Beispiel #1
    def test_investments_buy2(self):
        parameterDefs = simulator.define_parameters()
        eParams = Parameters(parameterDefs)
        econ = Economy(self.simInfo, "Economy1", eParams)
        newI = econ.create_investment()
        econ.params.set('fireSaleFactor', 0.0)

        self.simInfo.updateCount = 1
        q, v =, "buyer1")
        eq_(q, 3, "expected quantity 3 but got %r (1)" % q)
        eq_(v, 6, "expected consideration 6 but got %r (1)" % v)
        check_asset_network(self.simInfo, nodes=2, edges=1, tag="buy3")
        check_asset_holding(newI, "buyer1", quantity=3, value=6, tag="buy3")
        check_asset_totals(self.simInfo, newI, 3, 2, tag="buy3")

        self.simInfo.updateCount = 2
        q, v =, "buyer2")
        eq_(q, 4, "expected quantity 4 but got %r (2)" % q)
        eq_(v, 8, "expected consideration 8 but got %r (2)" % v)
        check_asset_network(self.simInfo, nodes=3, edges=2, tag="buy4")
        check_asset_holding(newI, "buyer1", quantity=3, value=6, tag="buy4")
        check_asset_holding(newI, "buyer2", quantity=4, value=8, tag="buy4")
        check_asset_totals(self.simInfo, newI, 7, 2, tag="buy4")

        self.simInfo.updateCount = 3
        q, v =, "buyer3")
        eq_(q, 2, "expected quantity 2 but got %r (3)" % q)
        eq_(v, 4, "expected consideration 4 but got %r (3)" % v)
        check_asset_network(self.simInfo, nodes=4, edges=3, tag="buy5")
        check_asset_holding(newI, "buyer1", quantity=3, value=6, tag="buy5")
        check_asset_holding(newI, "buyer2", quantity=4, value=8, tag="buy5")
        check_asset_holding(newI, "buyer3", quantity=2, value=4, tag="buy5")
        check_asset_totals(self.simInfo, newI, 9, 2, tag="buy3")

        self.simInfo.updateCount = 4
        q, v = newI.sell(5, "buyer2")
        eq_(q, 4, "expected quantity 4 but got %r (4)" % q)
        eq_(v, 8, "expected consideration 8 but got %r (4)" % v)
        check_asset_network(self.simInfo, nodes=4, edges=2, tag="buy5")
        check_asset_holding(newI, "buyer1", quantity=3, value=6, tag="buy5")
        check_asset_holding(newI, "buyer2", quantity=0, value=0, tag="buy5")
        check_asset_holding(newI, "buyer3", quantity=2, value=4, tag="buy5")
        check_asset_totals(self.simInfo, newI, 5, 2, tag="buy3")
Beispiel #2
 def test_investment_create(self):
     econ = Economy(self.simInfo, "Economy1")
     newI = econ.create_investment()
     eq_(newI.id_, "Economy1-inv0", "Expected investment to have name %r but is %r" % ("Economy1-inv0", newI.id_))
     eq_(1, len(, "expected one investment but got %r" % len(
     inv =[0]
     eq_(newI, inv, "expected the same investment")
     eq_(econ, inv.economy, "should be in this economy")
     check_asset_network(self.simInfo, 1, 0, "inv1")
     self.simInfo.updateCount = 1
     check_asset_network(self.simInfo, 2, 0, "inv2")
     eq_(2, len(, "expected 2 investments but got %r" % len(
     self.simInfo.updateCount = 2
     eq_(7, len(, "expected 7 investments but got %r" % len(
     check_asset_network(self.simInfo, 7, 0, "inv3")
Beispiel #3
    def test_investments_buy1(self):
        parameterDefs = simulator.define_parameters()
        eParams = Parameters(parameterDefs)
        econ = Economy(self.simInfo, "Economy1", eParams)
        newI = econ.create_investment()

        hLen = len(newI.priceHistory)
        self.simInfo.updateCount = 1
        hLen1 = len(newI.priceHistory)
        eq_(hLen + 1, hLen1, "expected %r items in price history but got %r" % (hLen + 1, hLen1))
        when, price = newI.priceHistory[hLen1 - 1]
        eq_(1, when, "expected last item in price history to be at time 0 but was %r" % when)
        eq_(1.0, price, "expected last price in price history to be 1.0 but was %r" % price)

        self.simInfo.updateCount = 2
        q, v =, "buyer1")
        eq_(q, 1, "expected quantity 1 but got %r (1)" % q)
        eq_(v, 1, "expected consideration 1 but got %r (1)" % v)
        check_asset_network(self.simInfo, nodes=2, edges=1, tag="buy1")
        check_asset_holding(newI, "buyer1", 1, 1.0, tag="buy1")
        check_asset_totals(self.simInfo, newI, 1, 1.0, "buy1")
        hHistory = newI.holdingHistory["buyer1"]
        eq_(1, len(hHistory), "expected 1 item in holding history but got %r" % len(hHistory))
        when, amount = hHistory[-1]
        eq_(2, when, "expected last item in holding history to be at time 1 but got %r" % when)
        eq_(1, amount, "expected last item in holding history to be amount 1 but got %r" % amount)

        self.simInfo.updateCount = 3
        q, v =, "buyer1")
        eq_(q, 3, "expected quantity 3 but got %r (2)" % q)
        eq_(v, 6, "expected consideration 6 but got %r (2)" % v)
        check_asset_network(self.simInfo, nodes=2, edges=1, tag="buy1")
        check_asset_holding(newI, "buyer1", 4, 8.0, tag="buy2")
        check_asset_totals(self.simInfo, newI, 4, 2.0, tag="buy2")

        eq_(newI.value("buyer2"), 0, "expected buyer2 value to be 0 but is %r" % newI.value("buyer2"))
        eq_(newI.quantity("buyer2"), 0, "expected buyer2 quantity to be 0 but is %r" % newI.quantity("buyer2"))

        # now sell some
        self.simInfo.updateCount = 4
        econ.params.set('fireSaleFactor', 0.0)  # selling has no effect on price
        q, v = newI.sell(3, "buyer1")
        eq_(q, 3, "expected quantity 3 but got %r (4)" % q)
        eq_(v, 15, "expected consideration 15 but got %r (4)" % v)
        check_asset_network(self.simInfo, nodes=2, edges=1, tag="sell1")
        check_asset_holding(newI, "buyer1", 1, 5.0, "sell1")
        check_asset_totals(self.simInfo, newI, 1, 5.0, "sell1")

        self.simInfo.updateCount = 5
        q, v = newI.sell(1, "buyer2")
        eq_(q, 0, "expected quantity 0 but got %r" % q)
        eq_(v, 0, "expected consideration 0 but got %r" % v)
        check_asset_network(self.simInfo, nodes=2, edges=1, tag="sell2")
        check_asset_holding(newI, "buyer1", 1, 5.0, "sell2")
        check_asset_totals(self.simInfo, newI, 1, 5.0, "sell2")

        self.simInfo.updateCount = 6
        q, v = newI.sell(-6, "buyer1")
        eq_(q, 0, "expected quantity 0 but got %r (4.5)" % q)
        eq_(v, 0, "expected consideration 0 but got %r (4.5)" % v)
        check_asset_network(self.simInfo, nodes=2, edges=1, tag="sell3")
        check_asset_holding(newI, "buyer1", 1, 5.0, "sell3")
        check_asset_totals(self.simInfo, newI, 1, 5.0, "sell3")

        pHistory = newI.priceHistory
        when, price = pHistory[-1]
        eq_(4, when, "expected last item in price history to be at time 4 but got %r" % when)
        eq_(5.0, price, "expected last item in price history to be price 5 but got %r" % price)

        self.simInfo.updateCount = 7
        q, v = newI.sell(5, "buyer1")
        eq_(q, 1, "expected quantity 1 but got %r (5)" % q)
        eq_(v, 3, "expected consideration 3 but got %r (5)" % v)
        check_asset_network(self.simInfo, nodes=2, edges=0, tag="sell4")
        check_asset_holding(newI, "buyer1", 0, 0, "sell4")
        check_asset_totals(self.simInfo, newI, 0, 3, "sell4")

        self.simInfo.updateCount = 8
        q, v =, "buyer1")
        eq_(q, 0, "expected quantity 0 but got %r (6)" % q)
        eq_(v, 0, "expected consideration 0 but got %r (6)" % v)

        hHistory = newI.holdingHistory["buyer1"]
        when, amount = hHistory[-1]
        eq_(7, when, "expected last item in holding history to be at time 7 but got %r" % when)
        eq_(0.0, amount, "expected last item in holding history to be amount 0 but got %r" % amount)

        pHistory = newI.priceHistory
        when, price = pHistory[-1]
        eq_(7, when, "expected last item in price history to be at time 7 but got %r" % when)
        eq_(3.0, price, "expected last item in price history to be price 3 but got %r" % price)