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Project: Item Catalog

Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree

Project Overview

You will develop an application that provides a list of items within a variety of categories as well as provide a user registration and authentication system. Registered users will have the ability to post, edit and delete their own items.


Setup Instructions

Vagrant VM setup

  1. Install Vagrant, VirtualBox, and Python3
  2. If you are using a Mac or Linux system, your regular terminal program will do just fine. On Windows, it is recommend to use the Git Bash terminal that comes with the Git software.
  3. Clone or download the Vagrant VM configuration file
  4. Clone Or download this repository. Then, Paste the files from this project into the vagrant/Item Catalog directory

Set up new OAuth2 client ID and secret

This projects uses Third Party OAuth 2.0 authentication (Google and Facebook). The following steps explain how to set up a client ID and secret in Google and Facebook.

Google OAuth

  1. First, login to your Google account. Then visit Google Developers Console.
  2. Choose credentials from the menu on the left.
  3. Click on the Create credentials drop down menu and choose OAuth client id.
  4. When presented with list of application types, choose web application.
  5. Next, type a name for the app and set the following:
  6. After clicking Create, You should now be able to get the client ID and client secret.
  7. Download the OAuth 2.0 client ID and save it as "client_secrets.json" to the root project folder.

Facebook OAuth

  1. First, login to your Facebook account. Then visit Facebook Developers page.
  2. Next, create a new application. And choose a name for the app and type a contact email.
  3. Click Add Platform at the bottom of the basic settings, select website.
  4. Configure the URL site as: http://localhost:5000/.
  5. Click the plus icon in the left menu to add a new product.
  6. Choose Facebook Login.
  7. Finally, save the app ID and secret in a file called "fb_client_secret.json" to the root project folder. Use the following format in the file:
       "web" : {
           "app_id": "YOUR_APP_ID",
           "app_secret" : "YOUR_APP_SECRET"

Required Packages

Run the command pip3 install –r requirements.txt to install all the required packages.

Steps to run this project

  1. Open terminal and navigate to the FSND-Virtual-Machine directory, then run the command: cd vagrant.
  2. Inside the vagrant subdirectory, run the command vagrant up. This will cause Vagrant to download the Linux operating system and install it.
  3. Next, log into the virtual machine: vagrant up vagrant ssh
  4. Inside the VM, change directory to /vagrant/Item Catalog: cd /vagrant/'Item Catalog'
  5. Run the command python3 to create the database.
  6. Run the command python3 to populate the database with initial values.
  7. Next, run the command python3 to run the application.
  8. Finally, access the application by visiting http://localhost:5000. Note: If you are using Windows you might need to change the line ending of the and from CRLF to LF.

API Endpoints

  1. JSON endpoint API route for all cuisines /cuisines/JSON
  2. JSON endpoint API route for all recipes of a cuisine /cuisine/cuisine_id/recipes/JSON
  3. JSON endpoint API route for a recipe /cuisine/cuisine_id/recipe/recipe_id/JSON


Logo Image credit. User Image credit. Google Icon credit.


This project is the second milestone in the Udacity Full Stack Nanodegree Program called "Item Catalog".






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