Beispiel #1
Datei: Projekt: nhmc/H2
def find_cont(fl, fwhm1=300, fwhm2=200, nchunks=4):
    """ Given the flux, estimate the continuum. fwhm values are
    smoothing lengths.
    # smooth flux, with smoothing length much longer than expected
    # emission line widths.
    fl = nan2num(fl.astype(float), replace="mean")
    co = convolve_psf(fl, fwhm1, edge=10)

    npts = len(fl)
    indices = np.arange(npts)

    # throw away top and bottom 2% of data that deviates from
    # continuum and re-fit new continuum. Go chunk by chunk so that
    # points are thrown away evenly across the spectrum.
    nfl = fl / co
    step = npts // nchunks + 1
    ind = range(0, npts, step) + [npts]
    igood = []
    for i0, i1 in zip(ind[:-1], ind[1:]):
        isort = nfl[i0:i1].argsort()
        len_isort = len(isort)
        j0, j1 = int(0.05 * len_isort), int(0.95 * len_isort)
        igood.extend(isort[j0:j1] + i0)

    good = np.in1d(indices, igood)
    sfl = fl.copy()

    sfl[~good] = np.interp(indices[~good], indices[good], sfl[good])

    co = convolve_psf(sfl, fwhm2, edge=10)
    return co
Beispiel #2
def convolve_psf(a, fwhm, edge="invert", replace_nan=True, debug=False):
    """ Convolve an array with a gaussian window.

    Given an array of values `a` and a gaussian full width at half
    maximum `fwhm` in pixel units, returns the convolution of the
    array with the normalised gaussian.

    a : array, shape(N,)
      Array to convolve
    fwhm : float
      Gaussian full width at half maximum in pixels. This should be > 2
      to sample the gaussian PSF properly.

    convolved_a : array, shape (N,)
    The Gaussian kernel is calculated for as many pixels required
    until it drops to 1% of its peak value. The data will be spoiled
    at distances `n`/2 (rounding down) from the edges, where `n` is
    the width of the Gaussian in pixels.
    const2 = 2.354820046  # 2*sqrt(2*ln(2))
    const100 = 3.034854259  # sqrt(2*ln(100))
    sigma = fwhm / const2
    # gaussian drops to 1/100 of maximum value at x =
    # sqrt(2*ln(100))*sigma, so number of pixels to include from
    # centre of gaussian is:
    n = np.ceil(const100 * sigma)
    if replace_nan:
        a = nan2num(a, replace="interp")
    if debug:
        print "First and last %s pixels of output array will be invalid" % n
    x = np.linspace(-n, n, 2 * n + 1)  # total no. of pixels = 2n+1
    gauss = np.exp(-0.5 * (x / sigma) ** 2)

    return convolve_window(a, gauss, edge=edge)