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ConcordanceCrawler is a tool for automatic concordance extraction from the Internet. A concordance is a sentence containing some given word. Take an English word, and ConcordanceCrawler will be able to download you hundreds thousands of sentences with your word.

ConcordanceCrawler is a console application whose main purpose is crawling of English verbs or other words, but you can also use its API. It allows you to adapt ConcordanceCrawler to any other language.

Try out web demo!

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I recommend ConcordanceCrawler installation in Python virtual environment (see ). All dependent libraries will be installed automaticaly except one. The only nontrivial dependency is lxml, you must install it globaly with root permissions. On the other hand it's needed for fast parsing. Install lxml by following command (if you use Python 3 and Debian/Ubuntu) or follow instructions on its homepage:

sudo apt-get install python3-lxml

If you have working lxml library, you can create your new Python virtual environment with access to the global lxml installation, and then install ConcordanceCrawler there. For Python3:

virtualenv -p python3 p3 --system-site-packages
source p3/bin/activate
pip install git+

(For Python2 just substitute 3 for 2.)

If you want to use also automatic lemmatizing and part-of-speech tagging, then install also textblob library, but it's not necessary, you can use ConcordanceCrawler pretty well without it. It's quite huge, because it uses nltk. For installing it just type pip install textblob and python -m textblob.download_corpora.

Now you can use simply ConcordanceCrawler -h to run it and see its options.

Python versions

ConcordanceCrawler works with Python2 >= 2.7 and with Python3 >= 3.2.

Unfortunately you cannot use textblob together with Python3.2, so you cannot use automatic morphological analysis with this Python version. However all other features work well.


You can use ConcordanceCrawler like a command-line application just as a Python library. This is a part of ConcordanceCrawler's help message summarizing all your options:

usage: ConcordanceCrawler [-h] [-n NUMBER_OF_CONCORDANCES] [-m MAX_PER_PAGE]
                          [--disable-english-filter] [-o OUTPUT]
                          [-b {RANDOM,WIKI_ARTICLES,WIKI_TITLES,NUMBERS}]
                          [-f {json,xml}] [-v {0,1,2,3}] [-p PART_OF_SPEECH]
                          [-e ENCODING] [--backup-off]
                          [--backup-file BACKUP_FILE]
                          [--extend-corpus EXTEND_CORPUS]
                          [--continue-from-backup CONTINUE_FROM_BACKUP]
                          [word [word ...]]

Brand-new crawling job

ConcordanceCrawler allows you to create a brand-new crawling job or continue crawling with an old job which was unexpectedly interrupted before finishing.

During creating a new job you may want to use following options:

word [word ...] is the target word in the centre of your interest. You can specify more of its forms, then all sentences containing at least one of this words will be crawled. The first word is considered as canonical form and ConcordanceCrawler will use it for seeking links on a search engine.

-p REGEX, --part-of-speech REGEX is target word's part-of-speech tag regex, they're values are adopted from Penn Treebank II tagset. See for detailed description.

Default value for this option is .*, it means any arbitrary part-of-speech. If you select other regex (e.g. V.* for verbs, N.* for nouns, J.* for adjectives), then a textblob library will be used. Size of this library is not neglible, because it uses nltk, therefore it's not an integral part of ConcordanceCrawler. You must install it manually, if you wish. Instead of it you can omit this option, decline your target word manually and use all its forms as additional values for word argument.

Example usage: assume that target word is fly and given regex is V.*, it means we want to crawl only verbs. Then a word flies (tagged VBZ) matches, as well as flew whose tag is VBD. On the other hand an insect fly with tag NN doesn't match, so sentences with this word will be ignored.

-n N, --number-of-concordances N is a number of concordances that you wish a program would crawl. By default it's 10.

-m M, --max-per-page M is a maximum number of concordances that will be crawled from one site. They are gotten from top to down. Default is to skip this option and then this number won't be limited.

--disable-english-filter option disables filtering of Non-English sentences from concordances. By default it's enabled. This option affects quality of resulting corpus.

-e ENCODING, --encoding ENCODING. If not given, documents without respect to their encoding will be crawled. If you select ASCII as encoding, all concordances containing any non-ASCII character will be ignored. If you select any other charset, e.g. utf-8, all documents without this charset specification in http header or in html metatag will be ignored (as well as documents with unequal charset values in http header and in metatag). This option has an impact on quality of corpus and speed of crawling.

-b {RANDOM,WIKI_ARTICLES,WIKI_TITLES,NUMBERS}, --bazword-generator is a way how ConcordanceCrawler generates or takes bazwords. It uses them for increasing a number of links that can be found at

  • RANDOM -- bazword will be a random four-letter word. This option is default.

  • WIKI_ARTICLES -- from will be downloaded random Wikipedia article. Its words will be used as bazwords, one word per one searching request.

  • WIKI_TITLES -- same as previous, but as bazwords will be chosen just words from titles.

  • NUMBERS -- bazwords will be 0, 1, 2, 3, ...

-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT is a name of an output "file". It can be e.g. concordances.xml, concordances.json or any other "file" as /dev/null. If a file exists, then it's overwritten, otherwise a new one is created. Default OUTPUT is standard output.

-f {json, xml}, --format is an output format, default is json.

-v {0,1,2,3}, --verbosity is verbosity level, see rest of help message (ConcordanceCrawler -h) for more info.

--buffer-size BUFFER_SIZE -- setup maximal number of items in memory buffers which are used to prevent repeated visit of the same url and repeated crawling of the same concordance. Default value is 1000000. Selecting of too big number can lead to out of memory error (but this should happen only after a very long time). Selecting of small number can lead to repeated visit of same url or repeated crawling of the same concordance, because the buffers are like queues, when they are full they delete the old values to save the new ones.

--backup-file BACKUP_FILE -- name for backup file. This backup file allows you to continue aborted crawling job and extend corpus. Default name is ConcordanceCrawler.backup and is created in working directory.

--backup-off -- don't create a backup file

Restarting of crawling job

If you want to restart a crawling job that was interrupted earlier, you must start ConcordanceCrawler with this 2 options:

--extend-corpus EXTEND_CORPUS -- an output file created in previous crawling job which will be extended now.

--continue-from-backup CONTINUE_FROM_BACKUP -- backup file


ConcordanceCrawler hello -n 1 -v 3 will crawl you one sentence containing word "hello".

        "start": 0,
        "keyword": "hello",
        "end": 5,
        "url": "",
        "date": "2016-04-30 14:45:01.220790",
        "concordance": "Hello Marco,you can find the output and error output of TSM's adint2 in the files dbm.ebp and dbm.ebl.",
        "id": 1

Here you can see some informations about progress of crawling. We ordered one sentence with a verb think.

 ConcordanceCrawler think -p 'V.*' -n 1
2016-04-30 14:52:53,220 STATUS: ConcordanceCrawler version 1.0.2 started, press Ctrl+C for 	interrupt
2016-04-30 14:52:53,811 DETAILS: crawled SERP, parsed 50 links
2016-04-30 14:52:53,812 STATUS: Crawling status 
serp		1 (0 errors) 
links crawled	50 (0 filtered because of format suffix, 0 crawled repeatedly)
pages visited	0 (0 filtered by encoding filter, 0 filtered by language filter, 0 errors)
concordances	0 (0 crawled repeatedly)
2016-04-30 14:53:04,387 ERROR: 'HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Read timed out. (read timeout=10)' occured during getting
2016-04-30 14:53:09,411 DETAILS: page visited, 1 concordances found
2016-04-30 14:53:09,411 STATUS: Crawling status 
serp		1 (0 errors) 
links crawled	50 (0 filtered because of format suffix, 0 crawled repeatedly)
pages visited	1 (0 filtered by encoding filter, 0 filtered by language filter, 1 errors)
concordances	0 (0 crawled repeatedly)
2016-04-30 14:53:09,411 STATUS: Crawling status 
serp		1 (0 errors) 
links crawled	50 (0 filtered because of format suffix, 0 crawled repeatedly)
pages visited	1 (0 filtered by encoding filter, 0 filtered by language filter, 1 errors)
concordances	1 (0 crawled repeatedly)
        "date": "2016-04-30 14:53:09.411287",
        "concordance": "not everyone thinks about BMX when they think of Maine but these guys have a great scene…",
        "url": "",
        "id": 1,
        "keyword": "think",
        "end": 19,
        "start": 13

Without textblob installation we could get the same input by this command:

ConcordanceCrawler think thinks thinking thought -n 1

Customize ConcordanceCrawler!

You can also use ConcordanceCrawler as a library in your own project. Then you can for example adapt it for your own language, improve or customize its functions or do anything else.

Check this documentation and example.

How does ConcordanceCrawler work?

ConcordanceCrawler finds links on search engine, visits them and finds there sentences containing the target word.

There's a little problem, you can find on at most first 1000 links for every keyword, and that's too few. Therefore ConcordanceCrawler lets finding keywords as for example "sdtn look", "naxe look", "jzmw look" and similar combinations of bazword and target word. By this approach it gets sufficient number of different links to crawl concordances.

Contact me!

I'll be pleased if you contact me. You can send me anything (except a spam :), a review, a request or idea for other feature, you can report an issue, fix a bug, and of course ask me a question about anything.

You can contact me via GitHub or email: