def sdm_groebner(G, NF, O, K, extended=False):
    Compute a minimal standard basis of ``G`` with respect to order ``O``.

    The algorithm uses a normal form ``NF``, for example ``sdm_nf_mora``.
    The ground field is assumed to be ``K``, and monomials ordered according
    to ``O``.

    Let `N` denote the submodule generated by elements of `G`. A standard
    basis for `N` is a subset `S` of `N`, such that `in(S) = in(N)`, where for
    any subset `X` of `F`, `in(X)` denotes the submodule generated by the
    initial forms of elements of `X`. [SCA, defn 2.3.2]

    A standard basis is called minimal if no subset of it is a standard basis.

    One may show that standard bases are always generating sets.

    Minimal standard bases are not unique. This algorithm computes a
    deterministic result, depending on the particular order of `G`.

    If ``extended=True``, also compute the transition matrix from the initial
    generators to the groebner basis. That is, return a list of coefficient
    vectors, expressing the elements of the groebner basis in terms of the
    elements of ``G``.

    This functions implements the "sugar" strategy, see

    Giovini et al: "One sugar cube, please" OR Selection strategies in
    Buchberger algorithm.

    # The critical pair set.
    # A critical pair is stored as (i, j, s, t) where (i, j) defines the pair
    # (by indexing S), s is the sugar of the pair, and t is the lcm of their
    # leading monomials.
    P = []

    # The eventual standard basis.
    S = []
    Sugars = []

    def Ssugar(i, j):
        """Compute the sugar of the S-poly corresponding to (i, j)."""
        LMi = sdm_LM(S[i])
        LMj = sdm_LM(S[j])
        return max(Sugars[i] - sdm_monomial_deg(LMi),
                   Sugars[j] - sdm_monomial_deg(LMj)) \
            + sdm_monomial_deg(sdm_monomial_lcm(LMi, LMj))

    ourkey = lambda p: (p[2], O(p[3]), p[1])

    def update(f, sugar, P):
        """Add f with sugar ``sugar`` to S, update P."""
        if not f:
            return P
        k = len(S)

        LMf = sdm_LM(f)

        def removethis(pair):
            i, j, s, t = pair
            if LMf[0] != t[0]:
                return False
            tik = sdm_monomial_lcm(LMf, sdm_LM(S[i]))
            tjk = sdm_monomial_lcm(LMf, sdm_LM(S[j]))
            return tik != t and tjk != t and sdm_monomial_divides(tik, t) and \
                sdm_monomial_divides(tjk, t)

        # apply the chain criterion
        P = [p for p in P if not removethis(p)]

        # new-pair set
        N = [(i, k, Ssugar(i, k), sdm_monomial_lcm(LMf, sdm_LM(S[i])))
             for i in range(k) if LMf[0] == sdm_LM(S[i])[0]]
        # TODO apply the product criterion?
        remove = set()
        for i, p in enumerate(N):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(N)):
                if sdm_monomial_divides(p[3], N[j][3]):

        # TODO mergesort?
        P.extend(reversed([p for i, p in enumerate(N) if not i in remove]))
        P.sort(key=ourkey, reverse=True)
        # NOTE reverse-sort, because we want to pop from the end
        return P

    # Figure out the number of generators in the ground ring.
        # NOTE: we look for the first non-zero vector, take its first monomial
        #       the number of generators in the ring is one less than the length
        #       (since the zeroth entry is for the module generators)
        numgens = len(next(x[0] for x in G if x)[0]) - 1
    except StopIteration:
        # No non-zero elements in G ...
        if extended:
            return [], []
        return []

    # This list will store expressions of the elements of S in terms of the
    # initial generators
    coefficients = []

    # First add all the elements of G to S
    for i, f in enumerate(G):
        P = update(f, sdm_deg(f), P)
        if extended and f:
                sdm_from_dict({(i, ) + (0, ) * numgens: K(1)}, O))

    # Now carry out the buchberger algorithm.
    while P:
        i, j, s, t = P.pop()
        f, sf, g, sg = S[i], Sugars[i], S[j], Sugars[j]
        if extended:
            sp, coeff = sdm_spoly(f,
                                  phantom=(coefficients[i], coefficients[j]))
            h, hcoeff = NF(sp, S, O, K, phantom=(coeff, coefficients))
            if h:
            h = NF(sdm_spoly(f, g, O, K), S, O, K)
        P = update(h, Ssugar(i, j), P)

    # Finally interreduce the standard basis.
    # (TODO again, better data structures)
    S = set((tuple(f), i) for i, f in enumerate(S))
    for (a, ai), (b, bi) in permutations(S, 2):
        A = sdm_LM(a)
        B = sdm_LM(b)
        if sdm_monomial_divides(A, B) and (b, bi) in S and (a, ai) in S:
            S.remove((b, bi))

    L = sorted(((list(f), i) for f, i in S),
               key=lambda p: O(sdm_LM(p[0])),
    res = [x[0] for x in L]
    if extended:
        return res, [coefficients[i] for _, i in L]
    return res
Beispiel #2
def sdm_groebner(G, NF, O, K):
    Compute a minimal standard basis of ``G`` with respect to order ``O``.

    The algorithm uses a normal form ``NF``, for example ``sdm_nf_mora``.
    The ground field is assumed to be ``K``, and monomials ordered according
    to ``O``.

    Let `N` denote the submodule generated by elements of `G`. A standard
    basis for `N` is a subset `S` of `N`, such that `in(S) = in(N)`, where for
    any subset `X` of `F`, `in(X)` denotes the submodule generated by the
    initial forms of elements of `X`. [SCA, defn 2.3.2]

    A standard basis is called minimal if no subset of it is a standard basis.

    One may show that standard bases are always generating sets.

    Minimal standard bases are not unique. This algorithm computes a
    deterministic result, depending on the particular order of `G`.

    See [SCA, algorithm 2.3.8, and remark 1.6.3].
    # First compute a standard basis
    S = [f for f in G if f]
    P = list(combinations(S, 2))

    def prune(P, S, h):
        Prune the pair-set by applying the chain criterion
        [SCA, remark 2.5.11].
        remove = set()
        retain = set()
        for (a, b, c) in permutations(S, 3):
            A = sdm_LM(a)
            B = sdm_LM(b)
            C = sdm_LM(c)
            if len(set([A[0], B[0], C[0]])) != 1 or not h in [a, b, c] or \
               any(tuple(x) in retain for x in [a, b, c]):
            if monomial_divides(B[1:], monomial_lcm(A[1:], C[1:])):
                remove.add((tuple(a), tuple(c)))
                retain.update([tuple(b), tuple(c), tuple(a)])
        return [(f, g) for (f, g) in P if (h not in [f, g]) or \
                    ((tuple(f), tuple(g)) not in remove and \
                     (tuple(g), tuple(f)) not in remove)]

    while P:
        # TODO better data structures!!!
        #print len(P), len(S)
        # Use the "normal selection strategy"
        lcms = [(i, sdm_LM(f)[:1] + monomial_lcm(sdm_LM(f)[1:], sdm_LM(g)[1:])) for \
                i, (f, g) in enumerate(P)]
        i = min(lcms, key=lambda x: O(x[1]))[0]
        f, g = P.pop(i)
        h = NF(sdm_spoly(f, g, O, K), S, O, K)
        if h:
            P.extend((h, f) for f in S if sdm_LM(h)[0] == sdm_LM(f)[0])
            P = prune(P, S, h)

    # Now interreduce it. (TODO again, better data structures)
    S = set(tuple(f) for f in S)
    for a, b in permutations(S, 2):
        A = sdm_LM(list(a))
        B = sdm_LM(list(b))
        if sdm_monomial_divides(A, B) and b in S and a in S:

    return sorted((list(f) for f in S), key=lambda f: O(sdm_LM(f)),
Beispiel #3
def sdm_groebner(G, NF, O, K, extended=False):
    Compute a minimal standard basis of ``G`` with respect to order ``O``.

    The algorithm uses a normal form ``NF``, for example ``sdm_nf_mora``.
    The ground field is assumed to be ``K``, and monomials ordered according
    to ``O``.

    Let `N` denote the submodule generated by elements of `G`. A standard
    basis for `N` is a subset `S` of `N`, such that `in(S) = in(N)`, where for
    any subset `X` of `F`, `in(X)` denotes the submodule generated by the
    initial forms of elements of `X`. [SCA, defn 2.3.2]

    A standard basis is called minimal if no subset of it is a standard basis.

    One may show that standard bases are always generating sets.

    Minimal standard bases are not unique. This algorithm computes a
    deterministic result, depending on the particular order of `G`.

    If ``extended=True``, also compute the transition matrix from the initial
    generators to the groebner basis. That is, return a list of coefficient
    vectors, expressing the elements of the groebner basis in terms of the
    elements of ``G``.

    This functions implements the "sugar" strategy, see

    Giovini et al: "One sugar cube, please" OR Selection strategies in
    Buchberger algorithm.

    # The critical pair set.
    # A critical pair is stored as (i, j, s, t) where (i, j) defines the pair
    # (by indexing S), s is the sugar of the pair, and t is the lcm of their
    # leading monomials.
    P = []

    # The eventual standard basis.
    S = []
    Sugars = []

    def Ssugar(i, j):
        """Compute the sugar of the S-poly corresponding to (i, j)."""
        LMi = sdm_LM(S[i])
        LMj = sdm_LM(S[j])
        return max(Sugars[i] - sdm_monomial_deg(LMi),
                   Sugars[j] - sdm_monomial_deg(LMj)) \
            + sdm_monomial_deg(sdm_monomial_lcm(LMi, LMj))

    ourkey = lambda p: (p[2], O(p[3]), p[1])

    def update(f, sugar, P):
        """Add f with sugar ``sugar`` to S, update P."""
        if not f:
            return P
        k = len(S)

        LMf = sdm_LM(f)

        def removethis(pair):
            i, j, s, t = pair
            if LMf[0] != t[0]:
                return False
            tik = sdm_monomial_lcm(LMf, sdm_LM(S[i]))
            tjk = sdm_monomial_lcm(LMf, sdm_LM(S[j]))
            return tik != t and tjk != t and sdm_monomial_divides(tik, t) and \
                sdm_monomial_divides(tjk, t)
        # apply the chain criterion
        P = [p for p in P if not removethis(p)]

        # new-pair set
        N = [(i, k, Ssugar(i, k), sdm_monomial_lcm(LMf, sdm_LM(S[i])))
             for i in range(k) if LMf[0] == sdm_LM(S[i])[0]]
        # TODO apply the product criterion?
        remove = set()
        for i, p in enumerate(N):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(N)):
                if sdm_monomial_divides(p[3], N[j][3]):

        # TODO mergesort?
        P.extend(reversed([p for i, p in enumerate(N) if not i in remove]))
        P.sort(key=ourkey, reverse=True)
        # NOTE reverse-sort, because we want to pop from the end
        return P

    # Figure out the number of generators in the ground ring.
        # NOTE: we look for the first non-zero vector, take its first monomial
        #       the number of generators in the ring is one less than the length
        #       (since the zeroth entry is for the module generators)
        numgens = len(next(x[0] for x in G if x)[0]) - 1
    except StopIteration:
        # No non-zero elements in G ...
        if extended:
            return [], []
        return []

    # This list will store expressions of the elements of S in terms of the
    # initial generators
    coefficients = []

    # First add all the elements of G to S
    for i, f in enumerate(G):
        P = update(f, sdm_deg(f), P)
        if extended and f:
            coefficients.append(sdm_from_dict({(i,) + (0,)*numgens: K(1)}, O))

    # Now carry out the buchberger algorithm.
    while P:
        i, j, s, t = P.pop()
        f, sf, g, sg = S[i], Sugars[i], S[j], Sugars[j]
        if extended:
            sp, coeff = sdm_spoly(f, g, O, K,
                                  phantom=(coefficients[i], coefficients[j]))
            h, hcoeff = NF(sp, S, O, K, phantom=(coeff, coefficients))
            if h:
            h = NF(sdm_spoly(f, g, O, K), S, O, K)
        P = update(h, Ssugar(i, j), P)

    # Finally interreduce the standard basis.
    # (TODO again, better data structures)
    S = set((tuple(f), i) for i, f in enumerate(S))
    for (a, ai), (b, bi) in permutations(S, 2):
        A = sdm_LM(a)
        B = sdm_LM(b)
        if sdm_monomial_divides(A, B) and (b, bi) in S and (a, ai) in S:
            S.remove((b, bi))

    L = sorted(((list(f), i) for f, i in S), key=lambda p: O(sdm_LM(p[0])),
    res = [x[0] for x in L]
    if extended:
        return res, [coefficients[i] for _, i in L]
    return res
Beispiel #4
def sdm_groebner(G, NF, O, K):
    Compute a minimal standard basis of ``G`` with respect to order ``O``.

    The algorithm uses a normal form ``NF``, for example ``sdm_nf_mora``.
    The ground field is assumed to be ``K``, and monomials ordered according
    to ``O``.

    Let `N` denote the submodule generated by elements of `G`. A standard
    basis for `N` is a subset `S` of `N`, such that `in(S) = in(N)`, where for
    any subset `X` of `F`, `in(X)` denotes the submodule generated by the
    initial forms of elements of `X`. [SCA, defn 2.3.2]

    A standard basis is called minimal if no subset of it is a standard basis.

    One may show that standard bases are always generating sets.

    Minimal standard bases are not unique. This algorithm computes a
    deterministic result, depending on the particular order of `G`.

    See [SCA, algorithm 2.3.8, and remark 1.6.3].
    # First compute a standard basis
    S = [f for f in G if f]
    P = list(combinations(S, 2))

    def prune(P, S, h):
        Prune the pair-set by applying the chain criterion
        [SCA, remark 2.5.11].
        remove = set()
        retain = set()
        for (a, b, c) in permutations(S, 3):
            A = sdm_LM(a)
            B = sdm_LM(b)
            C = sdm_LM(c)
            if len(set([A[0], B[0], C[0]])) != 1 or not h in [a, b, c] or \
               any(tuple(x) in retain for x in [a, b, c]):
            if monomial_divides(B[1:], monomial_lcm(A[1:], C[1:])):
                remove.add((tuple(a), tuple(c)))
                retain.update([tuple(b), tuple(c), tuple(a)])
        return [(f, g) for (f, g) in P if (h not in [f, g]) or \
                    ((tuple(f), tuple(g)) not in remove and \
                     (tuple(g), tuple(f)) not in remove)]

    while P:
        # TODO better data structures!!!
        #print len(P), len(S)
        # Use the "normal selection strategy"
        lcms = [(i, sdm_LM(f)[:1] + monomial_lcm(sdm_LM(f)[1:], sdm_LM(g)[1:])) for \
                i, (f, g) in enumerate(P)]
        i = min(lcms, key=lambda x: O(x[1]))[0]
        f, g = P.pop(i)
        h = NF(sdm_spoly(f, g, O, K), S, O, K)
        if h:
            P.extend((h, f) for f in S if sdm_LM(h)[0] == sdm_LM(f)[0])
            P = prune(P, S, h)

    # Now interreduce it. (TODO again, better data structures)
    S = set(tuple(f) for f in S)
    for a, b in permutations(S, 2):
        A = sdm_LM(list(a))
        B = sdm_LM(list(b))
        if sdm_monomial_divides(A, B) and b in S and a in S:

    return sorted((list(f) for f in S),
                  key=lambda f: O(sdm_LM(f)),