Beispiel #1
    def doWind(length, hfq, vol, reverse=False):
        key = (length, _logRoundUp(hfq), vol, reverse)
        if key in _resonanceCache:
            if random.random() < _CACHE_PROBABILITY:
                return _repitch(key[1], hfq,

        with SFMemoryZone():
            # Put in a little extra and then trim it off reliably.
            upRatio = key[1] * 1.01 / float(hfq)
            out = _distant_wind(length * upRatio, hfq, qCorrect, limit, seed)
            out = sf.Power(out, power)
            if saturate:
                os = sf.Saturate(sf.LinearVolume(sf.FixSize(+out), 2.0))
                out = sf.Mix(sf.LinearVolume(out, 1.0 - saturate),
                             sf.LinearVolume(os, saturate))
            out = sf.Realise(out)
            out = sf.LinearVolume(sf.FixSize(out), vol)
            if reverse:
                out = sf.Reverse(out)
            ret = compress(out)
            if _PERFORM_CACHE:
                # Store no more than the length we need which we work out as the
                # inverse scale of that used to make the signal. This should
                # always give enough signal so out of bounds does not happen.
                toCache = _repitch(hfq, key[1], ret, sf.Length(ret) / upRatio)
                # FIXME: Figure out how to make this long enough.
                # See call to _distant_wind above.
                _resonanceCache[key] = writeSawppedCache(toCache)
                return toCache.keep()
                return ret.keep()
            return ret
Beispiel #2
 def doWind(lenth, hfq, vol, reverse=False):
     with SFMemoryZone():
         out = _distant_wind(length, hfq, qCorrect, limit, seed)
         out = sf.Power(out, power)
         if saturate:
             os = sf.Saturate(sf.NumericVolume(sf.FixSize(+out), 2.0))
             out = sf.Mix(sf.NumericVolume(out, 1.0-saturate), sf.NumericVolume(os, saturate))
         out = sf.Realise(out)
         out = sf.NumericVolume(sf.FixSize(out), vol)
         if reverse:
             out = sf.Reverse(out)
         return compress(out).keep()
Beispiel #3
def additive_resonance(power, qCorrect, saturate, rollOff, post, limit, seed, flat, harmonics, length, freq):

    lowComp = freq < 128
    if lowComp:
        freq *= 2.0
        length *= 0.5

    def doWind(lenth, hfq, vol, reverse=False):
        with SFMemoryZone():
            out = _distant_wind(length, hfq, qCorrect, limit, seed)
            out = sf.Power(out, power)
            if saturate:
                os = sf.Saturate(sf.NumericVolume(sf.FixSize(+out), 2.0))
                out = sf.Mix(sf.NumericVolume(out, 1.0-saturate), sf.NumericVolume(os, saturate))
            out = sf.Realise(out)
            out = sf.NumericVolume(sf.FixSize(out), vol)
            if reverse:
                out = sf.Reverse(out)
            return compress(out).keep()

    harms = []
    base = compress(sf.Silence(length))
    sigs = []
    for harm in harmonics:
        hfreq = harm * freq
        if hfreq > 18000.0:
        vol = 1.0 / (pow(harm, rollOff))
        if flat:
            sfw = doWind(length, hfreq, vol)
            srv = doWind(length, hfreq, vol, reverse=True)
            sigs += [sfw, srv]
            sigs += [doWind(lenth, hfq, vol)]
        if len(sigs) >  3:
            sigs += [base]
            base = sf.Realise(sf.Mix(sigs))
            sigs = []

    print 'Done Wind'
    base = decompress(base)
    ret = None
    if lowComp:
        base=sf.DirectRelength(base, 0.5)
        freq *= 0.5
        length *= 2.0
        ret = sf.Realise(sf.FixSize(sf.Clean(base)))
        ret = sf.Realise(sf.FixSize(polish(base,freq)))
    return post(ret, length, freq) if post else ret
Beispiel #4
def additive_resonance(power, qCorrect, saturate, rollOff, post, limit, seed,
                       flat, harmonics, length, freq):

    lowComp = freq < 128
    if lowComp:
        freq *= 2.0
        length *= 0.5

    def doWind(length, hfq, vol, reverse=False):
        key = (length, _logRoundUp(hfq), vol, reverse)
        if key in _resonanceCache:
            if random.random() < _CACHE_PROBABILITY:
                return _repitch(key[1], hfq,

        with SFMemoryZone():
            # Put in a little extra and then trim it off reliably.
            upRatio = key[1] * 1.01 / float(hfq)
            out = _distant_wind(length * upRatio, hfq, qCorrect, limit, seed)
            out = sf.Power(out, power)
            if saturate:
                os = sf.Saturate(sf.LinearVolume(sf.FixSize(+out), 2.0))
                out = sf.Mix(sf.LinearVolume(out, 1.0 - saturate),
                             sf.LinearVolume(os, saturate))
            out = sf.Realise(out)
            out = sf.LinearVolume(sf.FixSize(out), vol)
            if reverse:
                out = sf.Reverse(out)
            ret = compress(out)
            if _PERFORM_CACHE:
                # Store no more than the length we need which we work out as the
                # inverse scale of that used to make the signal. This should
                # always give enough signal so out of bounds does not happen.
                toCache = _repitch(hfq, key[1], ret, sf.Length(ret) / upRatio)
                # FIXME: Figure out how to make this long enough.
                # See call to _distant_wind above.
                _resonanceCache[key] = writeSawppedCache(toCache)
                return toCache.keep()
                return ret.keep()
            return ret

    harms = []
    base = compress(sf.Silence(length))
    sigs = []
    for harm in harmonics:
        hfreq = harm * freq
        if hfreq > 18000.0:
        vol = 1.0 / (pow(harm, rollOff))
        if flat:
            sfw = doWind(length, hfreq, vol)
            srv = doWind(length, hfreq, vol, reverse=True)
            sigs += [sfw, srv]
            sigs += [doWind(lenth, hfq, vol)]
        if len(sigs) > 3:
            sigs += [base]
            base = sf.Realise(sf.Mix(sigs))
            sigs = []

    base = decompress(base)
    ret = None
    if lowComp:
        base = sf.DirectRelength(base, 0.5)
        freq *= 0.5
        length *= 2.0
        ret = sf.Realise(sf.FixSize(sf.Clean(base)))
        ret = sf.Realise(sf.FixSize(polish(base, freq)))
    return post(ret, freq) if post else ret