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Latest GenePy version compatible with both GRCh38 and GRCh37(hg19)


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GenePy v1.3

GenePy v1.3 is the latest version of GenePy which implements the following improvement from v1.2:

  • GenePy now implements CADD v1.5 for the following reasons: scores both SNPs and INDELS, scores both coding and non-coding, works with both hg19 and hg38
  • population frequencies are now obtained from gnomAD_exome but can be modified to use gnomAD_genome.
  • novel variant frequency is set to 3.98e-6 (1 allele out 125,748 indiv in gnomADexome (251496 alleles))

GenePy requirements

  • A (multi)sample VCF file (can accept compressed vcf.gz)
  • List of genes for which generate GenePy scores. (gene.list)
  • CADD v1.5 installed
  • Vcftools
  • Annovar (RefGene and gnomAD v.2.11 annotations)
  • Python 2.7.x

How to run GenePy

Before running GenePy, we need to annotate SNVs and generate a GenePy-ready file (ALL_genepy.meta)

The first input required to GenePy is a multi-sample VCF (GENOTYPED_ALL.vcf.gz in this example) containing only BI-ALLELIC variants.

vcftools --gzvcf GENOTYPED_ALL.vcf.gz --min-alleles 2 --max-alleles 2 --recode --out FINAL # Keep only Biallelic SNVs 
Make annovar-ready file:
./annovar/ \
	-format vcf4 FINAL.recode.vcf.gz \
	-outfile ALL_genepy.input \
	-allsample \
	-withfreq \
	-include 2>annovar.log

Annotate against refGene,gnomad211_exome using Annovar

./annovar/ \
        ALL_genepy.input \
        ./annovar/humandb/ \
        -buildver hg38 \
        -out ALL_genepy \
        -remove \
        -protocol refGene,gnomad211_exome \
        -operation g,f \
        --thread 40 \
        -nastring . >>annovar.log

Annotate VCF with CADD v1.5

For additional notes on how to install CADD please visit

# first remove the header from the vcf and strip off the leading "chr" as required by CADD
zgrep -v "^#" FINAL.recode.vcf.gz >caddin.vcf
sed -i 's|^chr||g' caddin.vcf

# activate CADD environment
module load conda/py2-latest
source activate cadd-env-v1.5

# run CADD
./CADD-scripts/ -g GRCh38 -v v1.5 -o caddout.tsv.gz caddin.vcf

Combine Genotypes and annotations

# extract the genotypes..
cut -f 18- ALL_genepy.input > a1
# and the sample headers
zgrep '^#CHR' FINAL.recode.vcf.gz | cut -f 10- > b1
cat b1 a1 > geneanno

# extract allele frequencies
cut -f 1,2,4,5,6,7,11 ALL_genepy.hg38_multianno.txt >freqanno

# transform/prepare output, this script automatically fixes missmatch between line in the vcf and annotation
# if any fix fail, it will be prompted and replaced with "NAN". If NAN are not removed, GenePy will fail. The script will always fail at positions chr6:75085419 and chr17:6787257. The scores for these can be filled in manually by cross-checking with caddout.tsv
gunzip caddout.tsv.gz

# collate everything together
paste freqanno caddanno geneanno > ALL_genepy.meta

rm a1 b1 caddanno freqanno geneanno

Prepare output folders/dependencies

make new folders in your current directory to store raw GenePy score files

mkdir CADD15_RAW

Take the header from the ALL_genepy.meta file and stores it in a newly created header file

grep "^Chr" ALL_genepy.meta> header

If willing to use only exonic variants run the following

grep -E "exonic|splicing" ALL_genepy.meta > temp
cat header temp > ALL_genepy_exonic.meta

Compute GenePy scores

Once the ALL_genepy.meta file is created, can be run by simply iterating through the list of deisred genes. Be aware, the file must be in the same directory of WARNING If using the ALL_genepy_exonic.meta, replace the correct filename in the file

#Create gene list 
cut -f 7 ALL_genepy.hg38_multianno.txt | grep -v ";" | grep -v "Gene.refGene" | sort | uniq >gene.list

#Run GenePy
while read gene:
sh $gene ;
done< gene.list

Here a smart way of parallelise the generation of GenePy scores using the subber script:

# split the gene list in batches of 400 genes
split -d -l 400 gene.list batch_
#put all the batch names in a file
ls batch_* >parts
#check how many batches we have (52 in my case)
wc -l parts
#submit the job array
sbatch --array=1-52

Run GenePy as package

You can also run some of the script of GenePy as a package.


GenePy can be installed on python3+ from the latest code on GitHub with:

$ pip install git+


Get genepy scores

This function calculates the genepy scores of a gene list for a group of samples.

$ genepy get-genepy -genepy-meta meta/file/path --output-dir /directory/for/score/output --gene-list /path/to/gene/list --score-col score_column_in_meta_file 


Latest GenePy version compatible with both GRCh38 and GRCh37(hg19)







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