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This is the ongoing development of a python alternative to the Data Visualization Toolkit for SuperDARN data analysis and visualization.

If you get a Bus Error when using radDataRead() and/or radDataReadRec() functions, you probably have to recompile the dmapio library on your local computer. This can be done by going to davitpy/pydarn/dmapio and typing 'make clean' followed by 'make'.

Install instructions

Note that we have developed using python 2.7. If you use a different version, the code will probably not work.

You will need RST to read standard SuperDARN dmap files. You will find a stripped down version of RST here:

If you have a Mac, make sure you have macports installed.

Then, clone this repository:

git clone

Then cd into the cloned directory:

cd davitpy

Then run the install scripts specific to your system. These install dependencies and can take a bit of time...


cd install/debian/
sudo ./


cd install/mac

If you are a MacPort user

sudo ./

(note: you may encounter some errors because sometimes macport will install binaries with the python version as an extension in their name, so f2py becomes f2py-2.7. If this happens, you will have to manually create symbolic links to the *-2.7 binaries)

If you are a Homebrew user

sudo ./


cd install/opensuse
sudo ./


Now, source ~/.bashrc, or open a new terminal. Then, go to your install directory (davitpy) and run


If you are not running Ubuntu or MacOS or openSUSE, you can manually install the dependencies listed in the python_install_*.sh, and edit your profile. Alternatively, you could write a script for your specific OS, and send it to us so that we can add it to the repository!

Now you are ready to go. From anywhere on your machine just type:


for the interactive terminal, or


for the notebook, or


for the QT console. And code away!

Using the example notebooks

In docs/notebook you will find a small collection of notebooks demonstrating the main modules of DaViTpy (see also the documentation: Go to that directory and run


Issues and Bug reporting

Please report any problems/comments using the Issues tab of the davitpy GitHub page, or use this link: