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To install on the GCS, execute ./install-gcs and ignore all other instructions.

UP board

To install on the UP board, execute ./install-upboard and ignore all other instructions.


To install Debgrind on Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install make automake autoconf g++ libc6-dbg
$ cd debgrind
$ sudo mkdir /opt/debgrind
$ sudo chown $USER /opt/debgrind
$ ./
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/debgrind
$ make install

Python 2.7

To install the rest of the START stack for Python 2.7, you will first need to create a virtual environment via pipenv. To avoid introducing conflicts with Python 3, you should create a separate environment directory for Python 2.7 and Python 3, as shown below:

$ mkdir envs
$ mkdir envs/py3
$ mkdir envs/py2

Once the separate environment directories have been created, enter the directory for Python 2 and create a new pipenv:

$ cd envs/py2
$ pipenv --python 2.7

To enter the newly created environment, simply execute the following:

$ cd envs/py2
$ pipenv shell
(py2) $ echo "now you are inside the pipenv"

Once inside the environment, the START stack can be quickly installed using the install script at the root of this directory:

(py2) $ ./install

To exit the virtual environment:

(py2) $ exit
$ echo "now you are no longer inside the pipenv"


To learn more about the command-line interface for START, start-cli, see: