Beispiel #1
    def _undo(self):
        Undo the most recent tag.

        Tag commit must be the most recent commit, and the tag must not
        exist in the remote git repo, otherwise we report and error out.
        tag = self._get_tag_for_version(get_latest_tagged_version(self.project_name))
        info_out("Undoing tag: %s" % tag)
        if not tag_exists_locally(tag):
            raise TitoException(
                "Cannot undo tag that does not exist locally.")
        if not self.offline and tag_exists_remotely(tag):
            raise TitoException("Cannot undo tag that has been pushed.")

        # Tag must be the most recent commit.
        if not head_points_to_tag(tag):
            raise TitoException("Cannot undo if tag is not the most recent commit.")

        # Everything looks good:
Beispiel #2
    def _undo(self):
        Undo the most recent tag.

        Tag commit must be the most recent commit, and the tag must not
        exist in the remote git repo, otherwise we report and error out.
        tag = "v{0}".format(get_latest_tagged_version(self.project_name))
        print("Undoing tag: {0}".format(tag))
        if not tag_exists_locally(tag):
            raise TitoException(
                "Cannot undo tag that does not exist locally.")
        if not self.offline and tag_exists_remotely(tag):
            raise TitoException("Cannot undo tag that has been pushed.")

        # Tag must be the most recent commit.
        if not head_points_to_tag(tag):
            raise TitoException("Cannot undo if tag is not the most recent commit.")

        # Everything looks good: