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Tools for working with VIRL. This is a loose collection of scripts that maybe useful when working with VIRL. Some in Python, some in Bash and even one for Windows. Here's a brief list of the scripts and what they are supposed to do. YMMV :)

For some of the tools it is required / useful to have a specific environment set and that the virl user is member of the libvirtd group:

sudo usermod -a -G libvirtd virl
echo "export LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI=qemu:///system" >>.bashrc

logout and login again to make those changes effective.

  • capture.bat This is a Windows script that takes a tap interface name as input. It will then fire up putty to connect to your VIRL host, start a tcpdump on the given interface and then will feed the output of the tcpdump into a local copy of Wireshark. Prerequisites to make this work (and some values like paths to executables or IP addresses may have to be changed in the capture.bat file itself)
    • Putty installed (and the accompanying plink.exe)
    • Wireshark installed
    • known VIRL host IP address
    • known tap interface name from where to capture packets. The tap interfaces must follow the following scheme 'tap00000000-00' where the digits are hex digits. See also to identify those tap interfaces on the VIRL host.
  • The corresponding Mac / Un*x shell script to do the same thing, namely start a tcpdump process on the VIRL host on a given tap interface, feed the packets into a named pipe. Wireshark needs to be started manually and it has to setup a named pipe interface via 'Capture -> Options', then 'Manage Interfaces', then on the 'Pipe' tab create a 'New' pipe interface pointing to the named pipe that has been created by the script.
  • connects a Telnet session to the console of a router VM on the local VIRL host. It sets the escape sequence to Ctrl-\ instead of the default Ctrl-]. See also to identify the right port.
  • shows all local interfaces on the VIRL host that have an IPv4 address attached.
  • needs a MAC address as a parameter and 'up' or 'down', e.g. from running 'show interface gi0/0' in a VM. This will enable or disable the given interface on the VM, like connecting or disconnecting the cable to the router interface. Note: Interface state is not reflected in XRv.
  • lists all interfaces of all running nodes / VMs of the user. The username can be given as a parameter to the script. The tap interfaces listed in the right column can be used to capture traffic, see capture.bat and
  • shows all ports (VNC and Console information) of all running instances on a VIRL host. It also includes the Instance name of the libvirt instance which can be manipulated via virsh
  • using the provided minion key file as a parameter (example this script will reset the minion key / configuration on the system.
  • helps with troubleshooting Salt key related issues.
  • define required libvirtd environment variable for virsh.
  • creates additional external networks a la FLAT and FLAT1. See the --help function to get more detailed information about the usage.

Example Output

Showing all interfaces of the user guest:

virl@virl:~$ ./virl-utils/ 
| Project | Topology | Node      | Link               | Interface      |
| Guest   | Aaaaaa   | server-1  | Management Network | tap1566cc7c-f3 |
|         |          | ~mgmt-lxc | Management Network | tap01825caf-28 |
|         |          | ~mgmt-lxc | ~lxc-flat          | tapf95a5b9f-30 |
|         | Testaa   | lxc-1     | Management Network | tapd9c9d9a5-57 |
|         |          | ~mgmt-lxc | Management Network | tap6be5ff64-84 |
|         |          | ~mgmt-lxc | ~lxc-flat          | tapa8198bea-59 |
| User1   | Polizei  | lxc-1     | Management Network | tap9609e014-99 |
|         |          | ~mgmt-lxc | Management Network | tap979bc19d-e0 |
|         |          | ~mgmt-lxc | ~lxc-flat          | tap9c53aea5-51 |

Displaying ports of running simulations:

virl@virl:~$ virl-utils/ 
| Project | Topology | Node     | VNC  | Console | Instance Name     |
| guest   | kk       | iosvl2-1 | 5953 | 17003   | instance-0000001b |
| guest   | kk       | server-1 | 5950 | 17000   | instance-00000018 |
| guest   | kk       | server-2 | 5951 | 17001   | instance-00000019 |
| guest   | kk       | server-3 | 5952 | 17002   | instance-0000001a |

Enabling / disabling an interface for a given MAC address:

virl@virl:~$ ./virl-utils/ fa16.3e3d.0092 down
Node Name for MAC 'fa:16:3e:3d:00:92': 
Domain Name: 'instance-00000001'
Interface updated!
virl@virl:~$ ./virl-utils/ fa16.3e3d.0092 up
Node Name for MAC 'fa:16:3e:3d:00:92': 
Domain Name: 'instance-00000001'
Interface updated!


useful tools for working with VIRL







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  • Shell 67.1%
  • Python 31.5%
  • Batchfile 1.4%