Beispiel #1
def select_augmentations():
    print('Select augmentations:')
    print(colored('Note: defaults are all zero or false.', 'cyan'))
    rounds = int_input('number of augmentation rounds', 1, 100)
    # These three are not implemented because they require training and then that would
    #  need to get propogated over which is complicated for prediction

    featurewise_center = False #bool_input('featurewise_center: set input mean to 0 over the dataset.')
    featurewise_std_normalization = False #bool_input('featurewise_std_normalization: divide inputs by std of the dataset.')
    zca_whitening = False #bool_input('zca_whitening: apply ZCA whitening.')
    samplewise_center = False #bool_input('samplewise_center: set each sample mean to 0.')
    samplewise_std_normalization = False #bool_input('samplewise_std_normalization: divide each input by its std.')
    rotation_range = int_input('rotation_range: degrees', 0, 180, True)
    width_shift_range = float_input('width_shift_range: fraction of total width.', 0., 1.)
    height_shift_range = float_input('height_shift_range: fraction of total width.', 0., 1.)
    shear_range = float_input('shear_range: shear intensity (shear angle in radians)', 0., np.pi/2)
    zoom_range_in = float_input('zoom_range: amount of zoom in. 1.0 is no zoom, 0 is full zoom.', 0., 1.)
    zoom_range_out = float_input('zoom_range: amount of zoom out. 1.0 is no zoom, 2.0 is full zoom ', 1., 2.)
    channel_shift_range = float_input('channel_shift_rangee: shift range for each channels.', 0., 1.)
    print('fill_mode: points outside the boundaries are filled according to the given mode.')
    fill_mode = str_input('constant, nearest, reflect, or wrap. Default nearest: ',['constant', 'nearest', 'reflect', 'wrap'])
    if (fill_mode == 'constant'):
        cval = float_input('cval: value used for points outside the boundaries', 0., 1.)
        cval = 0.0
    horizontal_flip = bool_input('horizontal_flip: whether to randomly flip images horizontally.')
    vertical_flip = bool_input('vertical_flip: whether to randomly flip images vertically.')
    rescale = None #int_input('rescale: rescaling factor. If None or 0, no rescaling is applied, otherwise we multiply the data by the value provided.', 0, 255)
    if rescale == 0:
        rescale = None

    augmentations = {'rounds': rounds,
                     'featurewise_center': featurewise_center,
                     'featurewise_std_normalization': featurewise_std_normalization,
                     'samplewise_center': samplewise_center,
                     'samplewise_std_normalization': samplewise_std_normalization,
                     'zca_whitening': zca_whitening,
                     'rotation_range': rotation_range,
                     'width_shift_range': width_shift_range,
                     'height_shift_range': height_shift_range,
                     'shear_range': shear_range,
                     'zoom_range': [zoom_range_in, zoom_range_out],
                     'channel_shift_range': channel_shift_range,
                     'fill_mode': fill_mode,
                     'cval': cval,
                     'horizontal_flip': horizontal_flip,
                     'vertical_flip': vertical_flip,
                     'rescale': rescale}
    return augmentations
Beispiel #2
def select_augmentations():
    print('Select augmentations:')
    print(colored('Note: defaults are all zero or false.', 'cyan'))
    rounds = int_input('number of augmentation rounds', 1, 100)
    # These three are not implemented because they require training and then that would
    #  need to get propogated over which is complicated for prediction

    featurewise_center = False #bool_input('featurewise_center: set input mean to 0 over the dataset.')
    featurewise_std_normalization = False #bool_input('featurewise_std_normalization: divide inputs by std of the dataset.')
    zca_whitening = False #bool_input('zca_whitening: apply ZCA whitening.')
    samplewise_center = False #bool_input('samplewise_center: set each sample mean to 0.')
    samplewise_std_normalization = False #bool_input('samplewise_std_normalization: divide each input by its std.')
    rotation_range = int_input('rotation_range: degrees', 0, 180, True)
    width_shift_range = float_input('width_shift_range: fraction of total width.', 0., 1.)
    height_shift_range = float_input('height_shift_range: fraction of total width.', 0., 1.)
    shear_range = float_input('shear_range: shear intensity (shear angle in radians)', 0., np.pi/2)
    zoom_range_in = float_input('zoom_range: amount of zoom in. 1.0 is no zoom, 0 is full zoom.', 0., 1.)
    zoom_range_out = float_input('zoom_range: amount of zoom out. 1.0 is no zoom, 2.0 is full zoom ', 1., 2.)
    channel_shift_range = float_input('channel_shift_rangee: shift range for each channels.', 0., 1.)
    print('fill_mode: points outside the boundaries are filled according to the given mode.')
    fill_mode = str_input('constant, nearest, reflect, or wrap. Default nearest: ',['constant', 'nearest', 'reflect', 'wrap'])
    if (fill_mode == 'constant'):
        cval = float_input('cval: value used for points outside the boundaries', 0., 1.)
        cval = 0.0
    horizontal_flip = bool_input('horizontal_flip: whether to randomly flip images horizontally.')
    vertical_flip = bool_input('vertical_flip: whether to randomly flip images vertically.')
    rescale = None #int_input('rescale: rescaling factor. If None or 0, no rescaling is applied, otherwise we multiply the data by the value provided.', 0, 255)
    if rescale == 0:
        rescale = None

    augmentations = {'rounds': rounds,
                     'featurewise_center': featurewise_center,
                     'featurewise_std_normalization': featurewise_std_normalization,
                     'samplewise_center': samplewise_center,
                     'samplewise_std_normalization': samplewise_std_normalization,
                     'zca_whitening': zca_whitening,
                     'rotation_range': rotation_range,
                     'width_shift_range': width_shift_range,
                     'height_shift_range': height_shift_range,
                     'shear_range': shear_range,
                     'zoom_range': [zoom_range_in, zoom_range_out],
                     'channel_shift_range': channel_shift_range,
                     'fill_mode': fill_mode,
                     'cval': cval,
                     'horizontal_flip': horizontal_flip,
                     'vertical_flip': vertical_flip,
                     'rescale': rescale}
    return augmentations
Beispiel #3
def select_project(user_provided_project):
    Select a project from configuration to run transfer on

        user_provided_project (str): Project name that should match a project in the config

        project (dict): Configuration settings for a user selected project


    home = os.path.expanduser('~')
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(home, '.transfer', 'config.yaml')):
        with open(os.path.join(home, '.transfer', 'config.yaml'), 'r') as fp:
            projects = yaml.load(
        if len(projects) == 1:
            project = projects[0]
            if user_provided_project in [
                    project['name'] for project in projects
                for inner_project in projects:
                    if user_provided_project == inner_project['name']:
                        project = inner_project
                print('Select your project')
                for i, project in enumerate(projects):
                    print('[' + str(i) + ']: ' + project['name'])
                project_index = int_input('project',
                project = projects[project_index]
        print('Transfer is not configured.')
        print('Please run:')
        print(colored('    transfer --configure', 'green'))

    print(colored('Project selected: ' + project['name'], 'cyan'))
    return project
Beispiel #4
def select_project(user_provided_project):
    Select a project from configuration to run transfer on

        user_provided_project (str): Project name that should match a project in the config

        project (dict): Configuration settings for a user selected project


    home = os.path.expanduser('~')
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(home, '.transfer', 'config.yaml')):
        with open(os.path.join(home, '.transfer', 'config.yaml'), 'r') as fp:
            projects = yaml.load(
        if len(projects) == 1:
            project = projects[0]
            if user_provided_project in [project['name'] for project in projects]:
                for inner_project in projects:
                    if user_provided_project == inner_project['name']:
                        project = inner_project
                print('Select your project')
                for i, project in enumerate(projects):
                    print('[' + str(i) + ']: ' + project['name'])
                project_index = int_input('project', -1, len(projects), show_range = False)
                project = projects[project_index]
        print('Transfer is not configured.')
        print('Please run:')
        print(colored('    transfer --configure', 'green'))

    print(colored('Project selected: ' + project['name'], 'cyan'))
    return project
Beispiel #5
def configure():
    Configure the transfer environment and store
    completer = Completer()
    readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')

    home = os.path.expanduser('~')
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(home, '.transfer', 'config.yaml')):
        with open(os.path.join(home, '.transfer', 'config.yaml'), 'r') as fp:
            config = yaml.load(
        config = []

    project_name = input('Name your project: ')
    existing_project = None
    for project in config:
        if project_name == project['name']:
            existing_project = project_name
    if existing_project is not None:
        print(colored('Project ' + project_name + ' already exists', 'red'))
        overwrite = str_input(
            'Would you like to overwrite this project? (yes or no) ',
            ['yes', 'no'])
        if overwrite == 'no':
            config = [
                project for project in config
                if project_name != project['name']

    image_path = os.path.expanduser(
        input('Select parent directory for your images: '))
    path_unset = True
    while path_unset:
        project_path = os.path.expanduser(
            input('Select destination for your project: '))
        if (project_path.find(image_path) == 0):
                'Project destination should not be same or within image directory!'
            path_unset = False

    print('Select architecture:')
    print('[0] resnet50')
    print('[1] xception')
    print('[2] inception_v3')
    architecture = int_input('choice', 0, 2, show_range=False)
    if architecture == 0:
        arch = 'resnet50'
        img_dim = 224
        conv_dim = 7
        final_cutoff = 80
    elif architecture == 1:
        arch = 'xception'
        img_dim = 299
        conv_dim = 10
        final_cutoff = 80
        arch = 'inception_v3'
        img_dim = 299
        conv_dim = 8
        final_cutoff = 80
    api_port = int_input('port for local prediction API (suggested: 5000)',
                         1024, 49151)
    kfold = int_input('number of folds to use (suggested: 5)', 3, 10)
    kfold_every = bool_input(
        'Fit a model for every fold? (if false, just fit one)')
        'Warning: if working on a remote computer, you may not be able to plot!'
    plot_cm = bool_input('Plot a confusion matrix after training?')
    batch_size = int_input('batch size (suggested: 8)', 1, 64)
    learning_rate = float_input('learning rate (suggested: 0.001)', 0, 1)
    learning_rate_decay = float_input(
        'learning decay rate (suggested: 0.000001)', 0, 1)
    cycle = int_input(
        'number of cycles before resetting the learning rate (suggested: 3)',
        1, 10)
    num_rounds = int_input('number of rounds (suggested: 3)', 1, 100)
    print('Select image resolution:')
    print('[0] low (' + str(img_dim) + ' px)')
    print('[1] mid (' + str(img_dim * 2) + ' px)')
    print('[2] high (' + str(img_dim * 4) + ' px)')
    img_resolution_index = int_input('choice', 0, 2, show_range=False)
    if img_resolution_index == 0:
        img_size = 1
    elif img_resolution_index == 1:
        img_size = 2
        img_size = 4
    use_augmentation = str_input(
        'Would you like to add image augmentation? (yes or no) ',
        ['yes', 'no'])
    if use_augmentation == 'yes':
        augmentations = select_augmentations()
        augmentations = None

    project = {
        'name': project_name,
        'img_path': image_path,
        'path': project_path,
        'plot': plot_cm,
        'api_port': api_port,
        'kfold': kfold,
        'kfold_every': kfold_every,
        'cycle': cycle,
        'seed': np.random.randint(9999),
        'batch_size': batch_size,
        'learning_rate': learning_rate,
        'learning_rate_decay': learning_rate_decay,
        'final_cutoff': final_cutoff,
        'rounds': num_rounds,
        'img_size': img_size,
        'augmentations': augmentations,
        'architecture': arch,
        'img_dim': img_dim,
        'conv_dim': conv_dim,
        'is_split': False,
        'is_array': False,
        'is_augmented': False,
        'is_pre_model': False,
        'is_final': False,
        'model_round': 0,
        'server_weights': None,
        'last_weights': None,
        'best_weights': None

    print(colored('Project configure saved!', 'cyan'))
    print('To run project:')
    print(colored('    transfer --run --project ' + project_name, 'green'))
    print(colored('    transfer -r -p ' + project_name, 'green'))
Beispiel #6
def configure_server():
    Configure the transfer environment and store

    home = os.path.expanduser('~')
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(home, '.transfer', 'config.yaml')):
        with open(os.path.join(home, '.transfer', 'config.yaml'), 'r') as fp:
            config = yaml.load(
        config = []

    project_name = input('Name your project: ')
    existing_project = None
    for project in config:
        if project_name == project['name']:
            existing_project = project_name
    if existing_project is not None:
        print(colored('Project ' + project_name + ' already exists', 'red'))
        overwrite = str_input(
            'Would you like to overwrite this project? (yes or no) ',
            ['yes', 'no'])
        if overwrite == 'no':
            config = [
                project for project in config
                if project_name != project['name']

    api_port = int_input('port for local prediction API (suggested: 5000)',
                         1024, 49151)
    print('Select image resolution:')
    print('[0] low (224 px)')
    print('[1] mid (448 px)')
    print('[2] high (896 px)')
    img_resolution_index = int_input('choice', 0, 2, show_range=False)
    if img_resolution_index == 0:
        img_size = 1
    elif img_resolution_index == 1:
        img_size = 2
        img_size = 4
    num_categories = int_input('number of image categories in your model', 0,

    weights = False
    while weights == False:
        server_weights = os.path.expanduser(input('Select weights file: '))
        if os.path.isfile(server_weights):
            weights = True
            print('Cannot find the weight file: ', server_weights)

    project = {
        'name': project_name,
        'api_port': api_port,
        'img_size': img_size,
        'number_categories': num_categories,
        'server_weights': server_weights

    print(colored('Project configure saved!', 'cyan'))
    print('To start the server:')
        colored('    transfer --prediction-rest-api --project ' + project_name,
        colored('    transfer --prediction-rest-api -p ' + project_name,
Beispiel #7
def configure_server():
    Configure the transfer environment and store

    home = os.path.expanduser('~')
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(home, '.transfer', 'config.yaml')):
        with open(os.path.join(home, '.transfer', 'config.yaml'), 'r') as fp:
            config = yaml.load(
        config = []

    project_name = input('Name your project: ')
    existing_project = None
    for project in config:
        if project_name == project['name']:
            existing_project = project_name
    if existing_project is not None:
        print(colored('Project ' + project_name + ' already exists', 'red'))
        overwrite = str_input('Would you like to overwrite this project? (yes or no) ', ['yes', 'no'])
        if overwrite == 'no':
            config = [project for project in config if project_name != project['name']]

    api_port = int_input('port for local prediction API (suggested: 5000)', 1024, 49151)
    print('Select image resolution:')
    print('[0] low (224 px)')
    print('[1] mid (448 px)')
    print('[2] high (896 px)')
    img_resolution_index = int_input('choice', 0, 2, show_range = False)
    if img_resolution_index == 0:
        img_size = 1
    elif img_resolution_index == 1:
        img_size = 2
        img_size = 4
    num_categories = int_input('number of image categories in your model', 0, 10000000)

    weights = False
    while weights == False:
        server_weights = os.path.expanduser(input('Select weights file: '))
        if os.path.isfile(server_weights):
            weights = True
            print('Cannot find the weight file: ', server_weights)

    project = {'name': project_name,
               'api_port': api_port,
               'img_size': img_size,
               'number_categories': num_categories,
               'server_weights': server_weights}

    print(colored('Project configure saved!', 'cyan'))
    print('To start the server:')
    print(colored('    transfer --prediction-rest-api --project ' + project_name, 'green'))
    print(colored('    transfer --prediction-rest-api -p ' + project_name, 'green'))
Beispiel #8
def configure():
    Configure the transfer environment and store

    home = os.path.expanduser('~')
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(home, '.transfer', 'config.yaml')):
        with open(os.path.join(home, '.transfer', 'config.yaml'), 'r') as fp:
            config = yaml.load(
        config = []

    project_name = input('Name your project: ')
    existing_project = None
    for project in config:
        if project_name == project['name']:
            existing_project = project_name
    if existing_project is not None:
        print(colored('Project ' + project_name + ' already exists', 'red'))
        overwrite = str_input('Would you like to overwrite this project? (yes or no) ', ['yes', 'no'])
        if overwrite == 'no':
            config = [project for project in config if project_name != project['name']]

    image_path = os.path.expanduser(input('Select parent directory for your images: '))
    path_unset = True
    while path_unset:
        project_path = os.path.expanduser(input('Select destination for your project: '))
        if (project_path.find(image_path) == 0):
            print('Project destination should not be same or within image directory!')
            path_unset = False

    print('Select architecture:')
    print('[0] resnet50')
    print('[1] xception')
    print('[2] inception_v3')
    architecture = int_input('choice', 0, 2, show_range = False)
    if architecture == 0:
        arch = 'resnet50'
        img_dim = 224
        conv_dim = 7
        final_cutoff = 80
    elif architecture == 1:
        arch = 'xception'
        img_dim = 299
        conv_dim = 10
        final_cutoff = 80
        arch = 'inception_v3'
        img_dim = 299
        conv_dim = 8
        final_cutoff = 80
    api_port = int_input('port for local prediction API (suggested: 5000)', 1024, 49151)
    kfold = int_input('number of folds to use (suggested: 5)', 3, 10)
    kfold_every = bool_input('Fit a model for every fold? (if false, just fit one)')
    print('Warning: if working on a remote computer, you may not be able to plot!')
    plot_cm = bool_input('Plot a confusion matrix after training?')
    batch_size = int_input('batch size (suggested: 8)', 1, 64)
    learning_rate = float_input('learning rate (suggested: 0.001)', 0, 1)
    learning_rate_decay = float_input('learning decay rate (suggested: 0.000001)', 0, 1)
    cycle = int_input('number of cycles before resetting the learning rate (suggested: 3)', 1, 10)
    num_rounds = int_input('number of rounds (suggested: 3)', 1, 100)
    print('Select image resolution:')
    print('[0] low (' + str(img_dim) + ' px)')
    print('[1] mid (' + str(img_dim * 2) + ' px)')
    print('[2] high (' + str(img_dim * 4) + ' px)')
    img_resolution_index = int_input('choice', 0, 2, show_range = False)
    if img_resolution_index == 0:
        img_size = 1
    elif img_resolution_index == 1:
        img_size = 2
        img_size = 4
    use_augmentation = str_input('Would you like to add image augmentation? (yes or no) ', ['yes', 'no'])
    if use_augmentation == 'yes':
        augmentations = select_augmentations()
        augmentations = None

    project = {'name': project_name,
               'img_path': image_path,
               'path': project_path,
               'plot': plot_cm,
               'api_port': api_port,
               'kfold': kfold,
               'kfold_every': kfold_every,
               'cycle': cycle,
               'seed': np.random.randint(9999),
               'batch_size': batch_size,
               'learning_rate': learning_rate,
               'learning_rate_decay': learning_rate_decay,
               'final_cutoff': final_cutoff,
               'rounds': num_rounds,
               'img_size': img_size,
               'augmentations': augmentations,
               'architecture': arch,
               'img_dim': img_dim,
               'conv_dim': conv_dim,
               'is_split': False,
               'is_array': False,
               'is_augmented': False,
               'is_pre_model': False,
               'is_final': False,
               'model_round': 0,
               'server_weights': None,
               'last_weights': None,
               'best_weights': None}

    print(colored('Project configure saved!', 'cyan'))
    print('To run project:')
    print(colored('    transfer --run --project ' + project_name, 'green'))
    print(colored('    transfer -r -p ' + project_name, 'green'))
Beispiel #9
def read_imported_config(project_path, project_name, projects=None):

    completer = Completer()
    readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete')

    # Oh god this logic is a disaster, user interfaces are hard
    bad_user = True
    while bad_user:
        relearn_str = str_input(
            'Do you want to learn on new starting from these weights? (yes or no) '
        if relearn_str.lower() == 'yes' or relearn_str.lower() == 'y':
            bad_user = False
            relearn = True
        elif relearn_str.lower() == 'no' or relearn_str.lower() == 'n':
            bad_user = False
            relearn = False

    unique_name = False
    while unique_name == False:
        unique_name = True
        if projects is not None:
            for project in projects:
                if project['name'] == project_name:
                        colored('Project with this name already exists.',
                    project_name = str_input('Provide a new project name: ')
                    unique_name = False
    if relearn:
        image_path = os.path.expanduser(
            input('Select parent directory for your images: '))
        path_unset = True
        while path_unset:
            project_dest = os.path.expanduser(
                input('Select destination for your project: '))
            if (project_dest.find(image_path) == 0):
                    'Project destination should not be same or within image directory!'
                path_unset = False
        project_dest = os.path.expanduser(
            input('Select destination for your project: '))

    if os.path.isdir(project_dest) == False:
        print('Creating directory:', project_dest)
        os.makedirs(project_dest, exist_ok=True)
    # You don't get to judge me t('-' t)
    with open(os.path.join(project_path, 'config.yaml'), 'r') as fp:
        import_project = yaml.load(
    import_project['name'] = project_name
    import_project['path'] = project_dest

    if relearn:

        kfold = int_input('number of folds to use (suggested: 5)', 3, 10)
        kfold_every = bool_input(
            'Fit a model for every fold? (if false, just fit one)')
            'Warning: if working on a remote computer, you may not be able to plot!'
        plot_cm = bool_input('Plot a confusion matrix after training?')
        batch_size = int_input('batch size (suggested: 8)', 1, 64)
        learning_rate = float_input('learning rate (suggested: 0.001)', 0, 1)
        learning_rate_decay = float_input(
            'learning decay rate (suggested: 0.000001)', 0, 1)
        cycle = int_input(
            'number of cycles before resetting the learning rate (suggested: 3)',
            1, 10)
        num_rounds = int_input('number of rounds (suggested: 3)', 1, 100)

        import_project['img_path'] = image_path
        import_project['best_weights'] = [
            os.path.join(project_path, weight)
            for weight in os.listdir(project_path) if weight.find('.hdf5') > 0
        import_project['last_weights'] = import_project['best_weights']
        import_project['server_weights'] = None
        import_project['kfold'] = kfold
        import_project['kfold_every'] = kfold_every
        import_project['cycle'] = cycle
        import_project['seed'] = np.random.randint(9999)
        import_project['batch_size'] = batch_size
        import_project['learning_rate'] = learning_rate
        import_project['learning_rate_decay'] = learning_rate_decay
        if 'final_cutoff' not in import_project.keys():
            import_project['final_cutoff'] = 80
        import_project['rounds'] = num_rounds
        import_project['is_split'] = False
        import_project['is_array'] = False
        import_project['is_augmented'] = False
        import_project['is_pre_model'] = False
        import_project['model_round'] = 1
        import_project['plot'] = plot_cm

        print('To re-learn new images with project:')
        print(colored('    transfer --run --project ' + project_name, 'green'))
        print(colored('    transfer -r -p ' + project_name, 'green'))
        import_project['server_weights'] = [
            os.path.join(project_path, weight)
            for weight in os.listdir(project_path) if weight.find('.hdf5') > 0

    return import_project