Beispiel #1
def greedy_make_change(n):
    C = Array.indexed(1, 6)
    d = Array([1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50])
    for i in rbetween(d.length, 1):
        C[i] = math.floor(n / d[i])
        n %= d[i]
    return C
Beispiel #2
def get_shortest_bitonic_path_length_bruteforce(points):
    n = points.length
    min_length = math.inf
    for k in between(0, n - 2):
        for right_path in itertools.combinations(between(2, n - 1), k):
            left_path = [x for x in rbetween(n - 1, 2) if x not in right_path]
            path_length = get_path_length(points, [1] + list(right_path) + [n] + left_path + [1])
            min_length = min(min_length, path_length)
    return min_length
Beispiel #3
def greedy_activity_selector_(s, f):
    n = s.length - 2
    A = {'a' + str(n)}
    i = n
    for m in rbetween(n - 1, 1):
        if f[m] <= s[i]:
            A.add('a' + str(m))
            i = m
    return A
Beispiel #4
def get_assembly_time_based_on_lines(lines, last_line, a, t, e, x, n):
    i = last_line
    assembly_time = x[i]
    for j in rbetween(n, 2):
        assembly_time += a[i, j]
        if i != lines[i, j]:
            i = lines[i, j]
            assembly_time += t[i, j - 1]
    assembly_time += a[i, 1] + e[i]
    return assembly_time
Beispiel #5
def get_assembly_time_based_on_lines(lines, last_line, a, t, e, x, n):
    i = last_line
    assembly_time = x[i]
    for j in rbetween(n, 2):
        assembly_time += a[i, j]
        if i != lines[i, j]:
            i = lines[i, j]
            assembly_time += t[i, j - 1]
    assembly_time += a[i, 1] + e[i]
    return assembly_time
Beispiel #6
def get_shortest_bitonic_path_length_bruteforce(points):
    n = points.length
    min_length = math.inf
    for k in between(0, n - 2):
        for right_path in itertools.combinations(between(2, n - 1), k):
            left_path = [x for x in rbetween(n - 1, 2) if x not in right_path]
            path_length = get_path_length(points, [1] + list(right_path) +
                                          [n] + left_path + [1])
            min_length = min(min_length, path_length)
    return min_length
Beispiel #7
def josephus(n, m):
    T = RedBlackTree(sentinel=OSNode(None))
    for j in between(1, n):
        x = OSNode(j)
        os_insert(T, x)
    j = 1
    for k in rbetween(n, 1):
        j = (j + m - 1) % k + 1
        x = os_select(T.root, j)
        os_delete(T, x)
Beispiel #8
def counting_sort(A, B, k):
    C = Array.indexed(0, k)
    for i in between(0, k):
        C[i] = 0
    for j in between(1, A.length):
        C[A[j]] = C[A[j]] + 1
    for i in between(1, k):
        C[i] = C[i] + C[i - 1]
    for j in rbetween(A.length, 1):
        B[C[A[j]]] = A[j]
        C[A[j]] = C[A[j]] - 1
Beispiel #9
def _sort_by_character(A, p, r, position):
    k = ord('z') - ord('a')
    C = Array([0] * (k + 1), start=0)
    for j in between(p, r):
        x = ord(A[j][position - 1]) - ord('a')
        C[x] += 1
    for i in between(1, k):
        C[i] += C[i - 1]
    B = Array.indexed(1, r - p + 1)
    for j in rbetween(r, p):
        x = ord(A[j][position - 1]) - ord('a')
        B[C[x]] = A[j]
        C[x] -= 1
    A.elements[p - 1:r] = B.elements
Beispiel #10
def josephus_simulate(n, m):
    L = List()
    singly_linked_list_insert(L, SNode(n))
    x = L.head
    for i in rbetween(n - 1, 1):
        singly_linked_list_insert(L, SNode(i)) = L.head
    for i in between(1, n):
        for j in between(1, m):
            x =
        if L.head is
            L.head = =
Beispiel #11
def _sort_by_character(A, p, r, position):
    k = ord('z') - ord('a')
    C = Array([0] * (k + 1), start=0)
    for j in between(p, r):
        x = ord(A[j][position - 1]) - ord('a')
        C[x] += 1
    for i in between(1, k):
        C[i] += C[i - 1]
    B = Array.indexed(1, r - p + 1)
    for j in rbetween(r, p):
        x = ord(A[j][position - 1]) - ord('a')
        B[C[x]] = A[j]
        C[x] -= 1
    A.elements[p - 1:r] = B.elements
Beispiel #12
def fuzzy_partition(A, p, r):
    j = random(p, r)
    A[r], A[j] = A[j], A[r]
    x = A[r].low
    i = p - 1
    for j in between(p, r - 1):
        if A[j].low <= x:
            i = i + 1
            A[i], A[j] = A[j], A[i]
    A[i + 1], A[r] = A[r], A[i + 1]
    q = i + 1
    for k in rbetween(i, p):
        if A[k].high >= x:
            q = q - 1
            A[q], A[k] = A[k], A[q]
    return q, i + 1
Beispiel #13
def jobs_scheduling(t, p, d):
    n = p.length
    a = Array(list(between(1, n)))
    _sort_jobs_by_deadlines(a, t, p, d)
    for i in between(1, n):
        d[i] = min(d[i], n ** 2)
    P = Array.indexed(0, d[n])
    s = Array([Array.indexed(0, d[n]) for _ in between(1, n)])
    for j in between(0, d[n]):
        P[j] = 0
    for i in between(1, n):
        for j in between(0, d[n]):
            s[i, j] = 0
    for i in between(1, n):
        for j in rbetween(d[n], t[i]):
            if P[min(j, d[i]) - t[i]] + p[i] > P[j]:
                P[j] = P[min(j, d[i]) - t[i]] + p[i]
                s[i, j] = 1
    return P, s, a
Beispiel #14
def jobs_scheduling(t, p, d):
    n = p.length
    a = Array(list(between(1, n)))
    _sort_jobs_by_deadlines(a, t, p, d)
    for i in between(1, n):
        d[i] = min(d[i], n**2)
    P = Array.indexed(0, d[n])
    s = Array([Array.indexed(0, d[n]) for _ in between(1, n)])
    for j in between(0, d[n]):
        P[j] = 0
    for i in between(1, n):
        for j in between(0, d[n]):
            s[i, j] = 0
    for i in between(1, n):
        for j in rbetween(d[n], t[i]):
            if P[min(j, d[i]) - t[i]] + p[i] > P[j]:
                P[j] = P[min(j, d[i]) - t[i]] + p[i]
                s[i, j] = 1
    return P, s, a
Beispiel #15
    def test_print_stations(self):
        n = random.randint(1, 10)
        l = Array([Array.indexed(1, n), Array.indexed(1, n)])
        l[1, 1], l[2, 1] = 0, 0
        for i in between(2, n):
            l[1, i], l[2, i] = random.choice([(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2)])
        l_star = random.randint(1, 2)
        captured_output = io.StringIO()

        with redirect_stdout(captured_output):
            print_stations(l, l_star, n)

        actual_output = captured_output.getvalue().splitlines()
        expected_output = []
        i = l_star
        expected_output.append('line ' + str(i) + ', station ' + str(n))
        for j in rbetween(n, 2):
            i = l[i, j]
            expected_output.append('line ' + str(i) + ', station ' + str(j - 1))
        assert_that(actual_output, is_(equal_to(expected_output)))
Beispiel #16
    def test_print_stations_(self):
        n = random.randint(1, 10)
        l = Array([Array.indexed(1, n), Array.indexed(1, n)])
        l[1, 1], l[2, 1] = 0, 0
        for i in between(2, n):
            l[1, i], l[2, i] = random.choice([(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2)])
        l_star = random.randint(1, 2)
        captured_output = io.StringIO()

        with redirect_stdout(captured_output):
            print_stations_(l, l_star, n)

        actual_output = captured_output.getvalue().splitlines()
        expected_output = []
        i = l_star
        expected_output.append('line ' + str(i) + ', station ' + str(n))
        for j in rbetween(n, 2):
            i = l[i, j]
            expected_output.append('line ' + str(i) + ', station ' + str(j - 1))
        assert_that(actual_output, is_(equal_to(expected_output)))
Beispiel #17
def activity_scheduler(s, f):
    n = s.length
    A = Array.indexed(1, n)
    F = Array(list(rbetween(n, 1))) = n
    B = RedBlackTree()
    # events contains triples (a, b, c) where a = 0 if the event is finish of an activity and 1 if it is start,
    # b as the activity number, and c as the start time or the finish time
    events = [(0, i + 1, finish_time) for i, finish_time in enumerate(f)] + \
             [(1, i + 1, start_time) for i, start_time in enumerate(s)]
    events.sort(key=lambda e: (e[2], e[0]))
    for e in events:
        if e[0] == 1:
            hall_number = pop(F)
            A[e[1]] = hall_number
            rb_insert(B, Node(e[1], data=hall_number), sentinel=B.nil)
            hall = rb_search(B.root, e[1], sentinel=B.nil)
            rb_delete(B, hall, sentinel=B.nil)
    return A
Beispiel #18
def heapsort(A):
    for i in rbetween(A.length, 2):
        A[1], A[i] = A[i], A[1]
        A.heap_size = A.heap_size - 1
        max_heapify(A, 1)
Beispiel #19
def bubble_sort(A):
    for i in between(1, A.length):
        for j in rbetween(A.length, i + 1):
            if A[j] < A[j - 1]:
                A[j], A[j - 1] = A[j - 1], A[j]
Beispiel #20
def _build_min_heap(A):
    A.heap_size = A.length
    for i in rbetween(math.floor(A.length / 2), 1):
        _min_heapify(A, i)
Beispiel #21
def direct_address_maximum(T):
    m = T.length
    for i in rbetween(m - 1, 0):
        if T[i] is not None:
            return T[i]
    return None
Beispiel #22
def _build_min_heap(A):
    A.heap_size = A.length
    for i in rbetween(math.floor(A.length / 2), 1):
        _min_heapify(A, i)
Beispiel #23
def print_stations(l, l_star, n):
    i = l_star
    print('line ' + str(i) + ', station ' + str(n))
    for j in rbetween(n, 2):
        i = l[i, j]
        print('line ' + str(i) + ', station ' + str(j - 1))