def monte_carlo_localization(a, z, N, P_motion_sample, P_sensor, m, S=None):
    """Monte Carlo localization algorithm from Fig 25.9"""

    def ray_cast(sensor_num, kin_state, m):
        return m.ray_cast(sensor_num, kin_state)

    M = len(z)
    W = [0] * N
    S_ = [0] * N
    W_ = [0] * N
    v = a['v']
    w = a['w']

    if S is None:
        S = [m.sample() for _ in range(N)]

    for i in range(N):
        S_[i] = P_motion_sample(S[i], v, w)
        W_[i] = 1
        for j in range(M):
            z_ = ray_cast(j, S_[i], m)
            W_[i] = W_[i] * P_sensor(z[j], z_)

    S = weighted_sample_with_replacement(N, S_, W_)
    return S
Beispiel #2
def weighted_replicate(seq, weights, n):
    """Return n selections from seq, with the count of each element of
    seq proportional to the corresponding weight (filling in fractions
    >>> weighted_replicate('ABC', [1, 2, 1], 4)
    ['A', 'B', 'B', 'C']
    assert len(seq) == len(weights)
    weights = normalize(weights)
    wholes = [int(w * n) for w in weights]
    fractions = [(w * n) % 1 for w in weights]
    return (flatten([x] * nx for x, nx in zip(seq, wholes)) +
            weighted_sample_with_replacement(n - sum(wholes), seq, fractions))
Beispiel #3
 def data_bagging(dataset, m=0):
     """Sample m examples with replacement"""
     n = len(dataset.examples)
     return weighted_sample_with_replacement(m or n, dataset.examples,
                                             [1] * n)