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Data handling for pilot project energy transition in Amsterdam


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Creates neighborhood information dashboard related to energy.

        | Buurten ~480                  |
        |                               |
                       +<------+ Renovaties
       Meerjarig       |
       investerings    |
       Plan mip------ >+
                       +<-------+ Coorporatie bezit
      Gasverbruik      +<-------+ Eigenaren
      Warmte Koude     |          Handelsregister
               +------>+         +Acitviteiten
      Energie labels   |         |
              +------->+         |
                       |         |
      |   Rapport per buurt.           |
      |                                |
      |                                |
      |                                |

Energy Transition Project / Energie transitie project

Data dashboard providing information about gas / energy information of the city of Amsterdam. All stakeholders provide information relevant for an efficient transition away from gas energy. This repository contains both a backend and a frontend path of the dashboard web application.


  • A number of stakeholders have gotten together to select a number of neighborhoods in Amsterdam that will be part of a pilot project to remove the gas-mains connections to the housing / buildings and replace it with electrics and district heating.
  • Each of these stakeholders has some data they are willing to share with the other stakeholders. While they have data, they have no way of visualizing the data.
  • Goal of the visualizations and reporting are to:
    1. Compare and contrast the different neighborhoods in Amsterdam to select a few that are candidates for the pilot project.
    2. For candidate pilot neighborhoods drill down in the data to see whether they are really good candidates.

Run the application locally or work on its frontend

All this assumes you work for the Energie transitie / Datapunt team and have access to the relevant credentials. In particular your SSH key must be known by Amsterdam Datapunt to allow downloads of database backups.

  • Check out this repository, move to the repository root.
  • Run the following commands to download a database backup and start the backend services:
    docker-compose pull
    docker-compose build
    docker-compose up -d database
    docker-compose exec database gastransitie <username>
    docker-compose up web swaggerui
  • To start the frontend in development mode run the following commands (starting at the repository root).
    cd frontend
    rm -rf node_modules
    npm install
    npm run dev

You can now access the application at http://localhost:8000.

Working on the Backend (in locally running Docker containers)

You can follow the instructions above if you are not touching the import process. However, if you need to work on the import process or need to run that process locally follow the instructions below (assuming you have the relevant credentials and your SSH key is known).

  • Access the RATTIC password for the energietransitie project and set the the GASTRANSITIE_OBJECTSTORE_PASSWORD environment variable:
  • Check out this repository, move to the repository root.
  • Run the following commands to download a database backup and start the backend services:
    docker-compose pull
    docker-compose build
    docker-compose up -d database
  • Wait for the database to start up, then run
    docker-compose run --rm web python download_data
    docker-compose exec -T database bag bag_buurt public gastransitie <username>
    docker-compose exec -T database bag <username>
    Note that downloading these database backups and restoring them is time consuming (but the BAG database is needed to generate some of the neighborhood summaries).
  • Then run the Django management commands for imports:
    docker-compose run --rm web python run_import
    docker-compose run --rm web python run_import --indexgebied
    docker-compose run --rm web python run_import --brkbag
    docker-compose run --rm web python run_import --handelsregister
    docker-compose run --rm web python run_import --sbicodes
    docker-compose run --rm web python run_import --hrrapport
  • Now start the services:
    docker-compose up web swaggerui

The source directories for the Django web application use a bind mount into the running Docker container. Furthermore the Django development server is used so there is no need to manually reload the application on a source update.

Creating the map "energieverbruik" layer

A normal full import run of the gastransitie project will also create the energie verbruik map layer (as part of the Alliander import step). The map layer is constructed using open Alliander energy usage data and the BAG database that contains the "panden" (~buildings) and their postal codes.

In the commands below replace <password> with the actual object store password and <username> with your username (assuming you are authorized to access the data).

docker-compose pull
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d database
docker-compose exec -T database bag <username>
docker-compose run --rm web python download_data
docker-compose --rm web python migrate
docker-compose run --rm web python run_import --alliander

(Note: this is only relevant if you did not import the full dataset as described in the previous section.)

Running the tests

You can run the tests for the web container that does both the imports and serve the API, using the following command (after building the containers).

docker-compose run web python test --nomigrations

Notes on the implementation

  • The file handling is partially done through ogr2ogr (GDAL) and partially from Python. The scripts have been set up to run in Docker containers (also for local development.
  • Geodata is reprojected to the EPSG:4326 (WGS 84) coordinate system before storage and served that way as well.

Data sources

Data received through are partners and stored on the object store:

  • Planned renovations of social housing - non-public, source AFWC
  • Alliander gas mains in two categories (orange, and gree) - non-public, source Alliander
  • District heating network - source Nuon by way of
  • Large projects "Meerjarig Investerings Plan 2016" - source Stadsregie by way
  • "Energie labels" (Dutch system that labels houses with their energy usage) - source

Data accessed through the Amsterdam Datapunt infrastructure:

  • BAG (Basisregistratie adressen en gebouwen)
  • BRK

Browsing the API with Swagger-UI

Make sure the service is running locally (see instructions above), then run:

$ docker-compose up -d swaggerui
$ open http://localhost:8686/swagger-ui/?url=http://localhost:8000/gastransitie/dash/openapi.yml#/default/get_gastransitie_api_afwc_

Note that the Swagger docs are a work-in-progress still.


Data handling for pilot project energy transition in Amsterdam



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