1 = l0 + l1*zeta1 + l2*zeta2 + l3*zeta3 + l4*zeta4
    R2 = l0 + l3*zeta1 + l1*zeta2 + l4*zeta3 + l2*zeta4
    R3 = l0 + l2*zeta1 + l4*zeta2 + l1*zeta3 + l3*zeta4
    R4 = l0 + l4*zeta1 + l3*zeta2 + l2*zeta3 + l1*zeta4

    Res = [None, [None]*5, [None]*5, [None]*5, [None]*5]
    Res_n = [None, [None]*5, [None]*5, [None]*5, [None]*5]
    sol = Symbol('sol')

    # Simplifying improves performance a lot for exact expressions
    R1 = _quintic_simplify(R1)
    R2 = _quintic_simplify(R2)
    R3 = _quintic_simplify(R3)
    R4 = _quintic_simplify(R4)

    # Solve imported here. Causing problems if imported as 'solve'
    # and hence the changed name
    from sympy.solvers.solvers import solve as _solve
    a, b = symbols('a b', cls=Dummy)
    _sol = _solve( sol**5 - a - I*b, sol)
    for i in range(5):
        _sol[i] = factor(_sol[i])
    R1 = R1.as_real_imag()
    R2 = R2.as_real_imag()
    R3 = R3.as_real_imag()
    R4 = R4.as_real_imag()

    for i, currentroot in enumerate(_sol):
        Res[1][i] = _quintic_simplify(currentroot.subs({ a: R1[0], b: R1[1] }))
        Res[2][i] = _quintic_simplify(currentroot.subs({ a: R2[0], b: R2[1] }))
        Res[3][i] = _quintic_simplify(currentroot.subs({ a: R3[0], b: R3[1] }))
        Res[4][i] = _quintic_simplify(currentroot.subs({ a: R4[0], b: R4[1] }))

    for i in range(1, 5):
        for j in range(5):
            Res_n[i][j] = Res[i][j].n()
            Res[i][j] = _quintic_simplify(Res[i][j])
    r1 = Res[1][0]
    r1_n = Res_n[1][0]

    for i in range(5):
        if comp(im(r1_n*Res_n[4][i]), 0, tol):
            r4 = Res[4][i]

    # Now we have various Res values. Each will be a list of five
    # values. We have to pick one r value from those five for each Res
    u, v = quintic.uv(theta, d)
    testplus = (u + v*delta*sqrt(5)).n()
    testminus = (u - v*delta*sqrt(5)).n()

    # Evaluated numbers suffixed with _n
    # We will use evaluated numbers for calculation. Much faster.
    r4_n = r4.n()
    r2 = r3 = None

    for i in range(5):
        r2temp_n = Res_n[2][i]
        for j in range(5):
            # Again storing away the exact number and using
            # evaluated numbers in computations
            r3temp_n = Res_n[3][j]
            if (comp((r1_n*r2temp_n**2 + r4_n*r3temp_n**2 - testplus).n(), 0, tol) and
                comp((r3temp_n*r1_n**2 + r2temp_n*r4_n**2 - testminus).n(), 0, tol)):
                r2 = Res[2][i]
                r3 = Res[3][j]
        if r2:

    # Now, we have r's so we can get roots
    x1 = (r1 + r2 + r3 + r4)/5
    x2 = (r1*zeta4 + r2*zeta3 + r3*zeta2 + r4*zeta1)/5
    x3 = (r1*zeta3 + r2*zeta1 + r3*zeta4 + r4*zeta2)/5
    x4 = (r1*zeta2 + r2*zeta4 + r3*zeta1 + r4*zeta3)/5
    x5 = (r1*zeta1 + r2*zeta2 + r3*zeta3 + r4*zeta4)/5
    result = [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5]

    # Now check if solutions are distinct

    saw = set()
    for r in result:
        r = r.n(2)
        if r in saw:
            # Roots were identical. Abort, return []
            # and fall back to usual solve
            return []
    return result
Beispiel #2
def roots_quintic(f):
    Calulate exact roots of a solvable quintic
    result = []
    coeff_5, coeff_4, p, q, r, s = f.all_coeffs()

    # Eqn must be of the form x^5 + px^3 + qx^2 + rx + s
    if coeff_4:
        return result

    if coeff_5 != 1:
        l = [p/coeff_5, q/coeff_5, r/coeff_5, s/coeff_5]
        if not all(coeff.is_Rational for coeff in l):
            return result
        f = Poly(f/coeff_5)
    quintic = PolyQuintic(f)

    # Eqn standardized. Algo for solving starts here
    if not f.is_irreducible:
        return result

    f20 = quintic.f20
    # Check if f20 has linear factors over domain Z
    if f20.is_irreducible:
        return result

    # Now, we know that f is solvable
    for _factor in f20.factor_list()[1]:
        if _factor[0].is_linear:
            theta = _factor[0].root(0)
    d = discriminant(f)
    delta = sqrt(d)
    # zeta = a fifth root of unity
    zeta1, zeta2, zeta3, zeta4 = quintic.zeta
    T = quintic.T(theta, d)
    tol = S(1e-10)
    alpha = T[1] + T[2]*delta
    alpha_bar = T[1] - T[2]*delta
    beta = T[3] + T[4]*delta
    beta_bar = T[3] - T[4]*delta

    disc = alpha**2 - 4*beta
    disc_bar = alpha_bar**2 - 4*beta_bar

    l0 = quintic.l0(theta)

    l1 = _quintic_simplify((-alpha + sqrt(disc)) / S(2))
    l4 = _quintic_simplify((-alpha - sqrt(disc)) / S(2))

    l2 = _quintic_simplify((-alpha_bar + sqrt(disc_bar)) / S(2))
    l3 = _quintic_simplify((-alpha_bar - sqrt(disc_bar)) / S(2))

    order = quintic.order(theta, d)
    test = (order*delta.n()) - ( (l1.n() - l4.n())*(l2.n() - l3.n()) )
    # Comparing floats
    if not comp(test, 0, tol):
        l2, l3 = l3, l2

    # Now we have correct order of l's
    R1 = l0 + l1*zeta1 + l2*zeta2 + l3*zeta3 + l4*zeta4
    R2 = l0 + l3*zeta1 + l1*zeta2 + l4*zeta3 + l2*zeta4
    R3 = l0 + l2*zeta1 + l4*zeta2 + l1*zeta3 + l3*zeta4
    R4 = l0 + l4*zeta1 + l3*zeta2 + l2*zeta3 + l1*zeta4

    Res = [None, [None]*5, [None]*5, [None]*5, [None]*5]
    Res_n = [None, [None]*5, [None]*5, [None]*5, [None]*5]
    sol = Symbol('sol')

    # Simplifying improves performace a lot for exact expressions
    R1 = _quintic_simplify(R1)
    R2 = _quintic_simplify(R2)
    R3 = _quintic_simplify(R3)
    R4 = _quintic_simplify(R4)

    # Solve imported here. Causing problems if imported as 'solve'
    # and hence the changed name
    from sympy.solvers.solvers import solve as _solve
    a, b = symbols('a b', cls=Dummy)
    _sol = _solve( sol**5 - a - I*b, sol)
    for i in range(5):
        _sol[i] = factor(_sol[i])
    R1 = R1.as_real_imag()
    R2 = R2.as_real_imag()
    R3 = R3.as_real_imag()
    R4 = R4.as_real_imag()

    for i, root in enumerate(_sol):
        Res[1][i] = _quintic_simplify(root.subs({ a: R1[0], b: R1[1] }))
        Res[2][i] = _quintic_simplify(root.subs({ a: R2[0], b: R2[1] }))
        Res[3][i] = _quintic_simplify(root.subs({ a: R3[0], b: R3[1] }))
        Res[4][i] = _quintic_simplify(root.subs({ a: R4[0], b: R4[1] }))

    for i in range(1, 5):
        for j in range(5):
            Res_n[i][j] = Res[i][j].n()
            Res[i][j] = _quintic_simplify(Res[i][j])
    r1 = Res[1][0]
    r1_n = Res_n[1][0]

    for i in range(5):
        if comp(im(r1_n*Res_n[4][i]), 0, tol):
            r4 = Res[4][i]

    u, v = quintic.uv(theta, d)
    sqrt5 = math.sqrt(5)

    # Now we have various Res values. Each will be a list of five
    # values. We have to pick one r value from those five for each Res
    u, v = quintic.uv(theta, d)
    testplus = (u + v*delta*sqrt(5)).n()
    testminus = (u - v*delta*sqrt(5)).n()

    # Evaluated numbers suffixed with _n
    # We will use evaluated numbers for calculation. Much faster.
    r4_n = r4.n()
    r2 = r3 = None

    for i in range(5):
        r2temp_n = Res_n[2][i]
        for j in range(5):
            # Again storing away the exact number and using
            # evaluated numbers in computations
            r3temp_n = Res_n[3][j]

            if( comp( r1_n*r2temp_n**2 + r4_n*r3temp_n**2 - testplus, 0, tol) and
                comp( r3temp_n*r1_n**2 + r2temp_n*r4_n**2 - testminus, 0, tol ) ):
                r2 = Res[2][i]
                r3 = Res[3][j]
        if r2:

    # Now, we have r's so we can get roots
    x1 = (r1 + r2 + r3 + r4)/5
    x2 = (r1*zeta4 + r2*zeta3 + r3*zeta2 + r4*zeta1)/5
    x3 = (r1*zeta3 + r2*zeta1 + r3*zeta4 + r4*zeta2)/5
    x4 = (r1*zeta2 + r2*zeta4 + r3*zeta1 + r4*zeta3)/5
    x5 = (r1*zeta1 + r2*zeta2 + r3*zeta3 + r4*zeta4)/5
    result = [x1, x2, x3, x4, x5]

    # Now check if solutions are distinct

    saw = set()
    for r in result:
        r = r.n(2)
        if r in saw:
            # Roots were identical. Abort, return []
            # and fall back to usual solve
            return []
    return result