def get_metadata_and_check_license(self, result):
        """Download files to download + license and check it"""
        logger.debug("Parse download metadata")

        error_msg = result[self.download_page].error
        if error_msg:
            logger.error("An error occurred while downloading {}: {}".format(self.download_page, error_msg))

        url, md5sum = (None, None)
        with StringIO() as license_txt:
            in_license = False
            in_download = False
            for line in result[self.download_page].buffer:
                line_content = line.decode()

                if self.expect_license:
                    in_license = self.parse_license(line_content, license_txt, in_license)

                (download, in_download) = self.parse_download_link(line_content, in_download)
                if download is not None:
                    (newurl, newmd5sum) = download
                    url = newurl if newurl is not None else url
                    md5sum = newmd5sum if newmd5sum is not None else md5sum
                    logger.debug("Found download link for {}, md5sum: {}".format(url, md5sum))

            if url is None or (self.require_md5 and md5sum is None):
                logger.error("Download page changed its syntax or is not parsable")
            self.download_requests.append((url, md5sum))

            if license_txt.getvalue() != "":
                logger.debug("Check license agreement.")
            elif self.expect_license:
                logger.error("We were expecting to find a license on the download page, we didn't.")
 def test_strip_without_tags(self):
     """We return unmodified content if there is no tag"""
     self.assertEquals(tools.strip_tags("content content content contentcontent\n content"
                                        "\ncontent content"),
                       "content content content contentcontent\n content\ncontent content")
 def test_strip_invalid_tags(self):
     """We return trip tags even if invalid"""
     self.assertEquals(tools.strip_tags("content <a foo bar>content content content</a><b>content\n content</c>"
                                        "\n</b>content content"),
                       "content content content contentcontent\n content\ncontent content")
 def test_strip_tags(self):
     """We return strip tags from content"""
     self.assertEquals(tools.strip_tags("content <a foo bar>content content content</a><b><c>content\n content</c>"
                                        "\n</b>content content"),
                       "content content content contentcontent\n content\ncontent content")