Beispiel #1
    def write_fits(self,
        r""" Write the PPVCube to a FITS file.

        filename : string
            The name of the file to write to. 
        clobber : boolean, optional
            Whether to overwrite a file with the same name that already 
            exists. Default False.
        length_unit : string, optional
            The units to convert the coordinates to in the file.
        sky_scale : tuple, optional
            Conversion between an angle unit and a length unit, if sky
            coordinates are desired, e.g. (1.0, "arcsec/kpc")
        sky_center : tuple, optional
            The (RA, Dec) coordinate in degrees of the central pixel. Must
            be specified with *sky_scale*.

        >>> cube.write_fits("my_cube.fits", clobber=False, 
        ...                 sky_scale=(1.0,"arcsec/kpc"), sky_center=(30.,45.))
        vunit = fits_info[self.axis_type][0]
        vtype = fits_info[self.axis_type][1]

        v_center = 0.5 * (self.vbins[0] + self.vbins[-1]).in_units(vunit).value

        if length_unit is None:
            units = str(self.ds.get_smallest_appropriate_unit(self.width))
            units = length_unit
        units = sanitize_fits_unit(units)
        dx = self.width.in_units(units).v / self.nx
        dy = self.width.in_units(units).v / self.ny
        dv = self.dv.in_units(vunit).v

        w = _astropy.pywcs.WCS(naxis=3)
        w.wcs.crpix = [
            0.5 * (self.nx + 1), 0.5 * (self.ny + 1), 0.5 * (self.nv + 1)
        w.wcs.cdelt = [dx, dy, dv]
        w.wcs.crval = [0.0, 0.0, v_center]
        w.wcs.cunit = [units, units, vunit]
        w.wcs.ctype = ["LINEAR", "LINEAR", vtype]

        fib = FITSImageData(, fields=self.field, wcs=w)
        fib.update_all_headers("bunit", re.sub('()', '', str(self.proj_units)))
        fib.update_all_headers("btype", self.field)
        if sky_scale is not None and sky_center is not None:
            fib.create_sky_wcs(sky_center, sky_scale)
        fib.writeto(filename, clobber=clobber)
Beispiel #2
    def to_fits_data(self,
        r"""Export the fields in this FixedResolutionBuffer instance
        to a FITSImageData instance.

        This will export a set of FITS images of either the fields specified
        or all the fields already in the object.

        fields : list of strings
            These fields will be pixelized and output. If "None", the keys of
            the FRB will be used.
        other_keys : dictionary, optional
            A set of header keys and values to write into the FITS header.
        length_unit : string, optional
            the length units that the coordinates are written in. The default
            is to use the default length unit of the dataset.
        from yt.visualization.fits_image import FITSImageData

        if length_unit is None:
            length_unit = self.ds.length_unit

        if "units" in kwargs:
            issue_deprecation_warning("The 'units' keyword argument has been "
                                      "replaced by the 'length_unit' keyword "
                                      "argument and the former has been "
                                      "deprecated. Setting 'length_unit' "
                                      "to 'units'.")
            length_unit = kwargs.pop("units")

        if fields is None:
            fields = list(
            fields = ensure_list(fields)

        if len(fields) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "No fields to export. Either pass a field or list of fields to "
                "to_fits_data or access a field from the FixedResolutionBuffer "

        fid = FITSImageData(self, fields=fields, length_unit=length_unit)
        if other_keys is not None:
            for k, v in other_keys.items():
                fid.update_all_headers(k, v)
        return fid
    def export_fits(self,
        r"""Export a set of pixelized fields to a FITS file.

        This will export a set of FITS images of either the fields specified
        or all the fields already in the object.

        filename : string
            The name of the FITS file to be written.
        fields : list of strings
            These fields will be pixelized and output. If "None", the keys of the
            FRB will be used.
        overwrite : boolean
            If the file exists, this governs whether we will overwrite.
        other_keys : dictionary, optional
            A set of header keys and values to write into the FITS header.
        units : string, optional
            the length units that the coordinates are written in, default 'cm'.

        from yt.visualization.fits_image import FITSImageData

        if fields is None:
            fields = list(
            fields = ensure_list(fields)

        if len(fields) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "No fields to export. Either pass a field or list of fields to "
                "export_fits or access a field from the fixed resolution buffer "

        fib = FITSImageData(self, fields=fields, units=units)
        if other_keys is not None:
            for k, v in other_keys.items():
                fib.update_all_headers(k, v)
        fib.writeto(filename, overwrite=overwrite, **kwargs)