def region2features(region): features = [] print region # 1_4741 m ='/([\d_r]+).kmz',region) kml_name = + ".kml" with ZipFile(region,'r') as myzip: root = etree.parse( for placemark in xpath(root,"n:Document/n:Placemark"): name = xpatht(placemark,"n:name") lon = xpathf(placemark,"n:Model/n:Location/n:longitude") lat = xpathf(placemark,"n:Model/n:Location/n:latitude") link = xpatht(placemark,"n:Model/n:Link/n:href") # assert location transformation is identity xml = model = etree.parse(xml) repairDAE(model) c = Collada(StringIO.StringIO(etree.tostring(model))) tris = [] height = None for geom in c.geometries: assert len(geom.primitives) == 1 triset = geom.primitives[0] heights = np.unique(np.hstack([[point[2] for point in tri] for tri in triset.vertex[triset.vertex_index]])) if len(heights) == 1: height = float(heights[0]) * inch_to_meters # the mesh is parallel to the xy plane for tri in triset.vertex[triset.vertex_index]: tri_p = Polygon([(tri[0][0],tri[0][1]),(tri[1][0],tri[1][1]),(tri[2][0],tri[2][1])]) tris.append(tri_p) def r(t): try: if t.area > 0: return True except: pass return False valid_tris = filter(r,tris) footprint = unary_union(valid_tris) assert height is not None # twd97 = Proj(init='epsg:3826') def unproject_twd97(x,y): x_meters = x * inch_to_meters y_meters = y * inch_to_meters # convert the model origin to TWD97 x0,y0 = twd97(lon,lat) return twd97(x0 + x_meters,y0+y_meters,inverse=True) unprojected = transform(unproject_twd97,footprint) cur.execute("INSERT INTO buildings(id, geom, height) VALUES (%s,ST_SetSRID(%s::geometry,4326),%s)",(name,unprojected.wkt,height)) conn.commit() return features
import os import json from util import xpath, xpatht, xpathf from lxml import etree from shapely.geometry import box, mapping # Gather all directories from the root KML file. root = etree.parse("kmzs/Taipei3DBuilding_nl.kml") features = [] for folder in xpath(root,"/n:kml/n:Document/n:NetworkLink"): folder_name = xpatht(folder,"n:name") print "Traversing folder " + folder_name folder_link = xpatht(folder,"n:Link/n:href").replace("\\","/") folder_root = etree.parse("kmzs/" + folder_link) for superregion in xpath(folder_root,"/n:kml/n:Folder/n:NetworkLink"): sr_name = xpatht(superregion,"n:name") print "Traversing super region " + sr_name sr_link = xpatht(superregion,"n:Link/n:href").replace("\\","/") sr_north = xpathf(superregion,"n:Region/n:LatLonAltBox/n:north") sr_south = xpathf(superregion,"n:Region/n:LatLonAltBox/n:south") sr_east = xpathf(superregion,"n:Region/n:LatLonAltBox/n:east") sr_west = xpathf(superregion,"n:Region/n:LatLonAltBox/n:west") #print north, south, east, west, link, name sr_path = "kmzs/" + folder_name + "/" + sr_link sr_root = etree.parse(sr_path) for region in xpath(sr_root,"/n:kml/n:Document/n:NetworkLink"): # altitude? r_name = xpatht(region,"n:name")