Beispiel #1
    def __load_module(self, alias):
        Load module class by alias
        :param alias: str
        :return: class
        if alias in self.modules:
            return self.modules[alias]

        mod_conf = self.config.get('modules')
        if alias not in mod_conf:
            msg = "Module '%s' not found in list of available aliases %s" % (alias, sorted(mod_conf.keys()))
            raise TaurusConfigError(msg)

        settings = ensure_is_dict(mod_conf, alias, "class")

        acopy = copy.deepcopy(settings)
        BetterDict.traverse(acopy, Configuration.masq_sensitive)
        self.log.debug("Module config: %s %s", alias, acopy)

        err = TaurusConfigError("Class name for alias '%s' is not found in module settings: %s" % (alias, settings))
        clsname = settings.get('class', err)

        self.modules[alias] = load_class(clsname)
        if not issubclass(self.modules[alias], EngineModule):
            # raise TaurusInternalException("Module class does not inherit from EngineModule: %s" % clsname)

        return self.modules[alias]
Beispiel #2
    def __apply_single_override(self, dest, name, value):
        Apply single override
        :type name: str
        :type value: str
        self.log.debug("Applying %s=%s", name, value)
        parts = [(int(x) if is_int(x) else x) for x in name.split(".")]
        pointer = dest
        for index, part in enumerate(parts[:-1]):
            self.__ensure_list_capacity(pointer, part, parts[index + 1])

            if isinstance(part, integer_types):
                if part < 0:
                    if isinstance(parts[index + 1], integer_types):
                    pointer = pointer[-1]
                    pointer = pointer[part]
            elif isinstance(parts[index + 1], integer_types) and isinstance(
                    pointer, dict):
                pointer = pointer.get(part, [], force_set=True)
                pointer = pointer.get(part, force_set=True)
        self.__ensure_list_capacity(pointer, parts[-1])
        self.log.debug("Applying: [%s]=%s", parts[-1], value)
        if isinstance(parts[-1], string_types) and parts[-1][0] == '^':
            item = parts[-1][1:]

            if isinstance(pointer, list):
                item = int(item)
                if -len(pointer) <= item < len(pointer):
                    del pointer[item]
                    self.log.debug("No value to delete: %s", item)
            elif isinstance(pointer, dict):
                if item in pointer:
                    del pointer[item]
                    self.log.debug("No value to delete: %s", item)
                raise ValueError(
                    "Cannot handle override %s in non-iterable type %s" %
                    (item, pointer))

            parsed_value = self.__parse_override_value(value)
            self.log.debug("Parsed override value: %r -> %r (%s)", value,
                           parsed_value, type(parsed_value))
            if isinstance(parsed_value, dict):
                parsed_value = BetterDict.from_dict(parsed_value)
            if isinstance(pointer, list) and parts[-1] < 0:
                pointer[parts[-1]] = parsed_value
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self):
     super(ScenarioExecutor, self).__init__()
     self.provisioning = None
     self.execution = BetterDict()  # FIXME: why have this field if we have `parameters` from base class?
     self.__scenario = None
     self.label = None
     self.widget = None
     self.reader = None
     self.delay = None
     self.start_time = None
     self.env = None
     self.preprocess_args = lambda x: None
Beispiel #4
 def __ensure_list_capacity(self, pointer, part, next_part=None):
     Extend pointer list to hold additional item
     :type pointer: list
     :type part: int
     if isinstance(pointer, list) and isinstance(part, integer_types):
         while len(pointer) <= part:
             self.log.debug("Len %s less than %s", len(pointer), part)
             if isinstance(next_part, integer_types):
Beispiel #5
    def dump(self, filename=None, fmt=None):
        Dump current state of dict into file. If no filename or format
        specified, defaults are used

        :type filename: str or NoneType
        :type fmt: str or NoneType
        if not filename:
            filename = self.dump_filename

        if filename:
            if not fmt:
                self.dump(filename + ".yml", self.YAML)
                self.dump(filename + ".json", self.JSON)

            acopy = copy.deepcopy(self)
            BetterDict.traverse(acopy, self.masq_sensitive)
            BetterDict.traverse(acopy, self.replace_infinities)
            with open(filename, "wb") as fhd:
                self.log.debug("Dumping %s config into %s", fmt, filename)
                acopy.write(fhd, fmt)
Beispiel #6
    def eval_env(self):
        Should be done after `configure`
        envs = self.config.get(SETTINGS, force_set=True).get("env", force_set=True)
        envs[TAURUS_ARTIFACTS_DIR] = self.artifacts_dir

        for varname in envs:
            if envs[varname]:
                envs[varname] = str(envs[varname])
                envs[varname] = os.path.expandvars(envs[varname])

        for varname in envs:
            self.env.set({varname: envs[varname]})
            if envs[varname] is None:
                if varname in os.environ:
                os.environ[varname] = str(envs[varname])

        def custom_expandvars(value):
            parts = re.split(r'(\$\{.*?\})', value)
            value = ''
            for item in parts:
                if item and item.startswith("${") and item.endswith("}"):
                    key = item[2:-1]
                    if key in envs:
                        item = envs[key]
                if item is not None:
                    value += text_type(item)
            return value

        def apply_env(value, key, container):
            if isinstance(value, string_types):
                container[key] = custom_expandvars(value)

        BetterDict.traverse(self.config, apply_env)
Beispiel #7
    def get_scenario(self, name=None, cache_scenario=True):
        Returns scenario dict, extract if scenario is inlined

        :return: DictOfDicts
        if name is None and self.__scenario is not None:
            return self.__scenario

        scenarios = self.engine.config.get("scenarios", force_set=True)

        if name is None:  # get current scenario
            exc = TaurusConfigError("Scenario is not found in execution: %s" % self.execution)
            label = self.execution.get('scenario', exc)

            is_script = isinstance(label, string_types) and label not in scenarios and \
            if isinstance(label, list):
                msg = "Invalid content of scenario, list type instead of dict or string: %s"
                raise TaurusConfigError(msg % label)
            if isinstance(label, dict) or is_script:
                self.log.debug("Extract %s into scenarios" % label)
                if isinstance(label, string_types):
                    scenario = BetterDict.from_dict({Scenario.SCRIPT: label})
                    scenario = label

                path = self.get_script_path(scenario=Scenario(self.engine, scenario))
                if path:
                    label = os.path.basename(path)
                if not path or label in scenarios:
                    hash_str = str(hashlib.md5(to_json(scenario).encode()).hexdigest())
                    label = 'autogenerated_' + hash_str[-10:]

                scenarios[label] = scenario
                self.execution['scenario'] = label

            self.label = label
        else:  # get scenario by name
            label = name

        exc = TaurusConfigError("Scenario '%s' not found in scenarios: %s" % (label, scenarios.keys()))
        scenario = scenarios.get(label, exc)
        scenario_obj = Scenario(self.engine, scenario)

        if name is None and cache_scenario:
            self.__scenario = scenario_obj

        return scenario_obj
Beispiel #8
class ScenarioExecutor(EngineModule):
    :type provisioning: engine.Provisioning
    :type execution: BetterDict

    RAMP_UP = "ramp-up"
    HOLD_FOR = "hold-for"
    CONCURR = "concurrency"
    THRPT = "throughput"
    EXEC = "execution"
    STEPS = "steps"
    LOAD_FMT = namedtuple("LoadSpec", "concurrency throughput ramp_up hold iterations duration steps")

    def __init__(self):
        super(ScenarioExecutor, self).__init__()
        self.provisioning = None
        self.execution = BetterDict()  # FIXME: why have this field if we have `parameters` from base class?
        self.__scenario = None
        self.label = None
        self.widget = None
        self.reader = None
        self.delay = None
        self.start_time = None
        self.env = None
        self.preprocess_args = lambda x: None

    def has_results(self):
        if self.reader and self.reader.buffer:
            return True
            return False

    def get_script_path(self, required=False, scenario=None):
        :type required: bool
        :type scenario: Scenario
        if scenario is None:
            scenario = self.get_scenario()

        if required:
            exc = TaurusConfigError("You must provide script for %s" % self)
            script = scenario.get(Scenario.SCRIPT, exc)
            script = scenario.get(Scenario.SCRIPT)

        if script:
            script = self.engine.find_file(script)
            scenario[Scenario.SCRIPT] = script

        return script

    def get_scenario(self, name=None, cache_scenario=True):
        Returns scenario dict, extract if scenario is inlined

        :return: DictOfDicts
        if name is None and self.__scenario is not None:
            return self.__scenario

        scenarios = self.engine.config.get("scenarios", force_set=True)

        if name is None:  # get current scenario
            exc = TaurusConfigError("Scenario is not found in execution: %s" % self.execution)
            label = self.execution.get('scenario', exc)

            is_script = isinstance(label, string_types) and label not in scenarios and \
            if isinstance(label, list):
                msg = "Invalid content of scenario, list type instead of dict or string: %s"
                raise TaurusConfigError(msg % label)
            if isinstance(label, dict) or is_script:
                self.log.debug("Extract %s into scenarios" % label)
                if isinstance(label, string_types):
                    scenario = BetterDict.from_dict({Scenario.SCRIPT: label})
                    scenario = label

                path = self.get_script_path(scenario=Scenario(self.engine, scenario))
                if path:
                    label = os.path.basename(path)
                if not path or label in scenarios:
                    hash_str = str(hashlib.md5(to_json(scenario).encode()).hexdigest())
                    label = 'autogenerated_' + hash_str[-10:]

                scenarios[label] = scenario
                self.execution['scenario'] = label

            self.label = label
        else:  # get scenario by name
            label = name

        exc = TaurusConfigError("Scenario '%s' not found in scenarios: %s" % (label, scenarios.keys()))
        scenario = scenarios.get(label, exc)
        scenario_obj = Scenario(self.engine, scenario)

        if name is None and cache_scenario:
            self.__scenario = scenario_obj

        return scenario_obj

    def get_load(self):
        Helper method to read load specification

        def eval_int(value):
                return int(value)
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                return value

        def eval_float(value):
                return int(value)
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                return value

        prov_type = self.engine.config.get(Provisioning.PROV)

        ensure_is_dict(self.execution, ScenarioExecutor.THRPT, prov_type)
        throughput = eval_float(self.execution[ScenarioExecutor.THRPT].get(prov_type, 0))

        ensure_is_dict(self.execution, ScenarioExecutor.CONCURR, prov_type)
        concurrency = eval_int(self.execution[ScenarioExecutor.CONCURR].get(prov_type, 0))

        iterations = eval_int(self.execution.get("iterations", None))

        ramp_up = self.execution.get(ScenarioExecutor.RAMP_UP, None)
        steps = eval_int(self.execution.get(ScenarioExecutor.STEPS, None))
        hold = dehumanize_time(self.execution.get(ScenarioExecutor.HOLD_FOR, 0))
        if ramp_up is None:
            duration = hold
            ramp_up = dehumanize_time(ramp_up)
            duration = hold + ramp_up

        if duration and not iterations:
            iterations = 0  # which means infinite

        msg = ''
        if not isinstance(concurrency, numeric_types + (type(None),)):
            msg += "Invalid concurrency value[%s]: %s " % (type(concurrency).__name__, concurrency)
        if not isinstance(throughput, numeric_types + (type(None),)):
            msg += "Invalid throughput value[%s]: %s " % (type(throughput).__name__, throughput)
        if not isinstance(steps, numeric_types + (type(None),)):
            msg += "Invalid throughput value[%s]: %s " % (type(steps).__name__, steps)
        if not isinstance(iterations, numeric_types + (type(None),)):
            msg += "Invalid throughput value[%s]: %s " % (type(iterations).__name__, iterations)

        if msg:
            raise TaurusConfigError(msg)

        return self.LOAD_FMT(concurrency=concurrency, ramp_up=ramp_up, throughput=throughput, hold=hold,
                             iterations=iterations, duration=duration, steps=steps)

    def get_resource_files(self):
        files_list = []
        if isinstance(self, FileLister):
        files_list.extend(self.execution.get("files", []))
        return files_list

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%s/%s" % (self.execution.get("executor", None), self.label if self.label else id(self))

    def execute(self, args, cwd=None, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, shell=False):

        return self.engine.start_subprocess(args=args, cwd=cwd, stdout=stdout,
                                            stderr=stderr, stdin=stdin, shell=shell, env=self.env)
Beispiel #9
 def __init__(self):
     self.log = logging.getLogger('')
     self.engine = None
     self.settings = BetterDict()
     self.parameters = BetterDict()
Beispiel #10
class EngineModule(object):
    Base class for any BZT engine module

    :type engine: Engine
    :type settings: BetterDict

    def __init__(self):
        self.log = logging.getLogger('')
        self.engine = None
        self.settings = BetterDict()
        self.parameters = BetterDict()

    def prepare(self):
        Preparation stage, at which configuration is being read, configs
        and tools being prepared. All long preparations and checks should be
        made here, to make `startup` stage as fast as possible.

    def startup(self):
        Startup should be as fast as possible. Launch background processes,
        do some API calls for initiation of actual work. Consider making all
        checks and preparations on `prepare` stage.

    def check(self):
        Check if work should be finished

        :rtype: bool
        :return: True if should be finished
        return False

    def shutdown(self):
        Stop all processes that were started in `startup` stage.
        Should also be as fast as possible, deferring all long operations to
        `post_process` stage.

    def post_process(self):
        Do all possibly long analysis and processing on run results

    def _should_run(self):
        Returns True if provisioning matches run-at
        prov = self.engine.config.get(Provisioning.PROV)
        runat = self.parameters.get("run-at", None)
        if runat is not None and prov != runat:
            self.log.debug("Should not run because of non-matching prov: %s != %s", prov, runat)
            return False
        return True