Beispiel #1
def test_rightmult(backend, dtype, chi, d):
  lam = tn.randn((chi, chi), dtype=dtype, backend=backend, seed=10)
  gam = tn.randn((chi, d, chi), dtype=dtype, backend=backend, seed=10)
  result = ct.rightmult(gam, lam)
  compare = tn.linalg.operations.ncon([gam, lam], [[-1, -2, 1],
                                                   [1, -3]])
  np.testing.assert_allclose(result.array, compare.array)
Beispiel #2
def test_projdiag(backend, dtype, chi):
  A = tn.randn((chi, chi), dtype=dtype, backend=backend, seed=10)
  B = tn.randn((chi, chi), dtype=dtype, backend=backend, seed=10)
  result = ct.projdiag(A, B)
  compare_val = tn.linalg.operations.ncon([A, B], [[1, 2], [1, 2]])
  compare = compare_val * tn.eye(chi, dtype=dtype, backend=backend)
  rtol = (A.size + B.size) * np.finfo(dtype).eps
  np.testing.assert_allclose(result.array, compare.array, rtol=rtol)
Beispiel #3
def test_gauge_transform(backend, dtype, chi, d):
  lamL = tn.randn((chi, chi), dtype=dtype, backend=backend, seed=10)
  lamR = tn.randn((chi, chi), dtype=dtype, backend=backend, seed=10)
  gam = tn.randn((chi, d, chi), dtype=dtype, backend=backend, seed=10)
  result = ct.gauge_transform(lamL, gam, lamR)
  compare = tn.linalg.operations.ncon([lamL, gam, lamR],
                                      [[-1, 1], [1, -2, 2], [2, -3]])
  rtol = (lamL.size + lamR.size + gam.size) * np.finfo(dtype).eps
  np.testing.assert_allclose(result.array, compare.array, rtol=rtol)
Beispiel #4
def test_XopR(backend, dtype, chi, d):
  A = tn.randn((chi, d, chi), dtype=dtype, backend=backend, seed=10)
  X = tn.randn((chi, chi), dtype=dtype, backend=backend, seed=10)
  result = ct.XopR(A, X)
  compare = tn.linalg.operations.ncon([A, A.conj(), X],
                                      [[-2, 3, 1],
                                       [-1, 3, 2],
                                       [2, 1]])
  rtol = (2*A.size + X.size) * np.finfo(dtype).eps
  np.testing.assert_allclose(result.array, compare.array, rtol=rtol)
Beispiel #5
def test_rho_loc(backend, dtype, chi, d):
  A = tn.randn((chi, d, chi), dtype=dtype, backend=backend, seed=10)
  B = tn.randn((chi, d, chi), dtype=dtype, backend=backend, seed=10)
  result = ct.rholoc(A, B)
  As = A.conj()
  Bs = B.conj()
  to_contract = [A, B, As, Bs]
  idxs = [(1, -3, 2),
          (2, -4, 3),
          (1, -1, 4),
          (4, -2, 3)]
  compare = tn.linalg.operations.ncon(to_contract, idxs).reshape((d**2, d**2))
  rtol = 2 * (A.size + B.size) * np.finfo(dtype).eps
  np.testing.assert_allclose(result.array, compare.array, rtol=rtol)
Beispiel #6
def random_hermitian_system(backend, dtype, chi, d):
  Return A_L, C, A_R representing a normalized quantum state and a Hermitian
  A_1 = tn.randn((chi, d, chi), dtype=dtype, backend=backend, seed=10)
  A_L, _ = tn.linalg.linalg.qr(A_1, pivot_axis=2, non_negative_diagonal=True)
  C, A_R = tn.linalg.linalg.rq(A_L, pivot_axis=1, non_negative_diagonal=True)
  C /= tn.linalg.linalg.norm(C)
  H = tn.randn((d, d, d, d), dtype=dtype, backend=backend, seed=10)
  H = H.reshape((d*d, d*d))
  H = 0.5*(H + H.H)
  H = H.reshape((d, d, d, d))
  return (A_L, C, A_R, H)
Beispiel #7
def test_minimize_Hc(backend, dtype, chi, d):
  The result of minimize_Hc solves the eigenproblem for Hc.
    A_L, C, A_R, H = random_hermitian_system(backend, dtype, chi, d)
    LH = tn.randn((chi, chi), dtype=dtype, backend=backend)
    RH = tn.randn((chi, chi), dtype=dtype, backend=backend)
    LH = 0.5 * (LH + LH.H)
    RH = 0.5 * (RH + RH.H)
    params = tn_vumps.params.krylov_params(n_krylov=chi * chi)
    ev, newC = tn_vumps.vumps.minimize_Hc([A_L, C, A_R], [H, LH, RH], 1E-5,
    C_prime = ct.apply_Hc(newC, A_L, A_R, [H, LH, RH])
    EC = ev * newC
    np.testing.assert_allclose(C_prime.array, EC.array, rtol=1E-4, atol=1E-4)
Beispiel #8
def test_minimize_HAc(backend, dtype, chi, d):
  The result of minimize_HAc solves the eigenproblem for HAc.
    A_L, C, A_R, H = random_hermitian_system(backend, dtype, chi, d)
    A_C = ct.leftmult(C, A_R)
    LH = tn.randn((chi, chi), dtype=dtype, backend=backend)
    LH = 0.5 * (LH + LH.H)
    RH = tn.randn((chi, chi), dtype=dtype, backend=backend)
    RH = 0.5 * (RH + RH.H)
    params = tn_vumps.params.krylov_params(n_krylov=chi * chi, max_restarts=20)
    ev, newAC = tn_vumps.vumps.minimize_HAc([A_L, C, A_R], A_C, [H, LH, RH],
                                            1E-5, params)
    AC_prime = ct.apply_HAc(newAC, A_L, A_R, H, LH, RH)
    EAC = ev * newAC
    np.testing.assert_allclose(AC_prime.array, EAC.array, rtol=1E-4, atol=1E-4)
Beispiel #9
def vumps_initialization(
    d: int,
    chi: int,
    dtype: Optional[DtypeType] = None,
    backend: Optional[Text] = None
) -> Tuple[ThreeTensors, tn.Tensor, TwoTensors]:
  Generate a random uMPS in mixed canonical forms, along with the left
  dominant eV L of A_L and right dominant eV R of A_R.

    d: Physical dimension.
    chi: Bond dimension.
    dtype: Data dtype of tensors.
    backend: The backend.
    mps = (A_L, C, A_R): A_L and A_R have shape (chi, d, chi), and are
      respectively left and right isometric. C is the (chi, chi)
      centre of orthogonality.
    A_C: A_L @ C. One of the equations vumps minimizes is
      A_L @ C = C @ A_R = A_C.
    fpoints = [rL, lR]: C^dag @ C and C @ C^dag respectively. Will converge
      to the left and right fixed points of A_R and A_L. Both are chi x chi.
    A_1 = tn.randn((chi, d, chi), dtype=dtype, backend=backend)
    A_L, _ = tn.linalg.linalg.qr(A_1, pivot_axis=2, non_negative_diagonal=True)
    C, A_R = tn.linalg.linalg.rq(A_L, pivot_axis=1, non_negative_diagonal=True)
    C /= tn.linalg.linalg.norm(C)
    A_C = ct.rightmult(A_L, C)
    L0, R0 = vumps_approximate_tm_eigs(C)
    fpoints = (L0, R0)
    mps = [A_L, C, A_R]
    return (mps, A_C, fpoints)
Beispiel #10
def test_polar(backend, dtype, chi):
  A = tn.randn((chi, chi), backend=backend, dtype=dtype, seed=10)
  U = polar.polarU(A)
  UUdag = U @ U.H
  UdagU = U.H @ U
  eye = tn.eye(chi, dtype, backend=backend)
  atol = A.size * np.finfo(dtype).eps
  np.testing.assert_allclose(eye.array, UUdag.array, atol=atol)
  np.testing.assert_allclose(UUdag.array, eye.array, atol=atol)
Beispiel #11
def test_polar_mps(backend, dtype, chi, d):
  A = tn.randn((chi, d, chi), backend=backend, dtype=dtype, seed=10)
  UR = polar.polarU(A, pivot_axis=1)
  UL = polar.polarU(A, pivot_axis=2)
  eye = tn.eye(chi, dtype, backend=backend)
  testR = ct.XopR(UR, eye)
  testL = ct.XopL(UL, eye)
  atol = A.size * np.finfo(dtype).eps
  np.testing.assert_allclose(eye.array, testR.array, atol=atol)
  np.testing.assert_allclose(eye.array, testL.array, atol=atol)
Beispiel #12
def test_gauge_match_minimizes(backend, dtype, chi, d):
  Gauge matching decreases the values of ||A_C - A_L C ||
  and ||A_C - C A_R||.
    A_L, C, A_R, _ = random_hermitian_system(backend, dtype, chi, d)
    A_C = tn.randn((chi, d, chi), dtype=dtype, backend=backend)
    epsL = tn.linalg.linalg.norm(A_C - ct.rightmult(A_L, C))
    epsR = tn.linalg.linalg.norm(A_C - ct.leftmult(C, A_R))
    A_L2, A_R2 = vumps.gauge_match(A_C, C, True)
    epsL2 = tn.linalg.linalg.norm(A_C - ct.rightmult(A_L2, C))
    epsR2 = tn.linalg.linalg.norm(A_C - ct.leftmult(C, A_R2))
    assert epsL2 < epsL
    assert epsR2 < epsR
def test_randn(backend):
  Tests tensornetwork.randn against the backend code.
    shape = (5, 10, 3, 2)
    seed = int(time.time())
    backend_obj = backends.backend_factory.get_backend(backend)
    for dtype in dtypes[backend]["rand"]:
        tnI = tensornetwork.randn(shape,
        npI = backend_obj.randn(shape, dtype=dtype, seed=seed)
        np.testing.assert_allclose(tnI.array, npI)