Beispiel #1
def amend_alert(top: OrderedDict, name_to_block: Dict[str, IpBlock]):
    """Check interrupt_module if exists, or just use all modules
    ensure_alert_modules(top, name_to_block)

    if "alert" not in top or top["alert"] == "":
        top["alert"] = []

    for m in top["alert_module"]:
        ips = list(filter(lambda module: module["name"] == m, top["module"]))
        if len(ips) == 0:
            log.warning("Cannot find IP %s which is used in the alert_module" %

        ip = ips[0]
        block = name_to_block[ip['type']]"Adding alert from module %s" % ip["name"])
        # Note: we assume that all alerts are asynchronous in order to make the
        # design homogeneous and more amenable to DV automation and synthesis
        # constraint scripting.
        for alert in block.alerts:
            alert_dict = alert.as_nwt_dict('alert')
            alert_dict['async'] = '1'
            qual_sig = lib.add_module_prefix_to_signal(alert_dict,
def amend_alert(top: OrderedDict, name_to_block: Dict[str, IpBlock]):
    """Check interrupt_module if exists, or just use all modules
    ensure_alert_modules(top, name_to_block)

    if "alert" not in top or top["alert"] == "":
        top["alert"] = []

    # Find the alert handler and extract the name of its clock
    alert_clock = None
    for instance in top['module']:
        if instance['type'].lower() == 'alert_handler':
            alert_clock = instance['clock_srcs']['clk_i']
    assert alert_clock is not None

    for m in top["alert_module"]:
        ips = list(filter(lambda module: module["name"] == m, top["module"]))
        if len(ips) == 0:
            log.warning("Cannot find IP %s which is used in the alert_module" %

        ip = ips[0]
        block = name_to_block[ip['type']]"Adding alert from module %s" % ip["name"])
        has_async_alerts = ip['clock_srcs']['clk_i'] != alert_clock
        for alert in block.alerts:
            alert_dict = alert.as_nwt_dict('alert')
            alert_dict['async'] = '1' if has_async_alerts else '0'
            qual_sig = lib.add_module_prefix_to_signal(alert_dict,
Beispiel #3
def amend_interrupt(top: OrderedDict, name_to_block: Dict[str, IpBlock]):
    """Check interrupt_module if exists, or just use all modules
    ensure_interrupt_modules(top, name_to_block)

    if "interrupt" not in top or top["interrupt"] == "":
        top["interrupt"] = []

    for m in top["interrupt_module"]:
        ips = list(filter(lambda module: module["name"] == m, top["module"]))
        if len(ips) == 0:
                "Cannot find IP %s which is used in the interrupt_module" % m)

        ip = ips[0]
        block = name_to_block[ip['type']]"Adding interrupts from module %s" % ip["name"])
        for signal in block.interrupts:
            sig_dict = signal.as_nwt_dict('interrupt')
            qual = lib.add_module_prefix_to_signal(sig_dict, module=m.lower())
Beispiel #4
def amend_pinmux_io(top: OrderedDict, name_to_block: Dict[str, IpBlock]):
    """ Check dio_modules/ mio_modules. If not exists, add all modules to mio
    pinmux = top["pinmux"]

    if "dio_modules" not in pinmux:
        pinmux['dio_modules'] = []

    # list out dedicated IO
    pinmux['dio'] = []
    for e in pinmux["dio_modules"]:
        # Check name if it is module or signal
        mname, sname = lib.get_ms_name(e["name"])

        # Parse how many signals
        m = lib.get_module_by_name(top, mname)

        if m is None:
            raise SystemExit("Module {} in `dio_modules`"
                             " is not searchable.".format(mname))

        if sname is not None:
            signals = deepcopy([lib.get_signal_by_name(m, sname)])
            # Get all module signals
            block = name_to_block[m['type']]
            inouts, inputs, outputs = block.xputs
            signals = ([s.as_nwt_dict('input') for s in inputs] +
                       [s.as_nwt_dict('output') for s in outputs] +
                       [s.as_nwt_dict('inout') for s in inouts])

        sig_width = sum([s["width"] for s in signals])

        # convert signal with module name
        signals = list(
            map(partial(lib.add_module_prefix_to_signal, module=mname),
        # Parse how many pads are assigned
        if "pad" not in e:
            raise SystemExit("Should catch pad field in!")

        # pads are the list of individual pin, each entry is 1 bit width
        pads = []
        for p in e["pad"]:
            pads += lib.get_pad_list(p)

        # check if #sig and #pads are matched
        if len(pads) != sig_width:
            raise SystemExit("# Pads and # Sig (%s) aren't same: %d" %
                             (mname, sig_width))

        # add info to pads["dio"]
        for s in signals:
            p = pads[:s["width"]]
            pads = pads[s["width"]:]
            s["pad"] = p

    dio_names = [p["name"] for p in pinmux["dio"]]

    # Multiplexer IO
    if "mio_modules" not in pinmux:
        # Add all modules having available io to Multiplexer IO
        pinmux["mio_modules"] = []

        for m in top["module"]:
            num_io = len(m["available_input_list"] +
                         m["available_output_list"] +
            if num_io != 0:
                # Add if not in dio_modules

    # List up the dedicated IO to exclude from inputs/outputs

    # Add port list to `inputs` and `outputs` fields
    if "inputs" not in pinmux:
        pinmux["inputs"] = []
    if "outputs" not in pinmux:
        pinmux["outputs"] = []

    for e in pinmux["mio_modules"]:
        tokens = e.split('.')
        if len(tokens) not in [1, 2]:
            raise SystemExit(
                "Cannot parse signal/module in mio_modules {}".format(e))
        # Add all ports from the module to input/outputs
        m = lib.get_module_by_name(top, tokens[0])
        if m is None:
            raise SystemExit("Module {} doesn't exist".format(tokens[0]))

        mod_name = m['name'].lower()

        if len(tokens) == 1:
            block = name_to_block[m['type']]
            inouts, inputs, outputs = block.xputs
            for signal in inouts:
                rel = signal.as_nwt_dict('inout')
                qual = lib.add_module_prefix_to_signal(rel, mod_name)
                if qual['name'] not in dio_names:

            for signal in inputs:
                rel = signal.as_nwt_dict('input')
                qual = lib.add_module_prefix_to_signal(rel, mod_name)
                if qual['name'] not in dio_names:

            for signal in outputs:
                rel = signal.as_nwt_dict('output')
                qual = lib.add_module_prefix_to_signal(rel, mod_name)
                if qual['name'] not in dio_names:

        elif len(tokens) == 2:
            # Current version doesn't consider signal in mio_modules
            # only in dio_modules
            raise SystemExit(
                "Curren version doesn't support signal in mio_modules {}".