Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, ix, postlimit, blocklimit, name=None):
        :param ix: the Index object in which to write the new segment.
        :param postlimit: the maximum size for a run in the posting pool.
        :param blocklimit: the maximum number of postings in a posting block.
        :param name: the name of the segment.

        self.index = ix
        self.schema = ix.schema = storage = = name or ix._next_segment_name()

        self.max_doc = 0

        self.pool = postpool.PostingPool(postlimit)

        # Create mappings of field numbers to the position of that field in the
        # lists of scorable and stored fields. For example, consider a schema
        # with fields (A, B, C, D, E, F). If B, D, and E are scorable, then the
        # list of scorable fields is (B, D, E). The _scorable_to_pos dictionary
        # would then map B -> 0, D -> 1, and E -> 2.
        self._scorable_to_pos = dict((fnum, i)
                                     for i, fnum
                                     in enumerate(self.schema.scorable_fields()))
        self._stored_to_pos = dict((fnum, i)
                                   for i, fnum
                                   in enumerate(self.schema.stored_fields()))

        # Create a temporary segment object just so we can access its
        # *_filename attributes (so if we want to change the naming convention,
        # we only have to do it in one place).
        tempseg = Segment(, 0, 0, None)
        self.termtable = create_terms(storage, tempseg)
        self.docslist = create_storedfields(storage, tempseg)
        self.doclengths = None
        if self.schema.scorable_fields():
            self.doclengths = create_doclengths(storage, tempseg, len(self._scorable_to_pos))

        postfile = storage.create_file(tempseg.posts_filename)
        self.postwriter = FilePostingWriter(postfile, blocklimit=blocklimit)

        self.vectortable = None
        if self.schema.has_vectored_fields():
            # Table associating document fields with (postoffset, postcount)
            self.vectortable = create_vectors(storage, tempseg)
            vpostfile = storage.create_file(tempseg.vectorposts_filename)
            self.vpostwriter = FilePostingWriter(vpostfile, stringids=True)

        # Keep track of the total number of tokens (across all docs)
        # in each field
        self.field_length_totals = defaultdict(int)
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, ix, postlimit, blocklimit, name=None):
        :param ix: the Index object in which to write the new segment.
        :param postlimit: the maximum size for a run in the posting pool.
        :param blocklimit: the maximum number of postings in a posting block.
        :param name: the name of the segment.

        self.index = ix
        self.schema = ix.schema = storage = = name or ix._next_segment_name()

        self.max_doc = 0

        self.pool = postpool.PostingPool(postlimit)

        # Create mappings of field numbers to the position of that field in the
        # lists of scorable and stored fields. For example, consider a schema
        # with fields (A, B, C, D, E, F). If B, D, and E are scorable, then the
        # list of scorable fields is (B, D, E). The _scorable_to_pos dictionary
        # would then map B -> 0, D -> 1, and E -> 2.
        self._scorable_to_pos = dict(
            (fnum, i) for i, fnum in enumerate(self.schema.scorable_fields()))
        self._stored_to_pos = dict(
            (fnum, i) for i, fnum in enumerate(self.schema.stored_fields()))

        # Create a temporary segment object just so we can access its
        # *_filename attributes (so if we want to change the naming convention,
        # we only have to do it in one place).
        tempseg = Segment(, 0, 0, None)
        self.termtable = create_terms(storage, tempseg)
        self.docslist = create_storedfields(storage, tempseg)
        self.doclengths = None
        if self.schema.scorable_fields():
            self.doclengths = create_doclengths(storage, tempseg,

        postfile = storage.create_file(tempseg.posts_filename)
        self.postwriter = FilePostingWriter(postfile, blocklimit=blocklimit)

        self.vectortable = None
        if self.schema.has_vectored_fields():
            # Table associating document fields with (postoffset, postcount)
            self.vectortable = create_vectors(storage, tempseg)
            vpostfile = storage.create_file(tempseg.vectorposts_filename)
            self.vpostwriter = FilePostingWriter(vpostfile, stringids=True)

        # Keep track of the total number of tokens (across all docs)
        # in each field
        self.field_length_totals = defaultdict(int)
def test_huge_postfile():
    with TempStorage("hugeindex") as st:
        pf = st.create_file("test.pst")

        gb5 = 5 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
        assert_equal(pf.tell(), gb5 + 4)

        fpw = FilePostingWriter(pf)
        format = formats.Frequency(None)
        offset = fpw.start(format)
        for i in xrange(10):
            fpw.write(i, float(i), struct.pack("!I", i), 10)
        posttotal = fpw.finish()
        assert_equal(posttotal, 10)

        pf = st.open_file("test.pst")
        pfr = FilePostingReader(pf, offset, format)
        i = 0
        while pfr.is_active():
            assert_equal(, i)
            assert_equal(pfr.weight(), float(i))
            assert_equal(pfr.value(), struct.pack("!I", i))
            i += 1
Beispiel #4
def roundtrip(postings, format, astype):
    with TempStorage("roundtrip") as st:
        postfile = st.create_file(astype)
        getweight = format.decoder("weight")
        fpw = FilePostingWriter(postfile, blocklimit=8)
        for id, value in postings:
            v = format.encode(value)
            fpw.write(id, getweight(v), v, 0)

        postfile = st.open_file(astype)
        fpr = FilePostingReader(postfile, 0, format)
        readback = list(fpr.items_as(astype))
        return readback
Beispiel #5
def test_readwrite():
    with TempStorage("readwrite") as st:
        format = Frequency()
        postings = make_postings()

        postfile = st.create_file("readwrite")
        fpw = FilePostingWriter(postfile, blocklimit=8)
        for id, freq in postings:
            fpw.write(id, float(freq), format.encode(freq), 0)

        postfile = st.open_file("readwrite")
        fpr = FilePostingReader(postfile, 0, format)
        assert_equal(postings, list(fpr.items_as("frequency")))
Beispiel #6
def roundtrip(postings, format, astype):
    with TempStorage("roundtrip") as st:
        postfile = st.create_file(astype)
        getweight = format.decoder("weight")
        fpw = FilePostingWriter(postfile, blocklimit=8)
        for id, value in postings:
            v = format.encode(value)
            fpw.write(id, getweight(v), v, 0)
        postfile = st.open_file(astype)
        fpr = FilePostingReader(postfile, 0, format)
        readback = list(fpr.items_as(astype))
        return readback
Beispiel #7
def test_readwrite():
    with TempStorage("readwrite") as st:
        format = Frequency()
        postings = make_postings()
        postfile = st.create_file("readwrite")
        fpw = FilePostingWriter(postfile, blocklimit=8)
        for id, freq in postings:
            fpw.write(id, float(freq), format.encode(freq), 0)
        postfile = st.open_file("readwrite")
        fpr = FilePostingReader(postfile, 0, format)
        assert_equal(postings, list(fpr.items_as("frequency")))
Beispiel #8
    def roundtrip(self, postings, format, astype):
        postfile = self.make_file(astype)
        readback = None
            fpw = FilePostingWriter(postfile, blocklimit=8)
            for id, value in postings:
                fpw.write(id, format.encode(value))

            postfile = self.open_file(astype)
            fpr = FilePostingReader(postfile, 0, format)
            readback = list(fpr.all_as(astype))
        return readback
Beispiel #9
    def test_readwrite(self):
        format = Frequency(None)
        postings = self.make_postings()

        postfile = self.make_file("readwrite")
            fpw = FilePostingWriter(postfile, blocklimit=8)
            for id, freq in postings:
                fpw.write(id, format.encode(freq))

            postfile = self.open_file("readwrite")
            fpr = FilePostingReader(postfile, 0, format)
            #self.assertEqual(postings, list(fpr.items_as("frequency")))
 def roundtrip(self, postings, format, astype):
     postfile = self.make_file(astype)
     readback = None
         fpw = FilePostingWriter(postfile, blocklimit=8)
         for id, value in postings:
             fpw.write(id, format.encode(value))
         postfile = self.open_file(astype)
         fpr = FilePostingReader(postfile, 0, format)
         readback = list(fpr.all_as(astype))
     return readback
 def test_readwrite(self):
     format = Frequency(None)
     postings = self.make_postings()
     postfile = self.make_file("readwrite")
         fpw = FilePostingWriter(postfile, blocklimit=8)
         for id, freq in postings:
             fpw.write(id, format.encode(freq))
         postfile = self.open_file("readwrite")
         fpr = FilePostingReader(postfile, 0, format)
         #self.assertEqual(postings, list(fpr.items_as("frequency")))
Beispiel #12
    def __init__(self, ix, poolclass=None, procs=0, blocklimit=128,
                 timeout=0.0, delay=0.1, name=None, _l=True, **poolargs):

        self.writelock = None
        if _l:
            self.writelock = ix.lock("WRITELOCK")
            if not try_for(self.writelock.acquire, timeout=timeout, delay=delay):
                raise LockError
        self.readlock = ix.lock("READLOCK")

        info = ix._read_toc()
        self.schema = info.schema
        self.segments = info.segments =
        self.indexname = ix.indexname
        self.is_closed = False

        self.blocklimit = blocklimit
        self.segment_number = info.segment_counter + 1
        self.generation = info.generation + 1

        self._doc_offsets = []
        base = 0
        for s in self.segments:
            base += s.doc_count_all() = name or Segment.basename(self.indexname, self.segment_number)
        self.docnum = 0
        self.fieldlength_totals = defaultdict(int)
        self._added = False
        self._unique_cache = {}

        # Create a temporary segment to use its .*_filename attributes
        segment = Segment(, self.generation, 0, None, None)

        # Terms index
        tf =
        ti = TermIndexWriter(tf)
        # Term postings file
        pf =
        pw = FilePostingWriter(pf, blocklimit=blocklimit)
        # Terms writer
        self.termswriter = TermsWriter(self.schema, ti, pw)

        if self.schema.has_vectored_fields():
            # Vector index
            vf =
            self.vectorindex = TermVectorWriter(vf)

            # Vector posting file
            vpf =
            self.vpostwriter = FilePostingWriter(vpf, stringids=True)
            self.vectorindex = None
            self.vpostwriter = None

        # Stored fields file
        sf =
        self.storedfields = StoredFieldWriter(sf, self.schema.stored_names())

        # Field lengths file
        self.lengthfile =

        # Create the pool
        if poolclass is None:
            if procs > 1:
                from whoosh.filedb.multiproc import MultiPool
                poolclass = MultiPool
                poolclass = TempfilePool
        self.pool = poolclass(self.schema, procs=procs, **poolargs)
Beispiel #13
class SegmentWriter(IndexWriter):
    def __init__(self, ix, poolclass=None, procs=0, blocklimit=128,
                 timeout=0.0, delay=0.1, name=None, _l=True, **poolargs):

        self.writelock = None
        if _l:
            self.writelock = ix.lock("WRITELOCK")
            if not try_for(self.writelock.acquire, timeout=timeout, delay=delay):
                raise LockError
        self.readlock = ix.lock("READLOCK")

        info = ix._read_toc()
        self.schema = info.schema
        self.segments = info.segments =
        self.indexname = ix.indexname
        self.is_closed = False

        self.blocklimit = blocklimit
        self.segment_number = info.segment_counter + 1
        self.generation = info.generation + 1

        self._doc_offsets = []
        base = 0
        for s in self.segments:
            base += s.doc_count_all() = name or Segment.basename(self.indexname, self.segment_number)
        self.docnum = 0
        self.fieldlength_totals = defaultdict(int)
        self._added = False
        self._unique_cache = {}

        # Create a temporary segment to use its .*_filename attributes
        segment = Segment(, self.generation, 0, None, None)

        # Terms index
        tf =
        ti = TermIndexWriter(tf)
        # Term postings file
        pf =
        pw = FilePostingWriter(pf, blocklimit=blocklimit)
        # Terms writer
        self.termswriter = TermsWriter(self.schema, ti, pw)

        if self.schema.has_vectored_fields():
            # Vector index
            vf =
            self.vectorindex = TermVectorWriter(vf)

            # Vector posting file
            vpf =
            self.vpostwriter = FilePostingWriter(vpf, stringids=True)
            self.vectorindex = None
            self.vpostwriter = None

        # Stored fields file
        sf =
        self.storedfields = StoredFieldWriter(sf, self.schema.stored_names())

        # Field lengths file
        self.lengthfile =

        # Create the pool
        if poolclass is None:
            if procs > 1:
                from whoosh.filedb.multiproc import MultiPool
                poolclass = MultiPool
                poolclass = TempfilePool
        self.pool = poolclass(self.schema, procs=procs, **poolargs)

    def _check_state(self):
        if self.is_closed:
            raise IndexingError("This writer is closed")

    def add_field(self, fieldname, fieldspec):
        if self._added:
            raise Exception("Can't modify schema after adding data to writer")
        super(SegmentWriter, self).add_field(fieldname, fieldspec)

    def remove_field(self, fieldname):
        if self._added:
            raise Exception("Can't modify schema after adding data to writer")
        super(SegmentWriter, self).remove_field(fieldname)

    def _document_segment(self, docnum):
        #Returns the index.Segment object containing the given document

        offsets = self._doc_offsets
        if len(offsets) == 1:
            return 0
        return bisect_right(offsets, docnum) - 1

    def _segment_and_docnum(self, docnum):
        #Returns an (index.Segment, segment_docnum) pair for the segment
        #containing the given document number.

        segmentnum = self._document_segment(docnum)
        offset = self._doc_offsets[segmentnum]
        segment = self.segments[segmentnum]
        return segment, docnum - offset

    def has_deletions(self):
        :returns: True if this index has documents that are marked deleted but
            haven't been optimized out of the index yet.

        return any(s.has_deletions() for s in self.segments)

    def delete_document(self, docnum, delete=True):
        if docnum >= sum(seg.doccount for seg in self.segments):
            raise IndexingError("No document ID %r in this index" % docnum)
        segment, segdocnum = self._segment_and_docnum(docnum)
        segment.delete_document(segdocnum, delete=delete)

    def deleted_count(self):
        :returns: the total number of deleted documents in the index.

        return sum(s.deleted_count() for s in self.segments)

    def is_deleted(self, docnum):
        segment, segdocnum = self._segment_and_docnum(docnum)
        return segment.is_deleted(segdocnum)

    def reader(self, reuse=None):
        from whoosh.filedb.fileindex import FileIndex

        return FileIndex._reader(, self.schema, self.segments,
                                 self.generation, reuse=reuse)

    def add_reader(self, reader):
        startdoc = self.docnum

        has_deletions = reader.has_deletions()
        if has_deletions:
            docmap = {}

        fieldnames = set(self.schema.names())

        # Add stored documents, vectors, and field lengths
        for docnum in reader.all_doc_ids():
            if (not has_deletions) or (not reader.is_deleted(docnum)):
                d = dict(item for item
                         in reader.stored_fields(docnum).iteritems()
                         if item[0] in fieldnames)
                # We have to append a dictionary for every document, even if
                # it's empty.

                if has_deletions:
                    docmap[docnum] = self.docnum

                for fieldname, length in reader.doc_field_lengths(docnum):
                    if fieldname in fieldnames:
                        self.pool.add_field_length(self.docnum, fieldname, length)

                for fieldname in reader.schema.vector_names():
                    if (fieldname in fieldnames
                        and reader.has_vector(docnum, fieldname)):
                        vpostreader = reader.vector(docnum, fieldname)
                        self._add_vector_reader(self.docnum, fieldname, vpostreader)

                self.docnum += 1

        for fieldname, text, _, _ in reader:
            if fieldname in fieldnames:
                postreader = reader.postings(fieldname, text)
                while postreader.is_active():
                    docnum =
                    valuestring = postreader.value()
                    if has_deletions:
                        newdoc = docmap[docnum]
                        newdoc = startdoc + docnum

                    self.pool.add_posting(fieldname, text, newdoc,
                                          postreader.weight(), valuestring)

        self._added = True

    def add_document(self, **fields):
        #from whoosh.util import now
        #t = now()
        schema = self.schema

        # Sort the keys
        fieldnames = sorted([name for name in fields.keys()
                             if not name.startswith("_")])

        # Check if the caller gave us a bogus field
        for name in fieldnames:
            if name not in schema:
                raise UnknownFieldError("No field named %r in %s" % (name, schema))

        storedvalues = {}

        docnum = self.docnum
        for fieldname in fieldnames:
            value = fields.get(fieldname)
            if value is not None:
                field = schema[fieldname]

                if field.indexed:
                    self.pool.add_content(docnum, fieldname, field, value)

                vformat = field.vector
                if vformat:
                    vlist = sorted((w, weight, valuestring)
                                   for w, freq, weight, valuestring
                                   in vformat.word_values(value, mode="index"))
                    self._add_vector(docnum, fieldname, vlist)

                if field.stored:
                    # Caller can override the stored value by including a key
                    # _stored_<fieldname>
                    storedvalue = value
                    storedname = "_stored_" + fieldname
                    if storedname in fields:
                        storedvalue = fields[storedname]
                    storedvalues[fieldname] = storedvalue

        self._added = True
        self.docnum += 1
        #print "%f" % (now() - t)

    #def update_document(self, **fields):

    def _add_vector(self, docnum, fieldname, vlist):
        vpostwriter = self.vpostwriter
        offset = vpostwriter.start(self.schema[fieldname].vector)
        for text, weight, valuestring in vlist:
            assert isinstance(text, unicode), "%r is not unicode" % text
            vpostwriter.write(text, weight, valuestring, 0)

        self.vectorindex.add((docnum, fieldname), offset)

    def _add_vector_reader(self, docnum, fieldname, vreader):
        vpostwriter = self.vpostwriter
        offset = vpostwriter.start(self.schema[fieldname].vector)
        while vreader.is_active():
            # text, weight, valuestring, fieldlen
            vpostwriter.write(, vreader.weight(), vreader.value(), 0)

        self.vectorindex.add((docnum, fieldname), offset)

    def _close_all(self):
        self.is_closed = True

        if not self.lengthfile.is_closed:
        if self.vectorindex:
        if self.vpostwriter:

    def _getsegment(self):
        return Segment(, self.generation, self.docnum,

    def commit(self, mergetype=None, optimize=False, merge=True):
        """Finishes writing and saves all additions and changes to disk.

        There are four possible ways to use this method::

            # Merge small segments but leave large segments, trying to
            # balance fast commits with fast searching:

            # Merge all segments into a single segment:

            # Don't merge any existing segments:

            # Use a custom merge function

        :param mergetype: a custom merge function taking a Writer object and
            segment list as arguments, and returning a new segment list. If you
            supply a ``mergetype`` function, the values of the ``optimize`` and
            ``merge`` arguments are ignored.
        :param optimize: if True, all existing segments are merged with the
            documents you've added to this writer (and the value of the
            ``merge`` argument is ignored).
        :param merge: if False, do not merge small segments.

            if mergetype:
            elif optimize:
                mergetype = OPTIMIZE
            elif not merge:
                mergetype = NO_MERGE
                mergetype = MERGE_SMALL

            # Call the merge policy function. The policy may choose to merge other
            # segments into this writer's pool
            new_segments = mergetype(self, self.segments)

            # Tell the pool we're finished adding information, it should add its
            # accumulated data to the lengths, terms index, and posting files.
            if self._added:
                self.pool.finish(self.termswriter, self.docnum, self.lengthfile)

                # Create a Segment object for the segment created by this writer and
                # add it to the list of remaining segments returned by the merge policy
                # function

            # Close all files, write a new TOC with the new segment list, and
            # release the lock.

            from whoosh.filedb.fileindex import _write_toc, _clean_files
            _write_toc(, self.schema, self.indexname, self.generation,
                       self.segment_number, new_segments)

                _clean_files(, self.indexname, self.generation, new_segments)

            if self.writelock:

    def cancel(self):
            if self.writelock:
Beispiel #14
class SegmentWriter(object):
    """Do not instantiate this object directly; it is created by the
    IndexWriter object.
    Handles the actual writing of new documents to the index: writes stored
    fields, handles the posting pool, and writes out the term index.
    def __init__(self, ix, postlimit, blocklimit, name=None):
        :param ix: the Index object in which to write the new segment.
        :param postlimit: the maximum size for a run in the posting pool.
        :param blocklimit: the maximum number of postings in a posting block.
        :param name: the name of the segment.

        self.index = ix
        self.schema = ix.schema = storage = = name or ix._next_segment_name()

        self.max_doc = 0

        self.pool = postpool.PostingPool(postlimit)

        # Create mappings of field numbers to the position of that field in the
        # lists of scorable and stored fields. For example, consider a schema
        # with fields (A, B, C, D, E, F). If B, D, and E are scorable, then the
        # list of scorable fields is (B, D, E). The _scorable_to_pos dictionary
        # would then map B -> 0, D -> 1, and E -> 2.
        self._scorable_to_pos = dict(
            (fnum, i) for i, fnum in enumerate(self.schema.scorable_fields()))
        self._stored_to_pos = dict(
            (fnum, i) for i, fnum in enumerate(self.schema.stored_fields()))

        # Create a temporary segment object just so we can access its
        # *_filename attributes (so if we want to change the naming convention,
        # we only have to do it in one place).
        tempseg = Segment(, 0, 0, None)
        self.termtable = create_terms(storage, tempseg)
        self.docslist = create_storedfields(storage, tempseg)
        self.doclengths = None
        if self.schema.scorable_fields():
            self.doclengths = create_doclengths(storage, tempseg,

        postfile = storage.create_file(tempseg.posts_filename)
        self.postwriter = FilePostingWriter(postfile, blocklimit=blocklimit)

        self.vectortable = None
        if self.schema.has_vectored_fields():
            # Table associating document fields with (postoffset, postcount)
            self.vectortable = create_vectors(storage, tempseg)
            vpostfile = storage.create_file(tempseg.vectorposts_filename)
            self.vpostwriter = FilePostingWriter(vpostfile, stringids=True)

        # Keep track of the total number of tokens (across all docs)
        # in each field
        self.field_length_totals = defaultdict(int)

    def segment(self):
        """Returns an index.Segment object for the segment being written."""
        return Segment(, self.max_doc, dict(self.field_length_totals))

    def _close_all(self):

        if self.doclengths:

        if self.vectortable:

    def close(self):
        """Finishes writing the segment (flushes the posting pool out to disk)
        and closes all open files.


    def add_reader(self, reader):
        """Adds the contents of another segment to this one. This is used to
        merge existing segments into the new one before deleting them.
        :param ix: The index.Index object containing the segment to merge.
        :param segment: The index.Segment object to merge into this one.

        start_doc = self.max_doc
        has_deletions = reader.has_deletions()

        if has_deletions:
            doc_map = {}

        schema = self.schema
        name2num = schema.name_to_number
        stored_to_pos = self._stored_to_pos

        def storedkeyhelper(item):
            return stored_to_pos[name2num(item[0])]

        # Merge document info
        docnum = 0
        vectored_fieldnums = schema.vectored_fields()
        for docnum in xrange(reader.doc_count_all()):
            if not reader.is_deleted(docnum):
                # Copy the stored fields and field lengths from the reader
                # into this segment
                storeditems = reader.stored_fields(docnum).items()
                storedvalues = [
                    v for k, v in sorted(storeditems, key=storedkeyhelper)

                if has_deletions:
                    doc_map[docnum] = self.max_doc

                # Copy term vectors
                for fieldnum in vectored_fieldnums:
                    if reader.has_vector(docnum, fieldnum):
                            reader.vector(docnum, fieldnum).items())

                self.max_doc += 1

        # Add field length totals
        for fieldnum in schema.scorable_fields():
            self.field_length_totals[fieldnum] += reader.field_length(fieldnum)

        # Merge terms
        current_fieldnum = None
        decoder = None
        for fieldnum, text, _, _ in reader:
            if fieldnum != current_fieldnum:
                current_fieldnum = fieldnum
                decoder = schema[fieldnum].format.decode_frequency

            postreader = reader.postings(fieldnum, text)
            for docnum, valuestring in postreader.all_items():
                if has_deletions:
                    newdoc = doc_map[docnum]
                    newdoc = start_doc + docnum

                # TODO: Is there a faster way to do this?
                freq = decoder(valuestring)
                self.pool.add_posting(fieldnum, text, newdoc, freq,

    def add_document(self, fields):
        scorable_to_pos = self._scorable_to_pos
        stored_to_pos = self._stored_to_pos
        schema = self.schema

        # Sort the keys by their order in the schema
        fieldnames = [
            name for name in fields.keys() if not name.startswith("_")

        # Check if the caller gave us a bogus field
        for name in fieldnames:
            if name not in schema:
                raise UnknownFieldError("There is no field named %r" % name)

        # Create an array of counters to record the length of each field
        fieldlengths = array(DOCLENGTH_TYPE, [0] * len(scorable_to_pos))

        # Create a list (initially a list of Nones) in which we will put stored
        # field values as we get them. Why isn't this an empty list that we
        # append to? Because if the caller doesn't supply a value for a stored
        # field, we don't want to have a list in the wrong order/of the wrong
        # length.
        storedvalues = [None] * len(stored_to_pos)

        for name in fieldnames:
            value = fields.get(name)
            if value:
                fieldnum = schema.name_to_number(name)
                field = schema.field_by_number(fieldnum)

                # If the field is indexed, add the words in the value to the
                # index
                if field.indexed:
                    # Count of all terms in the value
                    count = 0
                    # Count of UNIQUE terms in the value
                    unique = 0

                    # TODO: Method for adding progressive field values, ie
                    # setting start_pos/start_char?
                    for w, freq, valuestring in field.index(value):
                        #assert w != ""
                        self.pool.add_posting(fieldnum, w, self.max_doc, freq,
                        count += freq
                        unique += 1

                    if field.scorable:
                        # Add the term count to the total for this field
                        self.field_length_totals[fieldnum] += count
                        # Set the term count to the per-document field length
                        pos = scorable_to_pos[fieldnum]
                        fieldlengths[pos] = min(count, DOCLENGTH_LIMIT)

                # If the field is vectored, add the words in the value to the
                # vector table
                vector = field.vector
                if vector:
                    # TODO: Method for adding progressive field values, ie
                    # setting start_pos/start_char?
                    vlist = sorted((w, valuestring) for w, freq, valuestring in
                                   vector.word_values(value, mode="index"))
                    self._add_vector(fieldnum, vlist)

                # If the field is stored, put the value in storedvalues
                if field.stored:
                    # Caller can override the stored value by including a key
                    # _stored_<fieldname>
                    storedname = "_stored_" + name
                    if storedname in fields:
                        stored_value = fields[storedname]
                        stored_value = value

                    storedvalues[stored_to_pos[fieldnum]] = stored_value

        self._add_doc_data(storedvalues, fieldlengths)
        self.max_doc += 1

    def _add_terms(self):

    def _add_doc_data(self, storedvalues, fieldlengths):
        if self.doclengths:

    def _add_vector(self, fieldnum, vlist):
        vpostwriter = self.vpostwriter
        vformat = self.schema[fieldnum].vector

        offset = vpostwriter.start(vformat)
        for text, valuestring in vlist:
            assert isinstance(text, unicode), "%r is not unicode" % text
            vpostwriter.write(text, valuestring)

        self.vectortable.add((self.max_doc, fieldnum), offset)

    def _flush_pool(self):
        # This method pulls postings out of the posting pool (built up as
        # documents are added) and writes them to the posting file. Each time
        # it encounters a posting for a new term, it writes the previous term
        # to the term index (by waiting to write the term entry, we can easily
        # count the document frequency and sum the terms by looking at the
        # postings).

        termtable = self.termtable
        postwriter = self.postwriter
        schema = self.schema

        current_fieldnum = None  # Field number of the current term
        current_text = None  # Text of the current term
        first = True
        current_freq = 0
        offset = None

        # Loop through the postings in the pool. Postings always come out of
        # the pool in (field number, lexical) order.
        for fieldnum, text, docnum, freq, valuestring in self.pool:
            # Is this the first time through, or is this a new term?
            if first or fieldnum > current_fieldnum or text > current_text:
                if first:
                    first = False
                    # This is a new term, so finish the postings and add the
                    # term to the term table
                    postcount = postwriter.finish()
                    termtable.add((current_fieldnum, current_text),
                                  (current_freq, offset, postcount))

                # Reset the post writer and the term variables
                current_fieldnum = fieldnum
                current_text = text
                current_freq = 0
                offset = postwriter.start(schema[fieldnum].format)

            elif (fieldnum < current_fieldnum
                  or (fieldnum == current_fieldnum and text < current_text)):
                # This should never happen!
                raise Exception(
                    "Postings are out of order: %s:%s .. %s:%s" %
                    (current_fieldnum, current_text, fieldnum, text))

            # Write a posting for this occurrence of the current term
            current_freq += freq
            postwriter.write(docnum, valuestring)

        # If there are still "uncommitted" postings at the end, finish them off
        if not first:
            postcount = postwriter.finish()
            termtable.add((current_fieldnum, current_text),
                          (current_freq, offset, postcount))
Beispiel #15
class SegmentWriter(object):
    """Do not instantiate this object directly; it is created by the
    IndexWriter object.
    Handles the actual writing of new documents to the index: writes stored
    fields, handles the posting pool, and writes out the term index.

    def __init__(self, ix, postlimit, blocklimit, name=None):
        :param ix: the Index object in which to write the new segment.
        :param postlimit: the maximum size for a run in the posting pool.
        :param blocklimit: the maximum number of postings in a posting block.
        :param name: the name of the segment.

        self.index = ix
        self.schema = ix.schema = storage = = name or ix._next_segment_name()

        self.max_doc = 0

        self.pool = postpool.PostingPool(postlimit)

        # Create mappings of field numbers to the position of that field in the
        # lists of scorable and stored fields. For example, consider a schema
        # with fields (A, B, C, D, E, F). If B, D, and E are scorable, then the
        # list of scorable fields is (B, D, E). The _scorable_to_pos dictionary
        # would then map B -> 0, D -> 1, and E -> 2.
        self._scorable_to_pos = dict((fnum, i)
                                     for i, fnum
                                     in enumerate(self.schema.scorable_fields()))
        self._stored_to_pos = dict((fnum, i)
                                   for i, fnum
                                   in enumerate(self.schema.stored_fields()))

        # Create a temporary segment object just so we can access its
        # *_filename attributes (so if we want to change the naming convention,
        # we only have to do it in one place).
        tempseg = Segment(, 0, 0, None)
        self.termtable = create_terms(storage, tempseg)
        self.docslist = create_storedfields(storage, tempseg)
        self.doclengths = None
        if self.schema.scorable_fields():
            self.doclengths = create_doclengths(storage, tempseg, len(self._scorable_to_pos))

        postfile = storage.create_file(tempseg.posts_filename)
        self.postwriter = FilePostingWriter(postfile, blocklimit=blocklimit)

        self.vectortable = None
        if self.schema.has_vectored_fields():
            # Table associating document fields with (postoffset, postcount)
            self.vectortable = create_vectors(storage, tempseg)
            vpostfile = storage.create_file(tempseg.vectorposts_filename)
            self.vpostwriter = FilePostingWriter(vpostfile, stringids=True)

        # Keep track of the total number of tokens (across all docs)
        # in each field
        self.field_length_totals = defaultdict(int)

    def segment(self):
        """Returns an index.Segment object for the segment being written."""
        return Segment(, self.max_doc, dict(self.field_length_totals))

    def _close_all(self):

        if self.doclengths:

        if self.vectortable:

    def close(self):
        """Finishes writing the segment (flushes the posting pool out to disk)
        and closes all open files.


    def add_reader(self, reader):
        """Adds the contents of another segment to this one. This is used to
        merge existing segments into the new one before deleting them.
        :param ix: The index.Index object containing the segment to merge.
        :param segment: The index.Segment object to merge into this one.

        start_doc = self.max_doc
        has_deletions = reader.has_deletions()

        if has_deletions:
            doc_map = {}

        schema = self.schema
        name2num = schema.name_to_number
        stored_to_pos = self._stored_to_pos

        def storedkeyhelper(item):
            return stored_to_pos[name2num(item[0])]

        # Merge document info
        docnum = 0
        vectored_fieldnums = schema.vectored_fields()
        for docnum in xrange(reader.doc_count_all()):
            if not reader.is_deleted(docnum):
                # Copy the stored fields and field lengths from the reader
                # into this segment
                storeditems = reader.stored_fields(docnum).items()
                storedvalues = [v for k, v
                                in sorted(storeditems, key=storedkeyhelper)]

                if has_deletions:
                    doc_map[docnum] = self.max_doc

                # Copy term vectors
                for fieldnum in vectored_fieldnums:
                    if reader.has_vector(docnum, fieldnum):
                                         reader.vector(docnum, fieldnum).items())

                self.max_doc += 1

        # Add field length totals
        for fieldnum in schema.scorable_fields():
            self.field_length_totals[fieldnum] += reader.field_length(fieldnum)

        # Merge terms
        current_fieldnum = None
        decoder = None
        for fieldnum, text, _, _ in reader:
            if fieldnum != current_fieldnum:
                current_fieldnum = fieldnum
                decoder = schema[fieldnum].format.decode_frequency

            postreader = reader.postings(fieldnum, text)
            for docnum, valuestring in postreader.all_items():
                if has_deletions:
                    newdoc = doc_map[docnum]
                    newdoc = start_doc + docnum

                # TODO: Is there a faster way to do this?
                freq = decoder(valuestring)
                self.pool.add_posting(fieldnum, text, newdoc, freq, valuestring)

    def add_document(self, fields):
        scorable_to_pos = self._scorable_to_pos
        stored_to_pos = self._stored_to_pos
        schema = self.schema

        # Sort the keys by their order in the schema
        fieldnames = [name for name in fields.keys()
                      if not name.startswith("_")]

        # Check if the caller gave us a bogus field
        for name in fieldnames:
            if name not in schema:
                raise UnknownFieldError("There is no field named %r" % name)

        # Create an array of counters to record the length of each field
        fieldlengths = array(DOCLENGTH_TYPE, [0] * len(scorable_to_pos))

        # Create a list (initially a list of Nones) in which we will put stored
        # field values as we get them. Why isn't this an empty list that we
        # append to? Because if the caller doesn't supply a value for a stored
        # field, we don't want to have a list in the wrong order/of the wrong
        # length.
        storedvalues = [None] * len(stored_to_pos)

        for name in fieldnames:
            value = fields.get(name)
            if value:
                fieldnum = schema.name_to_number(name)
                field = schema.field_by_number(fieldnum)

                # If the field is indexed, add the words in the value to the
                # index
                if field.indexed:
                    # Count of all terms in the value
                    count = 0
                    # Count of UNIQUE terms in the value
                    unique = 0

                    # TODO: Method for adding progressive field values, ie
                    # setting start_pos/start_char?
                    for w, freq, valuestring in field.index(value):
                        #assert w != ""
                        self.pool.add_posting(fieldnum, w, self.max_doc, freq,
                        count += freq
                        unique += 1

                    if field.scorable:
                        # Add the term count to the total for this field
                        self.field_length_totals[fieldnum] += count
                        # Set the term count to the per-document field length
                        pos = scorable_to_pos[fieldnum]
                        fieldlengths[pos] = min(count, DOCLENGTH_LIMIT)

                # If the field is vectored, add the words in the value to the
                # vector table
                vector = field.vector
                if vector:
                    # TODO: Method for adding progressive field values, ie
                    # setting start_pos/start_char?
                    vlist = sorted((w, valuestring) for w, freq, valuestring
                                   in vector.word_values(value, mode="index"))
                    self._add_vector(fieldnum, vlist)

                # If the field is stored, put the value in storedvalues
                if field.stored:
                    # Caller can override the stored value by including a key
                    # _stored_<fieldname>
                    storedname = "_stored_" + name
                    if storedname in fields:
                        stored_value = fields[storedname]
                    else :
                        stored_value = value

                    storedvalues[stored_to_pos[fieldnum]] = stored_value

        self._add_doc_data(storedvalues, fieldlengths)
        self.max_doc += 1

    def _add_terms(self):

    def _add_doc_data(self, storedvalues, fieldlengths):
        if self.doclengths:

    def _add_vector(self, fieldnum, vlist):
        vpostwriter = self.vpostwriter
        vformat = self.schema[fieldnum].vector

        offset = vpostwriter.start(vformat)
        for text, valuestring in vlist:
            assert isinstance(text, unicode), "%r is not unicode" % text
            vpostwriter.write(text, valuestring)

        self.vectortable.add((self.max_doc, fieldnum), offset)

    def _flush_pool(self):
        # This method pulls postings out of the posting pool (built up as
        # documents are added) and writes them to the posting file. Each time
        # it encounters a posting for a new term, it writes the previous term
        # to the term index (by waiting to write the term entry, we can easily
        # count the document frequency and sum the terms by looking at the
        # postings).

        termtable = self.termtable
        postwriter = self.postwriter
        schema = self.schema

        current_fieldnum = None # Field number of the current term
        current_text = None # Text of the current term
        first = True
        current_freq = 0
        offset = None

        # Loop through the postings in the pool. Postings always come out of
        # the pool in (field number, lexical) order.
        for fieldnum, text, docnum, freq, valuestring in self.pool:
            # Is this the first time through, or is this a new term?
            if first or fieldnum > current_fieldnum or text > current_text:
                if first:
                    first = False
                    # This is a new term, so finish the postings and add the
                    # term to the term table
                    postcount = postwriter.finish()
                    termtable.add((current_fieldnum, current_text),
                                  (current_freq, offset, postcount))

                # Reset the post writer and the term variables
                current_fieldnum = fieldnum
                current_text = text
                current_freq = 0
                offset = postwriter.start(schema[fieldnum].format)

            elif (fieldnum < current_fieldnum
                  or (fieldnum == current_fieldnum and text < current_text)):
                # This should never happen!
                raise Exception("Postings are out of order: %s:%s .. %s:%s" %
                                (current_fieldnum, current_text, fieldnum, text))

            # Write a posting for this occurrence of the current term
            current_freq += freq
            postwriter.write(docnum, valuestring)

        # If there are still "uncommitted" postings at the end, finish them off
        if not first:
            postcount = postwriter.finish()
            termtable.add((current_fieldnum, current_text),
                          (current_freq, offset, postcount))
Beispiel #16
def test_lowlevel_block_writing():
    st = RamStorage()
    f = st.create_file("postfile")
    fpw = FilePostingWriter(f, blocklimit=4)
    fmt = formats.Frequency()
    fpw.write(0, 1.0, fmt.encode(1.0), 1)
    fpw.write(1, 2.0, fmt.encode(2.0), 2)
    fpw.write(2, 12.0, fmt.encode(12.0), 6)
    fpw.write(5, 6.5, fmt.encode(6.5), 420)

    fpw.write(11, 1.5, fmt.encode(1.5), 1)
    fpw.write(12, 2.5, fmt.encode(2.5), 2)
    fpw.write(26, 100.5, fmt.encode(100.5), 21)
    fpw.write(50, 8.0, fmt.encode(8.0), 1020)
    ti = fpw.finish()

    assert_equal(ti.weight(), 134.0)
    assert_equal(ti.doc_frequency(), 8)
    assert_equal(ti.min_length(), 1)
    assert_equal(ti.max_length(), byte_to_length(length_to_byte(1020)))
    assert_equal(ti.max_weight(), 100.5)
    assert_equal(ti.max_wol(), 100.5 / byte_to_length(length_to_byte(21)))