Beispiel #1
def __build_content_text(base_url, all_docs, node, github_url, domain_cats):
    Build an HTML text
	/!\ Links to refs broken by Markdown transformation NEED to replace refs in md with good
	links BEFORE transformation.
  raw_content = "" #### XML.xpath_plain(node, "../raw_content/text()")
  if raw_content > "" :
    ref      = XML.xpath_plain(node, "@ref")
    doc      = XML.xpath_node(node, "ancestor::document")
    src_path = os.path.join(XML.xpath_plain(doc, "@dir"), XML.xpath_plain(doc, "@file"))
    src_url  = __to_github(github_url, src_path)
    github   = f"""<a href="{src_url}" target="_blank">Github</a>"""
    md_html  = MD.markdown(raw_content)
    ret      = f"""
    <div class="sectionTitle smTitle">
      <h6>{ref} ({github})</h6>
      <div class="titleBar"></div>

    ret = __build_content_chapter(base_url, all_docs, 2, node, github_url, domain_cats)
  return ret
Beispiel #2
def __build_content_gallery(base_url, all_docs, item):
     Build an HTML image gallery for given ref. 
    root_doc = XML.xpath_node(item, "ancestor::document")
    root_dir = XML.xpath_plain(root_doc, "@dir")
    exts = LIB.DOC_EXT["img"]
    images = XML.xpath_list(root_doc, "_meta/attachment[contains('"+exts+"', @ext)]")
    inner_html = ""
    for image in images:
      img_path = XML.xpath_plain(image, "@to_path")
      img_file = XML.xpath_plain(image, "@file")
      rel_path = os.path.relpath(img_path, start=root_dir)
      link = f"""
        <span class="icon"><a title="{img_file}" href="{rel_path}"><img alt="[image]" src="{rel_path}"/></a></span>
      inner_html += link
    ret = f"""
      <h2>Image gallery</h2>
    """ if inner_html > "" else ""
    ret = ""
  return __comment_html(ret)
Beispiel #3
def __build_content_attachments(base_url, all_docs, item):
     Build an HTML attached documents list for given ref. 
    root_doc = XML.xpath_node(item, "ancestor::document")
    root_dir = XML.xpath_plain(root_doc, "@dir")
    exts = "|".join([LIB.DOC_EXT[t] for t in ["txt","doc","slide","data"]])
    attachments = XML.xpath_list(root_doc, "_meta/attachment[contains('"+exts+"', @ext)]")
    inner_html = ""
    for att in attachments:
      att_path = XML.xpath_plain(att, "@to_path")
      att_title = XML.xpath_plain(att, "@file")
      att_ext = XML.xpath_plain(att, "@ext")
      rel_path = os.path.relpath(att_path, start=root_dir)
      link = f"""
        <a title="{att_title}" href='{rel_path}' target="_blank" class="link_for_{att_ext}">{att_title}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
      inner_html += link
    ret = f"""
      <h2>Attached documents</h2>
    """ if inner_html > "" else ""
    ret = ""
  return __comment_html(ret)
Beispiel #4
def __store_with_attachments(dst_dir, filename, text, all_docs, ref, root_dir):
     Store text in dst_dir/filename, create dir if necessary and copy attachments. 
  path = __store_file(dst_dir, filename, text)

  root_doc = XML.xpath_node(all_docs, ".//document[.//*/@ref='"+ref+"']")
  rel_dir = XML.xpath_plain(root_doc, "@dir")
  src_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, rel_dir)
  attachments = XML.xpath_list(root_doc, "_meta/attachment")  
  for att in attachments:
    att_path = XML.xpath_plain(att, "@to_path")
    att_rel_path = os.path.relpath(att_path, start=rel_dir)
    src_att = os.path.join(src_dir, att_rel_path)
    dst_att = os.path.join(dst_dir, att_rel_path)
    dst_dir_att = os.path.dirname(dst_att)
    if not os.path.exists(dst_dir_att):
      if not os.path.exists(dst_att):
        print("Storing attachment : " + dst_att)
        shutil.copyfile(src_att, dst_att)
      meta = XML.xpath_node(all_docs, ".//document[.//*/@ref='"+ref+"']/_meta")
      XML.add_error(meta, "__store_with_attachments()", "warning", "missing_file", "can't copy attachment, missing file", 0, src_att)
  return path
Beispiel #5
def doc(root_dir, name):
     Parse a Markdown or CSV document file and return DOM.
    full_path = os.path.join(root_dir, name)
    input_file =, mode="r", encoding="utf-8")

    dir, file = os.path.split(name)
    forget, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
    ext = ext[1:].lower()
    xml_doc = ET.Element('document', {
        "path": name,
        "dir": dir,
        "file": file,
        "ext": ext
    meta = ET.SubElement(xml_doc, "_meta")

    if (ext == LIB.CSV_EXT):
            dom = __csv_parse(xml_doc,
            dom = __bin_parse(xml_doc, None)

    elif (ext == LIB.MD_EXT):
        dom = __md_parse(xml_doc,
        dom = __bin_parse(xml_doc, None)

    else:  # other parsed as binary
        dom = __bin_parse(xml_doc, None)

    #build @ref, @title, @icon, @cat attributes
    for root_node in XML.xpath_list(dom, "*[name][not(@is_template)]"):
        ref = __extract_ref(XML.xpath_plain(root_node, "name/text()"))
        if (ref > ""):
            title = LIB.sanitize(XML.xpath_plain(root_node, "title/text()"))
            icon = __extract_image(XML.xpath_plain(root_node, "text()"))
            cat = "CAT-" + root_node.tag
            root_node.set("ref", ref)
            root_node.set("title", title)
            root_node.set("icon", icon)
            root_node.set("cat", cat)
            #find all distinct ref patterns
            text = " ".join(root_node.xpath(".//text()"))
            ext_refs = set(re.findall('\[`([A-Z]{2,6}-[\w_]+)`\]', text))
            for ext_ref in ext_refs:
                if (ext_ref != ref):
                    XML.add_external_ref(meta, ext_ref, ref)

            XML.add_error(meta, "doc()", "warning", "ref_error",
                          "document reference syntax error", 0, ref)

    return dom
Beispiel #6
def store_content_page(www_path, all_docs, item_ref, root_dir, github_url, doc_entry_ref, domain_cats, domain_refs, with_errors):
     Store content page for item_ref entity in www_path/cat_ref/item_ref/content.html file.
  base_url = "../"
  item_cat_ref = XML.xpath_plain(all_docs, ".//*[@ref='"+item_ref+"']/@cat")
  entry_cat_ref = XML.xpath_plain(all_docs, ".//*[@ref='"+doc_entry_ref+"']/@cat")
  html_menu = __build_menu(base_url+"../", all_docs, item_cat_ref, domain_cats)
  html_content = __build_content_section(base_url+"../", all_docs, item_ref, github_url, domain_cats, domain_refs)
  html_view = __build_view(base_url+"../", html_menu, html_content, doc_entry_ref, entry_cat_ref, "doc", with_errors)
  dst_dir = www_path + item_ref + "/"
  return __store_with_attachments(dst_dir, "content.html", html_view, all_docs, item_ref, root_dir)
Beispiel #7
def __build_index_section(base_url, all_docs, cat_ref, github_url, domain_refs):
     Build an HTML section for ref entity in all_docs. 
  cat = XML.xpath_node(all_docs, (".//*[@ref='"+cat_ref+"']"))
  cat_title =     XML.xpath_plain(cat, "title/text()")
  cat_about_html = XML.xpath_md(cat, "about/text()")
  all_items = XML.xpath_list(all_docs, ".//*[@cat='"+cat_ref+"']")
  rows = ""
  for itm in all_items:
    itm_ref       = XML.xpath_plain(itm, "@ref")
    if (not (itm_ref in domain_refs)) : continue
    itm_icon      = XML.xpath_plain(itm, "@icon")
    doc           = XML.xpath_node(itm, "ancestor::document")
    itm_src_path  = os.path.join(XML.xpath_plain(doc, "@dir"), XML.xpath_plain(doc, "@file"))
    itm_ttl_html  = XML.xpath_md(itm, "@title")
    itm_about_html = XML.xpath_md(itm, "about/text()")
    itm_src_url = __to_github(github_url, itm_src_path)
    link_ref = __build_ref_link(base_url, all_docs, itm_ref)
    rows += f"""
        <td class="icon"><img class="icon" alt="[icon]" src='{itm_ref}/{itm_icon}'/></td>
        <td>(<a href="{itm_src_url}" target="_blank">Github</a>)</td>
  ret = f"""
    <div class="MenuContent">
      <div id="primary">
        <section class="comonSection singlefoliodetails">
          <div class="container-fluid">
            <div class="col-lg-12 noPadding">							
              <section class="col-md-10">
                <div class="sectionTitle smTitle">
                  <h2>{cat_title} index</h2>
                  <div class="titleBar"></div>
                <table class="table table-bordered">
  return __comment_html(ret)
Beispiel #8
def __build_content_chapter(base_url, all_docs, level, node, github_url, domain_cats):
     Build recursively an HTML chapter at level for given node.
     TODO : if level 2 produce :
      <div class="sectionTitle smTitle">
         <h6>CFG-sweeping_probe (<a href="" target="_blank">Github</a>)</h6>
         <div class="titleBar"></div>

    children = XML.xpath_list(node, "node()")
    children_html = ""
    for child in children:
      if (ET.iselement(child)):
        children_html += __build_content_chapter(base_url, all_docs, level+1, child, github_url, domain_cats)
        child = __update_refs(base_url, all_docs, child, node, domain_cats)
        children_html += MD.markdown(child)

    title = node.tag
    if (level==2):
      ref =      XML.xpath_plain(node, "@ref")
      doc       = XML.xpath_node(node, "ancestor::document")
      src_path  = os.path.join(XML.xpath_plain(doc, "@dir"), XML.xpath_plain(doc, "@file"))
      src_url = __to_github(github_url, src_path)
      github = f"""<a href="{src_url}" target="_blank">Github</a>"""
      ret = f"""
      <div class="sectionTitle smTitle">
        <h6>{ref} ({github})</h6>
        <div class="titleBar"></div>

      ret = f"""
    ret = """
      <p><strong>Error here !!! </strong></p>
  return ret
def __build_one_site(root_dir, all_docs, domain_refs, doc_entry_ref, www_root_dir, site_name, github_url, user_group):
     Build one autonomous static web site centered on doc_entry_ref and restricted
     on domain_refs which is a set of authorized entities.
     Allowed user_groups: #public, #devs, #core_team, #admin
  www_build_dir = www_root_dir + site_name + "/"

  print("Reset build directory : " + www_build_dir)
  shutil.rmtree(www_build_dir, ignore_errors=True)
    shutil.copytree("src/default_www/", www_build_dir)
  except:                                         # strange behaviour on Windows, try again ...
    shutil.copytree("src/default_www/", www_build_dir)
  all_domain_cats = { XML.xpath_plain(all_docs, ".//*[@ref='"+itm_ref+"']/@cat") for itm_ref in domain_refs } - {""}
  domain_cats = []
  for cat_ref in all_domain_cats:
    cat_restrict = XML.xpath_plain(all_docs, ".//*[@ref='"+cat_ref+"']/@restricted_to")
    if (cat_restrict == "") or (user_group in cat_restrict):
      domain_cats += [cat_ref]
  with_errors = user_group in "#devs,#admin"    
  path = HTM.store_home_page(www_build_dir, all_docs, "", root_dir, github_url, doc_entry_ref, domain_cats, domain_refs, with_errors)

  for cat_ref in domain_cats:
      path = HTM.store_index_page(www_build_dir, all_docs, cat_ref, root_dir, github_url, doc_entry_ref, domain_cats, domain_refs, with_errors)
      LIB.debug("### Error for category index : ", cat_ref)

  for itm_ref in domain_refs:
    cat_ref = XML.xpath_plain(all_docs, ".//*[@ref='"+itm_ref+"']/@cat")
    if (cat_ref in domain_cats):
        path = HTM.store_content_page(www_build_dir+cat_ref+"/", all_docs, itm_ref, root_dir, github_url, doc_entry_ref, domain_cats, domain_refs, with_errors)
        LIB.debug("### Error for file : ", itm)

  path = HTM.store_glossary_page(www_build_dir, all_docs, "", root_dir, github_url, doc_entry_ref, domain_cats, domain_refs, with_errors)

  if with_errors:
    path = HTM.store_error_page(www_build_dir, all_docs, "", root_dir, github_url, doc_entry_ref, domain_cats, domain_refs, with_errors)
Beispiel #10
def store_glossary_page(www_path, all_docs, cat_ref, root_dir, github_url, doc_entry_ref, domain_cats, domain_refs, with_errors):
     Store error page for ref category in www_path/error_log.html file.
  base_url = ""
  entry_cat_ref = XML.xpath_plain(all_docs, ".//*[@ref='"+doc_entry_ref+"']/@cat")
  html_menu = __build_empty_menu()
  html_glossary = __build_glossary_section(base_url, all_docs, github_url, domain_cats, domain_refs)
  html_view = __build_view(base_url, html_menu, html_glossary, doc_entry_ref, entry_cat_ref, "gloss", with_errors)
  dst_dir = www_path
  return __store_with_attachments(dst_dir, "glossary.html", html_view, all_docs, "", root_dir)
Beispiel #11
def store_home_page(www_path, all_docs, cat_ref, root_dir, github_url, doc_entry_ref, domain_cats, domain_refs, with_errors):
     Store index page for ref category in www_path/index.html file.
  base_url = ""
  entry_cat_ref = XML.xpath_plain(all_docs, ".//*[@ref='"+doc_entry_ref+"']/@cat")
  html_menu = __build_empty_menu()
  html_home = "<p>Landing page would be here !</p>"
  html_view = __build_view(base_url, html_menu, html_home, doc_entry_ref, entry_cat_ref, "home", with_errors)
  dst_dir = www_path
  return __store_with_attachments(dst_dir, "index.html", html_view, all_docs, "", root_dir)
Beispiel #12
def store_index_page(www_path, all_docs, cat_ref, root_dir, github_url, doc_entry_ref, domain_cats, domain_refs, with_errors):
     Store index page for ref category in www_path/cat_ref/index.html file.
  base_url = "../"
  entry_cat_ref = XML.xpath_plain(all_docs, ".//*[@ref='"+doc_entry_ref+"']/@cat")
  html_menu = __build_menu(base_url, all_docs, cat_ref, domain_cats)
  html_index = __build_index_section(base_url, all_docs, cat_ref, github_url, domain_refs)
  html_view = __build_view(base_url, html_menu, html_index, doc_entry_ref, entry_cat_ref, "doc", with_errors)
  dst_dir = www_path + cat_ref + "/"
  return __store_with_attachments(dst_dir, "index.html", html_view, all_docs, "", root_dir)
Beispiel #13
def __build_menu(base_url, all_docs, cur_ref, domain_cats):
     Build an HTML menu part for ref entity in all_docs. 
  sorted_cats =  XML.xpath_num_sorted(all_docs, "//category", "menu/@position")
  menu_items =  ""
  for cat in sorted_cats:
    cat_ref =  XML.xpath_plain(cat, "@ref")
    if (not (cat_ref in domain_cats)) : continue
    cat_menu = XML.xpath_plain(cat, "menu/text()")
    is_active = ' class="active"'  if cat_ref==cur_ref else ""
    menu_items += f"""
      <li{is_active}><a class="Menu" href='{base_url}{cat_ref}/index.html'>{cat_menu}</a></li>
  ret = f"""
    <ul class="Menu">
  return __comment_html(ret)
Beispiel #14
def register_attachments(all_docs):
     register any attached "binary" document to its master document. Based on the file path

    attachments = XML.xpath_list(all_docs, "//document[count(*) <= 1]")
    for att in attachments:
        att_dir = XML.xpath_plain(att, "@dir")
        att_path = XML.xpath_plain(att, "@path")
        att_name = XML.xpath_plain(att, "@file")
        att_ext = XML.xpath_plain(
            att, "@ext"
        )  # vvvv Not very smart, but it's late and it works ....  vvvv
        root_pathes = XML.xpath_list(
            "//document[count(*) > 1][@file='' or @file='' or @file='' or @file='readme.MD' or @file='Readme.MD' or @file='README.MD'][starts-with('"
            + att_dir + "', @dir)]/@path")
        max_root_path = max(root_pathes, key=len, default="")
        meta = XML.xpath_node(
            all_docs, "//document[@path='" + max_root_path + "']/_meta")
        XML.add_attachment(meta, att_path, att_ext, att_name)

    return all_docs
Beispiel #15
def __build_ref_link(base_url, all_docs, ref):
     Build an HTML link for ref entity. 
    itm = XML.xpath_node(all_docs, ".//*[@ref='"+ref+"']")
    cat_ref = "CAT-" + itm.tag
    url = base_url + cat_ref + "/" + ref + "/content.html"
    title = XML.xpath_plain(itm, "@title")
    title="Not found"
  ret = f"""
    <a href="{url}" title="{title}"><code>{ref}</code></a>
  return ret
Beispiel #16
def __update_refs(base_url, all_docs, text, node, domain_cats):
     Replace all Markdown link pattern [`CAT-xxxxxx`](../../interfaces/ITF-A_gnd) ) with correct url relative to base_url. 
  #find all distinct ref patterns
  refs = re.findall('\[`([A-Z]{2,6}-[\w_]+)`\]', text)
  for ref in refs:
      itm = XML.xpath_node(all_docs, ".//*[@ref='"+ref+"']")
      cat_ref = "CAT-" + itm.tag
      if cat_ref in domain_cats:
        url = base_url + cat_ref + "/" + ref + "/content.html"
      ttl = XML.xpath_plain(itm, "@title")
      md_link = f"""[`{ref}`]({url} "{ttl}")"""
      text = re.sub("\[`" + ref + "`\] *(\([^)]*\)|)", md_link, text)
      meta = XML.xpath_node(node, "ancestor::document/_meta")
      XML.add_error(meta, "__update_refs()", "warning", "unknown_ref", "unknown reference", 0, ref)
  return text
Beispiel #17
def __build_glossary_section(base_url, all_docs, github_url, domain_cats, domain_refs):
     Build an HTML section for glossary 
  all_cats = XML.xpath_list(all_docs, "//category")
  for cat in all_cats:
    cat_ref =   XML.xpath_plain(cat, "@ref")
    if (not(cat_ref in domain_cats)) : continue
    cat_title = XML.xpath_plain(cat, "@title")
    cat_about =  XML.xpath_plain(cat, "about/text()")
    cat_links[cat_ref] = f"""
      <a href='{base_url}{cat_ref}/index.html' title="{cat_about}">{cat_title}</a>

  sorted_items = XML.xpath_alpha_sorted(all_docs, "//*[@ref]", "@title")
  for itm in sorted_items:
    itm_ref =       XML.xpath_plain(itm, "@ref")
    if (not(itm_ref in domain_refs)) : continue
    itm_title =     XML.xpath_plain(itm, "@title")
    itm_about_html = XML.xpath_md(itm, "about/text()")
    link_ref = __build_ref_link(base_url, all_docs, itm_ref)
    cat_ref = "CAT-" + itm.tag
    cat_link = cat_links.get(cat_ref,"")
    rows += f"""

  ret = f"""
    <div class="MenuContent">
      <div id="primary">
        <section class="comonSection singlefoliodetails">
          <div class="container-fluid">
            <div class="col-lg-12 noPadding">							
              <section class="col-md-10">
                <div class="sectionTitle smTitle">
                  <div class="titleBar"></div>
                <p>Alphabetical list ist all terms used in echOpen project.</p>
                <table class="table table-bordered">
  return __comment_html(ret)
Beispiel #18
def __build_index_errors_section(base_url, all_docs, github_url):
     Build an HTML section for errors in all_docs. 
  docs = XML.xpath_list(all_docs, "//document")
  nb_docs = len(docs)
  docs_error = XML.xpath_list(all_docs, "//document[_meta/error]")
  nb_docs_error = len(docs_error)
  rows = ""
  for doc_err in docs_error:
    src_path = os.path.join(XML.xpath_plain(doc_err, "@dir"), XML.xpath_plain(doc_err, "@file"))
    src_url = __to_github(github_url, src_path)
    all_errors = XML.xpath_list(doc_err, "_meta/error")
    rows += f"""
        <th colspan="6">{src_path} (<a href="{src_url}" target="_blank">Github</a>)</th>

    for err in all_errors:
      fct =      XML.xpath_plain(err, "@fct")
      errlevel = XML.xpath_plain(err, "@errlevel")
      errno =    XML.xpath_plain(err, "@errno")
      errmsg =   XML.xpath_plain(err, "@errmsg")
      line =     XML.xpath_plain(err, "@line")
      text =     XML.xpath_plain(err, "text()")
      levelclass = {"fatal":"danger", "warning":"warning", "info":"info"}[errlevel]
      rows += f"""
        <tr class="{levelclass}">
  ret = f"""
    <div class="MenuContent">
      <div id="primary">
        <section class="comonSection singlefoliodetails">
          <div class="container-fluid">
            <div class="col-lg-12 noPadding">							
              <section class="col-md-10">
                <div class="sectionTitle smTitle">
                  <h2>Generation report</h2>
                  <div class="titleBar"></div>
                <table class="table table-bordered">
                    <th>With errors</th>
                    <th>Parsed documents</th>
                <h3>Error index</h3>
                <p>List all errors found during static site generation.</p>
                <table class="table table-bordered">
  return __comment_html(ret)