Beispiel #1
def test_gen_Box(info):

    thread_idx, data_dir = info['thread_idx'], info['data_dir']
    n_rollout, n_particle, time_step = info['n_rollout'], info['n_particle'], info['time_step']
    dt, video, image = info['dt'], info['video'], info['image']

    np.random.seed(round(time.time() * 1000 + thread_idx) % 2**32)

    state_dim = 6       # x, y, angle, xdot, ydot, angledot
    action_dim = 2      # x, xdot

    stats = [init_stat(6), init_stat(2)]

    engine = BoxEngine(dt, state_dim, action_dim)

    bar = ProgressBar()
    for i in bar(range(n_rollout)):
        rollout_idx = thread_idx * n_rollout + i
        rollout_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, str(rollout_idx))
        # os.system('mkdir -p ' + rollout_dir)


        states = np.zeros((time_step, n_particle, state_dim), dtype=np.float32)
        actions = np.zeros((time_step, 1, action_dim), dtype=np.float32)
        vis = np.zeros((time_step, n_particle), dtype=np.bool)

        for j in range(time_step):
            engine.set_action(rand_float(-600., 100.))

            states[j] = engine.get_state()
            actions[j] = engine.get_action()
            vis[j] = engine.get_vis(states[j])

            if j > 0:
                actions[j, :, 1] = (actions[j, :, 0] - actions[j - 1, :, 0]) / dt

            # data = [states[j], actions[j], vis[j]]
            # store_data(data_names, data, os.path.join(rollout_dir, str(j) + '.h5'))


        # datas = [states.astype(np.float64), actions.astype(np.float64)]

        for j in range(len(stats)):
            stat = init_stat(stats[j].shape[0])
            stat[:, 0] = np.mean(datas[j], axis=(0, 1))[:]
            stat[:, 1] = np.std(datas[j], axis=(0, 1))[:]
            stat[:, 2] = datas[j].shape[0] * datas[j].shape[1]
            stats[j] = combine_stat(stats[j], stat)

        if video:
            lim = [-600, 600, -15, 400]

            if video or image:
                render_Box(data_dir, 'test_Box_%d' % i, lim, states, actions, vis, video=video, image=image)
Beispiel #2
def gen_Ball(info):
    thread_idx, data_dir, data_names = info['thread_idx'], info['data_dir'], info['data_names']
    n_rollout, time_step = info['n_rollout'], info['time_step']
    dt, video, image, draw_edge, args, phase = info['dt'], info['video'], info['image'], info['draw_edge'], info['args'], info['phase']
    n_ball = info['n_ball']
    save_type = info['save_type']

    np.random.seed(round(time.time() * 1000 + thread_idx) % 2 ** 32)

    attr_dim = args.attr_dim    # radius
    state_dim = args.state_dim  # x, y, xdot, ydot
    action_dim = 2              # ddx, ddy

    stats = [init_stat(attr_dim), init_stat(state_dim), init_stat(action_dim)]
    traj = []
    graph = None
    engine = BallEngine(dt, state_dim, action_dim=2)

    # bar = ProgressBar()
    for i in range(n_rollout):
        rollout_idx = thread_idx * n_rollout + i
        rollout_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, str(rollout_idx))
        if save_type==0:
            os.system('mkdir -p ' + rollout_dir)

        engine.init(n_ball,param_load=args.load_rels) # changed this
        n_obj = engine.num_obj
        attrs_all = np.zeros((time_step, n_obj, attr_dim))
        states_all = np.zeros((time_step, n_obj, state_dim))
        actions_all = np.zeros((time_step, n_obj, action_dim))
        rel_attrs_all = np.zeros((time_step, engine.param_dim, 2))

        act = np.zeros((n_obj, 2))
        for j in range(time_step):
            state = engine.get_state()
            vel_dim = state_dim // 2
            pos = state[:, :vel_dim]
            vel = state[:, vel_dim:]

            if j > 0:
                vel = (pos - states_all[j - 1, :, :vel_dim]) / dt
            attrs = np.zeros((n_obj, attr_dim))
            attrs[:] = engine.radius

            attrs_all[j] = attrs
            states_all[j, :, :vel_dim] = pos
            states_all[j, :, vel_dim:] = vel
            rel_attrs_all[j] = engine.param

            act += (np.random.rand(n_obj, 2) - 0.5) * 600 - act * 0.1 - state[:, 2:] * 0.1
            act = np.clip(act, -1000, 1000)

            actions_all[j] = act.copy()

        datas = [attrs_all, states_all, actions_all, rel_attrs_all]
        graph = rel_attrs_all
        if save_type == 0:
            store_data(data_names, datas, rollout_dir + '.h5')   # stores the rollout
            engine.render(states_all, actions_all, engine.get_param(), video=video, image=image,
                      path=rollout_dir, draw_edge=draw_edge, verbose=True)

        datas = [datas[i].astype(np.float64) for i in range(len(datas))]
        for j in range(len(stats)):
            stat = init_stat(stats[j].shape[0])
            stat[:, 0] = np.mean(datas[j], axis=(0, 1))[:]
            stat[:, 1] = np.std(datas[j], axis=(0, 1))[:]
            stat[:, 2] = datas[j].shape[0]
            stats[j] = combine_stat(stats[j], stat)
    if save_type == 0:
        return stats
        return stats, graph, traj
Beispiel #3
    def gen_data(self):
        # if the data hasn't been generated, generate the data
        n_rollout, time_step, dt = self.n_rollout, self.args.time_step, self.args.dt
        assert n_rollout % self.args.num_workers == 0

        print("Generating data ... n_rollout=%d, time_step=%d" % (n_rollout, time_step))

        infos = []
        for i in range(self.args.num_workers):
            info = {'thread_idx': i,
                    'data_dir': self.data_dir,
                    'data_names': self.data_names,
                    'n_rollout': n_rollout // self.args.num_workers,
                    'time_step': time_step,
                    'dt': dt,
                    'image': self.args.image,
                    'draw_edge': self.args.draw_edge,
                    'phase': self.phase,
                    'args': self.args,
                    'vis_height': self.args.height_raw,
                    'vis_width': self.args.width_raw,

            if self.args.env in ['Ball']:
                info['env'] = 'Ball'
                info['n_ball'] = self.args.n_ball
            elif self.args.env in ['Cloth']:
                info['env'] = 'Cloth'
                info['env_idx'] = 15


        cores = self.args.num_workers
        pool = mp.Pool(processes=cores)

        env = self.args.env

        if env in ['Ball']:
            data =, infos)

        elif env in ['Cloth']:
            data =, infos)
            raise AssertionError("Unknown env")

        print("Training data generated, warpping up stats ...")
        if self.phase == 'train':
            if env in ['Ball']:
                self.stat = [init_stat(self.args.attr_dim),
            elif env in ['Cloth']:
                self.stat = [init_stat(self.args.state_dim),

            if self.args.h5 != 0 :
                data_, graph, trajectories = [core[0] for core in data], [core[1] for core in data], [core[2] for core in data]
                data_ = data

            for i in range(len(data_)):
                for j in range(len(self.stat)):
                    self.stat[j] = combine_stat(self.stat[j], data_[i][j])
            if self.args.h5 !=0 :
            store_data(self.data_names[:len(self.stat)], self.stat, self.stat_path)

            print("Loading stat from %s ..." % self.stat_path)
            self.stat = load_data(self.data_names, self.stat_path)
Beispiel #4
def gen_Cloth(info):
    env, env_idx = info['env'], info['env_idx']
    thread_idx, data_dir, data_names = info['thread_idx'], info['data_dir'], info['data_names']
    n_rollout, time_step = info['n_rollout'], info['time_step']
    dt, args, phase = info['dt'], info['args'], info['phase']
    vis_width, vis_height = info['vis_width'], info['vis_height']

    state_dim = args.state_dim
    action_dim = args.action_dim
    dt = 1. / 60.

    np.random.seed(round(time.time() * 1000 + thread_idx) % 2 ** 32)

    stats = [init_stat(state_dim), init_stat(action_dim)]

    engine = ClothEngine(dt, state_dim, action_dim)

    import pyflex

    # bar = ProgressBar()
    for i in range(n_rollout):
        rollout_idx = thread_idx * n_rollout + i
        rollout_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, str(rollout_idx))
        os.system('mkdir -p ' + rollout_dir)


        scene_params = engine.scene_params

        action = np.zeros(4)
        states_all = np.zeros((time_step, engine.n_particles, state_dim))
        actions_all = np.zeros((time_step, 1, action_dim))

        # drop the cloth down

        for j in range(time_step):
            positions = pyflex.get_positions().reshape(-1, 4)[:, :3]

            # sample the action
            if j % 5 == 0:
                ctrl_pts = rand_int(0, 8)

                act_lim = 0.05
                dx = rand_float(-act_lim, act_lim)
                dz = rand_float(-act_lim, act_lim)
                dy = 0.05

                action = np.array([ctrl_pts, dx, dy, dz])

                action[2] = 0.

            # store the rollout information
            state = engine.get_state()
            states_all[j] = state

            tga_path = os.path.join(rollout_dir, '%d.tga' % j)
            pyflex.render(capture=True, path=tga_path)
            tga =
            tga = np.array(tga)[:, 60:780, :3][:, :, ::-1]
            tga = cv2.resize(tga, (vis_width, vis_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
            os.system('rm ' + tga_path)

            jpg_path = os.path.join(rollout_dir, 'fig_%d.jpg' % j)
            cv2.imwrite(jpg_path, tga)

            actions_all[j, 0] = action.copy()


        datas = [states_all, actions_all, scene_params]
        store_data(data_names, datas, rollout_dir + '.h5')

        datas = [datas[j].astype(np.float64) for j in range(len(datas))]

        for j in range(len(stats)):
            stat = init_stat(stats[j].shape[0])
            stat[:, 0] = np.mean(datas[j], axis=(0, 1))[:]
            stat[:, 1] = np.std(datas[j], axis=(0, 1))[:]
            stat[:, 2] = datas[j].shape[0]
            stats[j] = combine_stat(stats[j], stat)


    return stats
Beispiel #5
def gen_Swim(info):
    thread_idx, data_dir, data_names = info['thread_idx'], info[
        'data_dir'], info['data_names']
    n_rollout, time_step = info['n_rollout'], info['time_step']
    dt, video, args, phase = info['dt'], info['video'], info['args'], info[

    np.random.seed(round(time.time() * 1000 + thread_idx) % 2**32)

    attr_dim = args.attr_dim  # actuated, soft, rigid
    state_dim = args.state_dim  # x, y, xdot, ydot
    action_dim = args.action_dim
    param_dim = args.param_dim  # n_box, k, damping, init_p

    act_scale = 500.
    act_delta = 250.

    # attr, state, action
    stats = [init_stat(attr_dim), init_stat(state_dim), init_stat(action_dim)]

    engine = SwimEngine(dt, state_dim, action_dim, param_dim)

    group_size = args.group_size
    sub_dataset_size = n_rollout * args.num_workers // args.n_splits
    print('group size', group_size, 'sub_dataset_size', sub_dataset_size)
    assert n_rollout % group_size == 0
    assert args.n_rollout % args.n_splits == 0

    bar = ProgressBar()
    for i in bar(range(n_rollout)):
        rollout_idx = thread_idx * n_rollout + i
        group_idx = rollout_idx // group_size
        sub_idx = rollout_idx // sub_dataset_size

        num_obj_range = args.num_obj_range if phase in {
            'train', 'valid'
        } else args.extra_num_obj_range
        num_obj = num_obj_range[sub_idx]

        rollout_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, str(rollout_idx))
        param_file = os.path.join(data_dir, str(group_idx) + '.param')
        os.system('mkdir -p ' + rollout_dir)

        if rollout_idx % group_size == 0:
            init_p = None if not args.regular_data else sample_init_p_flight(
                n_box=num_obj, aug=True, train=phase == 'train')
            engine.init(param=(num_obj, None, None, init_p))
  , param_file)
            while not os.path.isfile(param_file):
            param = torch.load(param_file)

        act_t_param = np.zeros((engine.n_box, 3))

        for j in range(time_step):
            box_type = engine.init_p[:, 2]
            act_t = np.zeros((engine.n_box, action_dim))

            for k in range(engine.n_box):
                if box_type[k] == 0:
                    # if this is an actuated box
                    if j == 0:
                        act_t_param[k] = np.array([
                            rand_float(0., 1.),
                            rand_float(1., 2.5),
                            rand_float(0, np.pi * 2)

                    if act_t_param[k, 0] < 0.3:
                        # using smooth action
                        if j == 0:
                            act_t[k] = rand_float(-act_delta, act_delta)
                            lo = max(actions_all[j - 1, k] - act_delta,
                                     -act_scale - 20)
                            hi = min(actions_all[j - 1, k] + act_delta,
                                     act_scale + 20)
                            act_t[k] = rand_float(lo, hi)
                            act_t[k] = np.clip(act_t[k], -act_scale, act_scale)

                    elif act_t_param[k, 0] < 0.6:
                        # using random action
                        act_t[k] = rand_float(-act_scale, act_scale)

                        # using sin action
                        act_t[k] = np.sin(j / act_t_param[k, 1] + act_t_param[k, 2]) * \
                                rand_float(act_scale / 2., act_scale)


            states = engine.get_state()
            actions = engine.get_action()

            pos = states[:, :8].copy()
            vec = states[:, 8:].copy()
            '''reset velocity'''
            if j > 0:
                vec = (pos - states_all[j - 1, :, :8]) / dt

            if j == 0:
                attrs_all = np.zeros((time_step, num_obj, attr_dim))
                states_all = np.zeros((time_step, num_obj, state_dim))
                actions_all = np.zeros((time_step, num_obj, action_dim))
            '''attrs: actuated/soft/rigid'''
            assert attr_dim == 3
            attrs = np.zeros((num_obj, attr_dim))

            for k in range(engine.n_box):
                attrs[k, int(engine.init_p[k, 2])] = 1

            assert np.sum(attrs[:, 0]) == np.sum(engine.init_p[:, 2] == 0)
            assert np.sum(attrs[:, 1]) == np.sum(engine.init_p[:, 2] == 1)
            assert np.sum(attrs[:, 2]) == np.sum(engine.init_p[:, 2] == 2)

            attrs_all[j] = attrs
            states_all[j, :, :8] = pos
            states_all[j, :, 8:] = vec
            actions_all[j] = actions

            data = [attrs, states_all[j], actions_all[j]]

            store_data(data_names, data,
                                    str(j) + '.h5'))


        datas = [

        for j in range(len(stats)):
            stat = init_stat(stats[j].shape[0])
            stat[:, 0] = np.mean(datas[j], axis=(0, 1))[:]
            stat[:, 1] = np.std(datas[j], axis=(0, 1))[:]
            stat[:, 2] = datas[j].shape[0]
            stats[j] = combine_stat(stats[j], stat)

    return stats
Beispiel #6
    def gen_data(self):
        # if the data hasn't been generated, generate the data
        n_rollout, time_step, dt = self.n_rollout, self.args.time_step, self.args.dt
        assert n_rollout % self.args.num_workers == 0

        print("Generating data ... n_rollout=%d, time_step=%d" %
              (n_rollout, time_step))

        infos = []
        for i in range(self.args.num_workers):
            info = {
                'thread_idx': i,
                'data_dir': self.data_dir,
                'data_names': self.data_names,
                'n_rollout': n_rollout // self.args.num_workers,
                'time_step': time_step,
                'dt': dt,
                'video': False,
                'phase': self.phase,
                'args': self.args


        cores = self.args.num_workers
        pool = mp.Pool(processes=cores)

        env = self.args.env

        if env == 'Rope':
            data =, infos)
        elif env == 'Soft':
            data =, infos)
        elif env == 'Swim':
            data =, infos)
            raise AssertionError("Unknown env")

        print("Training data generated, warpping up stats ...")

        if self.phase == 'train':
            # states [x, y, angle, xdot, ydot, angledot], action [x, xdot]
            if env in ['Rope', 'Soft', 'Swim']:
                self.stat = [

            for i in range(len(data)):
                for j in range(len(self.stat)):
                    self.stat[j] = combine_stat(self.stat[j], data[i][j])

            if self.args.gen_stat:
                print("Storing stat to %s" % self.stat_path)
                store_data(self.data_names, self.stat, self.stat_path)
                print("stat will be discarded")
            print("Loading stat from %s ..." % self.stat_path)

            if env in ['Rope', 'Soft', 'Swim']:
                self.stat = load_data(self.data_names, self.stat_path)
Beispiel #7
def gen_Rope(info):
    thread_idx, data_dir, data_names = info['thread_idx'], info[
        'data_dir'], info['data_names']
    n_rollout, time_step = info['n_rollout'], info['time_step']
    dt, video, args, phase = info['dt'], info['video'], info['args'], info[

    np.random.seed(round(time.time() * 1000 + thread_idx) % 2**32)

    attr_dim = args.attr_dim  # root, child
    state_dim = args.state_dim  # x, y, xdot, ydot
    action_dim = args.action_dim
    param_dim = args.param_dim  # n_ball, init_x, k, damping, gravity

    act_scale = 2.
    ret_scale = 1.

    # attr, state, action
    stats = [init_stat(attr_dim), init_stat(state_dim), init_stat(action_dim)]

    engine = RopeEngine(dt, state_dim, action_dim, param_dim)

    group_size = args.group_size
    sub_dataset_size = n_rollout * args.num_workers // args.n_splits
    print('group size', group_size, 'sub_dataset_size', sub_dataset_size)
    assert n_rollout % group_size == 0
    assert args.n_rollout % args.n_splits == 0

    bar = ProgressBar()
    for i in bar(range(n_rollout)):
        rollout_idx = thread_idx * n_rollout + i
        group_idx = rollout_idx // group_size
        sub_idx = rollout_idx // sub_dataset_size

        num_obj_range = args.num_obj_range if phase in {
            'train', 'valid'
        } else args.extra_num_obj_range
        num_obj = num_obj_range[sub_idx]

        rollout_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, str(rollout_idx))

        param_file = os.path.join(data_dir, str(group_idx) + '.param')

        os.system('mkdir -p ' + rollout_dir)

        if rollout_idx % group_size == 0:
            engine.init(param=(num_obj, None, None, None, None))
  , param_file)
            while not os.path.isfile(param_file):
            param = torch.load(param_file)

        for j in range(time_step):
            states_ctl = engine.get_state()[0]
            act_t = np.zeros((engine.num_obj, action_dim))
            act_t[0, 0] = (np.random.rand() * 2 -
                           1.) * act_scale - states_ctl[0] * ret_scale


            states = engine.get_state()
            actions = engine.get_action()

            n_obj = engine.num_obj

            pos = states[:, :2].copy()
            vec = states[:, 2:].copy()
            '''reset velocity'''
            if j > 0:
                vec = (pos - states_all[j - 1, :, :2]) / dt

            if j == 0:
                attrs_all = np.zeros((time_step, n_obj, attr_dim))
                states_all = np.zeros((time_step, n_obj, state_dim))
                actions_all = np.zeros((time_step, n_obj, action_dim))
            '''attrs: [1, 0] => root; [0, 1] => child'''
            assert attr_dim == 2
            attrs = np.zeros((n_obj, attr_dim))
            # category: the first ball is fixed
            attrs[0, 0] = 1
            attrs[1:, 1] = 1

            assert np.sum(attrs[:, 0]) == 1
            assert np.sum(attrs[:, 1]) == engine.num_obj - 1

            attrs_all[j] = attrs
            states_all[j, :, :2] = pos
            states_all[j, :, 2:] = vec
            actions_all[j] = actions

            data = [attrs, states_all[j], actions_all[j]]

            store_data(data_names, data,
                                    str(j) + '.h5'))


        datas = [

        for j in range(len(stats)):
            stat = init_stat(stats[j].shape[0])
            stat[:, 0] = np.mean(datas[j], axis=(0, 1))[:]
            stat[:, 1] = np.std(datas[j], axis=(0, 1))[:]
            stat[:, 2] = datas[j].shape[0]
            stats[j] = combine_stat(stats[j], stat)

    return stats
Beispiel #8
    def gen_data(self):
        # if the data hasn't been generated, generate the data
        n_rollout, n_particle = self.n_rollout, self.args.n_particle
        time_step, dt = self.args.time_step, self.args.dt

        print("Generating data ... n_rollout=%d, time_step=%d" %
              (n_rollout, time_step))

        infos = []
        for i in range(self.args.num_workers):
            info = {
                'thread_idx': i,
                'data_dir': self.data_dir,
                'data_names': self.data_names,
                'n_particle': n_particle,
                'n_rollout': n_rollout // self.args.num_workers,
                'time_step': time_step,
                'dt': dt,
                'args': self.args


        cores = self.args.num_workers
        pool = mp.Pool(processes=cores)

        env = self.args.env

        if env == 'Cradle':
            data =, infos)
        elif env == 'Rope':
            data =, infos)
        elif env == 'Box':
            data =, infos)
            raise AssertionError("Unknown env")

        print("Training data generated, warpping up stats ...")

        if self.phase == 'train' and self.args.gen_stat:
            if env in ['Cradle']:
                self.stat = [
            elif env in ['Rope']:
                self.stat = [
            elif env in ['Box']:
                self.stat = [

            for i in range(len(data)):
                for j in range(len(self.stat)):
                    self.stat[j] = combine_stat(self.stat[j], data[i][j])

            store_data(self.data_names[:len(self.stat)], self.stat,

            print("Loading stat from %s ..." % self.stat_path)

            if env in ['Cradle', 'Rope']:
                self.stat = load_data(self.data_names, self.stat_path)
            elif env in ['Box']:
                self.stat = load_data(self.data_names[:2], self.stat_path)
Beispiel #9
def gen_Box(info):
    thread_idx, data_dir, data_names = info['thread_idx'], info[
        'data_dir'], info['data_names']
    n_rollout, n_particle, time_step = info['n_rollout'], info[
        'n_particle'], info['time_step']
    dt, args = info['dt'], info['args']

    np.random.seed(round(time.time() * 1000 + thread_idx) % 2**32)

    state_dim = args.state_dim  # x, y, angle, xdot, ydot, angledot
    action_dim = args.action_dim  # x, xdot
    assert state_dim == 6
    assert action_dim == 2

    stats = [init_stat(state_dim), init_stat(action_dim)]

    engine = BoxEngine(dt, state_dim, action_dim)

    states = np.zeros((n_rollout, time_step, n_particle, state_dim))
    actions = np.zeros((n_rollout, time_step, 1, action_dim))
    viss = np.zeros((n_rollout, time_step, n_particle))

    bar = ProgressBar()
    for i in bar(range(n_rollout)):
        rollout_idx = thread_idx * n_rollout + i
        rollout_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, str(rollout_idx))
        os.system('mkdir -p ' + rollout_dir)


        for j in range(time_step):
            engine.set_action(rand_float(-600., 100.))

            states[i, j] = engine.get_state()
            actions[i, j] = engine.get_action()
            viss[i, j] = engine.get_vis(states[i, j])

            if j > 0:
                states[i, j, :, 3:] = (states[i, j, :, :3] -
                                       states[i, j - 1, :, :3]) / dt
                actions[i, j, :, 1] = (actions[i, j, :, 0] -
                                       actions[i, j - 1, :, 0]) / dt

            data = [states[i, j], actions[i, j], viss[i, j]]

            store_data(data_names, data,
                                    str(j) + '.h5'))


        datas = [states[i].astype(np.float64), actions[i].astype(np.float64)]

        for j in range(len(stats)):
            stat = init_stat(stats[j].shape[0])
            stat[:, 0] = np.mean(datas[j], axis=(0, 1))[:]
            stat[:, 1] = np.std(datas[j], axis=(0, 1))[:]
            stat[:, 2] = datas[j].shape[0]
            stats[j] = combine_stat(stats[j], stat)

    return stats
Beispiel #10
def gen_Rope(info):
    thread_idx, data_dir, data_names = info['thread_idx'], info[
        'data_dir'], info['data_names']
    n_rollout, n_particle, time_step = info['n_rollout'], info[
        'n_particle'], info['time_step']
    dt, args = info['dt'], info['args']

    np.random.seed(round(time.time() * 1000 + thread_idx) % 2**32)

    attr_dim = args.attr_dim  # fixed, moving, radius
    state_dim = args.state_dim  # x, y, xdot, ydot
    action_dim = args.action_dim  # xddot, yddot
    assert attr_dim == 3
    assert state_dim == 4
    assert action_dim == 2

    act_scale = 15

    # attr, state, action
    stats = [init_stat(attr_dim), init_stat(state_dim), init_stat(action_dim)]

    engine = RopeEngine(dt, state_dim, action_dim)

    attrs = np.zeros((n_rollout, time_step, n_particle + 2, attr_dim))
    states = np.zeros((n_rollout, time_step, n_particle + 2, state_dim))
    actions = np.zeros((n_rollout, time_step, n_particle + 2, action_dim))

    bar = ProgressBar()
    for i in bar(range(n_rollout)):
        rollout_idx = thread_idx * n_rollout + i
        rollout_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, str(rollout_idx))
        os.system('mkdir -p ' + rollout_dir)


        act = np.zeros((n_particle, action_dim))
        for j in range(time_step):

            f = np.zeros(action_dim)
            for k in range(n_particle):
                f += (np.random.rand(action_dim) * 2 - 1) * act_scale
                act[k] = f


            state = engine.get_state()
            action = engine.get_action()

            states[i, j, :n_particle] = state
            states[i, j, n_particle:, :2] = engine.c_positions
            actions[i, j, :n_particle] = action

            # reset velocity
            if j > 0:
                states[i, j, :, 2:] = (states[i, j, :, :2] -
                                       states[i, j - 1, :, :2]) / dt

            # attrs: [1, 0] => moving; [0, 1] => fixed
            n_obj = attrs.shape[2]
            attr = np.zeros((n_obj, attr_dim))
            attr[0, 1] = 1  # the first ball is fixed
            attr[1:n_particle, 0] = 1  # the rest of the balls is free to move
            attr[n_particle:, 1] = 1  # the cylinders are fixed
            attr[:n_particle, 2] = engine.radius
            attr[n_particle:, 2] = engine.c_radius
            # assert np.sum(attr[:, 0]) == 14
            assert np.sum(attr[:, 1]) == 3
            attrs[i, j] = attr

            data = [attr, states[i, j], actions[i, j]]

            store_data(data_names, data,
                                    str(j) + '.h5'))


        datas = [
            attrs[i].astype(np.float64), states[i].astype(np.float64),

        for j in range(len(stats)):
            stat = init_stat(stats[j].shape[0])
            stat[:, 0] = np.mean(datas[j], axis=(0, 1))[:]
            stat[:, 1] = np.std(datas[j], axis=(0, 1))[:]
            stat[:, 2] = datas[j].shape[0]
            stats[j] = combine_stat(stats[j], stat)

    return stats
Beispiel #11
def gen_Cradle(info):
    thread_idx, data_dir, data_names = info['thread_idx'], info[
        'data_dir'], info['data_names']
    n_particle, n_rollout, time_step = info['n_particle'], info[
        'n_rollout'], info['time_step']
    dt, args = info['dt'], info['args']

    np.random.seed(round(time.time() * 1000 + thread_idx) % 2**32)

    attr_dim = args.attr_dim  # ball, anchor
    state_dim = args.state_dim  # x, y, xdot, ydot
    assert attr_dim == 2
    assert state_dim == 4

    lim = 300
    attr_dim = 2
    state_dim = 4
    relation_dim = 4

    stats = [init_stat(attr_dim), init_stat(state_dim)]

    engine = CradleEngine(dt)

    n_objects = n_particle * 2  # add the same number of anchor points
    attrs = np.zeros((n_rollout, time_step, n_objects, attr_dim))
    states = np.zeros((n_rollout, time_step, n_objects, state_dim))

    bar = ProgressBar()
    for i in bar(range(n_rollout)):
        rollout_idx = thread_idx * n_rollout + i
        rollout_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, str(rollout_idx))
        os.system('mkdir -p ' + rollout_dir)

        theta = rand_float(0, 90)
        engine.reset_scene(n_particle, theta)

        for j in range(time_step):
            states[i, j] = engine.get_state()
            if j > 0:
                states[i, j, :, 2:] = (states[i, j, :, :2] -
                                       states[i, j - 1, :, :2]) / dt

            attrs[i, j, :n_particle, 0] = 1  # balls
            attrs[i, j, n_particle:, 1] = 1  # anchors

            data = [attrs[i, j], states[i, j]]
            store_data(data_names, data,
                                    str(j) + '.h5'))


        datas = [attrs[i].astype(np.float64), states[i].astype(np.float64)]

        for j in range(len(stats)):
            stat = init_stat(stats[j].shape[0])
            stat[:, 0] = np.mean(datas[j], axis=(0, 1))[:]
            stat[:, 1] = np.std(datas[j], axis=(0, 1))[:]
            stat[:, 2] = datas[j].shape[0]
            stats[j] = combine_stat(stats[j], stat)

    return stats