Beispiel #1
    def getUDSTransportScript(  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        self, userService: 'models.UserService', transport: 'models.Transport',
        ip: str, os: typing.Dict[str, str], user: '******', password: str,
        request: 'HttpRequest'
    ) -> typing.Tuple[str, str, typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]:
        username = user.getUsernameForAuth()
        proc = username.split('@')
        username = proc[0]

        if self._fixedName:
            username = self._fixedName
        if self._fixedPassword:
            password = self._fixedPassword
        if self._useEmptyCreds:
            username, password = '', ''

        # We have the credentials right now, let os manager

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(self._screenSize)

        # Fix username/password acording to os manager
        username, password = userService.processUserPassword(
            username, password)

        r = NXFile(username=username,
                   height=height) = ip
        r.port = self._listenPort
        r.linkSpeed = self._connection
        r.desktop = self._session
        r.cachedisk = self._cacheDisk
        r.cachemem = self._cacheMem

        osName = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'

        if osName is None:
            return super().getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport, ip,
                                                 os, user, password, request)

        sp = {
            'as_file': r.as_file,

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/', osName, sp)
Beispiel #2
    def getUDSTransportScript(  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        self, userService: 'models.UserService', transport: 'models.Transport',
        ip: str, os: typing.Dict[str, str], user: '******', password: str,
        request: 'HttpRequest'
    ) -> typing.Tuple[str, str, typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]:
        prefs = self.screenSize.value

        username = user.getUsernameForAuth()
        proc = username.split('@')
        username = proc[0]
        if self._fixedName is not '':
            username = self._fixedName
        if self._fixedPassword is not '':
            password = self._fixedPassword
        if self._useEmptyCreds is True:
            usernamsizerd = '', ''

        tunpass = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_letters +
                          for _i in range(12))
        tunuser = TicketStore.create(tunpass)

        sshServer = self._tunnelServer
        if ':' not in sshServer:
            sshServer += ':443'

        sshHost, sshPort = sshServer.split(':')

        logger.debug('Username generated: %s, password: %s', tunuser, tunpass)

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)
        # Fix username/password acording to os manager
        username, password = userService.processUserPassword(
            username, password)

        r = NXFile(username=username,
                   height=height) = '{address}'
        r.port = '{port}'
        r.linkSpeed = self._connection
        r.desktop = self._session
        r.cachedisk = self._cacheDisk
        r.cachemem = self._cacheMem

        osName = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx'

        if osName is None:
            return super().getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport, ip,
                                                 os, user, password, request)

        sp = {
            'ip': ip,
            'tunUser': tunuser,
            'tunPass': tunpass,
            'tunHost': sshHost,
            'tunPort': sshPort,
            'port': self._listenPort,
            'as_file_for_format': r.as_file_for_format

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/', osName, sp)
Beispiel #3
 def getScreenSize(self) -> typing.Tuple[int, int]:
     return CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(self.screenSize.value)
Beispiel #4
    def getUDSTransportScript(  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        userService: 'models.UserService',
        transport: 'models.Transport',
        ip: str,
        os: typing.Dict[str, str],
        user: '******',
        password: str,
        request: 'HttpRequest',
    ) -> typing.Tuple[str, str, typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]]:
        prefs = self.screenSize.value

        username = user.getUsernameForAuth()
        proc = username.split('@')
        username = proc[0]
        if self._fixedName is not '':
            username = self._fixedName
        if self._fixedPassword is not '':
            password = self._fixedPassword
        if self._useEmptyCreds is True:
            usernamsizerd = '', ''

        ticket = TicketStore.create_for_tunnel(
            validity=self._tunnelWait + 60,  # Ticket overtime

        tunHost, tunPort = self.tunnelServer.value.split(':')

        width, height = CommonPrefs.getWidthHeight(prefs)
        # Fix username/password acording to os manager
        username, password = userService.processUserPassword(
            username, password)

        r = NXFile(username=username,
                   height=height) = '{address}'
        r.port = '{port}'
        r.linkSpeed = self._connection
        r.desktop = self._session
        r.cachedisk = self._cacheDisk
        r.cachemem = self._cacheMem

        osName = {
            OsDetector.Windows: 'windows',
            OsDetector.Linux: 'linux',
            OsDetector.Macintosh: 'macosx',

        if osName is None:
            return super().getUDSTransportScript(userService, transport, ip,
                                                 os, user, password, request)

        sp = {
            'ip': ip,
            'tunHost': tunHost,
            'tunPort': tunPort,
            'tunWait': self._tunnelWait,
            'tunChk': self._verifyCertificate,
            'ticket': ticket,
            'as_file_for_format': r.as_file_for_format,

        return self.getScript('scripts/{}/', osName, sp)