__author__ = 'jens'

import util

# Remove all double entries and entries that have an extension out of the second list

print 'Base set'
base = util.create_set(util.raw_multi_line_input(), lambda s: s.lower())
print 'Extensions to remove from base'
to_del = util.create_set(util.raw_multi_line_input(), lambda s: s.lower())
for to_del_entry in to_del:
    base_set = set(base)
    for entry in base_set:
        if entry.lower().endswith(to_del_entry.lower()):
util.copy_to_clipboard(sorted(base, key=str.lower))
Beispiel #2
__author__ = 'jens'

import util
import re

# Extract email extensions from a list of mails use mailExtract.py first to get mails from text

text = util.raw_multi_line_input()
util.copy_to_clipboard(re.findall(r'@[\w\.-]+', ' '.join(text)))
Beispiel #3
__author__ = 'jens'

import util

# Read multi line input and count times each line occers
# This will also trim all leading and trailing spaces

multiLineInput = util.raw_multi_line_input()
counter = dict()
for line in multiLineInput:
    if line in counter:
        counter[line] += 1
        counter[line] = 1
Beispiel #4
__author__ = 'jens'

import util
import re

# Extracts belgian phone numbers from text

lines = util.raw_multi_line_input()
pattern = "(?:\+32|0032|0)(\d{8}\d?)"
phones = []
for line in lines:
    phones.extend(re.findall(pattern, line.translate(None, '/. ')))
phones = ["0032" + phone for phone in phones]