Beispiel #1
def authCallback(request, authName):
    This url is provided so external SSO authenticators can get an url for
    redirecting back the users.

    This will invoke authCallback of the requested idAuth and, if this represents
    an authenticator that has an authCallback
    from uds.core import auths
        authenticator = Authenticator.objects.get(name=authName)
        params = request.GET.copy()
        logger.debug('Request session:%s -> %s, %s', request.ip,
                     request.session.keys(), request.session.session_key)

        params['_request'] = request
        # params['_session'] = request.session
        # params['_user'] = request.user

        logger.debug('Auth callback for {0} with params {1}'.format(
            authenticator, params.keys()))

        user = authenticateViaCallback(authenticator, params)

        os = OsDetector.getOsFromUA(request.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])

        if user is None:
            authLogLogin(request, authenticator, '{0}'.format(params),
                         'Invalid at auth callback')
            raise auths.Exceptions.InvalidUserException()

        response = HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('Index'))

        webLogin(request, response, user,
                 '')  # Password is unavailable in this case
        request.session['OS'] = os
        # Now we render an intermediate page, so we get Java support from user
        # It will only detect java, and them redirect to Java

        return response
    except auths.Exceptions.Redirect as e:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(request.build_absolute_uri(str(e)))
    except auths.Exceptions.Logout as e:
        return webLogout(request, request.build_absolute_uri(str(e)))
    except Exception as e:
        return errors.exceptionView(request, e)

    # Will never reach this
    raise RuntimeError('Unreachable point reached!!!')
Beispiel #2
def authCallback_stage2(request: HttpRequest, ticketId: str) -> HttpResponse:
        ticket = TicketStore.get(ticketId)
        params: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = ticket['params']
        auth_uuid: str = ticket['auth']
        authenticator = Authenticator.objects.get(uuid=auth_uuid)
        params['_request'] = request
        # params['_session'] = request.session
        # params['_user'] = request.user
        logger.debug('Request session:%s -> %s, %s', request.ip,
                     request.session.keys(), request.session.session_key)

        user = authenticateViaCallback(authenticator, params)

        os = OsDetector.getOsFromUA(request.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])

        if user is None:
            authLogLogin(request, authenticator, '{0}'.format(params),
                         'Invalid at auth callback')
            raise auths.exceptions.InvalidUserException()

        response = HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('page.index'))

        webLogin(request, response, user,
                 '')  # Password is unavailable in this case
        request.session['OS'] = os
        # Now we render an intermediate page, so we get Java support from user
        # It will only detect java, and them redirect to Java

        return response
    except auths.exceptions.Redirect as e:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(
            request.build_absolute_uri(str(e)) if e.args and e.args[0] else '/'
    except auths.exceptions.Logout as e:
        return webLogout(
            if e.args and e.args[0] else None)
    except Exception as e:
        return errors.exceptionView(request, e)

    # Will never reach this
    raise RuntimeError('Unreachable point reached!!!')
Beispiel #3
def authCallback(request, authName):
    This url is provided so external SSO authenticators can get an url for
    redirecting back the users.

    This will invoke authCallback of the requested idAuth and, if this represents
    an authenticator that has an authCallback
    from uds.core import auths
        authenticator = Authenticator.objects.get(name=authName)
        params = request.GET.copy()
        params['_request'] = request
        # params['_session'] = request.session
        # params['_user'] = request.user

        logger.debug('Auth callback for {0} with params {1}'.format(authenticator, params.keys()))

        user = authenticateViaCallback(authenticator, params)

        os = OsDetector.getOsFromUA(request.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])

        if user is None:
            authLogLogin(request, authenticator, '{0}'.format(params), 'Invalid at auth callback')
            raise auths.Exceptions.InvalidUserException()

        response = HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('Index'))

        webLogin(request, response, user, '')  # Password is unavailable in this case
        request.session['OS'] = os
        # Now we render an intermediate page, so we get Java support from user
        # It will only detect java, and them redirect to Java

        return response
    except auths.Exceptions.Redirect as e:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(request.build_absolute_uri(str(e)))
    except auths.Exceptions.Logout as e:
        return webLogout(request, request.build_absolute_uri(str(e)))
    except Exception as e:
        return errors.exceptionView(request, e)

    # Will never reach this
    raise RuntimeError('Unreachable point reached!!!')
Beispiel #4
def login(request, tag=None):
    View responsible of logging in an user
    :param request:  http request
    :param tag: tag of login auth
    # request.session.set_expiry(GlobalConfig.USER_SESSION_LENGTH.getInt())

    host = request.META.get('HTTP_HOST') or request.META.get('SERVER_NAME') or 'auth_host'  # Last one is a placeholder in case we can't locate host name

    # Get Authenticators limitation
    logger.debug('Host: {0}'.format(host))
    if GlobalConfig.DISALLOW_GLOBAL_LOGIN.getBool(True) is True:
        if tag is None:
                tag = host
            except Exception:
                    tag = Authenticator.objects.order_by('priority')[0].small_name
                except Exception:  # There is no authenticators yet, simply allow global login to nowhere.. :-)
                    tag = None

    logger.debug('Tag: {0}'.format(tag))

    if request.method == 'POST':
        if 'uds' not in request.COOKIES:
            logger.debug('Request does not have uds cookie')
            return errors.errorView(request, errors.COOKIES_NEEDED)  # We need cookies to keep session data
        form = LoginForm(request.POST, tag=tag)
        if form.is_valid():
            os = OsDetector.getOsFromUA(request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT'))
                authenticator = Authenticator.objects.get(pk=form.cleaned_data['authenticator'])
            except Exception:
                authenticator = Authenticator()
            userName = form.cleaned_data['user']

            cache = Cache('auth')
            cacheKey = str( + userName
            tries = cache.get(cacheKey)
            if tries is None:
                tries = 0
            if authenticator.getInstance().blockUserOnLoginFailures is True and tries >= GlobalConfig.MAX_LOGIN_TRIES.getInt():
                form.add_form_error('Too many authentication errors. User temporarily  blocked.')
                authLogLogin(request, authenticator, userName, 'Temporarily blocked')
                user = authenticate(userName, form.cleaned_data['password'], authenticator)
                logger.debug('User: {}'.format(user))

                if user is None:
                    logger.debug("Invalid credentials for user {0}".format(userName))
                    tries += 1
                    cache.put(cacheKey, tries, GlobalConfig.LOGIN_BLOCK.getInt())
                    form.add_form_error('Invalid credentials')
                    authLogLogin(request, authenticator, userName, 'Invalid credentials')
                    logger.debug('User {} has logged in'.format(userName))
                    cache.remove(cacheKey)  # Valid login, remove cached tries
                    response = HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('uds.web.views.index'))
                    webLogin(request, response, user, form.cleaned_data['password'])
                    # Add the "java supported" flag to session
                    request.session['OS'] = os
                    authLogLogin(request, authenticator,
                    return response
        form = LoginForm(tag=tag)

    response = render_to_response(theme.template('login.html'), {'form': form, 'customHtml': GlobalConfig.CUSTOM_HTML_LOGIN.get(True)},

    getUDSCookie(request, response)

    return response
Beispiel #5
def checkLogin(  # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements
    request: 'HttpRequest',
    form: 'LoginForm',
    tag: typing.Optional[str] = None
) -> typing.Tuple[typing.Optional['User'], typing.Any]:
    host = request.META.get('HTTP_HOST') or request.META.get(
    ) or 'auth_host'  # Last one is a placeholder in case we can't locate host name

    # Get Authenticators limitation
    logger.debug('Host: %s', host)
    if GlobalConfig.DISALLOW_GLOBAL_LOGIN.getBool(False) is True:
        if tag is None:
                tag = host
            except Exception:
                    tag = Authenticator.objects.order_by(
                except Exception:  # There is no authenticators yet, simply allow global login to nowhere.. :-)
                    tag = None

    logger.debug('Tag: %s', tag)

    if 'uds' not in request.COOKIES:
        logger.debug('Request does not have uds cookie')
        return (None, errors.COOKIES_NEEDED)
    if form.is_valid():
        os = request.os
            authenticator = Authenticator.objects.get(
        except Exception:
            authenticator = Authenticator()
        userName = form.cleaned_data['user']
        if GlobalConfig.LOWERCASE_USERNAME.getBool(True) is True:
            userName = userName.lower()

        cache = Cache('auth')
        cacheKey = str( + userName
        tries = cache.get(cacheKey) or 0
        triesByIp = cache.get(request.ip) or 0
        maxTries = GlobalConfig.MAX_LOGIN_TRIES.getInt()
        if (authenticator.getInstance().blockUserOnLoginFailures is True and
            (tries >= maxTries) or triesByIp >= maxTries):
            authLogLogin(request, authenticator, userName,
                         'Temporarily blocked')
            return (
                _('Too many authentication errrors. User temporarily blocked'))

        password = form.cleaned_data['password']
        user = None
        if password == '':
            password = '******'  # Random string, in fact, just a placeholder that will not be used :)
        user = authenticate(userName, password, authenticator)
        logger.debug('User: %s', user)

        if user is None:
            logger.debug("Invalid user %s (access denied)", userName)
            cache.put(cacheKey, tries + 1, GlobalConfig.LOGIN_BLOCK.getInt())
            cache.put(request.ip, triesByIp + 1,
            authLogLogin(request, authenticator, userName,
                         'Access denied (user not allowed by UDS)')
            return (None, _('Access denied'))


        logger.debug('User %s has logged in', userName)
        cache.remove(cacheKey)  # Valid login, remove cached tries

        # Add the "java supported" flag to session
        request.session['OS'] = os
        if form.cleaned_data['logouturl'] != '':
            logger.debug('The logoout url will be %s',
            request.session['logouturl'] = form.cleaned_data['logouturl']
        authLogLogin(request, authenticator,
        return (user, form.cleaned_data['password'])'Invalid form received')
    return (None, _('Invalid data'))
Beispiel #6
def login(request, tag=None):
    View responsible of logging in an user
    :param request:  http request
    :param tag: tag of login auth
    # request.session.set_expiry(GlobalConfig.USER_SESSION_LENGTH.getInt())

    host = request.META.get('HTTP_HOST') or request.META.get('SERVER_NAME') or 'auth_host'  # Last one is a placeholder in case we can't locate host name

    # Get Authenticators limitation
    logger.debug('Host: {0}'.format(host))
    if GlobalConfig.DISALLOW_GLOBAL_LOGIN.getBool(False) is True:
        if tag is None:
                tag = host
            except Exception:
                    tag = Authenticator.objects.order_by('priority')[0].small_name
                except Exception:  # There is no authenticators yet, simply allow global login to nowhere.. :-)
                    tag = None

    logger.debug('Tag: {0}'.format(tag))

    if request.method == 'POST':
        if 'uds' not in request.COOKIES:
            logger.debug('Request does not have uds cookie')
            return errors.errorView(request, errors.COOKIES_NEEDED)  # We need cookies to keep session data
        form = LoginForm(request.POST, tag=tag)
        if form.is_valid():
            os = request.os
                authenticator = Authenticator.objects.get(pk=form.cleaned_data['authenticator'])
            except Exception:
                authenticator = Authenticator()
            userName = form.cleaned_data['user']
            if GlobalConfig.LOWERCASE_USERNAME.getBool(True) is True:
                userName = userName.lower()

            cache = Cache('auth')
            cacheKey = str( + userName
            tries = cache.get(cacheKey)
            if tries is None:
                tries = 0
            if authenticator.getInstance().blockUserOnLoginFailures is True and tries >= GlobalConfig.MAX_LOGIN_TRIES.getInt():
                form.add_error(None, 'Too many authentication errors. User temporarily  blocked.')
                authLogLogin(request, authenticator, userName, 'Temporarily blocked')
                password = form.cleaned_data['password']
                user = None
                if password == '':
                    password = '******'
                user = authenticate(userName, password, authenticator)
                logger.debug('User: {}'.format(user))

                if user is None:
                    logger.debug("Invalid credentials for user {0}".format(userName))
                    tries += 1
                    cache.put(cacheKey, tries, GlobalConfig.LOGIN_BLOCK.getInt())
                    form.add_error(None, ugettext('Invalid credentials'))
                    authLogLogin(request, authenticator, userName, 'Invalid credentials')
                    logger.debug('User {} has logged in'.format(userName))
                    cache.remove(cacheKey)  # Valid login, remove cached tries
                    response = HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('uds.web.views.index'))
                    webLogin(request, response, user, form.cleaned_data['password'])
                    # Add the "java supported" flag to session
                    request.session['OS'] = os
                    if form.cleaned_data['logouturl'] != '':
                        logger.debug('The logoout url will be {}'.format(form.cleaned_data['logouturl']))
                        request.session['logouturl'] = form.cleaned_data['logouturl']
                    authLogLogin(request, authenticator,
                    return response
  'Invalid form received')
        form = LoginForm(tag=tag)

    response = render_to_response(
            'form': form,
            'customHtml': GlobalConfig.CUSTOM_HTML_LOGIN.get(True),
            'version': VERSION


    getUDSCookie(request, response)

    return response
Beispiel #7
def checkLogin(request, form, tag=None):
    host = request.META.get('HTTP_HOST') or request.META.get('SERVER_NAME') or 'auth_host'  # Last one is a placeholder in case we can't locate host name

    # Get Authenticators limitation
    logger.debug('Host: {0}'.format(host))
    if GlobalConfig.DISALLOW_GLOBAL_LOGIN.getBool(False) is True:
        if tag is None:
                tag = host
            except Exception:
                    tag = Authenticator.objects.order_by('priority')[0].small_name
                except Exception:  # There is no authenticators yet, simply allow global login to nowhere.. :-)
                    tag = None

    logger.debug('Tag: {0}'.format(tag))

    if 'uds' not in request.COOKIES:
        logger.debug('Request does not have uds cookie')
        return (None, errors.COOKIES_NEEDED)
    if form.is_valid():
        os = request.os
            authenticator = Authenticator.objects.get(uuid=processUuid(form.cleaned_data['authenticator']))
        except Exception:
            authenticator = Authenticator()
        userName = form.cleaned_data['user']
        if GlobalConfig.LOWERCASE_USERNAME.getBool(True) is True:
            userName = userName.lower()

        cache = Cache('auth')
        cacheKey = str( + userName
        tries = cache.get(cacheKey)
        if tries is None:
            tries = 0
        if authenticator.getInstance().blockUserOnLoginFailures is True and tries >= GlobalConfig.MAX_LOGIN_TRIES.getInt():
            authLogLogin(request, authenticator, userName, 'Temporarily blocked')
            return (None, _('Too many authentication errrors. User temporarily blocked'))
            password = form.cleaned_data['password']
            user = None
            if password == '':
                password = '******'  # Random string, in fact, just a placeholder that will not be used :)
            user = authenticate(userName, password, authenticator)
            logger.debug('User: {}'.format(user))

            if user is None:
                logger.debug("Invalid user {0} (access denied)".format(userName))
                tries += 1
                cache.put(cacheKey, tries, GlobalConfig.LOGIN_BLOCK.getInt())
                authLogLogin(request, authenticator, userName, 'Access denied (user not allowed by UDS)')
                return (None, _('Access denied'))

                logger.debug('User {} has logged in'.format(userName))
                cache.remove(cacheKey)  # Valid login, remove cached tries

                # Add the "java supported" flag to session
                request.session['OS'] = os
                if form.cleaned_data['logouturl'] != '':
                    logger.debug('The logoout url will be {}'.format(form.cleaned_data['logouturl']))
                    request.session['logouturl'] = form.cleaned_data['logouturl']
                authLogLogin(request, authenticator,
                return (user, form.cleaned_data['password'])'Invalid form received')
    return (None, _('Invalid data'))