Beispiel #1
def encrypt_CTR_(plain_text, key, IV):  # check pass
    Counter Mode Encryption in AES, using increment-by-one method

    * Attention(Very similar with OFB mode):
        - CTR belongs to stream cipher mode, which can operate any size of plaintext and cipher,
         so there is no need for padding.
        - Whether in encryption or decryption in CTR mode, only AES_RAW encryption has been used.

    :param plain_text:  plaintext that needed to be encrypted  --> bytes
    :param key:  AES key  --> bytes
    :param IV:  fixed initial value/nonce(8 bytes)  --> bytes
    :return: cipher  --> bytes
    if len(IV) != 8:  # check the IV length
        raise ValueError("Invalid IV!")

    counter = 0
    cipher = b''
    for i in range(0, len(plain_text), 16):
        v = IV + counter.to_bytes(8, 'big')
        output =, key)
        if i + 16 > len(plain_text):  # if the last block is incomplete
            x = plain_text[i:]
            x = plain_text[i:i+16]
        x = bytes([x[b] ^ output[b] for b in range(len(x))])
        cipher += x
        counter += 1  # increment by one
    return cipher
Beispiel #2
def decrypt_CTR_(cipher, key, IV):  # check pass
    Counter Mode Decryption in AES, using increment-by-one method

    :param cipher: cipher that need to be decrypted  --> bytes
    :param key: AES key  --> bytes
    :param IV: fixed initial vector/nonce(8 bytes)  --> bytes
    :return: plaintext --> bytes
    if len(IV) != 8:  # check the IV length
        raise ValueError("Invalid IV!")

    counter = 0
    plain_text = b''
    for i in range(0, len(cipher), 16):
        v = IV + counter.to_bytes(8, 'big')
        output =, key)
        if i + 16 > len(cipher):  # if the last block is incomplete
            x = cipher[i:]
            x = cipher[i:i+16]
        x = bytes([x[b] ^ output[b] for b in range(len(x))])
        plain_text += x
        counter += 1  # increment by one
    return plain_text
Beispiel #3
def encrypt_CFB_(plain_text, key, IV):  # check pass, but not the same as Crypto Package, confused...
    Cipher Feedback Mode Encryption in AES

    * Attention(Very similar with OFB mode):
        - CFB belongs to stream cipher mode, which can operate any size of plaintext and cipher,
         so there is no need for padding.
        - Whether in encryption or decryption in CFB mode, only AES_RAW encryption has been used.

    :param plain_text:  plaintext that needed to be encrypted --> bytes
    :param key: AES key --> bytes
    :param IV:  initial vector(16 bytes)  --> bytes
    :return: cipher --> bytes
    if len(IV) != 16:  # check the IV length
        raise ValueError("Invalid IV!")

    cipher = b''
    v = IV
    for i in range(0, len(plain_text), 16):  # check pass
        output =, key)
        if i + 16 > len(plain_text):  # if the last block is incomplete
            x = plain_text[i:]
            x = plain_text[i:i+16]
        v = bytes([x[b] ^ output[b] for b in range(len(x))])
        cipher += v
    return cipher
Beispiel #4
def encrypt_ECB_(plain_text, key, pad="PKCS#7"):  # check pass
    Electronic Code Book Mode Encryption in AES

    :param plain_text:  plaintext that needed to be encrypted  --> bytes
    :param key:  AES key  --> bytes
    :param pad: padding mode  --> str
    :return:  cipher  --> bytes
    plain_text = padding(plain_text, pad)
    cipher = b''
    for i in range(0, len(plain_text), 16):
        cipher +=[i:i+16], key)
    return cipher
Beispiel #5
def decrypt_ECB_(cipher, key, pad="PKCS#7"):  # check pass
    Electronic Code Book Mode Decryption in AES

    :param cipher:  cipher that needed to be decrypted  --> bytes
    :param key:  AES key --> bytes
    :param pad:  padding mode  --> str
    :return:  plaintext --> bytes
    if len(cipher) % 16:  # check cipher length
        raise ValueError("Invalid cipher length!")
    plain_text = b''
    for i in range(0, len(cipher), 16):
        plain_text +=[i:i+16], key)
    plain_text = unpadding(plain_text, pad)
    return plain_text
Beispiel #6
def encrypt_CBC_(plain_text, key, IV, pad="PKCS#7"):  # check pass
    Block Cipher Chaining Mode Encryption in AES

    :param plain_text:  plaintext that needed to be encrypted  --> bytes
    :param key:  AES key  --> bytes
    :param IV:  initial vector(16 bytes)  --> bytes
    :param pad: padding mode  --> str
    :return:  cipher --> bytes
    if len(IV) != 16:  # check the IV length
        raise ValueError("Invalid IV!")
    plain_text = padding(plain_text, pad)
    cipher = b''
    v = IV
    for i in range(0, len(plain_text), 16):
        x = bytes([plain_text[i+b] ^ v[b] for b in range(16)])
        v =, key)
        cipher += v
    return cipher
Beispiel #7
def decrypt_CFB_(cipher, key, IV):  # check pass, but not the same as Crypto Package, confused...
    Cipher Feedback Mode Decryption in AES

    :param cipher: cipher that needed to be decrypted  --> bytes
    :param key: AES key --> bytes
    :param IV:  initial vector(16 bytes)  --> bytes
    :return: plaintext  --> bytes
    if len(IV) != 16:  # check the IV length
        raise ValueError("Invalid IV!")

    plain_text = b''
    v = IV
    for i in range(0, len(cipher), 16):
        output =, key)
        if i + 16 > len(cipher):  # if the last block is incomplete
            v = cipher[i:]
            v = cipher[i:i+16]
        x = bytes([v[b] ^ output[b] for b in range(len(v))])
        plain_text += x
    return plain_text
Beispiel #8
def decrypt_OFB_(cipher, key, IV):  # check pass
    Output Feedback Mode Decryption in AES

    :param cipher:  cipher that needed to be decrypted  --> bytes
    :param key: AES key  --> bytes
    :param IV:  initial vector(16 bytes)  --> bytes
    :return: plaintext --> bytes
    if len(IV) != 16:  # check the IV length
        raise ValueError("Invalid IV!")

    plain_text = b''
    v = IV
    for i in range(0, len(cipher), 16):
        v =, key)
        if i + 16 > len(cipher):  # if the last block is incomplete
            x = cipher[i:]
            x = cipher[i:i+16]
        x = bytes([x[b] ^ v[b] for b in range(len(x))])
        plain_text += x
    return plain_text
Beispiel #9
def decrypt_CBC_(cipher, key, IV, pad="PKCS#7"):  # check pass
    Block Cipher ChainingMode Decryption in AES

    :param cipher: cipher that needed to be decrypted --> bytes
    :param key:  AES key  --> bytes
    :param IV: initial vector(16 bytes) --> bytes
    :param pad:  padding mode --> str
    :return:  plaintext  --> bytes
    if len(IV) != 16:  # check the IV length
        raise ValueError("Invalid IV!")

    if len(cipher) % 16:  # check cipher length
        raise ValueError("Invalid cipher length!")
    plain_text = b''
    v = IV
    for i in range(0, len(cipher), 16):
        x =[i:i+16], key)
        plain_text += bytes([x[b] ^ v[b] for b in range(16)])
        v = cipher[i:i+16]
    plain_text = unpadding(plain_text, pad)
    return plain_text