def test_stats():
    # The min is not enabled by default
    stats = Stats()

    metric_stats = {
        'foo': 2,
        'bar': 5,

    # setters
    stats.set_stat('metrics', 4)
    stats.set_stat('events', 2)
    stats.set_stat('service_checks', 1)
    # totals
    stats.inc_stat('metrics_total', 4)
    stats.inc_stat('events_total', 2)
    stats.inc_stat('service_checks_total', 1)
    # info
    stats.set_info('metric_stats', metric_stats)

    stats_snapshot, info_snapshot = stats.snapshot()
    assert info_snapshot['metric_stats'] == metric_stats
    assert stats_snapshot['metrics'] == 4
    assert stats_snapshot['events'] == 2
    assert stats_snapshot['service_checks'] == 1
    assert stats_snapshot['metrics_total'] == 4
    assert stats_snapshot['events_total'] == 2
    assert stats_snapshot['service_checks_total'] == 1

    # test we got a deepcopy for stats
    stats.set_stat('metrics', 10)
    stats.inc_stat('metrics_total', 10)
    assert stats_snapshot != metric_stats
    assert stats_snapshot['metrics'] != stats.get_stat('metrics')

    # test we got a deepcopy for info
    metric_stats['bar'] += 1
    stats.set_info('metric_stats', metric_stats)
    assert info_snapshot != metric_stats
    assert info_snapshot['metric_stats']['foo'] == metric_stats['foo']
    assert info_snapshot['metric_stats']['bar'] != metric_stats['bar']

    # test for updated snapshots
    stats_snapshot, info_snapshot = stats.snapshot()
    assert stats_snapshot['metrics'] == 10
    assert stats_snapshot['metrics_total'] == 14
    assert info_snapshot['metric_stats']['foo'] == metric_stats['foo']
    assert info_snapshot['metric_stats']['bar'] == metric_stats['bar']

    # test strict get
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        stats.get_stat('nonexistent', strict=True)
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        stats.get_info('nonexistent', strict=True)
Beispiel #2
class Aggregator(object):
    Abstract metric aggregator class.
    # Types of metrics that allow strings
    ALLOW_STRINGS = ['s', ]
    # Types that are not implemented and ignored
    IGNORE_TYPES = ['d', ]
    # prefixes
    SC_PREFIX = '_sc'
    EVENT_PREFIX = '_e'

    def __init__(self, hostname, interval=1.0, expiry_seconds=300,
                 formatter=None, recent_point_threshold=None,
                 histogram_aggregates=None, histogram_percentiles=None,
        # TODO(jaime): add support for event, service_check sources = []
        self.service_checks = []
        self.stats = Stats()

        # TODO(jaime): we can probably kill total counts
        self.packet_count = 0
        self.metric_count = 0
        self.event_count = 0
        self.service_check_count = 0

        self.hostname = hostname
        self.expiry_seconds = expiry_seconds
        self.formatter = formatter or api_formatter
        self.interval = float(interval)

        recent_point_threshold = recent_point_threshold or DEFAULT_RECENT_POINT_THRESHOLD
        self.recent_point_threshold = int(recent_point_threshold)
        self.num_discarded_old_points = 0

        # Additional config passed when instantiating metric configs
        self.metric_config = {
            Histogram: {
                'aggregates': histogram_aggregates,
                'percentiles': histogram_percentiles

        self.utf8_decoding = utf8_decoding

    def deduplicate_tags(self, tags):
        return sorted(set(tags))

    def packets_per_second(self, interval):
        if interval == 0:
            return 0
        return round(float(self.packet_count)/interval, 2)

    def parse_metric_packet(self, packet):
        Schema of a dogstatsd packet:
        parsed_packets = []
        name_and_metadata = packet.split(':', 1)

        if len(name_and_metadata) != 2:
            raise Exception('Unparseable metric packet: {}'.format(packet))

        name = name_and_metadata[0]
        broken_split = name_and_metadata[1].split(':')
        data = []
        partial_datum = None
        for token in broken_split:
            # We need to fix the tag groups that got broken by the : split
            if partial_datum is None:
                partial_datum = token
            elif "|" not in token:
                partial_datum += ":" + token
                partial_datum = token

        for datum in data:
            value_and_metadata = datum.split('|')

            if len(value_and_metadata) < 2:
                raise Exception('Unparseable metric packet: {}'.format(packet))

            # Submit the metric
            raw_value = value_and_metadata[0]
            metric_type = value_and_metadata[1]

            if metric_type in self.ALLOW_STRINGS:
                value = raw_value
            elif len(metric_type) > 0 and metric_type[0] in self.IGNORE_TYPES:
                # Try to cast as an int first to avoid precision issues, then as a
                # float.
                    value = int(raw_value)
                except ValueError:
                        value = float(raw_value)
                    except ValueError:
                        # Otherwise, raise an error saying it must be a number
                        raise Exception('Metric value must be a number: {}, {}'.format(name, raw_value))

            # Parse the optional values - sample rate & tags.
            sample_rate = 1
            tags = None
                for m in value_and_metadata[2:]:
                    # Parse the sample rate
                    if m[0] == '@':
                        sample_rate = float(m[1:])
                        # in case it's in a bad state
                        sample_rate = 1 if sample_rate < 0 or sample_rate > 1 else sample_rate
                    elif m[0] == '#':
                        tags = tuple(sorted(m[1:].split(',')))
            except IndexError:
                log.warning('Incorrect metric metadata: metric_name:%s, metadata:%s',
                            name, ' '.join(value_and_metadata[2:]))

            parsed_packets.append((name, value, metric_type, tags, sample_rate))

        return parsed_packets

    def _unescape_sc_content(self, string):
        return string.replace('\\n', '\n').replace(r'm\:', 'm:')

    def _unescape_event_text(self, string):
        return string.replace('\\n', '\n')

    def parse_event_packet(self, packet):
            name_and_metadata = packet.split(':', 1)

            if len(name_and_metadata) != 2:
                raise Exception('Unparseable event packet: {}'.format(packet))
            # Event syntax:
            # _e{5,4}:title|body|meta
            name = name_and_metadata[0]
            metadata = name_and_metadata[1]
            title_length, text_length = name.split(',')

            title_length = int(title_length[3:])
            text_length = int(text_length[:-1])

            event = {
                'title': metadata[:title_length],
                'text': self._unescape_event_text(metadata[title_length+1:title_length+text_length+1])
            meta = metadata[title_length+text_length+1:]
            for m in meta.split('|')[1:]:
                if m[0] == 't':
                    event['alert_type'] = m[2:]
                elif m[0] == 'k':
                    event['aggregation_key'] = m[2:]
                elif m[0] == 's':
                    event['source_type_name'] = m[2:]
                elif m[0] == 'd':
                    event['date_happened'] = int(m[2:])
                elif m[0] == 'p':
                    event['priority'] = m[2:]
                elif m[0] == 'h':
                    event['hostname'] = m[2:]
                elif m[0] == '#':
                    event['tags'] = self.deduplicate_tags(m[1:].split(','))
            return event
        except (IndexError, ValueError):
            raise Exception('Unparseable event packet: {}'.format(packet))

    def parse_sc_packet(self, packet):
            _, data_and_metadata = packet.split('|', 1)
            # Service check syntax:
            # _sc|check_name|status|meta
            if data_and_metadata.count('|') == 1:
                # Case with no metadata
                check_name, status = data_and_metadata.split('|')
                metadata = ''
                check_name, status, metadata = data_and_metadata.split('|', 2)

            service_check = {
                'check_name': check_name,
                'status': int(status)

            message_delimiter = 'm:' if metadata.startswith('m:') else '|m:'
            if message_delimiter in metadata:
                meta, message = metadata.rsplit(message_delimiter, 1)
                service_check['message'] = self._unescape_sc_content(message)
                meta = metadata

            if not meta:
                return service_check

            meta = str(meta)
            for m in meta.split('|'):
                if m[0] == 'd':
                    service_check['timestamp'] = float(m[2:])
                elif m[0] == 'h':
                    service_check['hostname'] = m[2:]
                elif m[0] == '#':
                    service_check['tags'] = self.deduplicate_tags(m[1:].split(','))

            return service_check

        except (IndexError, ValueError):
            raise Exception('Unparseable service check packet: {}'.format(packet))

    def submit_packets(self, packets):
        # We should probably consider that packets are always encoded
        # in utf8, but decoding all packets has an perf overhead of 7%
        # So we let the user decide if we wants utf8 by default
        # Keep a very conservative approach anyhow
        # Clients MUST always send UTF-8 encoded content
        if self.utf8_decoding:
                packets = packets.decode('utf-8')
            except AttributeError:

        for packet in packets.splitlines():
            if not packet.strip():

            self.packet_count += 1

            if packet.startswith(self.EVENT_PREFIX):
                event = self.parse_event_packet(packet)
                self.event_count += 1
            elif packet.startswith(self.SC_PREFIX):
                service_check = self.parse_sc_packet(packet)
                self.service_check_count += 1
                parsed_packets = self.parse_metric_packet(packet)
                for name, value, mtype, tags, sample_rate in parsed_packets:
                    hostname, tags = self._extract_magic_tags(tags)
                    self.submit_metric(name, value, mtype, tags=tags,
                                       hostname=hostname, sample_rate=sample_rate)

    def _extract_magic_tags(self, tags):
        """Magic tags (host) override metric hostname attributes"""
        hostname = None
        # This implementation avoid list operations for the common case
        if tags:
            tags_to_remove = []
            for tag in tags:
                if tag.startswith('host:'):
                    hostname = tag[5:]
            if tags_to_remove:
                # tags is a tuple already sorted, we convert it into a list to pop elements
                tags = list(tags)
                for tag in tags_to_remove:
                tags = tuple(tags) or None
        return hostname, tags

    def submit_metric(self, name, value, mtype, tags=None, hostname=None,
                      timestamp=None, sample_rate=1):
        """ Add a metric to be aggregated """
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def event(self, title, text, date_happened=None, alert_type=None, aggregation_key=None,
              source_type_name=None, priority=None, tags=None, hostname=None):
        event = {
            'msg_title': title,
            'msg_text': text,
        if date_happened is not None:
            event['timestamp'] = date_happened
            event['timestamp'] = int(time())
        if alert_type is not None:
            event['alert_type'] = alert_type
        if aggregation_key is not None:
            event['aggregation_key'] = aggregation_key
        if source_type_name is not None:
            event['source_type_name'] = source_type_name
        if priority is not None:
            event['priority'] = priority
        if tags is not None:
            event['tags'] = self.deduplicate_tags(tags)
        if hostname is not None:
            event['host'] = hostname
            event['host'] = self.hostname

    def service_check(self, check_name, status, tags=None, timestamp=None,
                      hostname=None, message=None):
        service_check = {
            'check': check_name,
            'status': status,
            'timestamp': timestamp or int(time())
        if tags is not None:
            service_check['tags'] = self.deduplicate_tags(tags)

        if hostname is not None:
            service_check['host_name'] = hostname
            service_check['host_name'] = self.hostname
        if message is not None:
            service_check['message'] = message


    def flush(self):
        """ Flush aggregated metrics """
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def flush_events(self):
        events = = []

        self.stats.set_stat('events', self.event_count)
        self.stats.inc_stat('events_total', self.event_count)
        self.event_count = 0"Received %d events since last flush", len(events))

        return events

    def flush_service_checks(self):
        service_checks = self.service_checks
        self.service_checks = []

        self.stats.set_stat('service_checks', self.service_check_count)
        self.stats.inc_stat('service_checks_total', self.service_check_count)
        self.service_check_count = 0"Received %d service check runs since last flush", len(service_checks))

        return service_checks

    def send_packet_count(self, metric_name):
        self.submit_metric(metric_name, self.packet_count, 'g')