def test_default_kwargs_throw_error_on_compression(self):
     noisy = uniform_noise.NoisyNormal(loc=.25, scale=10.)
     em = ContinuousBatchedEntropyModel(noisy, 1)
     x = tf.zeros(10)
     with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
     s = tf.zeros(10, dtype=tf.string)
     with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
         em.decompress(s, [10])
 def test_compression_works_after_serialization_no_offset(self):
     noisy = uniform_noise.NoisyNormal(loc=0, scale=5.)
     em = ContinuousBatchedEntropyModel(noisy, 1, compression=True)
     self.assertIs(em._quantization_offset, None)
     json = tf.keras.utils.serialize_keras_object(em)
     weights = em.get_weights()
     x = noisy.base.sample([100])
     x_quantized = em.quantize(x)
     x_compressed = em.compress(x)
     em = tf.keras.utils.deserialize_keras_object(json)
     self.assertAllEqual(em.compress(x), x_compressed)
     self.assertAllEqual(em.decompress(x_compressed, [100]), x_quantized)
 def test_compression_consistent_with_quantization(self):
     noisy = uniform_noise.NoisyNormal(loc=.25, scale=10.)
     em = ContinuousBatchedEntropyModel(noisy, 1, compression=True)
     x = noisy.base.sample([100])
     x_quantized = em.quantize(x)
     x_decompressed = em.decompress(em.compress(x), [100])
     self.assertAllEqual(x_decompressed, x_quantized)
 class Compressor:
     def compress(self, values):
         if not hasattr(self, "em"):
             self.em = ContinuousBatchedEntropyModel(noisy,
         compressed = self.em.compress(values)
         return self.em.decompress(compressed, [100])
 def test_high_entropy_bounds(self):
   # For high entropy distributions, the training bound should be very tight,
   # and the overhead of range coding manageable.
   noisy = uniform_noise.NoisyNormal(loc=0., scale=100.)
   em = ContinuousBatchedEntropyModel(noisy, 1, compression=True)
   x = noisy.base.sample([10000])
   bits_eval = em.bits(x, training=False)
   bits_training = em.bits(x, training=True)
   bits_compressed = 8 * len(em.compress(x).numpy())
   self.assertAllClose(bits_training, bits_eval, atol=0, rtol=5e-5)
   self.assertAllClose(bits_compressed, bits_eval, atol=0, rtol=5e-3)
 def test_information_bounds(self):
   # `bits(training=True)` should be greater than `bits(training=False)`
   # because it is defined as an upper bound (albeit for infinite data). The
   # actual length of the bit string should always be greater than
   # `bits(training=False)` because range coding is only asymptotically
   # optimal, and because it operates on quantized probabilities.
   for scale in 2 ** tf.linspace(-2., 7., 10):
     noisy = uniform_noise.NoisyNormal(loc=0., scale=scale)
     em = ContinuousBatchedEntropyModel(noisy, 1, compression=True)
     x = noisy.base.sample([10000])
     bits_eval = em.bits(x, training=False)
     bits_training = em.bits(x, training=True)
     bits_compressed = 8 * len(em.compress(x).numpy())
     self.assertGreater(bits_training, .9975 * bits_eval)
     self.assertGreater(bits_compressed, bits_eval)
Beispiel #7
 def test_small_bitcost_for_dirac_prior(self):
   prior = uniform_noise.NoisyNormal(loc=100 * tf.range(16.0), scale=1e-10)
   em = ContinuousBatchedEntropyModel(
       prior, coding_rank=2, compression=True)
   num_symbols = 1000
   source = prior.base
   x = source.sample((3, num_symbols))
   _, bits_estimate = em(x, training=True)
   bitstring = em.compress(x)
   x_decoded = em.decompress(bitstring, (num_symbols,))
   bitstring_bits = tf.reshape(
       [len(b) * 8 for b in bitstring.numpy().flatten()], bitstring.shape)
   # Max 2 bytes.
   self.assertAllLessEqual(bits_estimate, 16)
   self.assertAllLessEqual(bitstring_bits, 16)
   # Quantization noise should be between -.5 and .5
   self.assertAllLessEqual(tf.abs(x - x_decoded), 0.5)
 def test_information_bounds(self, scale):
     # Off-center prior to test quantization offset heuristic. Without it, it
     # should be harder to achieve the bounds below.
     prior = uniform_noise.NoisyNormal(loc=.5, scale=scale)
     em = ContinuousBatchedEntropyModel(prior,
     x = prior.base.sample([1000000])
     _, bits_eval = em(x, training=False)
     _, bits_training = em(x, training=True)
     bits_compressed = 8 * len(em.compress(x).numpy())
     # Asymptotically, the entropy estimate with `training=True` is an upper
     # bound on the entropy estimate with `training=False`. (With limited data,
     # fluctuations are possible.)
     with self.subTest("training bits > eval bits"):
         # Sample size is too small for the bound to be asymptotic. Increasing it
         # would make tests run too long.
         self.assertGreater(bits_training, 0.999999 * bits_eval)
     # Asymptotically, the length of the bit string should be greater than the
     # entropy estimate with `training=False` because range coding is only
     # asymptotically optimal, and because it operates on quantized
     # probabilities.
     with self.subTest("compressed bits > eval bits"):
         self.assertGreater(bits_compressed, bits_eval)
     # For low entropy distributions, the training bound can be very loose.
     if scale <= .5:
         with self.subTest("training bound loose"):
     # For high entropy distributions, the training bound should be tight.
     if scale >= 64:
         with self.subTest("training bound tight"):
     # The overhead of range coding should always be manageable.
     with self.subTest("range coding overhead"):
         self.assertAllClose(bits_compressed, bits_eval, atol=0, rtol=5e-3)
 def test_dtypes_are_correct_with_mixed_precision(self):
         noisy = uniform_noise.NoisyNormal(
             loc=tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.float64),
             scale=tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.float64))
         em = ContinuousBatchedEntropyModel(noisy, 1, compression=True)
         self.assertEqual(em.bottleneck_dtype, tf.float16)
         self.assertEqual(em.prior.dtype, tf.float64)
         x = tf.random.stateless_normal((2, 5),
                                        seed=(0, 1),
         x_tilde, bits = em(x)
         bitstring = em.compress(x)
         x_hat = em.decompress(bitstring, (5, ))
         self.assertEqual(x_hat.dtype, tf.float16)
         self.assertAllClose(x, x_hat, rtol=0, atol=.5)
         self.assertEqual(x_tilde.dtype, tf.float16)
         self.assertAllClose(x, x_tilde, rtol=0, atol=.5)
         self.assertEqual(bits.dtype, tf.float64)
         self.assertEqual(bits.shape, (2, ))
         self.assertAllGreaterEqual(bits, 0.)