def gen_rays(self, num_rays, flux=1000.):
		individual_source = True

		if individual_source:
			# Pillbox source on a per-heliostat basis
			radius = 1.20 * math.sqrt(2 * 3.405**2)

			direction = N.array(-self.sun_vec)

			ray_list = []
			num_surfs = self.pos.shape[0]
			for i in xrange(num_surfs):
				centre = N.c_[50 * self.sun_vec + self.pos[i]]
				rayb = solar_disk_bundle(num_rays/num_surfs, centre, direction, radius, 4.65e-3, flux)

			rays = concatenate_rays(ray_list)
			del ray_list
			# Large pillbox sunshape source disc source covering entire field area:
			radius = 1.10 * math.sqrt((self.x_dist/2)**2 + (self.y_dist/2)**2)

			self.source_area = N.pi * radius**2

			centre = N.c_[300*self.sun_vec + self.field_centre]
			direction = N.array(-self.sun_vec)

			rays = solar_disk_bundle(num_rays, centre, direction, radius, 4.65e-3, flux)
		return rays
Beispiel #2
 def test_concat(self):
     r1 = RB.RayBundle(N.ones((3, 4)), N.ones((3, 4)))
     r2 = RB.RayBundle(N.zeros((3, 4)), N.zeros((3, 4)))
     con = RB.concatenate_rays((r1, r2))
     correct = N.hstack((N.ones((3, 4)), N.zeros((3, 4))))
     N.testing.assert_array_equal(con.get_vertices(), correct)
     N.testing.assert_array_equal(con.get_directions(), correct)
 def test_concat(self):
     r1 = RB.RayBundle(N.ones((3, 4)), N.ones((3, 4)))
     r2 = RB.RayBundle(N.zeros((3, 4)), N.zeros((3, 4)))
     con = RB.concatenate_rays((r1, r2))
     correct = N.hstack((N.ones((3, 4)), N.zeros((3, 4))))
     N.testing.assert_array_equal(con.get_vertices(), correct)
     N.testing.assert_array_equal(con.get_directions(), correct)
 def test_extra_prop(self):
     r1 = RB.RayBundle(
         N.ones((3, 4)), N.ones((3, 4)), wavelen=N.ones((3, 4)))
     r2 = RB.RayBundle(
         N.zeros((3, 4)), N.zeros((3, 4)), wavelen=N.zeros((3, 4)))
     con = RB.concatenate_rays((r1, r2))
     correct = N.hstack((N.ones((3, 4)), N.zeros((3, 4))))
     N.testing.assert_array_equal(con.get_wavelen(), correct)
Beispiel #5
 def test_extra_prop(self):
     r1 = RB.RayBundle(N.ones((3, 4)),
                       N.ones((3, 4)),
                       wavelen=N.ones((3, 4)))
     r2 = RB.RayBundle(N.zeros((3, 4)),
                       N.zeros((3, 4)),
                       wavelen=N.zeros((3, 4)))
     con = RB.concatenate_rays((r1, r2))
     correct = N.hstack((N.ones((3, 4)), N.zeros((3, 4))))
     N.testing.assert_array_equal(con.get_wavelen(), correct)
Beispiel #6
def trapezoid_bundle(num_rays,
                     ang_range=N.pi / 2.,
	Regular trapezoid ray-casting surface.
	ABCD must be placed to follow the perimeter of the quadrilateral. AB is the first base and CD is the second base.
	- num_rays: the number of rays cast
	- A: the first point of the trapezoid.
	- B: second vertex forming AB the first base.
	- C: third vertex forming AC the first diagonal. D is obtained by symmetry.
	- direction: The around which the rays escape the source. If None: the normal of the surface with respect to the right hand rule.
	- ang_range: the angular range of the rays emitted by the source
	- A ray-bundle object to ray-trace
    AB = B - A
    AC = C - A
    # Separate into two triangles ABC and ACD and calculate their respective areas:
    l1 = N.sqrt(N.sum(AB**2))
    l2 = N.sqrt(N.sum(AC**2))
    cos_theta =, AB) / (l1 * l2)
    cB = AB * (1. - 1. / l1 * l2 * cos_theta)
    CD = -(AB - 2. * cB)
    AD = AC + CD
    D = A + AD
    l3 = N.sqrt(N.sum(AD**2))
    l4 = N.sqrt(N.sum((-AB + AC)**2))
    l5 = N.sqrt(N.sum((-AC + AD)**2))
    # Area calculated using Heron's formula
    s1 = (l1 + l2 + l4) / 2.
    s2 = (l2 + l3 + l5) / 2.
    area_ABC = N.sqrt(s1 * (s1 - l1) * (s1 - l2) * (s1 - l4))
    area_ACD = N.sqrt(s2 * (s2 - l2) * (s2 - l3) * (s2 - l5))
    # Calculate how many rays per triangle are needed considering the number of rays asked for:
    num_rays_ABC = int(area_ABC / (area_ABC + area_ACD) * num_rays)
    num_rays_ACD = num_rays - num_rays_ABC

    # Get a ray-bundle for each triangle and concatenate them:
    rayb_ABC = triangular_bundle(num_rays_ABC, A, B, C, direction, ang_range,
    rayb_ACD = triangular_bundle(num_rays_ACD, A, C, D, direction, ang_range,
    rayb = concatenate_rays([rayb_ABC, rayb_ACD])
    if flux == None:
        rayb.set_energy(N.ones(num_rays) / float(num_rays) / procs)

    return rayb
Beispiel #7
def trapezoid_bundle(num_rays,
                     ang_range=N.pi / 2.,
	Trapezoidal ray-casting surface.
	ABCD must be placed to follow the perimeter of teh quadrilateral. AB is the first base and CD is the second base.
	- num_rays: the number of rays cast
	- A: the first point of the trapezoid and its anchor point in the global referential.
	- AB: first base of the trapezoid on its plane of reference.
	- AC: first diagonal of the trapezoid
	- AD: last vertex of the trapezoid
	- direction: The direction at which the source is pointing
	- ang_range: the angular range of the rays emitted by the source
	- A ray-bundle object to ray-trace
    # Separate into two triangles ABC and ACD and calculate their respective areas:
    l1 = N.sqrt(N.sum(AB**2))
    l2 = N.sqrt(N.sum(AC**2))
    l3 = N.sqrt(N.sum(AD**2))
    l4 = N.sqrt(N.sum((-AB + AC)**2))
    l5 = N.sqrt(N.sum((-AC + AD)**2))
    # Area calculated using Heron's formula
    s1 = (l1 + l2 + l4) / 2.
    s2 = (l2 + l3 + l5) / 2.
    area_ABC = N.sqrt(s1 * (s1 - l1) * (s1 - l2) * (s1 - l4))
    area_ACD = N.sqrt(s2 * (s2 - l2) * (s2 - l3) * (s2 - l5))
    # Calculate how many rays per triangle are needed considering the number of rays asked for:
    num_rays_ABC = int(area_ABC / (area_ABC + area_ACD) * num_rays)
    num_rays_ACD = num_rays - num_rays_ABC

    # Get a ray-bundle for each triangle and concatenate them:
    rayb_ABC = triangular_bundle(num_rays_ABC, A, AB, AC, direction, ang_range,
    rayb_ACD = triangular_bundle(num_rays_ACD, A, AC, AD, direction, ang_range,
    rayb = concatenate_rays([rayb_ABC, rayb_ACD])
    if flux == None:
        rayb.set_energy(N.ones(num_rays) / float(num_rays) / procs)

    return rayb
    def gen_rays(self, num_rays, flux=1000.):
        individual_source = False

        if individual_source:
            # Pillbox source on a per-heliostat basis
            radius = 1.20 * math.sqrt(2 * 3.405**2)

            direction = N.array(-self.sun_vec)

            ray_list = []
            num_surfs = self.pos.shape[0]
            for i in xrange(num_surfs):
                centre = N.c_[50 * self.sun_vec + self.pos[i]]
                #rayb = solar_disk_bundle(num_rays/num_surfs, centre, direction, radius, 4.65e-3, flux)
                rayb = buie_sunshape(num_rays / num_surfs,

            rays = concatenate_rays(ray_list)
            del ray_list

            # Large pillbox sunshape source disc source covering entire field area:
            radius = 1.10 * math.sqrt((self.x_dist / 2)**2 +
                                      (self.y_dist / 2)**2)

            self.source_area = N.pi * radius**2

            centre = N.c_[300 * self.sun_vec + self.field_centre]
            direction = N.array(-self.sun_vec)

            #rays = solar_disk_bundle(num_rays, centre, direction, radius, 4.65e-3, flux)
            rays = buie_sunshape(num_rays,

        return rays
Beispiel #9
def trapezoid_bundle(num_rays, A, AB, AC, AD, direction, ang_range=N.pi/2., flux=None, procs=1):
	Trapezoidal ray-casting surface.
	ABCD must be placed to follow the perimeter of the quadrilateral. AB is the first base and CD is the second base.
	- num_rays: the number of rays cast
	- A: the first point of the trapezoid and its anchor point in the global referential.
	- AB: first base of the trapezoid on its plane of reference.
	- AC: first diagonal of the trapezoid
	- AD: last vertex of the trapezoid
	- direction: The direction at which the source is pointing
	- ang_range: the angular range of the rays emitted by the source
	- A ray-bundle object to ray-trace
	# Separate into two triangles ABC and ACD and calculate their respective areas:
	l1 = N.sqrt(N.sum(AB**2))
	l2 = N.sqrt(N.sum(AC**2))
	l3 = N.sqrt(N.sum(AD**2))
	l4 = N.sqrt(N.sum((-AB+AC)**2))
	l5 = N.sqrt(N.sum((-AC+AD)**2))
	# Area calculated using Heron's formula
	s1 = (l1+l2+l4)/2.
	s2 = (l2+l3+l5)/2.
	area_ABC = N.sqrt(s1*(s1-l1)*(s1-l2)*(s1-l4))
	area_ACD = N.sqrt(s2*(s2-l2)*(s2-l3)*(s2-l5))
	# Calculate how many rays per triangle are needed considering the number of rays asked for:
	num_rays_ABC = int(area_ABC/(area_ABC+area_ACD)*num_rays)
	num_rays_ACD = num_rays-num_rays_ABC

	# Get a ray-bundle for each triangle and concatenate them:
	rayb_ABC = triangular_bundle(num_rays_ABC, A, AB, AC, direction, ang_range, flux)
	rayb_ACD = triangular_bundle(num_rays_ACD, A, AC, AD, direction, ang_range, flux)
	rayb = concatenate_rays([rayb_ABC,rayb_ACD])
	if flux == None:

	return rayb