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The Casting API Backend project is the Capstone Project for the Udacity Full Stack NanoDegree. The project is to practice the skills learned during the Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Program. The syllabus of the Udacity FSND is here. The skills used in the Casting API project are described below.


  • Flask
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLAlchemy
  • Flask-CORS(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
  • Unittest
  • Auth0 and RBAC(role-based access control)
  • Docker Compose
  • Heroku Deployment
  • CI/CD by CircleCI

The project URL is

The usage of the API is described in the Introduction part and the Endpoints part.


The casting agency app helps users find the actor for roles in the movie. The app is used to store movies, actors, and roles associated with the movies. The details of database models and endpoints are described below. Users can send a post request with the movie data including title, company, release date, and description in order to store movie data. Users can send a post request with the actor data including name, age, gender, and location in order to store actor data. Users can send a post request with the role data in order to store role data. Users can also retrieve filtered actors by query string to find talents for hire. Users can also retrieve filtered roles by query string to find proper roles for an actor. Users can update movies and actor's details and also delete a movie and an actor by sending requests to the appropriate endpoints. If an actor is determined for a role, the user can update role data associated with the actor. The API also implements RBAC(role-based access control) by using Auth 0. Only produce executives can access all methods. Casting assistants and Casting directors are given limited access permissions. The details of permissions are described below.

Getting Started

Using Docker Compose

You are able to use Docker Compose. First you should install docker and docker compose. Instructions for installing docker for your platform can be found in the docker docs and the docker compose docs. Then run in the project directory :

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

Check http://localhost:5000/ and then you will see 'hello world!'. You can check the logs via docker-compose logs -f.

If you want to delete docker images and volumes, run

docker stop castingapi_web_1
docker stop castingapi_db_1
docker rm castingapi_web_1
docker rm castingapi_db_1
docker volume rm castingapi_postgres_data

Installing Dependencies

Virtual Enviornment

We recommend working within a virtual environment. Instructions for setting up a virtual enviornment for your platform can be found in the python docs

On macOS and Linux:

python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

On Windows:

py -m pip install --user virtualenv
py -m venv env

PIP Dependencies

Once you have your virtual environment setup and running, install dependencies by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install all of the required packages we selected within the requirements.txt file.

Key Dependencies
  • Flask is a lightweight backend microservices framework.

  • SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and ORM.

Database Setup

From the folder in terminal run

On macOS and Linux:

export APP_SETTINGS="config.DevelopmentConfig"
export DATABASE_URL="postgresql:///castingapi"
python db init
python db migrate
python db upgrade

On Windows:

set APP_SETTINGS=config.DevelopmentConfig;
set DATABASE_URL=postgresql:///castingapi;
python db init
python db migrate
python db upgrade

Running the server

From within the app directory first ensure you are working using your created virtual environment.

To run the server, execute:

source env/bin/activate
export APP_SETTINGS='config.DevelopmentConfig'
export DATABASE_URL='postgresql:///castingapi'
export AUTH0_DOMAIN=''
export ALGORITHMS='RS256'
export API_AUDIENCE='casting'

or, execute:


Setting the APP_SETTINGS variable will detect file changes and restart the server automatically.

Setting the DATABASE_URL variable will set SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI in

RBAC Description

  • There are 3 roles and 12 permissions. They are described below. Test Tokens are in


  • The assistant role is granted to casting assistants. It contains get:actors, get:movies, get:roles permissions.


  • The director role is granted to casting directors. It contains all permissions assistants have and patch:actors, patch:movies, patch:roles, post:actors, post:roles, delete:actors, delete:roles.
  • In short, Director has all permissions without post:movies and delete:movies.


  • The producer role is granted to executive producers. It contains all permissions directors have and post:movies, delete:movies.


Movie DataBase Description

Column Type Description
id int primary key
title string not null
release_date date not null, input string format "%Y-%m-%d" ex)"2020-11-12"
company string not null
description string

GET /movies

  • General:
    • Fetches a dictionary of movies
    • Query parameters are title, min_release_date, max_release_date, release_date, comapny, description, search_term, page, page_size
    • search_term is for title search and it is case insensitive.
    • Returns : movies, total_movies, success, page
    • The return movies is paginated with pagesize and total_movies is the number of movies without pagination. (default page is 1 and default page_size is 10)
  • Request
  • Response
  "movies": [
      "company": "BBC Films", 
      "description": "Vincent's life is on hold until he finds his wife's killer. Alice, his neighbor, is convinced she can make him happy. She decides to invent a culprit, so that Vincent can find revenge and leave the past behind. But there is no ideal culprit and no perfect crime.", 
      "id": 1203, 
      "release_date": "2022-10-21", 
      "title": "A Crime"
      "company": "ABC Productions", 
      "description": "The wife and mistress of the sadistic dean of an exclusive prep school conspire to murder him.", 
      "id": 1204, 
      "release_date": "2022-05-05", 
      "title": "Diabolique"
      "company": "ABC Productions", 
      "description": "A story of slavery, set in the southern U.S. in the 1930s.", 
      "id": 1206, 
      "release_date": "2022-07-15", 
      "title": "Manderlay"
      "company": "Jadran Film", 
      "description": "The life of Jesus Christ, his journey through life as he faces the struggles all humans do, and his final temptation on the cross.", 
      "id": 1208, 
      "release_date": "2023-10-01", 
      "title": "The Last Temptation of Christ"
      "company": "Jadran Film", 
      "description": "Three young soldiers who participated in a military operation that went wrong, and where one of their comrades had been killed before their eyes, are placed in a luxury hotel to prevent a scandal. Despite the help of a young military psychiatrist, the young trio denies any trauma suffered, but they seem to hold a very different secret truth.", 
      "id": 1209, 
      "release_date": "2023-01-01", 
      "title": "Palace Beach Hotel"
      "company": "Met film", 
      "description": "When violent conflict breaks out between greedy railroaders and a tribe of Mescalero Apaches, only two men, destined to be blood brothers, can prevent all-out war: chief's son Winnetou and German engineer Old Shatterhand.", 
      "id": 1214, 
      "release_date": "2022-02-02", 
      "title": "Winnetou"
      "company": "Met film", 
      "description": "Daredevil mountain climbers on their attempt to break yet another speed climbing record.", 
      "id": 1215, 
      "release_date": "2023-09-09", 
      "title": "Am Limit"
      "company": "Netflix", 
      "description": "Anna life stroy", 
      "id": 1216, 
      "release_date": "2024-06-06", 
      "title": "Mein Gott, Anna!"
      "company": "Netflix", 
      "description": "In a trendy restaurant, public prosecutor Manuel Bacher and his colleagues toast his promotion. On the way home, he meets a quarrelling junkie couple in a park. Manuel wants to help the woman, who is beaten and strangled, and intervenes.", 
      "id": 1217, 
      "release_date": "2024-07-17", 
      "title": "Momentversagen"
      "company": "Matrix film", 
      "description": "Just Fake one", 
      "id": 1218, 
      "release_date": "2024-08-28", 
      "title": "Fake Movie"
  "success": true,
  "page": 1,
  "total_movies": 11

GET /movies/{movie_id}/roles

  • General:
    • Fetches a dictionary of roles of a movie
    • Returns : roles, movie_id, success
  • Request
  • Response
  "movie_id": 1,
  "roles": [
      "actor_id": null,
      "description": null,
      "gender": "male",
      "id": 1,
      "max_age": 30,
      "min_age": 25,
      "name": "kimmich"
      "actor_id": null,
      "description": null,
      "gender": "male",
      "id": 2,
      "max_age": 35,
      "min_age": 30,
      "name": "revan"
  "success": true

POST /movies

  • We can create movie data by the api.
  • Bearer Token having post:movies permission is needed.
  • Create:
    • Create a movie by sending title, release_date, company, description. The argument description can be null.
    • Request Arguments : title, release_date, company, description
    • Returns : success, id
  • Request
curl \
-d '{"title": "Test movie", "release_date": "2020-11-12", "company": "Test company", "description" : "fun movie"}' \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}"
  • Response
  "success": true,
  "id": {movie_id}

PATCH /movies/{movie_id}

  • We can modify movie data by the api.
  • Bearer Token having patch:movies permission is needed.
  • Modify:
    • Modify a movie by sending title, release_date, company, description.
    • Request Arguments : title, release_date, company, description
    • Returns : success, id
  • Request
curl \
-X PATCH{movie_id} \
-d '{"title": "changed test movie"}' \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}"
  • Response
  "success": true,
  "id": {movie_id}

DELETE /movies/{movie_id}

  • We can delete movie data by the api.
  • Bearer Token having delete:movies permission is needed.
  • Delete:
    • Request Arguments : None
    • Returns : success, id
    • If the given ID is not valid, returns 422 error.
  • Request
curl \
-X DELETE{movie_id} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}"
  • Response
  "success": true,
  "id": {movie_id}

Role DataBase Description

Column Type Description
id int primary key
movie_id int not null, foreign key
actor_id int foreign key
name string not null
gender enum not null, one of ['male','female']
min_age int not null
max_age int not null
description string

GET /roles

  • General:
    • Fetches a dictionary of roles
    • Query parameters are movie_id, actor_id, name, gender, min_age, max_age, description, page, page_size
    • Returns : roles, total_roles, success, page
    • The return roles is paginated with pagesize and total_roles is the number of roles without pagination. (default page is 1 and default page_size is 10)
  • Request
  • Response
  "roles": [
      "description": null, 
      "gender": "male", 
      "id": 1, 
      "max_age": 30, 
      "min_age": 25, 
      "movie_id": 1, 
      "actor_id": null, 
      "name": "kimmich"
      "description": null, 
      "gender": "male", 
      "id": 2, 
      "max_age": 35, 
      "min_age": 30, 
      "movie_id": 1, 
      "actor_id": null, 
      "name": "revan"
      "description": null, 
      "gender": "male", 
      "id": 3, 
      "max_age": 25, 
      "min_age": 15, 
      "movie_id": 2, 
      "actor_id": null, 
      "name": "jack"
      "description": null, 
      "gender": "male", 
      "id": 7, 
      "max_age": 60, 
      "min_age": 50, 
      "movie_id": 4, 
      "actor_id": null, 
      "name": "park"
      "description": null, 
      "gender": "male", 
      "id": 8, 
      "max_age": 80, 
      "min_age": 70, 
      "movie_id": 4, 
      "actor_id": null, 
      "name": "park"
  "page": 1,
  "success": true, 
  "total_roles": 5

POST /roles

  • We can create role data by the api.
  • Bearer Token having post:roles permission is needed.
  • Create:
    • Create a role by sending movie_id, actor_id, name, gender, min_age, max_age, description. The argument actor_id, description can be null.
    • Request Arguments : movie_id, actor_id, name, gender, min_age, max_age, description
    • Returns : success, id
  • Request
curl \
-d '{"movie_id": 1, "name": "jack", "gender": "male", "min_age": 30, "max_age": 35, "description": "jack is strong man"}' \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}"
  • Response
  "success": true,
  "id": {role_id}

PATCH /roles/{role_id}

  • We can modify role data by the api.
  • Bearer Token having patch:roles permission is needed.
  • Modify:
    • Modify a role by sending movie_id, actor_id, name, gender, min_age, max_age, description.
    • Request Arguments : movie_id, actor_id, name, gender, min_age, max_age, description
    • Returns : success, id
  • Request
curl \
-X PATCH{role_id} \
-d '{"actor_id": 1}' \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}"
  • Response
  "success": true,
  "id": {role_id}

DELETE /roles/{role_id}

  • We can delete role data by the api.
  • Bearer Token having delete:roles permission is needed.
  • Delete:
    • Request Arguments : None
    • Returns : success, id
    • If the given ID is not valid, returns 422 error.
  • Request
curl \
-X DELETE{role_id} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}"
  • Response
  "success": true,
  "id": {role_id}

Actor DataBase Description

Column Type Description
id int primary key
name string not null
age int not null
gender enum not null, one of GENDER_TYPE
location string not null
passport boolean default false
driver_license boolean default false
ethnicity enum one of ETHNICITY_TYPE
hair_color enum one of HAIR_COLOR_TYPE
eye_color enum one of EYE_COLOR_TYPE
body_type enum one of BODY_TYPE
height int Centimetre (cm)
description string
image_link string URL
phone string ex)'+1-202-555-0169'
email string ex)''

GENDER_TYPE = [ 'male', 'female' ]

ETHNICITY_TYPE = [ 'asian', 'black', 'latino', 'middle eastern', 'south asian', 'southeast asian', 'white' ]

HAIR_COLOR_TYPE = [ 'black', 'brown', 'blond', 'auburn', 'chestnut', 'red', 'gray', 'white', 'bald' ]

EYE_COLOR_TYPE = [ 'amber', 'blue', 'brown', 'gray', 'green', 'hazel', 'red', 'violet' ]

BODY_TYPE = [ 'average', 'slim', 'athletic', 'muscular', 'curvy', 'heavyset', 'plus-sized' ]

GET /actors

  • General:
    • Fetches a dictionary of actors
    • Query parameters are name, age, min_age, max_age, gender, location, passport, driver_license, ethnicity, hair_color, eye_color, body_type, height, min_height, max_height, description, image_link, phone, email, search_term, page, page_size.
    • By search_term query parameter, we are able to search name.
    • Returns : actors, success, page, total_actors
    • The return actors is paginated with pagesize and total_actors is the number of actors without pagination. (default page is 1 and default page_size is 10)
  • Request
  • Response
  "actors": [
      "age": 40, 
      "body_type": "slim", 
      "description": null, 
      "driver_license": false, 
      "email": "", 
      "ethnicity": "asian", 
      "eye_color": "gray", 
      "gender": "female", 
      "hair_color": "gray", 
      "height": 189, 
      "id": 9, 
      "image_link": null, 
      "location": "KA", 
      "name": "Meret Becker", 
      "passport": false, 
      "phone": "+1-202-555-0169"
  "success": true,
  "page": 1,
  "total_actors": 1

GET /actors/{actor_id}/roles

  • General:
    • Fetches a dictionary of roles of an actor
    • Returns : roles, actor_id, success
  • Request
  • Response
  "actor_id": 1,
  "roles": [
      "description": null,
      "gender": "male",
      "id": 1,
      "max_age": 30,
      "min_age": 25,
      "movie_id": 1,
      "name": "kimmich"
      "description": null,
      "gender": "male",
      "id": 2,
      "max_age": 35,
      "min_age": 30,
      "movie_id": 2,
      "name": "revan"
  "success": true

POST /actors

  • We can create actor data by the api.
  • Bearer Token having post:actors permission is needed.
  • Create:
    • Create an actor by sending name, age, gender, location, passport, driver_license, ethnicity, hair_color, eye_color, body_type, height, description, image_link, phone, email. The arguments name, age, gender, location can not be null.
    • Request Arguments : name, age, gender, location, passport, driver_license, ethnicity, hair_color, eye_color, body_type, height, description, image_link, phone, email, description
    • Returns : success, id
  • Request
curl \
-d '{"name": "Sofia", "age": 40, "gender": "female", "location": "LA", "passport": true, "driver_license": true, "ethnicity": "white", "hair_color": "brown", "eye_color": "brown", "body_type": "slim", "height": 165, "description": "this is fake actor", "phone": "+1-202-555-0169", "email": ""}' \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}"
  • Response
  "success": true,
  "id": {actor_id}

PATCH /actors/{actor_id}

  • We can modify actor data by the api.
  • Bearer Token having patch:actors permission is needed.
  • Modify:
    • Modify an actor by sending name, age, gender, location, passport, driver_license, ethnicity, hair_color, eye_color, body_type, height, description, image_link, phone, email.
    • Request Arguments : name, age, gender, location, passport, driver_license, ethnicity, hair_color, eye_color, body_type, height, description, image_link, phone, email, description
    • Returns : success, id
  • Request
curl \
-X PATCH{actor_id} \
-d '{"passport": false}' \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}"
  • Response
  "success": true,
  "id": {role_id}

DELETE /actors/{actor_id}

  • We can delete actor data by the api.
  • Bearer Token having delete:actors permission is needed.
  • Delete:
    • Request Arguments : None
    • Returns : success, id
    • If the given ID is not valid, returns 422 error.
  • Request
curl \
-X DELETE{actor_id} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}"
  • Response
  "success": true,
  "id": {role_id}

Error Handling

  • List of errors
Error Code Message
400 Bad request
401 Unauthorized error
404 Not found
422 Unprocessable
500 Internal server error
  • Response
  "success": false,
  "error": 500,
  "message": "Internal server error"


To run the tests, run

export DATABASE_URL=postgresql:///castingapi_test
dropdb castingapi_test
createdb castingapi_test
python db upgrade

You can find tokens in

Heroku URL


Casting API Backend






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