Beispiel #1
### Parse config
### using FakeSecHead class for creating fake section [default] in config-file
configuration_file = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser(default)
configuration_file.optionxform = str

### Tank type: 1 - HTTP requests, 2 - RAW requests (no ammo count and progress bar)
tank_type = configuration_file.getint('DEFAULT', 'tank_type')

### MultiValues parametres
#     load  - list of elements (step, line, const) for load scheme
#     uri   - list of uri for requests
load_multi = stepper.get_config_multiple(options.config)

(load_steps, load_scheme, load_count) = stepper.make_steps(options.config)

# handle instances schedule
    instances_schedule_count = 0
    instances_schedule = []
    instances_chunk_cnt = 0
    instances = configuration_file.get('DEFAULT', 'instances_schedule')
    sched_parts=instances.split(" ")
    for sched_part in sched_parts:
        [expanded_sched, skip, skip, max_val]=stepper.expand_load_spec(sched_part)
        instances_schedule += expanded_sched
        if max_val > instances_schedule_count:
            instances_schedule_count = max_val
    instances_schedule = stepper.collapse_schedule(instances_schedule)
except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
Beispiel #2
rgx_self = re.compile('^selfload=(.+)%$')
rgx_req = re.compile('^reqps=(-?\d+)')
rgx_case = re.compile('^case=(.*)$')
rgx_resp = re.compile('^answ_time=(\d+)-(\d+):(\d+)')
rgx_http = re.compile('^HTTPcode=(\d+):(\d+)')
rgx_netw = re.compile('^netwcode=(\d+):(\d+)')
rgx_answ = re.compile('^(input|output|tasks|interval_real_expect)=(\d+)')
rgx_prcn = re.compile('^(.+?)_q(\d+)=(\d+)')
rgx_expect = re.compile('^(connect_time|latency|receive_time|send_time)_expect=(\d+)')
rgx_disp = re.compile('^(.+?_dispersion)=(\d+)')

test_duration = 0

# config parse'Parse config, prepare scheme')
(steps, loadscheme, load_ammo) = stepper.make_steps(options.config)

for c in steps:
    test_duration += c[1]

load = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
load.optionxform = str

# cases list
now_case = defaultdict(int)
now_case['http'] = defaultdict(int)
now_case['net'] = defaultdict(int)
now_case['answ'] = defaultdict(int)
for el in re.findall("'.+?'", load.get('DEFAULT', 'cases')):
    case = el[1:-1]