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Arche development version

NOTE: This project is no longer maintained. It's only kept here as a reference.

Paster ini settings

arche.hash_method (default: '')

Method used to encrypt password. Must accept value as positional argument and and hashed as a keyword.

arche.session_factory (default: 'pyramid_beaker')

Pyramid session factory. Also works with pyramid_redis_sessions or others.

arche.includes (default: '')

Any arche plugins to load. These load after arche. If you need them to load before, use pyramid.includes instead.

arche.debug (default: false)

Show debug messages.

arche.use_exception_views (default: true)

Load the special views ment for exceptions.

arche.timezone (default: 'UTC')

Default timezone. (Like 'Europe/Stockholm')

arche.cache_max_age (default: 24*60*60)

Default cache value for resources, specified in seconds.

arche.new_userid_validator (default: 'arche.validators.NewUserIDValidator')

See the validator on how to override it.

arche.actionbar (default: 'arche.views.actions.render_actionbar')

What to render as the actionbar. It may be disabled here too.

arche.favicon (default: '')

Path to favicon, including package. Example: 'arche:static/favicon.ico'

arche.authn_factory (default: '')

Pyramid Authentication factory. The auth_tkt_factory adds a factory creating encrypted cookies with auth information. You may use auth_session_factory to store data in the session instead.

arche.auth.max_sessions (default: 5)

If any mechanism to keep track of active auth sessions is used, specify max number of active here. Relevant for 'arche.plugins.auth_sessions'.

arche.auth.activity_update (default: 60)

Track activity every X seconds. Relevant for 'arche.plugins.auth_sessions'.

arche.auth.default_max_valid (default: 60)

How many minutes should an authentication session be valid? Relevant for 'arche.plugins.auth_sessions' but may also affect other things. If this is set to 0, sessions will never expire. Don't do this.

arche.auth.max_keep_days (default: 30)

Keep activity logs for this amount of days. Relevant for 'arche.plugins.auth_sessions'.

Optional settings

arche.versioning.<TypeName> = <attribute> <..>

Switch on versioning for a specific type. Attributes to store needs to be specified.

Example, add versioning for 'body' and 'description' for any 'Document':

arche.versioning.Document = body description

arche.workflows = <TypeName> <WorkflowName>

Set workflow. Example: Document simple_workflow

Config directives

config.add_script(<callable>, name=None, **kw)

Add a script executable with the arche-command. Callable is the script, which must accept bootstrap 'env' dict and the result of argparse as another positional argument.

See arche.scrips for examples

config.add_workflow(<workflow class>)

Register a workflow.

config.set_content_workflow(<type_name: str>, <wf_name: str>)

Set a content type to a specific workflow. Workflow name should be the same as the 'name'-attribute on the workflow class.

config.register_roles(<Role instance>, ...)

Register one or many roles so it's possible to assign permissions to them.


Add a PorletType class as an addable portlet.

config.add_portlet_slot(name, title = "", layout = "")

Create a slot where portlets can be assigned. Layout is an optional keyword. Currently we use 'horizontal' and 'vertical' in Arche.

config.add_versioning(<iface_or_ctype>, attributes = ())

Enable versioning for something that has either the specific type_name, or implements an interface. Attribute(s) must be specified too. Whenever the value changes, the new value is stored along with a timestamp and the person who changed it.

config.add_content_factory(<ctype>, addable_to = (), addable_in = ())

Add content factory. (I.e. a class for a resource)

addable_to: Where this content is addable. (List or string)

addable_in: Other content that's addable within this. (List or string)

config.add_addable_content(ctype, addable_to)

Set that a type is addable within another type within the resource tree. (I.e. shows up in the add menu)

config.add_schema(<type_name: str>, <schema>, <names>)

Add a schema to the schema registry. Schemas have a type name association and a function name. Usually something like:

config.add_schema('Page', PageSchema, 'edit')

config.add_content_view(type_name, name, view_cls)

Add a selectable view for a specific content type. The view class must implement IContentView.

Example: config.add_content_view('Blog', 'chronological_order', ChronologicalOrderView)


Lightweight CMS to build things with ZODB and Pyramid






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