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So, to run this on the HARLIE:

roscd harlie
sudo chown -R harlie:harlie /dev/*1394*

In 3 terminals:
roslaunch cwru_bringup.launch
roslaunch cwru_nav/start_outdoor_nav.launch
roslaunch cwru_goal_planner/start_goal_planner_outdoors_in_meters.launch

Edit harlie_goal_planner/goals/navigation.yaml to set the goals.

rosbag record -a -o <prefix> to save a bag file for full logging.

rosbag record -o <prefix> /odom /cmd_vel /front_camera/image_raw /front_camera/camera_info

For full RVIZ use 'rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find cwru_nav`/full_info_outdoors.vcg'


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