Beispiel #1
    def get_all_asset_metadata(self, course_key, asset_type, start=0, maxresults=-1, sort=None, **kwargs):
        Returns a list of asset metadata for all assets of the given asset_type in the course.

            course_key (CourseKey): course identifier
            asset_type (str): the block_type of the assets to return
            start (int): optional - start at this asset number. Zero-based!
            maxresults (int): optional - return at most this many, -1 means no limit
            sort (array): optional - None means no sort
                (sort_by (str), sort_order (str))
                sort_by - one of 'uploadDate' or 'displayname'
                sort_order - one of SortOrder.ascending or SortOrder.descending

            List of AssetMetadata objects.
        course_assets = self._find_course_assets(course_key)
        if course_assets is None:
            # If no course assets are found, return None instead of empty list
            # to distinguish zero assets from "not able to retrieve assets".
            return None

        # Determine the proper sort - with defaults of ('displayname', SortOrder.ascending).
        sort_field = 'filename'
        sort_order = ModuleStoreEnum.SortOrder.ascending
        if sort:
            if sort[0] == 'uploadDate':
                sort_field = 'edited_on'
            if sort[1] == ModuleStoreEnum.SortOrder.descending:
                sort_order = ModuleStoreEnum.SortOrder.descending

        all_assets = SortedListWithKey(course_assets.get(asset_type, []), key=itemgetter(sort_field))
        num_assets = len(all_assets)

        start_idx = start
        end_idx = min(num_assets, start + maxresults)
        if maxresults < 0:
            # No limit on the results.
            end_idx = num_assets

        step_incr = 1
        if sort_order == ModuleStoreEnum.SortOrder.descending:
            # Flip the indices and iterate backwards.
            step_incr = -1
            start_idx = (num_assets - 1) - start_idx
            end_idx = (num_assets - 1) - end_idx

        ret_assets = []
        for idx in xrange(start_idx, end_idx, step_incr):
            raw_asset = all_assets[idx]
            new_asset = AssetMetadata(course_key.make_asset_key(asset_type, raw_asset['filename']))
        return ret_assets
Beispiel #2
    def find_asset_metadata(self, asset_key, **kwargs):
        Find the metadata for a particular course asset.

            asset_key (AssetKey): key containing original asset filename

            asset metadata (AssetMetadata) -or- None if not found
        course_assets, asset_idx = self._find_course_asset(asset_key)
        if asset_idx is None:
            return None

        info = asset_key.block_type
        mdata = AssetMetadata(asset_key, asset_key.path, **kwargs)
        all_assets = course_assets[info]
        return mdata