Beispiel #1
def log_gaussian_pdf(x, mu, sigma):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  """Compute log N(x | mu, sigma)."""
  a = mu.shape[-1] * np.log(2 * np.pi)
  _, b = np.linalg.slogdet(sigma)
  y = np.linalg.solve(sigma, x - mu)
  y = np.expand_dims(y, axis=-1)
  xm = np.expand_dims(x - mu, axis=-2)
  c = np.matmul(xm, y)
  c = np.squeeze(np.squeeze(c, axis=-1), axis=-1)
  return -0.5 * (a + b + c)
Beispiel #2
def log_gaussian_diag_pdf(x, mu, diag_sigma):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  """Compute log N(x | mu, eye(diag_sigma))."""
  a = mu.shape[-1] * np.log(2 * np.pi)
  b = np.sum(np.log(diag_sigma), axis=-1)
  y = x - mu / diag_sigma
  y = np.expand_dims(y, axis=-1)
  xm = np.expand_dims(x - mu, axis=-2)
  c = np.matmul(xm, y)
  c = np.squeeze(np.squeeze(c, axis=-1), axis=-1)
  return -0.5 * (a + b + c)
Beispiel #3
def dataset_to_stream(dataset, input_name):
  """Takes a tf.Dataset and creates a numpy stream of ready batches."""
  for example in backend.dataset_as_numpy(dataset):
    features = example[0]
    inp, out = features[input_name], example[1]
    mask = features['mask'] if 'mask' in features else None
    # All input-pipeline processing should be on CPU.
    with tf.device('cpu:0'):
      # Some accelerators don't handle uint8 well, cast to int.
      if isinstance(inp, np.uint8):
        inp = inp.astype(np.int32)
      if isinstance(out, np.uint8):
        out = out.astype(np.int32)
      if len(out.shape) > 1 and out.shape[-1] == 1:
        out = np.squeeze(out, axis=-1)
    yield (inp, out) if mask is None else (inp, out, mask)
Beispiel #4
    def hash_vectors(self, vecs, rng):
        # See
        # We sample a different random rotation for each round of hashing to
        # decrease the probability of hash misses.
        assert self.n_buckets % 2 == 0

        # If we factorize the hash, find a factor dividing n_buckets nicely.
        rot_size, factor_list = self.n_buckets, [self.n_buckets]
        if self._factorize_hash:
            # If we are given a list of factors, verify it and use later.
            if isinstance(self._factorize_hash, list):
                rot_size, product = 0, 1
                factor_list = self._factorize_hash
                for factor in factor_list:
                    assert factor % 2 == 0
                    product *= factor
                    rot_size += factor
                assert product == self.n_buckets
            else:  # Find one factor if just set to True.
                # We want to represent self.n_buckets = factor * rest so that
                # (1) both factor and rest are even, and (2) factor + rest is minimal.
                # To compute this we start from factor = sqrt(n_buckets) and go down
                # with it until we find one that satisfies the constraints above.
                factor = int(math.sqrt(self.n_buckets))
                while factor > 0 and not (self.n_buckets % factor == 0
                                          and factor % 2 == 0 and
                                          (self.n_buckets // factor) % 2 == 0):
                    factor -= 1
                if factor > 2:  # Factor of 2 does not warrant the effort.
                    rot_size = factor + (self.n_buckets // factor)
                    factor_list = [factor, self.n_buckets // factor]

        rotations_shape = (vecs.shape[-1],
                           self.n_hashes if self._rehash_each_round else 1,
                           rot_size // 2)

        rng = jax.lax.tie_in(vecs, rng)
        rng, subrng = backend.random.split(rng)
        random_rotations = self._sample_rotation(rotations_shape, vecs, rng)

        # TODO(lukaszkaiser): the dropout mask will be used for all rounds of
        # hashing, so it's shared between them. Check if that's what we want.
        dropped_vecs = self.drop_for_hash(vecs, subrng)
        rotated_vecs = np.einsum('tf,fhb->htb', dropped_vecs, random_rotations)

        if self._rehash_each_round:
            if self._factorize_hash and len(factor_list) > 1:
                # We factorized self.n_buckets as the product of factor_list.
                # Get the buckets for them and combine.
                buckets, cur_sum, cur_product = None, 0, 1
                for factor in factor_list:
                    rv = rotated_vecs[..., cur_sum:cur_sum + (factor // 2)]
                    cur_sum += factor // 2
                    rv = np.concatenate([rv, -rv], axis=-1)
                    if buckets is None:
                        buckets = np.argmax(rv, axis=-1)
                        buckets += cur_product * np.argmax(rv, axis=-1)
                    cur_product *= factor
                rotated_vecs = np.concatenate([rotated_vecs, -rotated_vecs],
                buckets = np.argmax(rotated_vecs, axis=-1)
            # buckets is now (self.n_hashes, seqlen). Next we add offsets so that
            # bucket numbers from different hashing rounds don't overlap.
            offsets = jax.lax.tie_in(buckets, np.arange(self.n_hashes))
            offsets = np.reshape(offsets * self.n_buckets, (-1, 1))
            buckets = np.reshape(buckets + offsets, (-1, ))
            assert not self._factorize_hash
            rotated_vecs = np.concatenate([rotated_vecs, -rotated_vecs],
            # In this configuration, we map each item to the top self.n_hashes buckets
            rotated_vecs = np.squeeze(rotated_vecs, 0)
            bucket_range = jax.lax.tie_in(vecs,
            bucket_range = np.reshape(bucket_range, (1, -1))
            bucket_range = np.broadcast_to(bucket_range, rotated_vecs.shape)

            _, buckets = jax.lax.sort_key_val(rotated_vecs,
            buckets = buckets[:, -self.n_hashes:]
            buckets = np.reshape(np.moveaxis(buckets, 0, -1), (-1, ))

        return buckets