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Cappa - The Catalysis Preprint Archive

A project to aggregate preprint archives of published articles.


Generating Cappa

The cappa command will generate the html pages.

./cappa index
./cappa html

Things to do

As each of these are done, add them as a single commit to the git repo.

Add all the recipes for repos currently at to the recipes folder

The bibtex entries should be there. We need to add the repo links.

Add google analytics to all the pages

Add this html to the end (inside the </body> tag) of the templates.

Add a google custom search

Add scopus cited badge to html pages

doi = '10.1063/1.1737365'

html = ("<object height=\"50\" data=\"" 
        + doi 
        + "&amp;httpAccept=image/jpeg&amp;apiKey=5cd06d8a7df3de986bf3d0cd9971a47c\"></object>")


Add links to Web of science related and citing to html pages based off DOI

Related articles

doi = '10.1063/1.1737365'

url = (""
       + doi
       + "&svc_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Asch_svc&svc.related=yes")

print("<a href=\"" + url + "\">related</a>")

Citing articles

doi = '10.1063/1.1737365'

url = (""
       + doi
       + "&svc_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Asch_svc&svc.citing=yes")

print("<a href=\"" + url + "\">citing</a>")

Figure out a reasonable citation for the index table

Maybe pybtex could help with this.

Add links to download the bibtex file for each html page

This might be the “recipe” link, but right now that link points to something that is not in the html folder, so the link will break when it is published. I would move this link to a “bibtex” link below the bibtex entry.

It might be easiest to copy the recipes to html/recipes and link to it in the html folder.

Add disqus to the html pages

Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.

Generate a bibtex file containing all the entries

The file will be named html/cappa.bib and contain all the recipes.

Make the index table sortable

Something like

For now this won’t be too powerful since it can sort on key, repo, and eventually citation.

Figure out if we can get analytics info on pages and in the index.html

It would be great to show page views. I guess this is a javascript bit from Google Analytics. It could be useful to have this in the table in index.html so we could sort preprints so see the ones most viewed.

I am not sure if we can get a sortable citation count in the table. The Scopus citation badge is an image that is dynamically updated, but not a number that is sortable. Still, we should put this badge, and a small altmetric badge in the index.html table.

Generate an RSS feed

Ideally it would only contain updates. It should be called html/rss.xml

See, it looks like it might do the job. There are others too (,

Model it after

Make a cappa package

Eventually I want to make this an installable package so other people could make a preprint archive. This will need a configuration file for:

  1. A Scopus API key for citation badges
  2. A Disqus setup for comments
  3. A google search bar
  4. Google analytics
  5. Paths to html/recipes
  6. Publishing details, e.g. GitHUB repo